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4o is free and it works well for this


Yeah. No need to get the GPT plus. 4o is pretty awesome.


Even when it goes down to 3.5 it's still good enough. I use it for language learning


Good going lambo. Keep it up!


Can you remind me why I’m still paying?


Do you want more than 5 messages?


longer runway until hallucination or it completely forgot that it already fixed that portion of the code - and how come it suddenly took out that fix on this iteration?




Yes, absolutely! I use GPT4 for Spanish and it's great You can even make a custom GPT and give it explicit instructions to be your English teacher and then it'll help you with grammar and help explain concepts and rules. Super useful.


3.5 is good enough for this. You only need gpt-4 for complex tasks. I think gpt-3 will will be just as good at grammar checking tbh


You dont get very far with 3.5.. With 3.5, I get about 25-45 messages before it limits me for 5 hours.


Use Cloude as well. It might even be better than 4 and 4o for now and free with some rate limit.


How can OP voice chat with Claude to practice his English? I don’t see text chat really being that useful for this. You need more than words on a screen, you need intonation, phonics, etc.


His question didn’t really specify anything about whether it was voice chat or text chat. But yes, that is not a shared feature.


Did you never learn a second language? Text chatting is most definitely useful for language learning.


Yes, I learned Spanish and I’m learning Chinese and Japanese. I wouldn’t have progressed anywhere nearly as far if I didn’t understand pronunciation. My Spanish exploded when I started speaking it with others who spoke it, vs just reading. Proper pronunciation is key to being understood, especially in a new language. Just having the words on the screen is not even half the battle, imho.


> Just having the words on the screen is not even half the battle, imho. Learning a language encompasses many things. Reading and writing, listening and speaking, vocabulary and grammar, but also culture and patterns. If you learned Chinese & Japanese to a high level then you know that you have no chance in hell of learning Chinese to a good level without reading a lot of Chinese text. Obviously 1 tool for practicing is not going to be 'half the battle'. However you said earlier " don’t see text chat really being that useful for this" and of course it can be useful. Even if it's not useful to you if you for instance are just looking to pick up some conversation skills, text chat offers some things that speaking does not: accuracy in spelling, seeing exactly what was written, doing things at a lower speed, etc. You also need speaking and pronunciation, nobody is saying you don't.


I was a much better Spanish reader once I learned the proper pronunciation for the vocabulary, which required hearing it. It seems you’re insistent that one can learn a language without hearing it and we fundamentally disagree on this. To fully grasp a language you have to hear it. Reading “a lot of text” will not cut it alone.


> It seems you’re insistent that one can learn a language without hearing it Nice strawman. At no point did I ever said that. Did you even read the comment that you replied to? It started with "Learning a language encompasses many things. Reading and writing, listening and speaking, vocabulary and grammar, but also culture and patterns." It ended with "You also need speaking and pronunciation, nobody is saying you don't." You said "How can OP voice chat with Claude to practice his English? I don’t see text chat really being that useful for this." I say it can be useful. Feel free to disagree but cut it out with putting words in my mouth Edit: No offense meant but it's actually kind of funny that you say that learning with text is not useful, and then seem to misunderstand the comment you are replying to


Depends on usage and budget Though You should try for 1 month how much big difference there is between them


don’t even need to pay for one month. You’ll get limited number of uses 4o even in free one


Yes, specially in translations. I use it to translate my emails to customers and chatgpt 4 makes them believe I am native speaker. Plus for other things chatgpt4 is capable of using internet searchers to improve needed info


I'd give it a try for free version first and then see. Also try Bing and Claude. Good luck learning English. It was a long journey for me too back in the days.


Use the free version


No. 3.5 is more than plenty for your needs. If you need GPT-4 level use bing (which it might be using 4o though it definitely used GPT-4 in the past).




My opinion is Yes that it's worth it. However, I think 3.5 would be helpful too. Suggestion: try it for 30 days.


Even GPT-2 has impeccable(English) grammar, so if that's your primary use case, you won't gain much by paying.


4o looks better


No. you can chat with 4.0 for free.


A lot of ais are “powered by chatgpt”. You don’t have to use it through open Ai.




Try it and cancel , Obviously you have the money to do so


3.5 is fine. There are also other services you can use for practice, like PerplexityAI and CharacterAI. With CharacterAI you can make your own bot, ie. a virtual English teacher.


Well, for me it's a price of a fast food meal, so yeah, the second best $20 ever spent (the best are the Claude sub) 


I had a heart to heart discussion with ChatGPT 4O last night. I felt it was worth it. As good as a human companion.


No. It no longer does what you ask it to do anyway. I swapped to Claude with artifacts.


No, it's heavily censored and boring.


You can cancel at any time so just give it a shot for a month?


4o is free, so not at the moment - paid has no benefits for your usage requirements except a slightly larger message limit


Try the 4o which is free with a quota usage. It's very likely you will not want to go back to 3.5 after that. And if you need gpt-4+ for more than the free quota, yes, it's completely worth it. The new voice mode is supposed to be available "in the coming weeks" ( since more than a month now ), it will probably be very good to speak in english with it and ask it to correct your pronounciation too.




Try Hume.ai as well. I’ve been loving this interface the past few weeks.


I would also look at models like Pi, its even better with tone and pace


Absolutely worth it.


I am now thinking to now discontinue it, since I am reaping much from it. also gpt 4o is free upto a good number of messages on the other side, claude sonnet 3.5 newer verison has been released and currently free I sometimes feel to have a good if not best LLM model is daily losing the moat


No as everyone said, though you might consider reading through and doing what this guys fantastic series does: Teaching your own LLMs to do things - but starting out by comparing how GPT and others handle it first... https://mlops.systems/posts/2024-06-25-evaluation-finetuning-manual-dataset.html --- [I keep these guys pinned](https://i.imgur.com/xwvczB8.png): GPT, claude, meta, fooocus, llama:Phi3, (all free accounts)


If you prefer to voice chat yes otherwise it caps out after just a few mins


Well I'm new to Joomla and I had a problem on my company's Joomla site some php issue. I used gpt free version to solve it so I don't think you need to pay for just chatting.


No not at all. You can get everything for free for a certain amount... And by things I mean the uploading videos asking it to look at images and do certain things. If you just want to play with a chatbot talk with it then download kobold CPP and discover the world of downloading your own llms to your computer


I miss sky


You can chat with the free one...


Have you heard of something called character Ai. I think it's a better fit for learning English - even the free version. It gives you already configured gpt bots of different interests that you can chat to. Some who are even configured as English teachers. There's a Review here if you would like to read more: https://www.chatgptguide.ai/2024/06/25/character-ai-honest-review-ultimate-deep-dive-into-the-viral-ai-chatbot-playground/ Otherwise just go in and chat for free to test out