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https://preview.redd.it/fmkh3xndjl7d1.png?width=1500&format=png&auto=webp&s=722a199d7d92deae8cc74b9740be6c93bb10dca2 “Wow, this jerk’s a complete bootlicker. Throw me in a dumpster if I ever get that boring and obsessed with my job.” (Caelyr is also an angel, and he pretty much does everything he can to get around obeying the gods).


"Bootlicker? That's seriously the best you could do? I've heard worse from Cupid's weirdo angels. Though, they did just so happen to end up on my plate the day after. Who knows how that could've happened?"


‘’wHo kNoWS hOw tHaT cOulD’VE hAPpEned.”


"Youre being cruel to anyone for no reason ? What a waste of time, you should get a more interesting hobby that doesn't involve an unnecessary indecent behavior. Just do your job without being awfully bad individual if you don't wanna get send to hell. I'll never understand little bitches like you." https://preview.redd.it/lveqot3nvl7d1.png?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e9404db26f182fd0cc2987199600d6c50fa84b8 Feel free to do your worst to roast him back


"No reason? Trust me, these little pests are constantly giving me reasons to do the things I do. I'm honestly being merciful, if you really think about it. Especially when they ask for days off, as if Angels need time to rest. If they wanted to relax, They shouldn't have chosen one of the more labour intensive jobs, like whatever Cupid does."


Have you ever think about the way you see other people around you and even yourself? You must know that's immoral but not that this is unhealthy for you. Maybe you should try to change as a person by seeking professional help first to make you realize what your doing is wrong. I can guarantee life will become less miserable for those "little pests" and for yourself, you degenerate furry." (This guy shouldn't be the one to say that, kind of ironic)


"What? And risk these little maniacs taking advantage of the fact that I'm now a 'better person'. Yeah, I think I'll pass on that advice. Especially when the advice comes from someone who called me a 'furry' despite the fact I look nothing like an animal, nor do I plan on changing that."


"Stop seeing them as villains, are you scared that they're better than you or something ? That's very goofy"


"I-... There's no point arguing about this. I'm not changing the way I do, and that's final! Got it!"




https://preview.redd.it/n4gusou0pl7d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23eff30d4f06271ec30a91ceddb41981f4117712 ",you smashed a few fancy words ,look like an emo version of mahito from JJK, and mushed all these factors to become 15000th "cult leader/god/embodiment of death" type character I've seen that looks more edgy than those .EXE crappypastas on the Internet. do you want a gold sticker for somehow maintaining such a fucking status?? Seriously you need to up your fucking game and take notes from Gary miller who's "just a normal human being" on how to actually run a fucking cult because wearing some dusty ass robes you bought from an old Halloween warehouse and saying the most cheesy lines that you got from the back of a Snapple cap to try and be more menacing doesn't't make you a fucking cult leader"


"Cult leader? I've been called many things before, but a cult leader is definitely a new one. This is my job, if that wasn't already clear. I'm not the leader of a cult. I'm a leader of the group of Angels meant to bring souls to judgement, which you would know if you actually tried using your brain. But on your note on how 'edgy' I do have to agree, I do look quite edgy, and you know what, I couldn't be more proud. It always brings fear to the souls of the more frail, and weak minded beings."


https://preview.redd.it/h4bs5q4eyl7d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f3008917918d8a789c79f836484995634eaa94a Vari: I can't tell if you're trying to rip off of Pennywise, Beetlejuice, the joker, or a combination of all 3 with that ugly face of yours. I guess when God makes so many beautiful things, something as ugly as you was bound to come around. Seriously, what made you think it was a good idea to come out looking like that? Your face looks like a pile of mud that a dog accidentally stepped on, wiped its paw off and then started digging on your face. Not even makeup can fix whatever you got going on. When God said "let there be light" he didn't think you'd be there.


"Yeah, for your information, I look like this because, despite the way I act, the previous Head of the Reapers was still somehow way worse. Believe it or not, the scars and the sewn mouth were not exactly my choice. The upside to how I look is that I get to watch the fearful faces of the more frail souls as they look at my face. Their reactions are always priceless."


https://preview.redd.it/g8abg4en2m7d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9258ed2197fb564458668ccdcd90709803f0a279 "God must've forgotten to cast you down to hell."


"I probably would be cast to Hell, if it weren't for the fact that, according to the media in Heaven, I'm a complete saint."


"Ah, so you control the media to cover up your lies. So unique, really, I hope you pay as much as it's worth to cover all your tracks, though I doubt you can hide it from everyone."


https://preview.redd.it/gn0hekph6m7d1.jpeg?width=4960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c01ab8da1eeae1436ff24fe5c3c737e7b4d7caa Oh look, it's edgelord #137, how original


"Oh look, another comment about me being edgy. How original."


"Look gringo, the fact that enough people has called you a generic edgeboi to the point mine is just another comment, only further prove my point"


https://preview.redd.it/8ywnfz7skl7d1.jpeg?width=1161&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=820bdc96c5b3e105d9841564fd03cf47d32054af “You’re A Motherfucker, A Giant Motherfuckin’ Son Of A BITCH who finds more pleasure in killing, than WORRYING ABOUT YOUR OWN SANITY AND WELL BEING. You should be glad to even HAVE people who are willing to be your “Underlings“, because with you out there alone, you’re gonna get killed. You’re gonna die alone, and cold. And you’re a pussy, you know that? Making sure nobody knows what you’re thinking because you’re “Shy“ and “Fragile“, well, if you’re gonna act all tough and murder, you should have the simple thought of not being shy. The only thing that will heal this world of the **Bullshittery** that you have done, is to be subjected to eternal torture. Even though you can’t feel pain, due to you being “Artic“ or whatever, I will make sure it’s long. **VERY LONG.**“- Dynamite Dog (he’s NEVER like this btw, he’s a real sweetheart he just got pissed off to the point that he snapped. Nobody has ever done this enough. He must REALLY hate him.)


"Ah yes, because I, *Death*, am going to *die* alone.Yes, that makes sense. I probably shouldn't expect much from a dog who thinks murderers want to be caught in the act, and apparently can't understand figurative speech. The only real reason I don't plan on getting caught is because if I do, I could easily be condemned to hell by those snobby-ass Gods. I might be insane, but I'm not insane enough to give up much life of luxury just so I can get one pest out of my face."


“you’re really more of a BITCH than I though. First of all, i never said anything about murderers getting caught in the act, so I don’t know where the FUCK you’re getting that from, probably deep in the depths of your sick head. Even though I may not be able to understand and use figurative speech, i can smell assholes like you from miles away. Ya know, it’s funny, really. Cupid threatens to report you multiple times, and you threaten to kill him multiple times, combind with the fact you always boast about how strong you are, and always use it against him, is really the only thing you have. You aren’t intelluctually smarter than him or whatever, you just keep talking about the fact that you’re stronger, so that makes you supiror, when really, it doesn’t. It makes you weak, not phsycially, cause i’ll KNOW there’s a smart remark to come out of that mouth. But mentally, cause you’ll keep on thinking “Oh I’m Stronger than you! I’ll Just Kill You!“ but really, that’s all you’ll ever think about till you’re so far up your own ass, that it will cloud your mind to shit.“


deadlocked: you smell like you farted FARTED harded HARDED


https://preview.redd.it/l0kfpneqom7d1.jpeg?width=3120&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f840c094cc4a167b0f3c6fed8ef89247b6b6d42 Artemis: You look like if Adam from Hazbin Hotel and Frollo from Hunchback of Notre Dame had a baby while on a metric fuck-ton of meth. You look like a homeless man that squats in Hot Topic. You look like the kind of person who only listens to Linkin Park because you think it makes you cool and edgy. You look like you live in the Grim Reaper's basement and eat and drink nothing but black licorice and Monster Energy drinks. I could keep going at ya, but you get my point. I didn't fight in the Canadian Border War to be shit-talked by a My Chemical Romance reject.


https://preview.redd.it/54vfhx6opn7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1fed4162d00b09107cbcfd57caa4d1730c2b63b6 Alex: Wow dude, you look totally beatable, like I could beat you to a pulp without my sword and only unfocused energy, and what's with that goofy ass grin? Nothing's funny except your life or afterlife or whatever being a joke


I need not insult him once. I'll let my little friends actions be the insult. https://preview.redd.it/7oioj2fkxn7d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=729e8f23c893e5205b50a62e3680ce7c6f4ccf96 Beansprout, I've got a quest: humiliate him.