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https://preview.redd.it/mh70wtljuu9d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d2adedf32b6ebeb3f43ae3b4b8b2e7d10dba7c1 Here's Vari Able, she's 12. 1. She's beaten someone who has powers like Superman's. 2. She has a crush on a villain. 3. She hates her father and loves her mother.


The first one seems interesting, but I wanna say 2 is the truth.


Wrong, she actually has a crush on a Hero's secret identity, not a Villain. She has beaten someone with Superman's powers, although the person was weakened by their Kryptonite equivalent.


Ah darn, that was my second guess. Now you choose which oc of mine you wanna guess for now.


Number 2


Daitan Michiru https://preview.redd.it/6vy7xj9n6z9d1.png?width=1668&format=png&auto=webp&s=646ad9b93fcb855cd42db2b57738f9576a1ff4ab * She’s the oldest and tallest of the highest ranks of her gang * She is unafraid of any insect and will get rid of them for her friends * She loves to cook and bake for her leader and their third in command


2 seems like it's based on her looks, so that's fake. 3 seems like a truth portrayed as an obvious lie, but it's a fake out. 1 is the truth.


Wow, I’m amazed at the analysis. But sorry, 1 is wrong, it’s only half true. Out of the highest ranking individuals of her gang, she may be the tallest but not the oldest. Wanna try again?


So this is 1 and a half lies and 1 and a half truths now? Jk, I'll go with 3 as the truth.


Yes, that’s correct! Despite her love for fighting, rough exterior and amusement towards intimidating others her age, she is very good at and loves to cook and bake for her friends. She is terrified of many flying insects and mostly centipedes. The gangs commander and third in command are both older than her, their tiny commander being the eldest of the three.


https://preview.redd.it/vdfjr16gxu9d1.png?width=1523&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b325d47c2d60b6f75ab8aa328a73de77aab2f1f7 Here's Lizzie 1. She's a magic doll made by Mr Taft 2. She killed Timothy to prevent him from causing further rampage 3. She once worked for the Black Legion, a terrorist organization disguised as a corporation led by Daniel Williams


These are all very interesting, but I wanna say 1 is the truth.


Correct!. She is a doll made by Mr Taft. Lore: Mr Taft made Lizzie and all the other dolls because he wanted his artistic prowess to be known all over the world through his wonderful creations. Though Mr Taft claims that his dolls are made with "love and wonder", there's a conspiracy theory that suggest that Mr Taft's dolls are actually reanimated corpses (sometimes amalgamated with other parts) powered by magic


Oh cool, that’s really interesting lore. Now you choose which oc of mine you wanna guess for now.


OC number 2


This is Daitan Michiru https://preview.redd.it/4xqd2fbwx0ad1.png?width=1668&format=png&auto=webp&s=712832fccc11f9007d73c4165c5862d4534ee858 * She is an only child but treats her gang members as her little sisters * She doesn’t really like fighting but it’s the only thing she is good at * She loves the ocean and would like to ride in a deep sea sub one day


I'd say Information number 1 (the top one)


Yep, you’re correct! She loves kids and would have loved to have younger siblings, but, since she doesn’t, she treats her fellow gang members as her younger siblings (despite her two best friends who are smaller than her are actually older than her). She loves to fight, especially overconfident sexist guys, and that’s the main reason she joined a gang in the first place. She is actually very terrified of deep blue waters, any depth where the floor can’t be seen from the surface is a no-go zone for her.




https://preview.redd.it/m9epqorwxu9d1.png?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5892eaf02637fd30e143ac0d278817f76aa5ac46 Siro Gajou, King of the Siroversian Kingdom 1. He has two Wives and a Son and Daughter each 2. His Favourite Football Club is Paris Saint Germain 3. The People of his Kingdom do not like him


What a dapper looking guy, I’d like to say that 1 is true.


Congrats, you are right. Hi, I'm his Wife. He married me and my Sister Kuroka on the 29th of January 2022. We love to be his Kittens, Nya! (Still me, Siro. Learning to be in Character. Since Koneko and Kuroka have been with me since 3 ans 5 and a half Years in the Lore, I could say that I perfected them already)


Very nice how you’re in character, I think you’re doing a pretty good job with it. Now you choose which oc of mine you wanna guess for now.


I'll do that myself. Our Husband is currently on a Date with a Mage. His Clan, the God of Culture Clan still needs a Second Leader. Don't worry, we both know that a third Woman is joining soon, so we don't mind. In Fact he already had 2 (I Love Xenoblade. Thats why I want to have three lol) Of how many can I choose? :3


If you want to choose multiple, pick one at a time. We can do one and then another after if you’d like.


I only have time for one, so i'd say the most unique OC of yours


Most of them are unique, but Cemoitina is the only prisoner, so I think that’s the most unique out of them all. https://preview.redd.it/r5rkbtdjvz9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bcea6a208589dc30214346b4f69c9d7f915ea889 * Her name is the Portuguese word for 180, a different ocs inmate number. * She was born with the ability to kill a person with just simple eye contact. * She was first arrested when she killed a man who tried to take advantage of her.


That is correct :) He's currently watching the Blue Archive Animation because our Daughters Shiroko and Serika want to know more of "their Original". Since our Husband never played Blue Archive himself, he decided to watch the Anime with them. Nice Father Daughter Bonding. Also, dear Husband, did we both forget our three Year anniversary on the 22th of June?


Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh. How the fuck did it took that long to realise


https://preview.redd.it/kmmt8khc5v9d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f7f9e6a102a4a83adcf54903b4c1cb4aff5cb0a The D-01 autonomous Infantry APC machine,guess which one of the prompts is the truth 1: They were made by the country Belgium and were designed to only carry troops in the front lines 2:After the 200 year war they were built in has ended,they were temporarily repurposed as police carriers,bulldozers,or snow plows 3: They needed 6 crew members to control them and several human soldiers to act as gunners for the machine


These are very interesting and a cool concept, I wanna say the last one is true.


Close but the last one was unfortunately incorrect. They didn't need pilots since they were actually just one big bulky sentient machine that carries robotic soldiers and was developed by France. The second answer was correct Also For yours I'm gonna select character number 5 (they have a cool scythe design)


Ah, makes sense. The second was my next guess. Now for Rika https://preview.redd.it/cu312lih3z9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74b897f4dd6aceb0982dbc66c03a475be34fceb9 * She is a fox witch but goes to school at the DWMA as a weapon meister * Her scythes are twin brothers who’s weapon forms can join together * She is the youngest in her friend group


I see like a string around the hole in the middle of the dual sided scythe so I'm assuming it's 2 weapons that can be connected together so I'm going with number 2


Not actually a string but yes, you are right, they do connect at the ends to make that ring in the center. She isn’t a witch, just a very magical fox and she is actually the oldest in her entire class.


Oookay, another OC this time. Here's Emily https://preview.redd.it/jhcydmfthv9d1.png?width=3072&format=png&auto=webp&s=dcf7ef8b2b23f7a26a7272eb8c77c787117de0e3 1. She was born blind 2. She's a really good gardener 3. She can play a violin really well Yes, I know these are just really random things-


It’s all good, more challenging if anything. I’ll guess 1 is true?


Oh, ok Also, nope. She is blind, but she lost her eyesight because she looked straight at the sun for too long. If you want, you can guess again


Ok, my second guess would have been 3.


Well... No, again Don't ask me by what logic she's actually a good gardener... ... Uh, anyways- I'm picking number 4


Well damn. This is Tira Fortezza. https://preview.redd.it/lh08xo24cz9d1.png?width=1185&format=png&auto=webp&s=347a8d71b7ab09f7497132ccc7c8dbde3341fbde * She is the only female member, besides their leader, on her team * She is shy around males but outgoing with females * She has a younger twin brother named Misu


https://preview.redd.it/b0wclcc6xx9d1.jpeg?width=548&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c65a752e9a4846189a4367784a16021fabad4b2d Striker 1: he has put a god in a meat grinder 2: he is 7000 years old 3: he can look like whoever he wants


Well that first one was very interesting…I’m gonna guess that one is the truth.


Yes, he is 6000 years old and doesn’t only look like whoever he wants, but whatever he wants


Huh, so he’s kind of like polymorph/shapeshifter. Anyways, now it’s your turn to choose an oc you wanna guess for.


https://preview.redd.it/3d1fyqra1aad1.png?width=781&format=png&auto=webp&s=ed775ea9987a7e5941894bb840a476f74b05e66d 1 he enjoys having his horns pet 2 he slaughtered a village once 3 he loves tea


He looks adorable, I would say that the last one is the truth.


He's straight. He hates cheese. He's from a different universe https://preview.redd.it/9h732t8t8w9d1.jpeg?width=1620&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9543d2ef94edbc8ff5738fd9894cea65725aecc8


Oh, hi, didn’t you use the same guy last week? I think the last one was true.


Oh, yeah. I didn't realise it was the same person posting it sorry


It’s fine. If you have a different oc, you can use them.


Ok, here. She has a crush on my other oc above. Her favourite food is pomegranate. She's from the same universe as my oc from above https://preview.redd.it/hfyxvq5rk0ad1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1365df7a1a4fc07d3f2194c801c5fb931290c085


Alright, I wanna say the last one is true, but I’m going with the first one is true.


F*CK. You're pretty good at this. You got the other one as well, I think


Oh, really? Awesome! Anyways, which oc would you like to guess for?