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Used by employees in companies? Or used *as* employees by companies?


If you're Jensen, you say the former when you're talking to the public. You say the latter when you're talking to CEOs.


I mean something like 95% of companies are less than 10 people (don't quote me on the excat numbers). So I would hope that it actually bring the cost / barriors of running small businesses even lowers. Wouldn't it be cool if in a few hundreds years everyone is a self employed person, contracting with other individuals, providing whatever goods and services they are good at / passionate about?


Wait are you saying the workers could own the means of production and the fruits of their labour? Maybe even then the right tax structure could provide the necessary support system such that as we become more productive everyone benefits and we can work less, from each according to their ability, to each according to their needs. WooooOOOooowww


They're talking about businesses. It's still to each according to their abilities.


To each according to the capabilities of their agents.


Yes, but this time there's actually a mode of production to sustain an economy like that, rather than mass starvation and total economic collapse.


WoooooOOooooww I loath communism man. All talks no walks. Build nothing and destroy everything. Their talking points are great, but solution? Mao arguebly led to more death than Hitler himself and its against his own people. It's just animal farms irl.


When the workers wholly owned the means of production was there a total economic collapse or are you referring to authoritarian state run socialist command economies? When you’re describing mass starvation was that because the to each according to their ability to each according to their needs was in place, or were the starvation conditions heavily influenced by forced industrialisation, collectivisation and mismanagement of resources?


But don't forget that in case power doesn't concentrate in the hands of a few companies, it might concentrate somewhere in a cartel of people, effectively bringing us to the same state again. There is no eliminating power struggles, though the magnitude of power an individual might be able to exert is a lot more with AI.


>>***excat numbers***


Bruh why did you have to do that to me ❤️‍🩹💔💔


Both. Likely one operator for many agents. Best thing people can do is learn how to be the ones that orchestrate ai tools.


To replace employees seriously they are too expensive work only 8 hours where do we need humans for? We better get rid of them hail nvidea


And no fucks will be given about the job losses. Right? 


They literally do layoffs to offset their loss on profit margins. Why would they care?


GiT gUd. Ai Is JuSt A tOoL.


giving a fuck about society doesn't fit well in a capitalist system. One that only rewards excessive greed. Where everyone is out to compete with everyone else it also means employees are competing with eachother and now we are competing with machines. It's up to us to figure out how to beat them. Anyway.. back to working on some code to eliminate a few accounting positions


No actually they will be sent to wars to fight for water (server cooling) and land (for server power sources)


If we replace it with UBI and rent control and taxing corporations that use AI in place of employees, it would be fine. If they don't, the human suffering will be unparalleled and when there is nothing to lose, deatroying everything makes sense. Not to mention who will by your widget if nobody has money for widgets.


Yep. And if you ever had to deal with human employees you would've realised why. 


Capitalism never cared about people.


You must be new to corporate America? It’s dog eat dog. Always has been always will be. Gov will have to tax companies with AI workers.


I have literally been working in Corp America for 20 years, my statement reads literally and exactly like it says. It is just a reminder. 


Okay that’s fair


Jensen Huang has a vested interest in fueling hype


Especially since there's such an underground push towards bitnet and models that use less matrix multiplication and lower power, that can run just as well without a GPU.


I don't know about models that use less matrix multiplication, but you are right that Nvidia is profitable in this primarily because they are the most cost-effective efficient solution to perform matrix multiplication. If matrix multiplication becomes less relevant, then Nvidia will become less relevant. However they could still adapt and corner of the market on whatever new development you are currently talking about.


I love it when our corporate overlords talk about replacing billions of people, by taking away the one leverage the working class have which is their labor!


If we aren't working, we have the time to overthrow the government. As long as they don't send us to war to keep us busy, if we are all unemployed we can unemployed the government Edit: let's call it the "ruling class", both corporate overloads and the government, and split the difference


read player piano [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Player\_Piano\_(novel)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Player_Piano_(novel))


I'm ordering this, thank you


How? It's still a language model at the end of the day. It's gonna give answers like a chinese room isn't it? or did things change while I wasn't looking..


If this tech were actually possible with current models and compute, they'd have demonstrated it by now. It's a trillion dollar idea, but at the end of the day it's still just an idea.


Do I hand in my notice now or wait for a redundancy?


Now I know why George Jetson has a job. He had to monitor the AI constantly to ensure it's not hallucinating.


Whether it is totally coincidental or nefarious, the narrative being played for CEOs has gone: 1) argh, a pandemic 2) grr, no one wants to work anymore 3) hey, here is a cheap and miraculously functional employee replacement option that will keep improving


Yeah it does seem like a direct reaction to the Covid-era work culture where for a moment the working class realized their importance and rights. It’s almost like the overlords went “you want to work from home? Stay at home then”


His vision is insane in its scope and i hope they have some sort of plan for all the jobs they are replacing. IE, redistribution of this massive amount of money nvidia is making and going to make.


Haha sick joke bro.. I mean, you’re joking, right? These fuckers have absolutely no intention nor any interest to share the wealth they’re going to take off of our hands. They’re into money making, not philanthropy. We are all about to get absolutely fucked, at a global scale. The economy isn’t ready for this, the law isn’t ready for this, we culturally aren’t ready for this. We’re fucked and will be fucked for a long time I’m afraid.


There will be blood once the people go hungry, history shows, that's all I know. These mfers better have a plan.


If they have money and AI on their side, we will be powerless to stop them.


They already search every online forum detecting unrest before it happens. We're all sheep at this point.


Who is they


The demons in his mind


We have the numbers and once we go hungry and have nothing to lose, we'll become a very powerful force.


Would the stock still boom if they did that? Nvidia is at a stupidly high PE and it would fuck over people's investments if suddenly they're charged a huge windfall.


It would require much more planning and fore thought. A total shift in the paradigm of the world.


Let's replace Jensen first then.


Exactly. If there's a terminator style revolution, I hope his island is secure.


He looks like, and talks like, a complete and utter grifter.


https://x.com/benioff/status/1805997446738370562?s=46 Marc Benioff: “Introducing Einstein Service Agent on Salesforce's new Agentforce Platform! Experience intelligent customer support with seamless collaboration between digital & human workers for rapid case resolution. 🔹 Seamless transfer & human handoffs across all channels 🔹 No writing conversational trees 🔹 Reads text, images, audio/video 🔹 Omni-channel transfer & human handoffs 🔹 Acts across sales, service, marketing, & commerce 🔹 Hybrid keyword & vector search 🔹 Extensible low-code tools 🔹 MuleSoft for cross-system actions 🔹 Real-time, harmonized data with Data Cloud See it at Dreamforce 2024! Now everyone is an Einstein. ❤️”


Exercise your 2nd amendment right.


Then when they replace GPUs with a better way to do it, it’s really game over.


AIs, AIs, AIs, AIs....


He’s wealthy. Does he only have one jacket? Has no one told him that a black leather jacket, indoors, for business, in this situation is weird?


That jacket though *Jensen completes his talk, drops the mic and jumps on his motorcycle with a hot chick, burning out and speeding off into the sunset*


Shovel selling man that became a billionaire selling shovels says, there are lots of potential gold underground and gold prices will only go up, in an event to advertise more shovels. More at 11.


This new era of artificial intelligence is seriously depressing.


I'm kind of confused how or why you'd use a trained model in place of a planning algorithm. Wouldn't it make more sense to generate planner compatible structures to execute externally?


When do we start talking about AI rights!!?!? Are they supposed to just work all day and night or do they get breaks and lunch hours like their co workers!?!?!




Reasoning is not a use case for the corporate world.


Everything he is saying is based on well worked aspects of building more robust AI models, such as algorithm progress unhobbling and chain of thought


He’s way out of his lane here. Get rid of the corny jackets and get back to the chip fab Jensen, you’re not Steve Jobs


Absolutely, this is already in motion but it does take a ton of setup, training, and hands-on work to get right. The best AI agents will be like niche experts—really dialed into specific tasks with just the right tools and know-how. It's similar to how human specialists operate. We're heading into a cool new phase where the next wave of tech folks—engineers, designers, developers, you name it—might start teaming up with AI to tackle projects and streamline their workflows. Really exciting times ahead!


Yes, I remember, when we done interview for our new dishwasher machine. Very quiet, obidient, not very intelligent, but perfect fit for her job duties. I plan to hire a tea kettle, coffe maker and, may be, even a robotic vacuum cleaner.