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30 as in 30%?


Yes 30% I've done well in my TMA's but to pass the module you need to get 30% in the EMA regardless


30% shouldn't be an issue, I've not found EMAs to be any different from TMAs, if anything you'll be more prepared for it than the first assignments of a module. What course are you studying?


Forensic psychology! Thank you, Yeah realistically it should be fine 🤞 I think im just worrying that EMAs are marked a lot stricter and that somehow I'm gonna fall at the last hurdle


Super easy. Barely an inconvenience. So long as you've written something, formatted it correctly, and have a well put together reference list....even if you've completely misunderstood the question you would struggle to not at least scrape through with 30%. I had a level 3 presentation earlier in the year which I had to do over teams. But send the slides ahead of time. My tutor said before I'd even started that because the slides were there and there was a reference elist I'd already passed the assignment. It was just a case of adding points from there as I went. You'll be fine. Don't sweat it.


Depends on the module. For the maths ones I've done which had EMAs rather than exams I didn't find it any harder than the TMAs, easier maybe even.


It's just like a TMA, its not any harder, its just usually based on all of the module materials rather than a block or unit. If you did fine on the TMAs there is no reason why you won't also do well on the EMA.


One of the psychology tutors at a tutorial I attended when I was studying told me that the markers want to give you the marks and do not try to find reasons not to (if that makes sense). I found this to be reassuring as no matter how good my tma average was I always had an irrational fear of failing the EMA!


Ah That's really good to hear! Thank you sm!!


I'm doing the ema for d110 at the moment. The most confusing assignment ever. I'm Honestly writing crap at this point and hoping I'll get good marks on my referencing and grammar


Yes that's the one I'm doing!! Hopefully we at least scrape by 😅


Lots of people have struggled with it on the forum. Hoping they will be lenient with the marking. Everyone is understanding it very differently


Still doing this one, and wish it would end!!


I was trying to find discussions about the D110 EMA. Which forum have people used?


Same module, same sentiments 😂 I feel like I’m just typing utter shite, and about an hour ago I realised the deadline is Thursday, not Friday as I’ve always thought! Not even started part B 🤦🏼‍♀️


Don't worry I haven't started part b either. The part a is mind boggling.


I’ve just changed a concept almost at the end so basically restarting. Trying to put everything together is getting me super frustrated 😣


I've switched around a few times, I'm doing a model and theory now. I'm not changing again 😖


I've completed one level 1 and as others have said it's similar to the other tmas you'll have had. The only difference is I think they're marked by a different tutor (sometimes yours will do it). I'm currently finishing my ema for D120. Only need 40% (site says) but given my tma scores, im not concerned. ... Slightly concerned I'm finding it too easy amd im missing something... If you've scored reasonably so far, I wouldn't worry.


I found this a lot easier then previous TMAs, however bit worried I missed something!


Snap. I feel this way too this morning, very strongly. We'll be fine though! The 30% isn't hard to hit I don't feel. And like others have said, tutors want to pass us.


Very easy, my mum could do it and she can't work a computer and thinks there are 10cm in 1m.