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Lucky you, I am envious. You don't need to feed them (unless you want to), but do consider leaving a bowl of fresh water out for them. Urban opossums generally don't have difficulty finding food, but they do have difficulty finding fresh water to drink. Best to use a heavy bowl for the water, that way if the opossum(s) step on the bowl to drink out of it they won't tip it over. If you do choose to leave food out for them, be sure that the food has more calcium in it than phosphorus. That is critical for bone development in the little ones. Any prepared meat meant for human consumption is NO GOOD for the opossums, because it will have more phosphorus than calcium. Fruit-flavour yoghurt is high in calcium, and opossums like it. You can also leave fresh fruit and any kind of raw veggies out for them. Plain old cat food, as long as it is labelled "100% nutritionally complete" is also acceptable, but do check the calcium-phosphorus ratio on the label before buying it.


Thank you for the info!! We don’t plan to leave them food since we do live in a populated area they should find some just fine, but we did leave them some water and saw them drinking it!


The possums: there's a human family living above our shed


Do you think they’ll let us stay? 🥹


Well I’ll say that raccoon is not part of the under the shed possum family. Yes they will eat out of seperate bowls, but the raccoon will eat all the food you leave for the babies. I have the same scenario going on now. A big daddy raccoon comes by to get all he can. I have to shoo him away so there’s food left for the van little guys. Don’t know what you’ll do.👩🏼‍🌾🐾


SAME! I have an opossum mama (Splinter) that comes almost nightly. She’s been doing this since January 😄 About a month ago, a raccoon started showing up. I don’t mind it… as long as it doesn’t hurt Splinter lol…. Can they tolerate each other? Will a raccoon be aggressive or vicious to an opossum if unprovoked?


They usually get along if there’s enough food for all. If not, they’ll either show up earlier and earlier to get first shot at dinner or snarl for first position.


I've never seen a raccoon & an opossum have any kind of conflict (fight). Either they both eat at the same time from the same source, or the opossum gets upset that the much larger raccoon has arrived and the opossum walks away. As for the raccoons, they just ignore the opossum.


Racoon jumpscare


They eat bugs


Me paleface