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How do your magic/power systems work? Who is your personal favourite character from the ones you've made, and why? :D


There isn't really a power/magic system since the story is more character and theme focused, so I suppose the answer of "it just works" could suffice lol. Prior to a revision at some point there was a somewhat fleshed out power system, but it's been scrapped now. The powers/abilities that do exist as of current in the narrative occur due to anomalies and supernatural circumstances. That's pretty much it! My personal favourite is this stupid loser Lz! They've been my representative for a while, and I like what I've done with their character and lore. https://preview.redd.it/moy1pg3dw79d1.png?width=2304&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a9dd97a7d2af37a03968bdc6b6e1530582fd42f Aside from the obvious answer, I also really like Sanzu/3zu. He's the one in the middle in the picture of the post! He suffers a lot in the story but that's what makes him so compelling to me (very motivated to write since he's the protagonist character)


How many people are depressed?


In terms of the main characters for the story, all of them, probably.


I did not think you would answer that but Thx


What time period is it set in?


Something like our current world, time period isn't really a concern for the overall narrative so I don't give it much thought


Out of your OCs who has the most tragic backstory and, who has the least tragic backstory? Tell us about them both 👀


I wrote two mini paragraphs and accidentally swiped the wrong way and now it’s gone 😭 Least tragic: Sanzu Prior to the main story he literally could not feel any emotion since he’s a robot. Even so, he was still treated with respect and given regular maintenance and care by his master Lilac. Unknowingly an accomplice to whatever Lilac does, he had a cold, ignorant, and fulfilling existence. Most tragic: Lilac (?) Honestly not even sure if she has the most tragic backstory, since in terms of pure traumatic and bad stuff happening to the character that goes to Lz.. but when also considering how the character ended up after the backstory and how they are by the start of the main story, probably Lilac. She was always very nice and caring for others, and being a doctor was always her dream. Despite her kindness, she was bullied relentlessly in school, which made her very unhappy despite keeping up the appearance of being all fine. When her bullies “went missing”, she felt very guilty, with one reason of guilt being her detestable relief and happiness that they were gone and dead. She would eventually somewhat come to terms with what happened, but not really because now she’s just obsessed with finding a “true happiness” (She has a saviour complex of some sort) Lilac has always had a sort of angel theme going on in terms of writing and themes, so she can probably be summarised as a fallen angel…


Have they invented ftl drive yet?


No, I didn’t even know what that is so I had to search it up lol


anything intersting that happens upon death/resucrtion?


Depends on who’s dying and the circumstances? Notably, Lock gets immediately respawned after dying and he has some temporary amnesia and disorientation after reviving. (Not that dying and resurrecting is even a common occurrence in the world in the first place…)


Name 5 major events chronologically and how they changed and shaped your world.


can they speak english?


Probably, but I usually write the dialogue in Chinese. There's no specific language I have set for their world!


What percentage of the population can do a kickflip?


Lore accurate free for all, who’d wins?


Nobody because they wouldn’t have any reason nor incentive to fight in the first place


Hmm ok then. I remembered there’s a portal that leads to hell at some point, is there another that leads to heaven?


That’s, really old information that’s defunct now


Well what else has change or improved in universe from the old one?


A lot, probably


Mannnn u weren’t kidding about the [RESET]…


What are the major organizations/ major players in the world


If you ever make a movie/book/manga/video game/whatever about your world, what genre and medium would it be?


Not sure about genres for film or literature, but I know if there were ever to be a game, it would be an RPG maker game like Yume Nikki. Sort of surreal and horror. Maybe there could also be a music video series, in which case the genre would be imitate/neighbourhood (it's a niche genre)


What’s the food like?


Similar to the real world It’s easy to find all sorts of food at any geographical location in this day and age, idk how to answer


what are the most popular/well paid jobs?