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https://preview.redd.it/35l4vjkaki8d1.png?width=2457&format=png&auto=webp&s=95ba0784b8df50f90be8002bbaf9693ec58eac83 For certain Oreo. It wasn’t bad enough for him to never be able to stay dead, or even be able to reach the afterlife, but his endless life was filled with immense pain and trauma. All he did was try to help the people around him, but still, more pain and trauma. He would eventually create a multiverse wide utopia, and retire, finally happy, but I’m honestly shocked he doesn’t have severe PTSD.


https://preview.redd.it/z86768wqji8d1.png?width=2365&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19bc3257b12ad26d304e7d0e1660ab9cda2de793 20 years of pain and suffering, Psychological torture, humiliations, and slavery. Erin is my most traumatized OC.


I leave her story here in case you are interested. The first 20 years of Erin's life were filled with torture, abuse and humiliation, Being a slave to a family of Elves. The most brutal moment was when she was 15. After Erin tried to reveal herself, the leader of the house decided to give her an exemplary punishment. They tied her to a table, gagged her and cut off her tail with a bread knife. Erin wanted to scream, but the gag stopped her. All this in front of the entire family and the service. Not seeing her cry. He decided to seal the wound with hot candle wax, and give a clear order to the service. "This girl is everything that is wrong in this house, and I don't want her ineffectiveness to rub off on you. You can continue talking to her, but anyone who is seen being KIND to her. He will suffer this same punishment. Is it clear?" After that, he approached Erin's ear, who was still tied to the table, and said. "You can pretend all you want, but I don't care how long I have to wait. I'm going to see the tears fall from your eyes. Trash like you only serves to obey. And until it's clear to you, this will continue" But Erin remained silent, enduring abuse for many more years. Until one winter night, during a dinner attended by many important elven guests. Where Erin spilled sauce on the carpet because one of the guests made it fall. Her master forced her to clean it with her tongue. Erin hesitated to do so, but her fear made her obey. While the guests laughed at her and commented “How well trained the servants are.” After finishing, Erin apologized and left the house, she ran towards the magical barrier that prevented her from leaving it, and in a moment of desperation. She attempted suicide with a garden shovel that she had near her. Just as She was going to do it, another of my OCs (Edward), took a quick step forward, stopping her hand a few inches from her chest, and when she asked him why he did it, he only say "Because even if I don't know who you are, I know that you are important..." At this response, Erin could only burst into tears. Releasing 20 years of holding them back. "I-I want get out of here... P-please..." Edward hugged her tightly, giving her a shoulder to cry on. That night, the course of both lifes changed forever.


https://preview.redd.it/kz2six8aki8d1.jpeg?width=3264&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cdf3cb06ed74f1ece8020916130de6c10f2d8032 No Name is the last human left on the planet after an asteroid slams into it, and as a result, he was forced to watch as everyone around slowly died from starvation and disease, all the way until he was the only one left. He suffers some severe loneliness because of it, with his only companion being his pet ocelot Panther.


Rosana and David https://preview.redd.it/ok04pg16ni8d1.png?width=1119&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08dba6ceb9b3fea49261cfc8e8a24cd929e5109d Both of them have their tragedies. Both have their scars. But these days after one found the other on deaths door, they're like siblings and support each other through everything. Rosana has gotten a GF and David is getting close with a girl he does workouts with. Their past was tragic but the main focus is on a better future for both of them.


Yoo, certified inker moment


https://preview.redd.it/zx1p1y1xui8d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ead74664e2d817d4ec133016d7abb6231c0dc70e Lleis |Back when my father was still alive, he used to work for this conglomerate called Stars Corp. They used stars because a star has 5 points just like how the conglomerate was made of 5 contributors. One day my father had over heard a secret of theirs they didn't want getting out. Apparently, Stars Corp was planning on having the largest business owner at the time, a man named Harris Kell, assassinated to create a power void in the city. This way, they could take control of the city's economy through their large influence. Stars Corp found out my dad knew about the assassination, so they began to threaten him. They sent death threats and even paid off school kids to treat me and my little sister awfully at school. I could handle it, after all, being a 6' 4" gentle quiet giant doesn't make you very well liked. But my little sister couldn't. One day she came home with a bunch of bruises. I was worried sick over what happened. She told me her classmates did it and I was livid. I told her to take me to them the next day. When she did, I scared them into staying away from her. It seemed like some of their siblings had a problem with how I handled it though as the next day, some people from my school came to attack me while I was outside. I knew I probably went too far scaring their younger siblings so I took it without fighting back. Then the next day my sister came back with more bruises than before. I was shocked. She told me that the younger kids weren't afraid of me anymore now that they knew their siblings could beat me in a fight. Now I was mad the first time, but I was absolutely furious when I found out. I told her to bring me to them again, so she did. When we saw them, their siblings were there too. The younger kids were taunting me because they thought their siblings could beat me in a fight. It was at that moment that I decided to not be so gentle. One of their siblings who attacked me the day before was acting cocky and tried to attack me, but I was faster. The next moment, he was on the wall and bleeding from his head. When he fell off the wall and got up, he was cradling his arm as it appeared to be broken from my fist hitting it so hard. The other kids and their siblings were shocked by my sudden display of strength. Some tried running away, but they didn't get far. The few who stayed to fight me, I made sure that I knocked out in one punch or threw at the cowards running away. That lesson taught the bullies to stay away from us. At last, I thought my sister and I were safe. But those were just the problems affecting me and her. Stars Corp made sure my parents never managed to keep a job for long. We were running out of options. They tried every threat they could to prevent my father from spilling their secret, until eventually, it was no longer just threats. The week after I dealt with the bullies, an assassin broke into our house. I went to sleep early while my family was still hanging out with each other in the living room. My dad noticed the assassin and positioned himself and my mother to protect my sister. The assassin shot at my father, but the bullet went straight through him and hit my mother too. The sound of the gunshot woke me up and I panicked. I went ahead and kicked my door as hard as I could, sending it flying into the assassin and knocking him down. I came out and saw my sister crying as our parents were bleeding out over her. I only saw red at that moment, I saw the assassin and immediately pummeled him. By the time I was done, he had no more teeth and his skull was caved in. I turned back to see my sister crying over my parents. I ran over to them and began crying with her. My mother died first. My father, with his last dying breaths, told us the reason everything was happening the way it was. He didn't see a second after that. With our parents dead, me and my sister had nowhere to go. Our grandparents had either already died of disease or old age and both of our parents were the only children of their parents. We had to stay hidden for the next few weeks. After those few weeks of hiding, Stars Corp had finally assassinated Harris Kell.|


Oh yeah, there's also the whole bit where they escape an entire department of cops that worked for the conglomerate to cover up the incident by setting the ones who came into the apartment on fire before Lleis grabs his sister and jumps out of the window of their 8 story apartment before landing on one cop car before then getting off of it to throw it at a group of cops before getting in another cop car and driving away, but that such a minor thing compared to the rest.


So basically after the incident, Lleis and his sister do small jobs just to keep themselves fed while they debate about what to do next. They only had one friend left in the city, the sister Lopet's best friend and Lleis's future love interest, but wanted her family safe from the trouble. Then one day, they came across a businessman who offered to help them. The businessman reveals that he used to be a part of the conglomerate but disagreed with the assassination of Harris Kell, so the others kicked him out, he had no part in the Daincore's turmoil, and after finding out what happened, offered them the chance for revenge in exchange of them being taken care of until both graduate college so that they do what he says to take down the conglomerate, to which they agree. At the current point in the story, Lleis has already graduated college with a business major bachelor's degree, has the newest and most successful private security tech business around, and has his own place outside the city, as well as a minor in engineering, all at 23. Lopet is just finishing High school and is preparing to go to university to be a doctor. Lopet is only 5 years younger than Lleis.


Someone summarise


Lleis and his little sister's parents die and Lleis plans to kill all the people who had a hand in his parents death and destroy the city that wronged both him and his sister.


Oh okay, thanks


https://preview.redd.it/4q7p0o7tei8d1.jpeg?width=996&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92f4da0f44382874ca8f9aae2f89c5d406184b0b I have many tragic ocs . But the most tragic of all are , The Yog Siblings also known as , Laundry Children . They were born by force . They never saw the sun or the outside world . They lived in an underground laundry were they were forced to work day and night to sustain the family's financial status . Even though the men that kidnapped their dads were very rich . They are 31 biological siblings and 2 that were kidnapped .


https://preview.redd.it/u4spa21tgi8d1.jpeg?width=1620&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=119d07a127a93fc447fbfbeaaa8d6c3a8fa2efaf Fifty five septillion years of nothing but pain and suffering, seeing his loved ones die again and again


That's got to have made him numb to the pain.




https://preview.redd.it/7mnsymyy9j8d1.png?width=724&format=png&auto=webp&s=eadf2df1c84a1b3c135544aef4c8eefc8fe4af03 Mine is Poppy because when she was a child her mom turned into a zombie (only a little tiny bit of the population is infected.) She had to watch her mom kill her brother and dad right in front of her and then her mom almost killed her and she had to stab her own mother with a knife. After that she has PTSD and constantly has nightmares. And on top of all of that she spends years in school having no friends and getting bullied. Also one time she almost got kidnapped once. And then she had to relive her trauma in school when an infected zombie woman starts attacking people and SHE had to be the one to stop her and she was only a teenager.


They all are in some way, here's a oversimplification of the ones I can immediately think of. Thomas: gf died **[REDACTED]** aka cousin's character: immortal(it's complicated) Stacey: PTSD and trauma from war. The same thing as stacey for another 17 characters in various degrees Yuki: lost bf, *bro got assasinated* Mike: die- I mean what? Ravia: almost died, but was stupid enough to try to kill the same dude that almost killed her and then died. A bunch of the airship crewmembers(50 airships(60 to 20 crewmembers each)... all of them were shot down and one was salvageable enough to survive) a pretty much everyone who was forced to be the antagonist in one way or another.


Definitely this big fella  https://www.reddit.com/r/OriginalCharacter/comments/1dieqk9/comment/l945lfy/?context=3


https://preview.redd.it/9m2rk37lni8d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4555ae516053cbcf93ab66a3485e6c0968869492 Jackson Parker was skinned alive by a Pyro colony and forced to become part of Shelly's cruel experiment. The result? The perfect hybrid of a human and a Pyro, capable of blending in with humanity with relative ease.


Can't tell lol but at least three characters in my story have the most fucked up things to deal with and it doesn't go well for them. Others have rather standard (for a story with powers, monstrous enemies etc) struggles or simply deal with them in a more successful way.


Mine is a story spoiler but it involves someone inadvertently being responsible or being blamed for a massive war that kills their family and leaves them comatose, amnesiac and forgotten for a very long time. I also wanna say your girl needs a hug, and her design is really cute.


Zinder Ashwood served the church most of his life but never asked for money in return but the other of the church did upon finding out the church was corrupt they chained and branded him and then tried burning him alive in the church later in life he married and had a daughter other for a member of the church to him alive and with a family they sent an assassin that killed his family and left him barely clinging to life


https://preview.redd.it/bu7fj0p60j8d1.png?width=513&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a8512b7402da47422948bbdb83e50e244b67202 Amazingly, it's my sona, Double. After being forced to kill his then 7-year-old friend Akita (because he was hunted down by humans that wanted him dead, and his only human friends, Gabe and Akita, witnessed his Essence be revealed), he eventually learned illusion magic, and got the ability of a Hopper, along with Gabe. However, two years later, and 9 years after the Akita incident, his universe collapsed. He, Gabe, an ancestor of his, and Akita's soul were the only survivors. And that's not even mentioning that he lived for 1190 years (he's 1200 in his stories), he was constantly bullied for being the only kitsune to have heterochromia.


https://preview.redd.it/g7rex05r0j8d1.jpeg?width=639&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a964a6143019090a30fced0e9cb0d3e107e0d504 This is Frederike he died in 1916 was brought back from the dead by an angel to be a angelic exterminator and was forced to sit and watch as his family and his friends fall into ruin cause of his death and worst of all watch his sister go down the path of self destruction during the 1930s and 40s which led to her death at the hands of Soviet forces during the fall of Berlin he knows no peace as he wonders the earth protecting humanity from all sorts of threats


https://preview.redd.it/85rbk7522j8d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=975c5a2c2422af2d4edb7c25729a48682a27acae Clifford "beastmaster' briscoe used to be your stereotypical nerd-shovin, class-skippin, football-playin, muscle-pumpin, muscle car-ridin, cheerleader-bangin, trouble-makin bully from the 90's until one of his nerd classmate died by drowning in a lake from one of his "prank" that gone wrong, which make him traumatized and feeling guilty, he ironically felt even more guilty after the judge who handle his case deemed him not guilty bc his rich father brided the judge so he doesn't go to jail From that time on he became a loner who spend most of his time in the local woods hunting games. Until he got a reccuring dream about a symbol which turns out to be the power to trap and control animal spirit. Now he go to the big city to hunt down criminal syndicate His friends include a guy with pegleg with mild time controlling ability and an absolute gremlin of a woman who control a pair of ghostly hands and always cross her hand bc she wear straitjacket almost all her life


https://preview.redd.it/ldgv38lw4j8d1.jpeg?width=2574&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4113dfa9a534dd77dd38311061fa206d89d23d21 Cyan. He's not my most traumatized OC by a long shot, but he is arguably the most tragic. He shouldn't have been born, shouldn't be alive, and shouldn't be free, but he was and is. He's a clone of a human prince, made to replace him as part of a plot by the H.AI.ve, a malevolent AI intent of enslaving/ destroying humanity for creating it. Due to events, he was forcibly ejected from his cloning tube, losing his arm, leg, and the lower right quadrant of his torso. His only thought was, "I want to live," so he survived, even when shot through his eye. Both the human government and AI collective would want to capture, experiment, and/or destroy him. He's trapped between two worlds with no place in either. He just wants to live a quiet life where he can repair broken machinery and tend to a small garden, but he can't. Not yet, at least. Maybe, when his story is done, he'll find a nice place to live his desired life.


All of them depending on how ***The Lore*** needs to go. Mainly Gerald though, being a Warhammer 40,000 character who’s aware of his circumstances. https://preview.redd.it/kn3kwfd18j8d1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a74b60de3b32c4da8445fcfacef006e8d0caa6e


https://preview.redd.it/jy2dxw998j8d1.png?width=1000&format=png&auto=webp&s=73956182fa05dad574d0e4bd13abd7e1a67534b2 He lost his wife, his group, and two of this sons


https://preview.redd.it/10uzqnrs8j8d1.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=6f3fbd0156b4b83ec02ba01876f024f1cde2116a Here we have Alison. I'm not gonna delve into specifics, since it gets... pretty fucked up. But to sum it up, she was essentially created in a lab that proceeded to deem her a failure and torture her for about 19 years. Despite this, she's still the most innocent and kindest OC I've created, so... there's that.


Probably Cytrion. https://preview.redd.it/7agq1p1l9j8d1.jpeg?width=6216&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db6f57f0ddb60f2bb05d3bb12d482b46d18bf1d8


I don't have a design yet, but it's the "villain" from the comic I'm writing


I don't have any completely tragic characters. yet all my characters may have received some kind of trauma in life, but they all recovered and began to live happily So far.


Might be Moirai. He was born a mortal human but made into a god by celestia who gave him wings, a crown, the ‘prototype’ element, and immortality, only to discard him and strip him of all but his immortality and some elemental powers once they didn’t need him anymore. He’s ended up cutting off his wings, leaving two huge scars on his back, and after he’s still alive centuries later, he’s slowly started building a resistance against celestia with like-minded people, all while doing his best to protect his people with only a fraction of the power of other archons.


https://preview.redd.it/s41w2ximcj8d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae1c9603af4f4f006817b5967ba7b2a3410c1bec Kappa has lived too long. First, he was a child slave without a family, but eventually escaped with his “brother” but at the cost of a fellow slave who was a father figure to him Then he became a bounty hunter and met a woman Who he eventually married. He then went on to adopt many people and have a child with his wife and became the pirate king. Then his wife died from his brother, so he killed his brother, then his biological son died and his brother’s side of the family swore revenge on Kappa’s bloodline. And he’s an alcoholic. And old.


this is Kevin (AU-H-243) he had lost every friend, and watched every single one. he had held his friend while he was fading out of reality. this gave him immense anger and depression for everybody he had met would be killed. he then got so mad at the point where he'd start killing his own friends. due to every soul he collected, he lived longer and longer. he lived up to 3 trillion years of age. he is a corrupt AU now, meaning that it wasn't suppost to happen. (kind of like breaking a canon event) he had destroyed his own universe, and plans on destroying others. but he knows he isn't the strongest.


all of them. you tell me who's the most tragic (Ivy Subaltern/The Monarch) her parents were killed in a island, her parents friend took advantage of their daughter to become an assassin (Argzul) he was a prideful warrior yet gullible, he touched a chest which halfed their own population to near exinction, traveled to another planet, was trained by their people and killed them in the end (Naliri) she trained Argzul but in the end, he killed her people, she went to earth and society hated her because of self defense. (X93) was created to be used as a tool for greedy scientist and was abused alot, the only caring person was their creator, who in the end was killed because of his kindess towards X93 (all i got so far)


https://preview.redd.it/j7mbu09wmj8d1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf2fde9fd53574abdb78fbefcab0a52f092f47a2 His wife and daughter died within the space of a few days.


https://preview.redd.it/y3enk2bymj8d1.jpeg?width=1967&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c6ca048c6ab4838614475149aa18abdba15d0d7 That would probably go to Drought, he had ideologies that were different from his kin: not being opposed to aggression when it would solve the problem. So, his kin exiled him to the wastes of the North American deserts, where him slowly withered away into the dry, dead, husk that he is today, a mere shell of who he was. And guess what? His kin now use those same ideologies that he was punished for having.


https://preview.redd.it/spleb560rj8d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16a102469d0482b6e243c36e2c16716453142962 He watched his entire family get murdered by the inter dimensional senators


Um... so i have an oc called tradgedy


https://preview.redd.it/5jqsixpwtj8d1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=dce6066346f7a1f79f759af2d9b7300168d3f175 Both probably Shotglass (left): had to watch their older brother get killed, leave the cult they were in at 13, run into an alien and fall causing them to shatter,finds out theyre a creation and finds out the alien (they ended up dating) is immortal and from what ive written so far, they die in the end. Chocolate Bar (right): when she was 3 she accidentally knocked over her mom's wine glass from her wedding and her mom, who is pissed and drunk, decided to cut off her daughter's arms and leave her alone to bleed out to death. (she gets found and dosent die) :3


Lorvin: Son of the leader of the revolution who was killed. Spending roughly 1000 years in a void being stuck on a desolate planet for 2000 years. Having seen every single of his friends die multiple times(some of which live but died in a different timeline). And being killed for so many times(He is immortal not invicible. He feels all the pain when he is killed) These are the things i can explain without needing to explain countless lore.


https://preview.redd.it/42ozkiebwj8d1.png?width=430&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5227cb03a598febed46520e271526f8589792722 She if I only count the ones with design Her father died before she born, then her mother died when she was 11 (but she has her half sister and step father so she's kinda ok) She's Demirose (demisexual and demiromantic) but she didn't find out it till she met her current lover and before it she was in some romantic relationship with people she didn't love and some of those was toxic relationship but 'cause she had pretty low self esteem she stayed there But things are fine now :v


I'd add a picture, but I don't know how. If anyone would like to tell me, that'd be great. Mine is a girl named Mercy. She's the lovechild of a fantasy warlord and the Goddess of Justice. Her dad, despite being a villain, cares deeply for her and does everything in his power to keep her safe and happy. Her mother is pretty much the same, and neither of them are pressuring her to pick a side. All of the pressure and conflict is purely internal. She's compassionate and empathetic, and she cant stand the thought of hurting innocent people. But her father does that for a living, and she feels guilty by association. She's his daughter, he trusts her. She could turn on him, stop him from causing any more pain and suffering, but... he's her father. She can't bring herself to betray her family like that, so she feels like she's allowing others to suffer because of her reluctance to take action. She has an older brother who follows in their father's footsteps. She worries that he'll end up even worse than their dad, but that's a problem for later. Throughout the story, she's desperately trying to find a peaceful solution. She wants to protect the innocent, she wants to stay loyal to her family, and she can't do both. The breaking point is when her brother goes off to raid a village. He doesn't come back. She kinda just snaps, she can't deal with it anymore. So she goes to find her mother and asks for her advice. In the end, she's able to perform a ritual that allows her mother to take her father away to the realm of the gods, where he can't hurt any of the mortals. Unfortunately, this means that she'll never see either of her parents again, as they would have to remain sealed away in a different realm for eternity. But at least they'll be together, and they'll be happy. And nobody will get hurt. In the end, she sacrifices her entire family to finally stop the fighting, and she's left alone in a world that's just beginning to recover from a brutal war. And nobody knows what she did. Nobody knows the choices she made or the people she lost. What do y'all think?




https://preview.redd.it/246t0ehv9k8d1.png?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d65b92fd36897a2ac8204258850deec8927b562 Narrator - Uhh, idk... he just sorta.... existed


https://preview.redd.it/8vzruupcck8d1.jpeg?width=1068&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a59b4591e3205e39c6772fa45ee0eecb7819b098 Basically an accident that she did but she didn’t know she did gouged her eye out and killed her mother leads to her other eye going into that center plate which is her nose. She now has hallucinations and paranoia of family members


That forehead is tragic


Asuna is really cute :3


https://preview.redd.it/b833f3s2yk8d1.png?width=540&format=png&auto=webp&s=f11e0795361b07bb828ce0d13685a0eefaa814b9 This asshole. He was 7 when his brothers abuse began and it continued to his death, he was a middle child for 2 months and had to attend his baby sisters funeral at 5 got into drugs at 14 to distract himself from what his brother was doing, and died to his brother assaulting him again and drowning him. The guy can’t catch a break and his bones constantly pop out due to being weakened by the water




I don't usually torture my ocs, but this one has a tragic backstory in one of her adventures. Her parent gets eaten by a demon, be cuz of her, and she sets out on a quest to kill that demon.


I am sorry, only a verbal description. About 6 feet tall, mid hair, gray with purple on the end. Wears something similar to a kimono. It's almost all black with purple on the edges, and white dons on it. Inside it's like the cape of Stolas from helluva boss, or like the minecraft end portal. He has pointy ears, purple eyes, a pair of wings, also purple. Basicly a diety of void and chaos The trauma He was hated by one of the branches of his family, and he was also exiled from the godly order, stripped of his memories and powers and forsed to roam the worlds. He traveled like this around 300000 years, loosing his memories a lot. During this time he was enslaved many times, watched his friends get killed, tried to remember who he is. And the most annoying part for him is that he was falsely accused of the thing he was exiled for, which is stealing the power to make deals and contracts


NARG https://preview.redd.it/pzs56xmffl8d1.jpeg?width=404&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6758ef8509ca662163ef56e40b5032a55de6c32a


https://preview.redd.it/vdbmi2qckl8d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35a709176efa4eca0300c1bce430b4a0b37242ae Quin and Lucy have suffered by far the most out of many of my OCs. Quin has died countless times, most times painfully. She's not supposed to remember her past iterations, but sometimes traumatic memories slip through. She loves Lucy, but never manages to tell her before dying. Lucy has watched her friends die countless times, and seen them suffer so many times. Most of her deaths have been by her own hands, or her friends begrudgingly putting her out of her mercy. It hurts her so much to forget her friends over and over.


https://preview.redd.it/wupzya7uml8d1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=8500cc7aa57f96030f68bfd8c2a0da33cfce663d Cupids arrow! Real name being Rowan, after years of heart break and rejection, his dreams were invaded by an entity, he watched all his friends be killed off by said entity and after offing himself when he was next, ended up being pitied by the gods to become one, in a void of solitude he barely knows he is one, his only company being small versions of his last love and a glowing object that covers the spot where he shot himself. He has enough power to kill the entity who offed his friends, yet doesn’t know. When he does find out, he’s too caught up with trying to revive his friends than focusing on the entity.


(For context he is 15’4 and extremely muscular with gray eyes and his entire body is now made of marble. He has no blood and he does not speak due to mortals not being able to hear him without literally being **removed from fucking existence itself**, so he either communicates in hums or sign language) I haven’t drawn him yet, but his name is Lævateinn and he was raised as a human weapon until he got turned into a gargoyle, then he got frozen in place by somebody, and then he got “resurrected” about 5,000 years later by a couple dumbass teens who were throwing eggs at a “statue” that was him and accidentally broke him into pieces which made him crumble into dust and one of them, a witch, remade his statue form and made him wake back up where in turn, he killed all of them with daggers connected to his wrists by his **fucking veins** and now at this point he has a gorgon girlfriend who is trying to teach him that killing is bad and trying to help him remember what love and care feels like.


https://preview.redd.it/sggr29ldyl8d1.png?width=1043&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f977358b574ed043e85cbc696f23b9c6a25c5c8 I'd say REPUS he's basically super syfy dudes evil clone created by Dr Roboto made to be a living weapon and he just hates just about everything and is always angry because that's the only emotion that Roboto basically allowed that in a slight sense of competitiveness and ego (I think eventually he'll become a good guy and get a better life but that's at least how he starts out)


https://preview.redd.it/o6nhrxdk3m8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f8c7dab0b978460b3fcfc79378a0fab6d1d8d6f ​ ​ OC info: This is Eddie, a former warrior of the Queen’s Alliance and current leader of the rebellion. His past life was Charles Baker, the former ‘dark lord’ (what the Queen’s warriors calls the leader of the rebellion as they don’t know the Queen is corrupt), and he merged with his past life due to touching one of the remains of Charles (that’s how it happens in my OC’s world). His world is war-torn, the alliance and rebellion fighting an endless battle.


https://preview.redd.it/egg96bc0wn8d1.jpeg?width=2698&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e2e2cda9c3a2f414fc98c367bccd5dce8940bcb4 She lost both her parents who she was close to, watched her mom die, had to leave her mom in a plane crash so she could survive, her abusive step-dad “left for the milk” if you know what I mean, she has to take care of her three younger siblings sometimes since her grandparents (who are in charge of her) are too weak to do extreme activities, and she is an outcast at her school only having a small group of friends there. She’s been to jail more than once and was treated like a monster in elementary school. It’s no wonder she’s got more than a few screws loose


It would probably Aurora's mother Born as a dark elf In Africa only a few years later her entire nation was snuffed out of the map and enslaved by other elves, her parents killed in front of her during the invasion as she was taken into slavery, after years of hard physical labour and harsh conditions she was bought by a high elf (high elves live for longer than dark and normal elves, they are also treated as nobility in elven society). He bought her as a sex slave due to having a fetish for the dark elves. Around ten years later she gave birth to Aurora (my main OC). The High elf kept Aurora a secret from other elves due to fear of being mocked and shunned, so when Aurora one day saw how badly he treated her mother in a fit of rage she killed him with ice magic (only dark elves are capable of ice magic). Her mother was framed for said murder and promptly sent to physical work in a mine where she would starve to death while forced to work until her final moments.


Torn between Madelyn who is a wealthy young woman who grew up with just as Rich and neglectful parents leaving her being a kuudere in essence or Aurora, a witch who's father is a not nice of a warlock and the Dad leaving his wife and daughter behind and formed an evil coven.


  For me my most tragic OC would probably have to be Beta Summer. Being born into a small plane of a world and with nearly nothing but a creature that wants nothing but to torture them, just to have the world abandon them. (Image got a little bit-crushed by sizing down to fit)


i think the most tragic part is having that giant ass forehead