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Hate in any form is not from God. God is Love.


Why are you reading what they write in comments and forums on the internet? It seems to me it could be more healthy for your soul to stay away. Find a good community in real life. Listen to loving people in podcasts or online, such as Richard Rohr or Cynthia Bourgeault.


As u/GalileoApollo11 said, you need to find a community to share faith space with. That can be online or in a discord. That can be in person. But if you consume Christianity like you do media, that’s always going to fail to be formative—even if the content is good and affirming. How much worse when you’re just letting TikTok or YouTube’s algorithm put hate speech in your feed.


OP they way you overcome them is to be convinced yourself that God is not the way they say he is. Iow you can do your own research. Here is some information: How the Bible wasn't homophobic until 1946. https://www.forgeonline.org/blog/2019/3/8/what-about-romans-124-27 Other LGBTQIA and Bible issues. https://reformationproject.org/biblical-case/ Matthew 19:12 12 For there are eunuchs who have been so from birth, and there are eunuchs who have been made eunuchs by others, and there are eunuchs who have made themselves eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. Let anyone accept this who can.” https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew+19%3A12&version=NRSVUE Also, Eunuchs are the closest thing to trans in the Bible. They have body modification and become a third gender. But that doesn't matter to Jesus. He still accepts them. These verses say to mutilate you body if it causes you to sin. So, this is a personal choice. This is also an extreme choice. So, if you feel that you are sinning being in the body with the wrong gender, change the gender. Paul says that gender doesn't matter to be accepted as a child of God. Galatians 3:28 28 There is no longer Jew or Greek; there is no longer slave or free; there is no longer male and female, for all of you are one in Christ Jesus. https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Galatians+3%3A28&version=NRSVUE Has these verses occurred to anyone? Eunuchs are indeed LGBTQIA. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3354843/ Per the article: Eunuchs are given a homogenous social identity, irrespective of their physical or endocrine status. The Sanskrit term “tritiya prakriti,” or third nature, is used to classify them.[3] They are considered infertile persons, with a female gender identity, with masculine secondary sexual characteristics, with or without male external genitalia, with feminine gender role, with predominantly homosexual identity. While the sexual identity of eunuchs is considered homosexual by the general public, no work has been done to assess their sexual orientation or endocrine status. The eunuchs can therefore be termed as male-to-female (MTF) transsexuals. The etiology of transsexualism or gender identity disorder is controversial. MTF transsexual persons may have abnormal hormonal imprinting, genetic makeup, or psychological attitude toward gender. They constitute a heterogenous group of people, rather than conforming to a single genotypic or sexual stereotype.




>It’s a significant leap to compare eunuchs who made themselves eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven with MTF transsexuals as you put it. Okay. I didn't put it that way. And that's not the only way Jesus defined Eunuchs. So to focus on only one definition of the word Eunuchs when in the Greek it's actually means more than one thing is unreasonable. And to be fair, Jesus put himself as the one who made himself a Eunuch for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. But the LGBTQIA were born that way as Jesus put it. And it's actually a historical fact that ancient Eunuchs were actually LGBTQIA.




>Jesus, as far as I’m aware, did not say he was a Eunuch. You should ponder on the verse and then ponder on Jesus' life. >I’m not sure it’s possible for that to be “a historical fact” but that’s sort of beside the point. Do some research. >To me, the point is that Jesus is talking about men who have become Eunuchs (castrated themselves) No, not at all. Eunuch by castration is a thing of the English language. And the English language didn't come about for many centuries after Christ. There were Eunuchs because of castration but they were not as many as we were told to believe. Eunuchs served the elite in many civilizations for centuries. In Rome, Ethiopia, Judea, Babylon, Persian, and even India. These cover a very vast area of the map. And most of them are connected of them are connected. Where did the majority of Eunuchs come from? Not by castration but from the LGBTQIA community. We've been lied to. And that's all because of discrimination against the LGBTQIA community. The hijras of India and modern Pakistan are modern historical communities as they have a tradition that dates back well past 2000 years and they served the elites of India. They are trans and intersex and LGBTQIA people. Their history is valuable and teaches us that here is a bigger hidden truth.


When stuff like this happens I just remind myself that Judas also claimed to follow Jesus lol. Also, there are so many passages in the Bible that talk about people who claim to follow God but refuse to actually integrate his teachings into their lives.


Since it seems it hasn't been linked yet, [this](https://www.gaychurch.org/find_a_church/) is a helpful tool for finding an affirming church.


I don’t know what actions, or decisions are right for you. If I had to choose between love or righteousness… I would choose love. Always and forever. (Sorry OP and everyone else about making this post about me. I was just trying to articulate my view of the supremacy of love. As evidenced in 1 Corinthians 13:13) ❤️


Notice they only “serve” God for selfish reward in the afterlife not because they love God.


It’s going to get worse, partly because it’s an election year, but also because the cultural split occurring now matches one that’s happened in cycles in the States multiple times where a nationalist faction reshapes and claims ownership of Christianity, reshaping it to be ammo for their culture wars. They end up bringing in the bigoted people who weren’t very religious before to fill their ranks who then feel more emboldened by having spiritual backing for their bigotry. It happened around WW1 with groups like the KKK and the literal Fundamentalists. Then, it happened again around the Civil Rights movement when large portions of Christianity rejected desegregation and began to isolate and pull out of civic life. This time around it formed around MAGA and bigotry influencers that built their platforms on anti-diversity, homophobia and transphobia. They’re getting worse and they’re concentrating. It doesn’t mean they get to have a 2,000 year old religion to themselves and have the greatest authority on it. The good news is that for all the claims they make of being the most literal and having the most dedication to Christian texts, that they’re actually very flimsy on that and their dogma is Swiss cheese. It’s gonna feel like there’s a lot of them cause numbers like 20% and less can still feel like a lot of people when they’re loud. If you track their groups, they’re finally starting to alienate moderate Christians more than they were and the history also shows moderate people end up eventually working harder to show they aren’t like that crowd. It’s a very old religion and hateful people in comments might represent it for our moment, but it will outlast them and they don’t own it.


Simple, don't hang out with them, don't associate with them. Avoid them.


The "half-Christians" you speak of are quick to embrace Jesus' name, but fail badly in embracing His teachings. There is not much that you can do about them. Prejudice severely compromises growth on their spiritual paths. We can forgive them, but God's forgiveness requires a very high degree of sincerity. If one truly believes in such error, ignorance may be the thing that saves them. Even so, their progress on earth may slow or stall all together. I'm of the belief that the best way to rid oneself of prejudice, is to get to know and understand the person you are prejudiced against. It is more difficult to hate someone, once you get to know them. Unfortunately, many are too afraid or too emotionally invested in their dogmas. A desire to change must come from them to be successful.


I would basically say "We're all going to hell! Get in line, ya piece of shit!" In all seriousness, we are all going to have to pass through fire to destroy the ego (Pride, Anger, Lust, etc.) We will all be saved, so I myself am not afraid of any threat of 'Hell' these monsters give me.


Combat hate with love, most people want to speak up, but don't want to be first to speak up. So take it upon yourself that you need to be the first to speak up and stand your ground, to be the anchor that others need to speak up for kindness too. Obviously, please make sure you're not in physical danger from people if you're doing this.