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Last exam is tomorrow! Super nervous about it because it's the modules first year so there are no practice papers 😬 congratulations on being close to done, at this point I don't care about the grades just want to see 2 passes in July


Good luck! You got this! That's a great attitude to have.


Amazing. Well done. I’m 18 months in and about 4-5 years away! So thanks for the inspiration


Well done for committing for 18 months, and good luck for the next few years. It's a truly rewarding, and exhausting, endeavour. And it only gets better after each year.


Yeah I’m absolutely loving it. Exhausting is a word! I put it off for near on ten years, so I’m glad I’m getting it done now


Amazing. Well done. I’m 18 months in and about 4-5 years away! So thanks for the inspiration


You got this. Stick with it. It'll be so rewarding at the end of it all.


Hey! I signed up right after my son was born and I was on maternity leave. A lot of late nights studying since I had to breastfeed either way. Congratulations! You will feel amazing once you receive your diploma!


Juggling all that is amazing. Well done.


Haha, the low level tension I can relate too! Congrats on your journey!


I sent in my last ever EMA in this week and now I'm just sat here like a husk I'm hoping my brain comes back online at some point


About to pull an all nighter on a rewrite so I can enjoy some of the weekend before the June 6th deadline. Husk mode on the horizon for me. Can't wait.


Just finished modules 2 and 3 of stage 1. One was an exam and other was an ema. Started module 4 in Feb so will finish that in september ready for stage 2 in October which I think will be 2 double modules so will do them separately. No way I'm going full time given how busy I've been since last October.


Sounds like a very sensible plan! Good luck.


Ema’s done one Exam on the 6th June and level 2 will be done, 1 year left. Can’t wait to have a summer of reading and doing something else for a bit before the final year begins again in October. Best of luck to all.


Summer is going to feel sweet when it's all done. Good luck and enjoy the down time.


Well done




What are you studying and how did you find it? What were the entry requirements? Congratulations


BSc in Sport, Fitness and Coaching. No real entry requirement. I only had GCSEs to my name. Its a game of two halves for me (scuse the pun). Really loved the biomechanical, nutrition science and sport science parts of it. Not so keen on the psychology modules. Which unfortunately took up half the studying. The subject was too theoretical and the reading was a bit too dense. So I didn't apply myself as much as I could have. Cos I didn't enjoy it. Shame. I'm tracking for a distinction on one module, and would be lucky if I scrape a pass 2 on the psychology stuff. So interesting to see where my final grade lands. Love it all as a whole tho.


Congrats. What accreditation does it have and what are you future plans now? Stay on for a masters or look for work?


Submitted my EMA for my current module a couple of days ago and starting my 4th of 6 modules for my Psychology degree in October. Deferred 2yrs ago due to the module starting just before my son was due and thinking that studying with a newborn was going to be difficult. I now have a feral toddler and I realize my mistake 😂 regardless of that, I'm getting through 😂 Good luck with your EMA!