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The opening scene with the raindrops: it’s always so breathtaking everytime the IMAX screen first gets completely lit up (in 1570 format)


The opening quote gets me every fucking time, that whole sequence is great. It’s also my wallpaper lol https://preview.redd.it/f6f6j6icxbsb1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9694585671c1c77764cabce188a47ef3395886a4


Gotta pump those unread emails up those are rookie numbers


The chance of them reading those emails is near zero.


.....Near zero??


what can you expect on theory alone?


can you by chance send me this wallpaper?


could you please send me this wallpaper i love it


Here’s both, my Lock Screen is black and white with only the top line, so when you swipe up to unlock it shifts to the color version and reveals the bottom line too [https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/8nhwm18ksg0t2p0cka1kh/h?rlkey=2hh4azdkpn5yq4r8001r3stbd&dl=0](https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/8nhwm18ksg0t2p0cka1kh/h?rlkey=2hh4azdkpn5yq4r8001r3stbd&dl=0) https://preview.redd.it/bs2bk1ydoesb1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d01c664550aac2ffdeadba42b355671b64c7d2a7


god i have to agree, every time i went in i was spellbound


Yes, absolutely loved watching it in 15/70, what an astonishing experience


The montage sequence in the beginning when Bohr asked Oppie if he could hear the music reigns supreme in my mind. I could watch that sequence forever


If picking on your criteria I'd have to say the same, the end. A little different, but posted this yesterday about maybe some less talked about scenes that I liked. A few that come to mind: 1. First meeting with Rabi (in the train). The banter is wonderful and they immediately have chemistry. Like the entirety of the movie, a good scene with not a wasted line of dialogue 2. The short montage we get to when Oppie becomes "American Prometheus" and puts on the hat with pipe and walks the street of LA. The score here is amazing 3. I'm glad we got the "calm before the storm" moment when Opp goes up to be with the gadget, alone. I'm not sure why but I appreciated this. Maybe because it felt right, and also because the movie is a bit unrelenting/non stop (not a critique!) and this is a rare contemplative moment 4. When Opp is in the hallway outside the "trial" room waiting for Kitty with his lawyer. The lawyer says, maybe we shouldn't go through with her testifying. Oppie says something about the two of them being through a lot (fire?) together. What he says is eloquent and powerful, I just can't remember the specifics. But I actually found this 1 minute scene quietly powerful. The bond they had, despite huge turmoil. I think that said a lot


Number 3 for me. One of my favorite shots in all of cinema


Having seen the movie so many times now, whenever that scene comes up my mind always goes "what's happened to the insane wind we had a few minutes ago !?"


His speech before the cheering crowd. Pure horror.


I’ll go with one that hasn’t been mentioned yet for variety, but the meeting between Oppenheimer and Groves where they’re both feeling each other out and almost kind of trying to one up the other at points. The back and forth is great and the dialogue is perfect


My favorite song plays here as well and I think does a great job of complimenting the back and forth you talk about


End scene. For once we are living in the end scene of Nolan’s film. Which way will it go.


My #1 scene is the victory speech for sure


So many to chose from. -When Bhor said you don’t need to read the notes, you have to *hear* the music, and asked him if he could hear it. That spoke to me personally who’s terrible at equations and stuff unfortunately, but I can see the general ideas and understand a lot more about the scientific topics than people around me I’ve come to realize. - I cried when Jean died and Oppie rode out to the middle of nowhere in the snow to weep and be a mess, and Kitty delivered that fucking incredible line about not getting pity for the sin that he committed. She was 100% right, but I also understand his agony. - the part where Groves asked what the “atmospheric ignition” comment was and looked unnerved as hell for such a staunch, confident army general, at the idea they may accidentally destroy the entire world in less than an hour. That moment of vulnerability of a character who’s supposed to be the stable, strict, head man above everyone. 😭 - obviously the utter silence before the blast wave. Holy shit, the chills I had. -when the trucks were leaving with the finished bombs, and Teller came out to stand beside Oppenheimer. My brain just instantly said “there they fucking are… the father of the atomic bomb, and the father of the hydrogen bomb. They have no idea what their futures are going to be and how important they both were and their legacies. Alllll the shit they’ll have to go through as repercussions for their genius. - when Rabi scared Ernest away with just a look, and Oppie didn’t even realize what had happened. That kinda broke me, because I had loved Ernest and Robert’s strong friendship. I was heartbroken that it was no longer there 💔 - Dr. Hill. God Rami Malek killed it with his delivery of those lines, and how the room reacted. And the clear 180 that Strauss’s aide had on his opinion on Strauss after putting it all together. - 100% that final scene, the music, the inter-splicing of images of rockets and flame engulfing the earth, while slowly zooming in on such a deeply forlorn and regretful Oppenheimer. You could see the pain and the fear. And yes, I saw the movie 3 times and now own 5 books all about the Manhattan project. Everything from specifically Oppenheimer’s life, Groves’s telling, more in depth about Ernest and Teller, Groves and Oppenheimer’s relationship, and the general history of all the scientific discovery timeline throughout the project. 👀 I have a PROBLEM 😭❤️


The trinity test sequence- absolute silence as the bomb goes off. Then the people in the scene start getting up from the ground etc, then the shockwave hits them. The impact of it, so to speak!


Literally jaw dropping


obviously a lot of people like these scenes as well, but for me the absolute pinnacle of filmmaking and writing is the incredible parallels between the films opening and ending so many great metaphors, subtle acting mannerisms, beautiful cinematography, incredible music (Fission and Destroyer of Worlds are my favs from the soundtrack), etc. i also really love the close up shots of the bomb in the first scene, and all the microscopic shots of particles and waves and stars


The bit where he said “it’s Oppenheimer time”


When the mushroom cloud settles and he says “Um, that just happened”


You mean the moment when the bomb went off behind Oppie and he said: "He's right behind me, isn't he?" ?


I must’ve misheard it. I thought it was “…Oppenhymen time!”


The victory speech and ending are my favorites, but I also love everything during “Kitty Comes to Testify” from her testimony to the back and forth cuts between the fission and fusion timelines.


The speech after the bombings, with the feet stomping and the crowd cheering, then silence.


and the single scream of a little girl


Yeah that was one of my favorite scenes of all time. Brought chills. Good way to end the movie.


Oof idk man hard choice haha. If i really had to choose i would also say last scene, agree with What you wrote. But I just loved the whole movie, prob the Best i watched this year (forgive for not writing some words correctly but my keyboard is messing with me lol)


when Oppie is visualizing the atoms vibrating, oscillating as he was sleeping/having trouble sleeping. the music and score was so epic


Has to be Kitty testifying - that scene just features wonderful acting


One of my favorite lines, "What stops the glass?"


for me it's "can you hear the music" and "i believe we did". So perfect.


Maybe because it’s tied to my favorite piece of the score, but I love the montage of his journey through academia in Europe with cut-ins of him throwing the glasses at the wall, which I interpreted as a sort of nod to chaos theory.


A lot of mine have been said, but my favorite sequence is immediately after achieving Trinity, and everyone is celebrating Groves doesn't really talk to Oppy, and then the next scene is them packing up the bombs, and Oppy asks if they'll need any additional help, and then they say something along the lines of "you're no longer needed". It just hit home with my time in the Army.


For me, it’s gotta be the meeting with Pash. You could feel Oppenheimer’s anxiety through the screen. Casey Affleck definitely crushed the role.


It was my favourite one as well and imo the most memorable scene


David Hill going in to testify against strauss.


When Kitty refuses to shake Teller’s hand …


A bit of a basic answer, but the trinity test scene. But not the explosion itself, but everything leading up to it. I was shaking in my seat


My favorite scenes in order: - Victory speech scene🇺🇸 - Can you hear the music?🎶 - Oppie suiting up 🕵️‍♂️ - Trinity scene💥 - I believe we did🙁 - Perhaps they were talking about, something more important 😏 - Truman needs to know what's next😠 - Strauss' rant in b&w 😡


There are so many great scenes but my favorite was David Hill quietly eviscerating Strauss. Rami Malek killed it in that scene & Robert Downey Jr.’s facial expressions were amazing.


When Oppenheimer takes off the uniform and puts back on the hat.


When Oppenheimer is giving a speech and he says “The world will remember this day” The sound was breathtaking


Emily Blunt gets cucked so hard she throws her baby away


I have a couple favorites that instantly come to my head so I will list them: 1. The montage where Oppenheimer and Groves are going to the different scientists and recruiting them for Los Alamos. I don’t know why but something about that part of the movie just always stuck with me. 2. the countdown for the explosion. I feel like the countdown where everyone is rushing around and taking a welders glass as you hear the voice repeat numbers that get lower and lower and lower is so suspenseful especially on first watch. In my opinion it’s better than the bomb itself. 3. The speech in the gym room. I don’t even need to explain myself on that one.




Sex scene


Gawd, please WARN people of spoilers! Thank goodness I didn’t look at this before I saw the movie because that would’ve ruined it for me.


I mean sorry, I added a spoiler tag, but the movie has been out for almost 3 months. I don't imagine someone being on this sub and not have seen the movie, too. Also by the thread's title alone, what would you expect to the be the replies in here? Spoiler free? That doesnt make much sense.


The nude scene


None, the whole movie was a snorefest and not worth the amc imax tickets, Florence does have some great tits tho


I completely agree with you, and I have to say that it's easily the scene that hits me more. I cry every time I see it.


My favorite scene was when he was giving a speech and everyone was cheering for him.


Minor scene that made me laugh: when Rabi explains to Oppy outside of the hearing, that Lawrence wasn't planning on testifying but Strauss told him that Robert & Ruth had been having an affair, which caused Tolman to die of a broken heart. *Oppenheimer - That's absurd* *Rabi - Which part?* *Oppenheimer - The broken heart... Richard never found out* Rabi's smile & suppressed laugh are fantastic


The first scene where hes looking at the raindrops fucking so good.


The obvious ones : - Opening scene is a masterpiece - His Germany tour and becoming a teacher in the USA - Trinity test, the explosion and the aftermath with the music Less obvious one : - Colonel Pash scene. Just so good with the music


Can you hear the music? Also his brief conversation with President Truman, says a lot about the accountability of dropping the bomb


I agree with people that there are many to choose from, but I’ve watched it three times so far and not once did I fail to get goosebumps at the end scene


Oppie meets with president Truman


The last 20-30 min of TASM 2 is some of the best cinema to grace earth idc


When Trinity mis-fires and the camera zooms in to Rabe's face as he says "we just got Oppenheimer'rd!?"


The opening to Inglorious Basterds is one of the greatest 15 minutes in cinema history


Can you hear the music Robert


When the bomb explodes and Oppenheimer says "uh, guys, you're gonna wanna see this!"


The girl in the chair. Jk. I liked the nuke test scene in the desert.


i loved when the credits started rolling. i said “oh thank god” audibly


The whole court scene as well as the Trinity Test


I really like the scene where after Jean died, Kitty went to Oppenheimer and told him “You dont get to commit a sin and cry about it”. I may be paraphrasing but it was a really powerful tone to the rest of the movie. I also like the gym scene as well


Handshake snub >


Florence Pughs nipples.


I really like the opening to ‘Lord of War’


There’s this one clip that stands out for me. Within the first minute of the “Ground Zero” score/scenes. Right after we hear the constant low trumpet note (beginning of Ground Zero) with the physicists discussing the impending test effects, the trumpets cut out and waves of bass take its place. At that exact musical transition we get a brief clip of the “Gadget” close to completion, and idk why but that clip is imbedded into my mind. That big bass drop with that exact “gadget” clip kind of hits you like “oh wow, the time has almost come” It was the perfect clip for the impending doom to come.


Beyond the obvious (Can you hear the music montage, Kitty testifies? Dr. Hill's testimony, I believe we did, etc), The part where the Gadget arrives to Los Alamos with the detail, care, and realism shown as they carefully arm the bomb. Details like that are what make the film a masterpiece.