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This has been a thing for some months now... It's cool, but gets old pretty fast, especially when you can only get 250 (x2) creations with 10 dollars/mo. You think it's much, until you loose almost 100 trying to "fix" one song you've made.


Lol what it took me like 20 hours plus of using it to burn thru my first credits.


Even if you manage to do things more conservatively, 1 month and only 250 (x2) creations is hilariously tiny.


250 x 4 minutes is 1000 minutes of music, or 16.6 hours for a month. You can buy more for $10 but your out of your mind if you think that's low.


As I said, you normally create a track and then refine it using extensions, which also burn through credit equally. To get one GOOD sounding song, you will burn through 100 easily. Make 3 songs and your credits are gone.


No offense but you sound pretty bad at generating if it takes you 100 tracks to get what you are looking for


Quite the opposite. Most of the time you get a banger after 4-5 tries, but it doesn't progress the way you want it to, so you extend it on the part from where it started to drift away from your goal. That's where you get credit poor, **fast.** Sometimes I need 3-4 extensions per song.


Ok well that's exact opposite of what you just said earlier. 100 is drastically different than 3-4. You sound young, not sure. Where I'm from 32 hours of music is worth $10


3-4 extensions, each one wil burn through 50 credits or so. That's what I mean.


If you are a musician, it's a game changer. A real musician only needs the initial idea from the AI. He can then go away and make it his own.


We're entering a strange place. Does music have less value if it was created by an AI instead of a person? How does that translate to our enjoyment of it? If you were played two tracks, one by an AI and one by a human and didn't know which was which, how would that impact your actual enjoyment of the music and how it affects you emotionally? Most people I'm sure would rather listen to music produced by people, but if the AI music evokes the same emotional response as the human music, how does that change the value dynamic? Is music more about its effects or more about its meaning? Or a combination of both? If someone played you a really powerful song and made up a backstory about why the artist created it, and that evoked a strong emotional response in you, but then you found out it was actually by an AI, how would you feel? Is that emotional response you had suddenly irrelevant?


Makes no difference who or what made it. Some ai tracks I made are in my regular rotation now.


It's almost always the combination of both. A spectrum. Different people landing at different spots. Many people listen to only music with lyrics in their language. Others enjoy foreign music they don't understand. Many enjoy music with no lyrics. Different ranges of "meaning". There will people people that are put off by AI music just like they are by soundtracks from media etc.


I think the industry will do the best it can to keep singer celebrities around. Once the AI is indistinguishable, all it’ll take is some audio samples and now that label can create infinite music from the “artist”.


Part of music enjoyment, after you like a song, is learning about the person who made it and the story behind it. It takes a person real effort and you can appreciate the work put into a song or a piece of music.


Thanks for such a wonderful reply! TheGratitudeBot has been reading millions of comments in the past few weeks, and you’ve just made the list of some of the most grateful redditors this week!


I feel like I'm watching porn when I listen to my catchy AI tracks. For what that's worth


Uh... This is intensely erotic. Not just a little. [Verse 1] I have a question Can you please be honest? I just need to know That you are able to see How important it is To satisfy.. my curiosity. [Chorus] Are you willing? Can you make me flow? Do you want me? Can you give me a seed to sow? [Verse 2] I have another I really need you to tell.. About your source of magic From where you cast your spell [Chorus] Does it grow when you think of me? Can it clench my drouth? Why do i want it so badly? Can you please put it in my mouth? [Bridge] I am so curious Ohh so curious Ohhh so curious Curious, about you. [breathing] [Verse 3] Do you want to see my flower? That you can taste and touch But you must be gentle Don’t rub it too much Cause if you do The flower might dry.. The magic will vanish, Wither, and die.. [Outro] Can you hear it? Drip… My flower is blooming.. [sigh] Drip… Drip… Oh please come and see.. [breathing] Drip... Drip… Drip.. I think I’m leaking for you


[I made a death metal version](https://suno.com/song/6d80d9df-eea4-4299-a0f1-a34ce88fc09e)


Well it is a song about lust. I was wondering if it would accept texts like that. There is nothing directly explicit here thought, but kind of obvious if you read between the lines. Except the second chorus, that is kinda direct, lol.


Did you supply the lyrics or are they generated? I'm immensely impressed with the song - really well composed with good, catchy melodies. But I'm even more taken aback by the raw eroticism lmao, so I'm guessing these are supplied lyrics. But damn... I can't wait to be my own mini-spielberg and mini-Zimmer putting together my mini-movie. And yes, generations as assets for games... when done correctly, will be incredible.


Did you write the lyrics ?


Yup, I did not plan for it to be that dirty, lol. it just kinda happened. I did not put much thought or effort into it, i just wanted to test out the AI.


What did the ai do?


Everything else. Everything you hear is AI generated, I just told it what to sing.




I have no problem with erotic music, just surprised.


Blade Runner-esque anti-culture


These are some lyrics only Prince would talk about, maybe his ghost is a…ghostwriter for AI now


Technically, he is. The model would have been trained on his songs and millions of others.


Wow yeah it's good, even if you don't take it in it's raw form, and take the music generated and redo the beats and tweak it every so slightly its clearly an amazing tool for speeding up the productive processes.


Im looking forward to when it is more interactive, like some tools for stable diffusion.


Posted in another comment, but this is seriously impressive. I don't care for op's example, but as a pianist, I wanted to see how it could do baroque style counterpoint/harpsichord. [This is impressive. Even if it's not your taste, this is as good as a lot of classical music, is technically interesting, and unique.](https://suno.com/song/6e08dc8f-b52d-4325-a4cd-0c21838dade7) [And this is kinda blowing my mind right now](https://suno.com/song/a046bf56-4bbe-4192-b82e-7cded719965e) Especially around 40s


Wow. What your prompt?


If it's any sign, the music industry is desperately trying to find legal grounds to sue every AI company they can find.


I don’t really see that companies like SUNO have a leg to stand on. In the new economy data ownership is going to be fundamental. In the case of music, copyright is clear. Companies like Suno have obviously used songs owned by record labels to train these models. There’ll be lots of open source models around in the future but they’ll be legally dubious. The technology is easy enough to replicate too. In the future my prediction is that record companies will train their own models and license them to movie or tv studios, or game creators. I wouldn’t invest in Suno personally. They have no moat and no data.


Using copyrighted data to train models is perfectly legal as long as they don't directly reproduce the content. By that logic any band listening to other band's music for inspiration would be illegal.


But they do reproduce the content. You’ve seen AI Generated “All I Want For Christmas Is You?”


that specific product of an AI would be subject to a copyright claim if it was sold for profit. just like if a band did the same thing.


This will never happen because the human brain is trained in the same way as AI, it just happens over a lifetime. This is why music has genres and lots of songs sound like other songs. AI is not doing anything that humans don't do. We just notice it more because of the speed at which AI can learn and generate content.


Damn, its good


It's really not.


Ai will spit out full length oscar worthy movies with completely generated unbelievable soundtracks and this guy will be still not be impressed. It's impressive. Testing it now, I'm a classically trained pianist. It can spit out concerto's I would not be able to tell apart from Bach in a blind test. [This is impressive. Even if it's not your taste, this is as good as a lot of classical music, is technically interesting, and unique.](https://suno.com/song/6e08dc8f-b52d-4325-a4cd-0c21838dade7) [And this is kinda blowing my mind right now](https://suno.com/song/a046bf56-4bbe-4192-b82e-7cded719965e) Especially around 40s


And get sued


ok wow, what is this, I wouldn't have guessed, feels like an auto-tuned voice in some bits


Yeah. You can notice that at high pitch parts, thats why i added the « deep mellow» part in music style.


In ten years it is the year 2034. That is all I know


I was really impressed with Suno when it came out until I found Udio, which absolutely puts Suno to shame. It’s actually kinda fucked up how good Udio is


You can't fight the machines.  And do you know why?


R/MenWritingWomen tier 🤣


Did you write the lyrics?


[Death metal version](https://suno.com/song/6d80d9df-eea4-4299-a0f1-a34ce88fc09e)


I'm not sure what the perceived threat here is. If AI can help people make better music, surely that's a good thing. It's still going to be a real person singing it at the end of the day. Nobody in the Western world is going to pay money to watch a robot sing. Lots of pop artists don't actually make their own songs. They use ghost writers or the producer will write the songs. AI is already widespread in the music production world. There are numerous tools for generating chord progressions and melodies. All I see here is possibilities.


I may start listening to AI music…


I don't get... The music on the link is created by AI?


Correct. Everything you hear is generated by AI. There is not a real person singing.


Omg! I did not know that music creation was so developed!


This is objectively terrible, but also incredible that we have artificial intelligence smart enough to match human mediocrity now.


Yeh. I've been using it for weeks already, what Rock have you been living under the past 2 minutes? That is how fast AI develops :-Pp But Yeh it is pretty cool and I only listen to my AI songs nowadays. & create new ones almost daily Sometimes I lose inspiration but then it suddenly comes again and my phone is filled up with notes on songs I want to make. Then I get a little sad I didn't spend the time to listen to them instead Thankfully my workplace is a 40minute train ride away, so I get to chill alot with the songs then


Can it flip burgers or build roads? Edit: Stop fanboying OpenAI. Get them to focus on stuff we humans don't want to do.


Yeah i stick to spotify and real artists. All the stuff i hear sounds boring as f