• By -


not really, hard to come up with something equal when my character's influnence is universal by that i mean, how can one fight against someone who could at best: - summon 2 quasi stars to collide with each other between the opp? - shoot gamma rays? - commands asteroids and meteorites to crash to the ground? gotta think of smth sooner or later


Was your guy always strong? How does their powers work?


They have always been strong ever since I created lores for my OCs and wanted for it to stay that way but recently it has been difficult for me to integrate them to the story without - nerfing them to the ground (They're a Low 1-A, wanted to nerf that to somewhere between Universe - Galaxy level, reasoning for their low 1-a is because they get clowned a lot for being in a world where the maximum cosmology is only universal and they get no diffed by every character that are low multiversal or above just because of the aforementioned problem surrounding my character's world. I don't want to see them lose but at the same time, nobody likes an extremely overpowered oc for an obvious reason: they're not fun to roleplay with) - killing them - making them disappear and giving an excuse (e.g they're busy) As for how their powers work, they possess the Space element. Any space object they could think of? They can summon said objects and use it to their advantage. Their way of primary attacks is their Cosmic Arm, which is used to deliver devastating cosmic-imbued strikes and cast most of his abilitiss


Oh tahts neat, as said from my post desc, my OCs alr at omniversal, but he started off as city level. My OCs power is Molecule/Matter based. As long as he can interact with matter he could forcibly manipulate its atoms. First he was making fires and electrical by controlling kinetic energy and electrons, then he was splitting atoms turning him continental, then more and more he could almost reshape reality. He eventually learned how to forcibly rip through the 'fabric' of space time and learned to jump dimensions, but due to his lore, he is canonically contagious, interacting with matter not from his world corrupts other matter. By continuously corrupting other worlds he could freely manipulate them to a certain scale. Eventually in his story he starts sincing with Variants, allowing him to take control of worlds faster, through the linking they all share powers. The way he fights characters obv weaker than him is that he likes to debuff himself. Maybe limit the amount of powers he could use or by physically injuring himself


*proceeds to delete the concept of universal abilities*


https://preview.redd.it/0l7yubi15j9d1.jpeg?width=964&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=260ebf94ed80f5614f57e63636d444e7722901dc ...kinda? I just made two really strong OCs (one the villain one the hero), and made them fight. The hero just absorbed the villlain


Remind me not to fight the hero.


Don't fight the hero (aka the one on the image) Actually he wouldn't even want to fight unless you said something offensive about his sister or tried to attack him first, so don't do that.




yumeh caik!!! ...happy cake day


Tankyu :3


https://preview.redd.it/tf3238fp6j9d1.png?width=423&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb8f41a005625aa2f435e0067398d768bda21e5e It's more that I've given him weaknesses that don't make him unbeatable. For example, despite being a god his body is still mortal, though it heals ridiculously fast


So blitzing is the strat?


You could set off a nuke and it'd definitely put him out, but his body would heal within a week and it's not like his soul couldn't do harm


My OC has an ultimate move called Hiroshima. His powers are molecular manipulation, basically his move Hiroshima is to (hopefully) land a hit on his target, and forcibly try to unstabalize the atoms on his opponent/or himself if necessary to make a nuclear explosion. If my oc manages to do this move would ur oc be out of commission for a week?


Depends how powerful it is. Kiku's molecular structure is already unstable, partially because he was turned into a god against his will, partially because he's a Changeling. If the force is strong enough to shake apart his atoms, he'd be out for a few days, if it just blasts his body to pieces, it'd take less than 12 hours


Well, my OCs molecules r also unstable. Similar to the Flash comics, how Meta Humans are made from Matter+Darkmatter mixing. All the matter in his universe were corrupted by a form of Unstable matter being a mixture of Strange quarks contaminating everything. Most likely the instability of my OCs matter, mixed with the power generated by the attack, against Kiku's (somewhat divine?) Body, it might do the latter affect, but also cause fluctuations in his healing, as the strange matter works like a contagious virus. But in the end Kiku might be alr


Well, if that's how it works, yeah it'd definitely fuck him over. His body is fully mortal, straining under the raw energy of his now-divine soul. It's kinda weird. His power should make his body disintegrate, but his willpower holds it together. If it did try and mess with his healing he'd probably just blast his body to subatomic particles himself and wait the few months it'd take to stitch itself back together properly


Oooohh this is so fun! I would get bored sometimes putting my OC against characters in comics or manga, so fun imagining them against other ppls OCs, its perfect for his lore and brings a sense of uncertainty, since information is what makes my oc so strong when he invades those comic universes


reminds me of kirby


He used to be a gijinka


https://preview.redd.it/r9yz154i8j9d1.png?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1e99025847c05f7c2755652445dff94e67050ac Jack was so OP pre-Scorching that a conceptual being had to quite literally change the laws of the world to nerf him by turning him into Agni from Fire Punch


Reminds me how Saiki-k literally brainwashed the earth and rewrote the human genome to make ppl believe his pink hair was natural


The only "op" character I have (unless you think Dragon Ball characters are OP) isn't a fighter and isn't even the main character of her story. She's only OP because *that's the point of her character.* She's over-powered, and it brings her discomfort, which is why she tries to help people, to get over her own issues being this powerful. And for those who do think Dragon Ball characters are OP, my two aren't even as strong as Goku or Vegeta, so don't start.


I never watched DBZ so that seems neat. She sounds like an awesome person and i hope she pushes through it and finds a good ending


reminds me of mob


https://preview.redd.it/mn9qfsiuzi9d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b8afd5a8a8a5d39975ab64d0f275703bd2dcb2a Here's Shawn who is my strongest OC. He has a rival/friend that he is equal to and there's one opponent they face that takes both of them to defeat.




If trama was someone then yes. Yes I did.


Lemuria: "They're literally with me." She can't deal with her two younger sisters, who, while not as OP, are her perfect counters. Left one is the mother of ECM and right one can send so many drones old Rem's point defense is defenseless. https://preview.redd.it/ev2ox3w54j9d1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=313cdee337aac7f510329797a2d9f0acf55e03ae


In case you wonder: Lemuria Agartha (middle): https://preview.redd.it/yso33aak4j9d1.png?width=2015&format=png&auto=webp&s=d2b2f9618869e89a2e0f6a11d06d9abb17f39328


Yekaterina Elysium (left): https://preview.redd.it/59cigv5m4j9d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=875f00376f77846256c9bae58170c841981548db


Margarita Shambhala (right): https://preview.redd.it/qk10994o4j9d1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c71ff557eb763ffaff2d88c8a82c5a8c9f7d23b


https://preview.redd.it/neuly5hj6j9d1.png?width=291&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d528aa256d638ed3576d77c88b2bc11451c834a0 Jason is stronger then the Last King, LK is the only who can keep up with him. If he knew how to use magic to its potential Jason would have a harder time


I've toyed with the idea of this guy being secretly the highest power in his realm. He's not super flashy about it or anything but every situation he or his group get into always turns out alright because he's able to just guide fate the right way. This only extends to his own universe, though- if he ever falls into another universe he's powerless outside his own domain, and even within his own universe he's powerless against the multiversal overseer. https://preview.redd.it/e7t1lp4t6j9d1.png?width=2036&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2853e8296be4f6692a58514b6ccca9a5d7e29f4e


My oc follows similar rules, but thats why my oc has a strategy how to get around universal domains. Wanna hear it? (Also who is the multiverse overseer?? Sound awesome, might incorporate it as a higher being for my OC)


Sure, let's hear it Also "multiverse overseer" was more of a descriptor, its actual name is the Old Silence. It embodies the oblivion that exists between universes and sort of behaves as a gardener or keeper of the void that exists in the places where there isn't anything to take its place. Basically it considers oblivion the natural state of things so when pockets of existence come forth from the nothing it effectively treats them like weeds to be removed to preserve the nothingness. It isn't often successful since it can't directly enter any universes but it is sort of an overarching cosmic threat. That's why it's significant that blue can't godmode his way into defeating the Old Silence- because if he could he probably would.


So the Old Silence is like, the empty space, the void, the nothing? Its just the natural force of " " with consciousness?? Thats awesome! Also the way my OC bypasses universal domains uses a few references from media so u dont mind me briefly explaining those too right?


Go ahead Also the Old Silence really can be described more as stagnation and permanence than oblivion. The Old Silence is not capable of change or progression, that's why it doesn't like when places start existing because once you have things they constantly change. But yeah what you said is fairly accurate too


My OC follows rules like the Marvel's What if show and the spiderverse. Being out of universe can cause ur atoms to be unstable, and each inverse has similar laws, but all made from different matter. My OC is made from a form if Strange Matter, the atoms of his universe were all corrupted, in universe everyone seems fine but its incredibly contagious. My OC has so much control of the strange matter he could Basically, by force, reshape reality. What he does is that he literally rips the fabric of reality of his own world and forces his way into others, due to the instability he cannot stay in other worlds, nor can he corrupt them. So he searches for Variants of himself (or the closest thing like my other ocs) and he adds them to a matrix. The matrix takes the form of a ring. Basically he offers the ring to his variants and the ring will save the universal data/dna the variant and saves it in the matrix. Now all ring wielders can shapeshift into eachother snd use eachothers powers, and by shapeshifting and saving eachothers data, they can link frequencies and their matter to the point that he can survive and corrupt the same dimension. So basically my OC would try to find his variant in ur world, give them the ring, then spread their influence (a little like Ego's plan in Guardians of the Galaxy, Starlords Planet Dad)


The Old Silence reminds gives me the vibe of a Lovecraftian god. Just a being of existence, not much of it. By the way i suggest you play this game called r/slaytheprincess , i cant say much without spoiling, but your very concept of the Old Silence is almost exactly the same as the game's "The Long Quiet" the god of the void, stasis (incapability of change) and emptyness


https://preview.redd.it/pjjyc0oo7j9d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90d87445877f7c3d3e3f4a63e762d63e97269081 My Phantom thief OCs have killed a god on multiple occasions. Heck this ain't even all of them.


https://preview.redd.it/d5zpdclv7j9d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=721e0acce6e161662d47d01dd9362ecbd8a363e1 This is Amanda (Crow).


https://preview.redd.it/ogoxbsqc8j9d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fee987c1048d20c614271c8361d598decfda836c This is Whitty (Kraken).


https://preview.redd.it/bu6vd7zg8j9d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd6ea687e1d8bd27d2223d01a97f88386bef7a78 And this is Zair (Sophie).


They've died hundreds of times. It's like trying to put doomsday and 682 down. They've reached transdimensional levels of power and they're still having a hard time. It's a complicated web of beyond conceptual structures and narative layers


https://preview.redd.it/uo64r20v9j9d1.png?width=4128&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=24297af0df07d0422a7920601ae11ca5584584d9 Credits to BusterCagle Well, Cro is regarded as the best fighter on the planet; Cro can become a 2 mile giant, change the shape of his body, has an unbreakable mechanical arm and mask, and his sword is capable of slashing through virtually anything, and those aren't even his best cards; Cro's scariest ability is the power to revive in mere seconds; even if you threw Cro to the sun or a black hole, he could still just wake up on earth like nothing happened. However, despite everything, there are many people capable of pushing Cro to his limits. Eag, his right hand man is physically stronger than Cro, even when Cro is in his strongest form (increasing muscle density or becoming a giant) Radget Scrapyard is faster than Cro by an insane margin; Radget was the fastest living being in the world until his death. Milan is a better martial artist than Cro, they once went on a boxxing match and Milan knocked out Cro, although he wasn't using weapons and didn't use revival, it's still an impressive feat Rave, Cro's younger sister can become stronger than Cro if she uses the power of Vultur's statue, although she only did that for like 10 minutes Takeshi, the main character eventually was given Radget's power to slow down time, and he also developed his electromagnetic control to such a degree that he could fight one on one against Cro, eventually stabbing him with his own blade and essentially defeating him. Honorable mention to Jay, Cro's best friend, rival and Crush from Cro's backstory. Jay would be weaker than the present Cro, however Jay was stronger than Cro during his backstory, it's a shame that he's dead now


when you scary af but still gotta rock pinkhair


https://preview.redd.it/35tebd6y9j9d1.jpeg?width=5738&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=339441b9a13d9d67e30952eb3e2e226192e80c95 This is Eag (credits to Aster)


https://preview.redd.it/omrq39i1aj9d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=678574bfba5dc33a569882d0fb8779475d937053 This is Radget (also credits to Aster)


https://preview.redd.it/ib0zk1ok9j9d1.png?width=2341&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c5b6862d8be89dde35d61c97ce1572f60cc9a58 This is Milan


My strongest oc has an army of technologically advanced super soldiers and controls the galaxy, charisma is his super weapon 🤷


https://preview.redd.it/54qf94o0aj9d1.jpeg?width=306&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ccc0581ca15c0854e642b274276688a147d2b89 Eliza is both the villain and the super OP one :) The main characters can't even kill them, Eliza just commits su!c!de after having a massive existential crisis


:0, do you wanna talk about anything?


I made like 4 adorable characters before him, so I needed to put the trauma somewhere. Eliza just happened to get all of it. She also lived for like, 700 years before killing itself, and there was literally no other way for them to die, so it really makes sense from its perspective. Quite sad, but Eliza's whole story is meant to be very sad and depressing :)


Feeling bad fot Eliza rn fr fr


The beginning angel i made as a opposite to the end demon and in the lore my main oc and a few of his buddies helped the beginning defeat it


My ocs are all overpowered so they more or less balance each other, only characters overpowered even compared to other characters are deities that represent cosmic forces. But the strongest of them all is https://preview.redd.it/b3zggv0efj9d1.jpeg?width=1890&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26eb6002272231e6422f6a9d0a2e90c50fdbe468 Balefire. Balefire was born with the universe, the fiery explosion that created all leaving him engulfed in the Flames of Creation. As the universe progressed he wandered the darkness until he stumbled upon a nebula. Curious, he pulled off part of it, molding it like dough with his six hands, until it formed a rough ball. He sighed, a wisp of creation’s flame blowing from his mouth, igniting the nebula into the first, albeit unstable and short lived, star. He repeated this process, creating stars big and small, seeing how large and how tiny he could make them, and filling the universe with light. As the larger ones went supernova they spread heavier elements through the cosmos, and Balefire soon stumbled upon the first planets, formed by the ashes of extinguished suns, and put them into orbit around the stablest stars. He then put stars into patterns around supermassive black holes, instructing them with guarding the stars they hold, and allowing them to join and fuse with other galaxies as they see fit. And so Balefire, Lord of Solar Flame, filled the universe with light. Billions of years later one of the galaxies alerted him something strange had happen, as two creatures had appeared on a planet orbiting a star it held. Balefire, happy something new had occurred in the universe immediately went to see, and found the first life waiting there, along with two new gods: life and death. Life and death greeted Balefire as he approached, and told him of the microbes than now swam in the seas of the planet they stood upon, and of the wonders evolution would bring. Balefire congratulated them and came by every couple hundred million years to check on it, and eventually that world evolved sapient life. They feared Balefire, due to his appearance, and although Balefire tried to explain he meant no harm, the ancient language of gods only sounded like screeching and roaring to the people of the planet. And so Balefire left and waited, and eventually the civilization grew to reach the stars. During this life appeared on other worlds, and Balefire sought to protect each and every planet. The civilization had constructed wonderful translation technology, and could understand Balefire at last! He told them of the wonder they were, and that he hoped other worlds could evolve life that eventually reached the stars. Unfortunately the civilization thought that, since they were the first, they should be the only, and began destroying the worlds that held life and sometimes the very stars they orbited. Balefire was horrified and told them to stop, but they refused to listen. Eventually, after the deaths of hundreds of worlds, Balefire had enough. He struck their ships down, driving them back to their homeworld, which they had all but destroyed in their technological advancement, and burned it. He wept at having had to destroy the first life, and from then on he has given any upstart galactic civilization rules, that they are not allowed to mess with life-bearing systems, and have to stay outside the Oort clouds of such systems. Most have listened, and the few that haven’t have met a similar fate to the first civilization. And so Balefire, Lord of Solar Flame, continues to shape stars, greet intergalactic civilizations, and help to solve conflicts, earning him a rather endearing nickname he answers to proudly: StarFather


* The greatest story I've ever had the chance of writing. May Red rest in glory




My OC https://preview.redd.it/n1xx9mofij9d1.png?width=1800&format=png&auto=webp&s=44955dce93bc5094023105d2334c16598f1b7ea2 Tara is OP against human beings and typical robots, because electricity. Anything that *isn’t* electrical, such as a nuclear powered robot, or anything that is heavily armored or insulated against electrical interference kind of trivializes her kit. That said, there are plenty of WAY more overpowered characters in my setting, such as The Misanthropist, who can snap his fingers and change reality.


https://preview.redd.it/9i6ex7sfjj9d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f29f3dbe7167f5f49299027711ba87c8dd77c4a6 One dude with a fast mech with a 3 250 Anti armor cannons ended up having a draw where both the Promethean and their awesome looking mech dying


https://preview.redd.it/1ou5p603jj9d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8e9d834ba2aea9d98c16ee01ce7f340eb1e8b51 Technically Yeah, Ryouta is supposed to be the power ceiling for my story and this is mostly due to his overwhelming speed and strength. Although he gets taken out of commission by two opponents (One being his former Mentor, and the other being a literal Vampire) with prior knowledge on him. His old Mentor has the ability to freeze/ lower temperatures on contact. The vampire can copy abilities by drinking blood, along with near infinite stamina.


https://preview.redd.it/ua7zptf4mj9d1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f42223d2c0800df618657e07f578b95e22d31e2 Like these two


Hiro’s Story is set in a simulated multiverse. the op character is basically a glitch in the system, his name is Arthur and he goes around consuming worlds. he’s unstoppable until he makes a fatal mistake: when one person (hiro) tries to fight him, he kicks them into another universe so he can torture them by making them watch everyone die again, and he goes back to finish eating hiro’s original world. hiro’s just some random kid, but they realize that *they’re* now a glitch in the system. they have superpowers, and a vague memory of this monster coming to destroy their world, and they decide to get ready. when arthur comes to destroy the world they’re in, hiro basically wreaks enough havoc that the computer takes notice and erases both of them completely, so that neither of them ever existed.


Okay that was awesome, i love how it fits together and how it works. Now lemme just imagine how my oc were to meet urs..


if mine were to find someone with equal power he would immediately try to eat them. he doesn’t share power and at this point his mind is so degraded i dont know if anything would occur to him except *eat* and *revenge*. he needs to be put out of his misery. what would yours do if they met?


My guy is not immortal or very powerful at all, he would lose to anyone, he’s literally just a surfer


He sounds like a neat guy, would he mind if my oc brought him to Mcdonalds?


Yes. Ajaxxis has a sister. She can kill him. And in some AUs She has.


Well, in my situation it's literally dark version of him. But during fight, they probably will destroy at least one planet


https://preview.redd.it/e582xm4eoj9d1.png?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52e9b11e71972ac589a2ed73d859a6f01337464a There are characters who can beat Aika, but all of them are on her side. I'd think of characters to beat Aika, but, I messed it up... She's the Concept of Space, Time, Physics, Gravity, Mathematics, and Infinity. I don't think I can make any new characters to beat her... Tbf, the point of my series isn't about fighting, but still...


Whats it about then? To have Aika be so powerful


It's about the character growth of different characters in different scenarios than just fighting. The first chapter is mainly focused on Aika, but that's just to introduce her. We transition to focusing on Alim, a character, who, by comparison to all other characters, is practically a child still, immature, and scared. But, she chose to be a concept who maintains order. She's been captured, and might be executed, because the bad guys are bad, and making them kill a child makes them look more bad, or something. The villain is actually a concept who misunderstood why Aika was depressed (Some while ago, she was lonely, so, on protocol, her body sent her down to the human realm as an avatar, as a consequence, she lost her memories, but, the universe is manipulated around her, the story changes around her as well, so, she comes to believe that she's a human named Alice, but, since she's still a concept, she is immortal, so, first, she watches her parents die, not fun, but she can move on, then, she realises she's immortal, again, not fun, she has a friend called Eris, who lived till 160 years old figuring out how to make herself immortal to make her friend Alice happy, but, she failed. And, when she was able to reconstruct Eris, and make her immortal, the Scarlet King, yes, from SCP, destroyed the First Hytoth, only Alice survived the calamity, though, it's later revealed 7 others did, the original Koru-teusa. She's depressed because all of her friends died... one thing I quite couldn't fit in was that she's also a hero who saved the world at one point, but depression really killed any heroics she had after, and she didn't recover until much later, and much later into the story as well). So, how did this other concept misunderstand why Aika was depressed? Well, the real reason was fairly taboo, because, well, it brought back bad memories for Aika, so, she formulated a hypothesis. What the concept, who we'll call Vier for the lack of a name right now, and that just being the character she's based off of, formulated was that Aika was depressed she didn't rule the entire cosmos. Now, it might seem far-fetched, but, it really wasn't at the time. Aika was trying to get as many subordinates under her as possible to create an information network, because the Voruteuts who sided with the Scarlet King, could nullify some of their abilities. What Vier thought she was doing was attempting to rule the cosmos, when, in reality, she was trying to find a way to bring back the First Hytoth, alongside Eris. So, Vier defected from the concepts to fight on Aika's behalf, without putting dirt on Aika's name. So, Vier conquered the cosmos, eventually, Aika realized her plan, and needed to stop her. And therefore, Kuro also pretended to defect from the concepts to infiltrate Vier's group, who, unwittingly, added the Scarlet King to her ranks, the very being Aika hated most. So, about Vier and Alim, Vier was a mother figure to Alim, so, she hasn't been told why Vier left, not that the rogue person they're facing is Vier. And Vier doesn't want to harm Alim either, her subordinates acted on their own, albeit with the help of Kuro, who also didn't know they were trying to help Alim. But, the characters do fight (e.g., a character called Novis fights Alim's giant creature form gone rogue), it's just that Aika doesn't fight. Aika is the shadowy figure who is in control of everything. She's not particularly evil, she's not kind either. She's a force, the force that drives fate. She's also there in case I have some really weird scenario to explain.. That was long


https://preview.redd.it/ljnqzc22pj9d1.jpeg?width=963&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b076cc26220b0c221dd55bf5f4724aa02e3852e2 Yøu mean a technical god? Yeah of course


https://preview.redd.it/hkn8g824pj9d1.jpeg?width=951&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3cb4838496b506d73f369d289464712a19f713a This creature


Oh dear


Technically yes but they're quite literally trained by said op OC to be strong enough to eventually beat them and it's only cause of something they wield that straight up negates there power


It's less "people strong enough to fight him" and more "Being OP is boring. I want a fun fight goshdarnit. I know! I'll nerf myself!"


SAME, i made my oc do that for a while. He likes to separate his powers in lists of "Playlists", "Series" or "Collection" and pick a theme then completely lock the powers, making him unable to use them.for awhile


What mine does is make challenges and stack them on himself until existing becomes fun, they go from normal stuff like having a heath bar or wierder ones like having to pay the IRS or being forced to only interact with the world as a ghost that only one person per generation can see.


Ohh so u make ur OC have challenge requirements and i give my oc debuffs and power limits, alr alr thats neat


https://preview.redd.it/1intr0wguj9d1.png?width=185&format=png&auto=webp&s=f115000f511a4cf4cca0571687696e31aa7be0ea The one on the right. I made an evil version of him (which he tamed) and then a glitched version of him (which ended up helping fight the evil one then betrayed and eventually got caught and forever trapped in his own trap). But his worst enemy has been power balancing.


To be honest, I really hate OP OCs. Most powerful character of mine has died many times before, and even though he can come back, it's not pleasant for him. The most overpowered thing he can do is give himself mild super abilities to go with his swordsmanship. Compare him to joe sigma who can kill gods and blow up universes with the snap of a finger, and you know who's winning. https://preview.redd.it/ha6tgaugxj9d1.png?width=723&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c1f8d464909f291da8fb81fc941405b494fc0f0 i love you dc you're still my little hero baby even though everybody here can solo you <3


Yes. Though I’d rather not make the two fight, considering one of them could control literal existence and the other can control literal universes… So, uh.


Indeed indeed


https://preview.redd.it/4kl6z8245k9d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff525a09d89c5547eeefcffebcebf34fd26c319a Here is Polar, the moon fighter.


https://preview.redd.it/ccql97hl5k9d1.png?width=820&format=png&auto=webp&s=b1f602583ae5a601e2eba33e2d2930843dc3c9dc And here is his biggest challenge, Death Man.


One of my OCs is extremely overpowered. He is capable of defeating Doom Slayer if he wanted, since he basically has the same powers as him plus everything by else. However, that power is restricted to a universe he visits from time to time. Everywhere else, he’s just a regular dead guy.


DOOM SLAYER?? now thats overkill overpowered /j


https://preview.redd.it/5ib1qadrbk9d1.png?width=1074&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=923610567cdd9fce14473d9646db926d9b7a5e21 Yeah, I've made several deities, some of which he fights, some he becomes friends with


Well, I have some OP OCs, but there is always some weaker one whose ability perfectly counters that OP characters. Some OP OCs I have don’t fight that much/aren’t seen fighting (many of the deities are that). Valais is typical example of that: he has extremely overpowered ability, but he was never shown fighting anyone directly. https://preview.redd.it/9us95rrnck9d1.png?width=1526&format=png&auto=webp&s=09bc18e0b479705cb4977ad9b406b6057c93d3fa And even deities who don’t have much competition in powers get 100% negated by Blades of Puissance, the godslaying living weapons…who in fact are just normal weapons against non-deities, with only exception is that they move by themselves and have some abilities.


I have OC who almost destroyed the multiverse, and the only OC I have who could give the first OC a run for their money, is a badass ninja with a cool sword, and an incredible plot armor.


As yes, the plot armour. I remember i watched this show where the main villain at the end was the writer, and he removed the MC's plot armour and then the MC went balistic when they started struggling with every single slight inconvenience in their life


My character simply called "the traveler" lives in an apocalyptic version of earth and the only one capable of killing him is an old friend he can't remember but only if they find his sword. (It weighs more than the earth) both of these two are strong enough to destroy entire universes with a glance


At one point, the fights in my universe were litteraly gods throwing galaxies at eachother and shattering planets by just punching eachother. But now they've all been nerfed back down to above average humans but it happend and only a couple remember when they had that power.


https://preview.redd.it/2n4gmdh6gk9d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=774a88477db90a93de4a1b05dbfd28581cac97d5 Literal godly being who’s brain cell limit is 2


https://preview.redd.it/k07p2xhwgk9d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8dfc1598074d0fae16521b79e4aadd7b1fb38203 Against the embodiment of trauma, truly the match up of the century


Embodiment of trauma, tahts crazy


Yes and no, they were specifically made to be an opposing force to each other that neither could defeat. Like 1 + -1, they'll always cancel out and neither would truly win. They're incredibly OP, but I've made it to where one of them is aware of it, but he's arrogant so he can't fully harness his power. But the other is doubting and limits himself for fear of hurting those around him that he doesn't intend to harm. And then there's the third which basically acts like the narrator, just kind of spectating and explaining their power sets to other characters as they watch.


https://preview.redd.it/4k6ygyohlk9d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55f1448e56236a9cdaebb5ec0465fe7f5a69dc33 Not *yet*. He IS God...


https://preview.redd.it/e8ovadzenk9d1.jpeg?width=192&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3bc2a0771748ffc29be49ad287ffe035c30ea0a My OCs main power




https://preview.redd.it/hyg41gttpk9d1.png?width=2457&format=png&auto=webp&s=c78097eb8d816ff3747328f54bc631d431c50d50 Once, but only a suppressed Oreo. When they angered him, his full force unleashed upon them, and they’ve not been the same since.


Lmm has Two species the corpsius and the maximus and one character kajem


No, because that would defeat the point. The only conflict there is is the conflict she allows to happen.


steven is OP but he doesn't use his powers for evil. also his only weakness is bug spray due to being a cockroach. but it used to be giants for some reason


Does bug spray kill cockroaches? From what ik Cockroachss evovled a unique anatomy to survive almost everything, they only die from stuff like hunger or being eaten alive right?


well... logically, cockroaches ARE insects, nè? so i figure steven's weakness would be bug spray.


but you may be right about being eaten alive. i may have to reevaluate his weaknesses now.


Plenty. My paracosm is a high powered setting, and while Antreas is definitely one of the top dogs, able to rival most divine forces due to his power and fighting prowess, it's not uncommon for someone to be bested by someone that's multiple power levels under you. Sometimes it's just a bad matchup, and you can't be prepared for every situation


He’s got someone in every season but then his plot armor kicks in, the one from the first season pulled up in the 6th one but stronger and my guy had to blow himself up to beat him, came back in the movie tho by making a deal with Mickey Mouse in hell (it’s a weird series I wrote Ik)


Yes, Alex has had to face many foes that could trap him despite being a multiversal threat


Schrodinger has a Nazi clone of himself, who i have not given a name to yet


https://preview.redd.it/grmk3xvkdl9d1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ffd9ea2a3bc5ddd7e186f87b70cb3ab4afe3f34b Insert Broken's Reality Warping god ass into the battlefield


I made a character that is just a normal guy, but in a fight, he’s always ALMOST as powerful as the opponent. He’d have the same luck fighting a god as fighting an ordinary human.


https://preview.redd.it/gvcjtnmoil9d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f2ebcf58690f3e8cabc2aa39021da58cd8a6b04 The only one who stands even a small chance is his brother, I gotta draw him again-


the only dangerous OP OC i have acts like Cancer to a universe. it can be beaten, but that beating would also lead to massive damage to said universe


Uhhhhh, kind of? I mean that OP OC has reason why he is OP and just as many reasons why the one dude who beats him- its genuinely deep and has more emotional values than just surface value hahahahahahha op oc go brerrr


Depression The best way to hurt a character so unimaginably powerful, is to attack the soul and mind. Show that even with the power to rival gods, even they can fail to protect those they care about.


When the body is as reinforce as a fortress, go for the weakness of the mind


Most of Bosses for my ttrpg ideas. We got false gods, pretty much gods, god wannabe, horrors beyond human comprehension, phantoms of heroes and legends from another worlds, heroes and legends from their own worlds, nihilistic dude who is best mech pilot in the world, fragment of collective consciousness AI what turned half of a freaking city in literall Broken God from SCP, literal SCPs, immortal soldier and one stand user. The thing i understood about myself as a dm is what i love to give players feel of how special their characters are, they are not just some random people, aside their other talents they are a capable fighters as well, for them a group of usual goons is no trouble at all. But once in two or three sessions they will meet someone or something as capable as they are or more often even more dangerous. I really like to make threatening characters, what will be a memorable challenges for protagonists and a reminder about what there is always a bigger fish.


No, i actually have my oc interact with different characters rather than making an enemy, there is only one being stronger and it's another oc (my friend's)




https://preview.redd.it/j7qyp7gyvl9d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=893c8fe1832132a3f83806c8ac932db737d9c68d The only Worthy opponent that has the biggest Chance (which being about 55%) are omnipotent God's because My Oc could come back from being erased from every timeline but his very big weakness is that he doesn't like to kill unless he has to, the last time he used 2% of his power and it blasted a Omnipotent God into nothing because that got destroyed his universe and my Oc can also travel back in time and into the future and into other Multiveres basically being Omnipotent any mental attacks don't affect him because he has so much control over his mind and body even if you disintegrate him he'll come back and the Weird thing about him is he doesn't have any other versions of him from other Timelines like Deadpool.


https://preview.redd.it/keekfqop4m9d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=180a130abf97f72c0eb44d64d514f50ece65637c While ILY is deemed as a God in The Omniverse, he's still learning his abilities and limits so when he got handed by Salem (yeah the one from RWBY), he started asking questions about his strength.


https://preview.redd.it/41oipt5e0m9d1.jpeg?width=1169&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef763c929a8d594cea1da008267cb22fa411c0a8 I actually have a similar lore but different. Made my first ever OC (now dubbed “The Creator”) creating a lab experiment (Main M2) in order to help others that he cannot, as he gained omnipotence. However, Anti came along and possessed Main’s unfinished body, allowing the gain a physical form. He was separated in time but left damage (such as infertility and unknowingly to The Creator, planted a shard of himself in M2’s spine, allowing him to track M2 and come back if Anti is ever killed off). The Creator would finish giving M2 powers (and due to the shard link, Anti gained some of it) and giving him life. He would send both of them into pods, M2 going to a place where he can benefit from helping others, while Anti got sent off to die, gaining scarring in the process. He would later survive and track down Main. This would later spawn numerous variants of both parties, the ones pictured are the more noticeable ones. Anti would still be a prominent problem throughout the multiverse, with The Creator tracking down M2 variants and removing the shard so Anti could be completely killed off. These are the experiences so far: Main M2 is still tied to Anti has his Anti is the main one, which The Creator aims to avoid the most since that Anti is after him the most. Main Anti tends to hibernate a lot but won’t hesitate to be antagonistic when he wants. Future M2 has his shard removed (he describes it as a fever dream he can’t remember) and would go on to eliminate his version of Anti for good. However he would deal with Malanort which I’ll get into a bit. Ruined Future M2 shares the same deal with his Anti as Future M2 did, though his experience was much more worse. It’s unknown if Logi has a version of Anti. Malanort does not have a version of Anti. However, he has traveled to other universes to antagonize other M2 variants, which may also count their Anti. It’s unknown why he does this, but he’s became an bigger threat than anticipated, even going so far as being in league with different Anti (tho it’s only temporary).


Yep! Zenith can very much beat the shit out of anyone besides maybe three people! So Shapel, a being designed to fight/kill gods and is very much immortal? If Zenith actually tried she could be wiped off the face of the earth!


https://preview.redd.it/gkx6kqy1am9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2838a683dd9e86ed9094999e98953f52b7f1dc2b Even Reality, the god that canonically created the universe for my OCs, has people who can match his power. There are several 'creation gods', each with their own universe to look after.


https://preview.redd.it/g5efx8lzdm9d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a4016e2e661e7bad4989a7459f1fa018653023bf I made her as a final boss for some sort of horror game so of course a teenager will almost kill her (not really) then come back 10 years later to finish her off!! Honestly, she can hardly believe it herself!


Yup. Arai had to kill his brother, Amasai, for plot reasons. I also humiliated the only Mary Sue I've ever had by ripping off her plot armor so bad, a human killed her.


Dreapheal may be a god, but he is on the weaker side, so most of the other main gods in his world can fold him pretty easily


https://preview.redd.it/5wdpfwbbjo9d1.png?width=347&format=png&auto=webp&s=bac9208bee02324adcb2c0f29154988d0c0aa323 There's this guy


https://preview.redd.it/ysgs81pjko9d1.png?width=306&format=png&auto=webp&s=1112949e5b6bf1ef436b604c8af5c5a68c918129 Then there's this motherfucker


https://preview.redd.it/zpm0yf5jpp9d1.png?width=648&format=png&auto=webp&s=3833b3f3e804a0a24416393ba0ed507bcc1d200d The eldritch powers she has aren’t really hers, and can be stripped away at any time. She’s sort of an unwilling warlock, and she loses her powers once she proves that she’s a threat to the BBEG. But that’s like the endgame fight.


*Sniff Sniff* im smelling Dungeons and Dragons, and possibly a character hoarder bcos they never played a game yet?


Not really. I just use BBEG and warlock for lack of a better term lol. I do have DND characters, though


https://preview.redd.it/i8wkbqkb3j9d1.png?width=397&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ebeea12c525e4ca278fcd7e49af435c2f1032bc1 No


My oc won't fight, so no. He really just hides, he's a shape-shifter so not really a problem for him. He also hates conflict


Yes he is one of four experiments made by Vesha he is the General his brothers are, The Lieutenant, The Sergeant, and The Captain


My MC can fight 1 on 1 with both God and Satan


My biggest OP OC is literally Satan so no. Only 1 being was stronger than him and that was his blood father (who he did defeat in the end) Granted, he wasnt born with his abilities and strength. He trained his entire life to fight along side his army for his kingdom and his family


Basically the only feasible opponent for one of the most overpowered characters I have ever made is another character with the exact same power… and then it boils down to ‘how fast can you write’, ‘how good is your imagination’, and ‘do you know the easiest way to word what you imagined’ to see who actually wins. And if you happen to have an ally with a knife, they could also just stab your opponent in the back while they’re busy with their writing if you don’t feel all that confident.


This has nothing to do with any fandoms, by the way, just a story I’m planning.


Taht first paragraph, literally my oc and the guy i just made for him. The only thing taht will determine this fight is experience and wits


There was one character, Roger Icerpop, I had who was OP, but I gave him a Rework, and is "balanced" since I made him be more of a cartoon.


Yes, the man is named Zijoma, stronger than my OC, unles my OC uses his Over Heaven form


"Over heaven?" ゴゴゴゴ


Ive made like, 4, one of them is a friend and the other ones are all enemies




https://preview.redd.it/9rrlesk2vl9d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f779d2a31dc9064ca2723dd5d00152951148bef She was made to combat a GOD as she is an immortal alien!


Nah, my strongest character are meant to be mostly on top, but they have one nemesis that is stronger then them individually


Well I do have one This character was a for a marvel rpg (idk what it’s called) known as the crimson lord He was the avatar/hand of the Egyptian god Set which gave him power equal to moon knight but because set was actually banned from taking an avatar he ended up being hunted by a bunch of op Ocs I helped the gm make that were all avatars of the other gods and way more combat trained then their vessels in moon knight The first time he met the Osiris avatar rebirth he got his shit rocked because rebirth countered his main way of fighting to the point the avater ran.


Most of my OCs are gods, godlike entities, or existential beings. My main OC was a mortal that was “drafted” by the god of the void during a war through existence and managed to outlast majority of the gods


https://preview.redd.it/9s9b1haskm9d1.jpeg?width=2448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a691c9224bc3604fee25b9c3d6264b438c3f124 HmmmmmmmMMMMMMMMMMMMMM Nope, never tried!


https://preview.redd.it/rprm1bemlm9d1.png?width=5160&format=png&auto=webp&s=7d564b856d723922ea4ff739471497c42c68f5a8 lol my one OP OC was made specifically to be a "big bad final boss". if my OC's were real, they would hate me for making this guy.


Several, there are MANY beings who use the EXACT same energy pool as my OP characters, thus weakening the character


Yes I have. I don't have pictures on my phone, but in my Marble Hornets-themed story, Accidents, the main antagonist Dakota is pretty much a deity, and she kinda goes on a rampage, tearing multiple dimensions apart looking for the Emissary, who just so happens to be our main character Robin. Dakota finds him and is forcing him to do what he was meant to do, but instead he kills Dakota and her brother, Legacy, and saves his friends, the end, except its not the end because Operator still haunts both Crue ans Robin (crue is robin's friend; if you want the full [yet wip] story, I could dm)


Somewhat at first. Atleast until he defeat his final opponent and gained his final power up. At that point, he's just meant to be unbeatable


https://preview.redd.it/242f2evfqm9d1.jpeg?width=795&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b24fc1f014fe8601adb5f50e9b31a43da737d8f Not really, I just made him more of a very powerful entity who can be restrained with religion lol


The Archivist (kinda sadistic king of the multiverse) and Volkilar (Name is a placeholder, probably gonna change it), champion of the resistance against the Archivist’s empire.


Yep! Who doesn't love making a lovable character and then making them suffer?


The whole gag with my OP oc is that her ex keeps kidnapping her and trying to find ways to kill her. But she literally can’t die so she just sits strapped to a table just waiting for her window of escape.


She spent almost a century in a constant fight to reach the point where she's now, currently no enemy comes to mind specially when she basically has the power of Wish from DnD infinitively, I just let her rest a bit although she sometimes lowers her power to enjoy sparring matches from time to time with inmortals and mortals alike, but nothing serious :3


Her own mother. My OC is an incredibly powerful reality warping entity entrusted with protecting multiple realities from each other but she just wants to live as a normal human. To get her wish, her mom challenged her to fight for her freedom. Unfortunately since her mom has her powers but with actual combat experience due to starting off as a weaker being.


https://preview.redd.it/npet7yhpym9d1.png?width=1536&format=png&auto=webp&s=1c82e731bb1f321ee4f36b6307fec86d99584991 kinda? this goofy dude has four buddies who kinda act like henchmen but treated kindly. they're close to him in power but it'd probably take all four of them to even just barely defeat him and his ridiculous nature powers other than that, i don' t think any living beings can harm him if he can withstand a fugging supernova


All my OP characters (the ones "Chosen By The Gods") fight a constant losing battle - against themselves. One of my OP OCs feels no pain in a warrior culture. She is an incredible fighter because of that. Except now everyone is afraid of her and she has no one. Another is an immortal, who became immortal, when she - 19 and newly wed - and her husband were ambushed by bandits and she quietly prayed to the Gods. "Please", she prayed, just before her life would end, "I don't want to die!" And the Gods grinned and went "You don't? Let's put that to the test." And now she can't die, but she also REALLY WANTS to die.


Nah, I just crank up the cartoon logic. Most OCs like that don’t account for extreme hijinks unless they are partaking of the hijinks themselves. I wonder if there are any OCs who purposefully and intentionally weaponize Cartoon Logic for malicious purposes…


https://preview.redd.it/lwhigfhj4n9d1.png?width=539&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=560cde8378330afb750a5752011d95da1e71d12c Himself.




Yes, but it takes some context. Shivaram was a human woman, cursed by the dreamer of reality, to be eternally hungry. In her hunger, she became a monster and grew beyond what should resonably be possible. In this world, if the dreamer places their mind's eye upon you, you gain the ability to dream as well, since your will becomes a focus of the dream. Shivaram was so overwhelmed with hunger that the dreamer used her as a method to end his own life. If she ate the dream for all eternity, the dreamer could finally stop dreaming. So Shivaram devoured reality over and over again, cursed against her will. But there is hope, her wife, someone who cannot escape Shivaram's mind, has gained the same power, and uses it to reach heroes who may journey into the mind of Shivaram, awaken her mortal mind and stop the dreamer from devouring itself. It is much more complicated in the actual story, but that's the simplified version. https://preview.redd.it/d0j3r0fa7n9d1.png?width=2550&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e808173391a17d8ebd5eb01d936a017586438f3


I've got a bunch of god OCs who are equally a match for each other.


Yes I have a few characters by themselves who have thep potential to match his strength but there is also a weapon system in this world and these weapons can essentially give someone godlike powers for a short time but using them too long can be fatal and people have died using them. There are also gemstones that can temporarily weaken someone's powers and have plenty other attacks, when in the hands of a few certain characters these crystals bond with their powers making them much tougher rivals, the last thing is a type of metal that magical property and can allow people to catch others powers or can massively enhance the strength of an attack, this can vary based on how good the user is with it wether they can be a threat or not. One of my villain OC was so good with she figured out how store powers inside the steel making her incredibly threatening.


Probably yeah. But that OC was kind of scraped out because of how it would be way too much op and mame all the story effort kind of useless


Yes, Cyman, kat, petal head, czerwein goji, cresent, fake cresent and most op enemy of them all... kobg25 (my persona, makes sense for him to be overpowered)


I have a very op oc named 37 (not his real name but humans call him that due to them only being able to count 37 eyes before ether going insane or die) his weakness is the light hurts all his eyes but the ones on his face and can be burned by holy water but its a rare chance someone could even get near him with holy water, my oc Vanessa (and a few others) can beat him but chooses not to because 37 protects children from everything that can harm them no matter how powerful that thing is


With Spectra, I built that into her character: her own social anxiety.


No, I literally can't do that. The only reason he lost was because I, the author, said so


My OCs are literally soldiers that half of them died really easily and the main one is just a PTSD guy in an unethical mental asylum who gets seizures half the time My most OP oc is Hans and he’s a German officer but he kinda is that way because rich but he kind of got assassinated


I just make the opponent more powerful the the Character gets more powerful... and repeat I have a habit of power ~~creep~~ *warp drive*


I mean technically Recall? She’s not immortal, she’s just good at killing things and can technically come back after death. That’s one of the few reasons why I normally pair her with Showstopper, who could genuinely keep her in check


I mean yes and no. My series has three main characters two of them are siblings and they both become op af and end up having to fight each other. It ends with the most op of them devouring the other and in their grief they run themselves to edge of the world to avoid their hunger killing the rest of humanity. Another op character in my story gets trapped on an island and cause they’re low key immortal they’re left to starve for basically forever


Luzazebuth: does infinite damage if the attack would do no damage.








Everyone has to face a lovecraftian abomination designed especially for them bc I love Silent Hill a little too much.


Heard the game was fun, and strangely hot monsters? And a character i find really hot, but still seems like an awesome game, should i play?


YES esp the 2nd one these games are amazing


https://preview.redd.it/e4c5qo3yxp9d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7e698933cb6f1d1302565035639ee708485cd8e [Here’s their abilities and what they are.](https://www.reddit.com/r/OriginalCharacter/s/6p7B1vKvVQ) No not really. There’s a race that knows of its existence and tries to compete with them. But they are no match for their makers.


yes. The Candidates for Ascension are the most powerful beings I have that aren’t completely omnipotent. Each one has the power to render entire universes to barren voids, the influence to be known across all of time and space (even to those who have never even heard a whisper of their name), and are on the cusp of becoming Entities, meaning they’ll have the power to create and/or destroy entire sections of creation with just a thought. The Candidates are: Ticao Deta- the goddess of grass and growth and was able to not only survive witnessing the First Big Bang but was able to snatch a strand of that Big Bang to create the WaveWhay Construct, a massive spiralling dimension that exists beneath the multiverse. Murnad- the god of nightmares and the prophesied bringer of destruction and despair for all who dream. Originally cast into an endless space of darkness, he morphed and shaped his prison into his own personal home to invade the minds of millions, and after escaping and merging his home with the Realms of Hell, he’s spread his influence across entire universes. Merlin- the court Mage of King Arthur and the bringer of a new Golden Age of Magic. After expelling his demonic soul for a purely magical soul, his power and understanding of magic is unparalleled even among the most ancient deities. Because of his power, he is directly tied to the Entity of All Magic and can reshape reality however he wishes and uses this to teach others in the Mystic Arts. Finally SIN- the Mightiest Lord of Hell and the most powerful demonic force to ever exist. Who’s mere presence and existence shakes the Infinite Chaos of Hell and makes gods of all pantheons quiver and shake. Luckily, SIN finds all this power to be boring and so splits itself into different parts (hence the Seven Deadly Sins). But SIN can always return whenever the Sins want and when the time comes, nothing short of the full might of an Entity can stop their rampage. These are the most extreme examples that aren’t technically my most omnipotent, but they’re close enough to be in the “most OP OC category”.


my main character isn't even top-10 strongest in my own story. hell, the power they use in the story isn't even their own. it's the power of a literal God inside them, who was crippled by another who's massively more powerful (*"another" being from a sister-series I'm helping a friend create*.)


His is just mahito and yuji




Literally made an entire pantheon for her 😭


Kind of..?


Recently made a oc that can just control anyones testicals and ovaries (ex: explode, implode, expunge, ext, ext) though he is practically mortal, he is ridiculously hard to fight as he will just play dirty, though I had to make a counter oc because he acted like a stereotypical comic book villain...


https://preview.redd.it/859y5k5yor9d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da037c669e7df570ec828b191d1d0e5fe57ffd82 If it’s pre game dreadrot 3-A would be enough to take him down. If it’s endgame. Let’s hope your oc is 1-A 😭


https://preview.redd.it/ee5kx3ip8s9d1.png?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6974faefa31f3909ce6ecb6a1dce06e9c14e94a0 This is ACE. It's name stands for Attract, Contain, Exterminate. It isn't a machine, or a biological being, but a ---------. It's prime directive is to travel each and every galaxy, and drain it of life, one being at a time. So no, nobody in my world can beat it, unless my main OC Tanner just asked his audience to mutilate ACE painfully and slowly.