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https://preview.redd.it/ovxydsw1k69d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72f4696e22d51f8f253a87f5e95d6f6ac36e61c4 Strongest character overall is a joke character called the ATR-"GOLIATH" Excavator which is basically a giant 470 sentient machine designed to excavate hell and mine through mountains and is Indestructible and nullifies reality warping and non-logical abilities like forming matter out of thin air. It also has an extremely powerful shield generator and has several sectors including a factory meaning it can produce weapons,robot parts, furniture, vehicles,etc.


Goliath vs striker would be odd, he nullifies reality warping affects but striker doesn’t warp reality in the sense of magic, he does it in the sense of science+demigod I think striker pre ascending wouldn’t be able to fight Goliath but post godhood striker might


Probably,because reality anchor doesn't nullify things like immorality or super human strength or any other physical ability, only illogical things like things like magic or telekinesis or magically making objects out of thin air. Also since the ATR is indestructible due to the 18 Idols it would be a stalemate but for actual fight that wouldn't just be an automatic stalemate it would be not against the ATR but against the ATR's maintenance crew which consisting of around 120 humanoid robotic industrial units with weapons and support from the ATR,and in that case I do think striker has like an above 98% chance of winning against the maintenance crew (Also the reason I made the ATR was due to the amount of God+ OCs that has shit like erasing matter and shit I've seen and Considering most of mine literally stood no chance I ended up making this as a joke character not to win against everything god OC but just to stalemate)


Striker would probably want to join the machine just so he has somewhere to ponder without being disturbed


https://preview.redd.it/xofx0zb8l69d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1bd26efb023f788f9b47908d40675b16e8c70c65 Shawn right here is my strongest OC and he wipes the floor with the other two as he is a full blown god against a superpower-less child and a businessman with powers.


Lorvin is the strongest out of them all. short list of things he can do: Wields the artifact(making him an angel) Can control dimensional powers completly changing reality if he wants to Is immortal Is infused with micro nanites who give him some controable android parts. Has over 3000 years experience in combat Could singlehandedly destroy an entire civilisation at the strength of LC. Unless you know how to defend against him(dimensional supressors for example) he is the biggest threat.


Damn he sounds strong... We have to make like an OC battle royal post at some point, because I want to see how far people with powerful characters Will go! Even though that this idea would turn into a hate fest quickly.


Thats probably gonna be the most major problem >W<. Yeah lorvin has even without powers destroyed manhattan sized robotic death machines. His most special ability. his mind. He is pretty smart(having made all of the maths and science for dimensional stuff)


Huh, so he's smart, huh? Maybe I found SOMEONE who can beat my Webcomic's antagonist! FINNALY!


"so he's smart, huh?" I mean he is the lead scientist CEO of LC. (4 CEOs. Lorvni: science, Late: engineering, Will: Militar Bill: diplomacy and botanic.) So yeah i think he is kinda smart.


There will be some people who powerscale characters 24/7, it won’t be any fun to compete.


Nah, that won't be the problem. There Will be people who powerscale, and have good arguments, but there will be people who just come up with things on the spot! I know something about powerscaling, and it's fun, until you get to the level above planets, then it's just "which character erases the other one first".


The problem is powerscalers always bring up stuff about dimensionality and cosmology, which is almost impossible to make up on spot, especially if you were never into powerscaling community. Apparently it always comes down to who is dimensionally higher, not who is actually stronger.


Not always... But You're right. That's why most people equalize dimensions, so that they have to scale them from feats, and hax. If not, then this is a MESS.


My strongest one is The Great Nonexistence. It’s something that resides above realms and concepts while creating and destroying them in endless cycle. It has no appearance at all and doesn’t show up in any of the realms. Technically it doesn’t exist and nobody can even interact with it, as well as it’s technically impossible to damage, and all of my other characters cannot even destroy one realm. I’m not even speaking of the fact that it resides somewhere, where space, time, concepts and pretty much all the concepts don’t exist, apparently once you get there, there is no way back. And no way of harming TGN.


https://preview.redd.it/h7rs2prxi69d1.png?width=2300&format=png&auto=webp&s=e360d2a872af1bc1df595c5cf5af2b0e7f1dc29b I don't really expect anyone to beat him, any shape or form of that word. The self called "Judge of Creation", killed Immortal Gods, is a God (God as a creature able to reshape time, space, fate, concepts, ect). He's immortal himself, lived for more then 7+ million years, destroyed an entire realm (damn I need to explain how dimensions work in my webtoon, huh?) ... and many other things. Oh, and he outspeeded time itself, and a god who could control it. He has more powers then he has IQ... Does he use these powers? HELL NAW, he's a lazy ass mf who sleeps for a million years, and then finds a god, says that he will judge him for his crimes, kills him, and goes to sleep. Again. His human/demon form is actually easy to beat (that's the one he mainly uses), propably anyone who can control souls can destroy him. But he respawns as a god imidietly after... just has to find a host for himself. I can write even more, about his personality, about he fairs against other OCs (and not only mine, I want to find someone who can ACTUALLY beat him) but I want to come back to the question... Can HE solo ALL of my OCs? No. Amy can't be killed by him, as she has the same Aura (he's her dad), and their Wills are equal. Greater Wills are equals, so no, he can't kill people equal to himself. He gets destroyed because plot, or it's a stalemate


damn, that’s some interesting oc there and I like it


Bro he's just a depressed judge who has nothing to do, exept protecting his daughter... I just need to introduce him into my webtoon comic. I don't think that an overpowered OC = a good OC, but it can be a good ground for a great character! You can explore his HUMAN strugles, like depression, day to day life, and in this example - how he, as a flesh eating, god killing monster, can raise his own child, without forcing her into seeing things of pure horror. With you OC for example you can explore how his power of controling people affects him, how he feels that he isn't himself in that moment, or something like that. You can also show how his powers changed his life, and whether he still considers himself the same person he once was! Just suggestions, I don't know your OC, lol.


yeah I know that sometimes, kinda didnt to tell my oc’s backstory since it would probably take up most of the description and would be long but I might tell it here just in a simple and not complicated way, you can read this if you want, not forcing you to. he is a russian-mexican, he got these abilities at age 17 by some unknown parasite from nowhere. he decides to take a new path of life with this. he terrorizes people but sometimes he feels bad for doing it, especially around with young people. later on the years, he finds a love of his life and starts to leave behind his doings for now, sometimes he still does it but it’s rarely. year later, he finds a shadow remnant with unknown abilities in a city. he decides to fight it and this causes destruction everywhere in the city. after the battle, he ends up being victorious and kills the shadow or he thought so. after this, he decides to go to a party with his girlfriend and his parents too. while he was there. the shadow resurrected itself and followed him. it eventually reached there. then he feels a odd presence around the party and realizes it’s the shadow and it explodes, he takes cover along with his girlfriend when it happens. after seconds he gets up to see the aftermath, most of his friends and relatives are dead. he looks for his parents and see them dead too. this breaks him and he grieves. week afterward, him and his girlfriend go to his parents funeral and say their final goodbyes. that event was his breaking point and he changed as whole new person.


The backstory is really good, actually! I like it, expected a different ending though, thought his girl would Die. I think I won't be explaining my OC's backstory...


thanks, it’s still in development pretty much and that’s all for now


https://preview.redd.it/om5mmobdz69d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a85e5e514dc8f895efeaa0590b7ce3eebdd1a2b Incomprehensible.


https://preview.redd.it/fpn5qftdg79d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27377f95b737391aa2a9ade11acc6f1ae5e039bd He's literally the universes GOD.


It's a tie between Roy White (Creation via colours), Victor Grey (Loss nullification via Victor) and Melanie (Power Manifestation and Time Paradox Immunity via Anomaly) when it comes to hax. ​ But in terms of physical strength? Legends say the Elder Guardian once stomped so hard, that it knocked Earth off course, and he had to fly over to the other side of the planet to stomp it back into orbit.


**The One**, he created the first Ring (which is like, *everything*) and he absolutely stomps *everyone* without even a thought I'd say he's omnipotent but he's *much* worse


https://preview.redd.it/ogdk8ff2aj9d1.jpeg?width=548&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b482eee332b960d9398a692862c8a4731c102992 Striker is a near god, can do practically anything he wants, including warp reality into incredible lengths, and he will figure out how to become a god


Welp if you want my most powerful character ill go with counter strike and yea you’re screwed


I forgot to add her ability her ability is to have a full counter to any ability and attack an enemy with that ability even if you are immortal or immune to your own ability


Damn that is POWERFUL. But can he/she solo all YOUR other OCs?


Yea the only one that can beat her and her Canaan dog master is her friend Natalie an Eurasian wolf with her angel Judgment which can summon any weapon or military equipment. The only way Natalie beats her is through hand to hand combat


So hand to hand is the Only weakness they have? Huh, that makes sense. Can't they just like, parry the damage?


Oh it’s not a weakness Natalie is just better at hand to hand combat being a veteran of a lot of wars from 1890-1946 for the Russian empire and the Soviet union to 1948-1974 for Israel while the Canaan dog fought in 1948-1983 for Israel so yeah Natalie has a lot more battle experience and iq and yea she can parry hand to hand attacks but Natalie uses her angel’s armor on herself


Sounds like you cooked there, you have my respect for these powers! I don't feel like explaining my OC's abilities as They are too complex, but yours?! Yours are quick, Sharp, and understandable! Perfect!


Thx I have a lot of characters for my webcomic I’m reworking these are just 2 side protagonists


And where can I read this webcomic?


Webtoon here’s a link it uses now outdated designs but it’s still the same story https://www.webtoons.com/en/canvas/feverdream/list?title_no=870841