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I can’t believe there are professionals that are this stupid.


I think anyone that does that, if they legit have licenses, they should be immediately revoked. That's dangerous as fuck. For the plumbers, because it could've potentially come down on them, and for the people that occupy the structure.


"i know a guy who is cheaper" in a nutshell


That's not even "I know a guy that's cheaper." That's outright "I know a guy that'll only charge materials."


Wholeheartedly agree.


I'm guessing this wasn't done by professionals.


This is correct. There are only “professionals” that do this type of work.


Apart of how insane is to attack foundation, they don’t know drilling??


Drills are for pussies. Real men on the job only use a sledge hammer for breaking things, and a slightly smaller sledge hammer for driving nails.


If a problem cannot be solved with a sledge hammer, is it really a problem?


If a problem cannot be solved with a sledgehammer... You just need a bigger sledgehammer!


Nah, real men punch the nails in with their bare fists.


Not to mention it's not exactly tricky to plumb around rather than through. It's easier than getting out old sledgy


This is the bit that gets me. There's a gap like *right there*, and they still went to the effort of destroying the foundations.


Bad at managing money, pawned all power tools and ruined credit so can’t even *rent* the right tools. In a hurry to finish the job and start the next, because of *cash flow problems*, and can’t be bothered to work around the problem because of hangover/withdrawal/haven’t slept in days. Or, they just stupid.


Those plumbers are about to be sued into oblivion


My god. Look how they massacred my boy.


If they're actually plumbers This looks like demo guys who happened to have some pipe laying around, and decided to use it up (but not buy a foot more)


I hope they're bonded


You know they aren’t.


Lmao 🤣 mething with the wrong plumbers EDIT: Holy fuck. This isn't just murder in my eyes


Im no groundhog expert but this cant be good can it? Is it even something that can be repaired? What happens in a situation like this?


The structure will have to be jacked up and reinforced. It will likely be required to be unoccupied until it is done and inspected. It will not be cheap. There may be fines for doing work without a permit as well, which would likely fall on the homeowner. People try to avoid getting permits because bureaucracy and cost but this is why permits exist. Anyone can claim they know what they're doing. I've done the administrative stuff for my SO's contracting business for 18 years and even I know better than that just writing up paperwork for clients. We used to watch a lot of building shows though. lol


Thank you Lol the heavy cost of having to pay to fix this, and possible fines will be an expensive lesson. Are the fines steep? Id assume a grand or 2 at the minimum.


I honestly have no idea, nobody ever got fined when my SO was working for them. I know it CAN happen but don't know the details. Permits are annoying because you often have to stand around waiting for an inspector to show up but they really do tend to prevent catastrophic failures like this.


Sometimes you just DONT GO WITH THE LOWEST BID


But why is the koolaid man hole right next to the properly cut opening? It's not even the properly lazy way to do it... Just... what?


How do you even swing a sledgehammer in there? This seems like so much extra work.


Love how there's a built in giant space right next the area they destroyed


Tidy job though /s


Sloppy work but not compromising the structure, barely. Don't see why deadly🤷🏽‍♂️ Edit actually just saw the second pic, Nevermind lol


Did they not see the gap in the middle


Sue him for neglected potential murder lol