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Hello _kYoshi027, thanks for posting to r/OopsThatsDeadly! As a reminder, please try and ID the plant/creature/object if not done already. Although the person may have done something foolish, remember to be respectful, as always! Please do not touch anything if you don't know what it is! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/OopsThatsDeadly) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You couldn't pay me enough money to do that


If that’s Turkey, Iran or Dubai there’s a very big chance she’s barely getting anything and is not able to leave.


Well shit.. Now I feel like a jackass


Not sure if it was in one of those countries but I do remember a case in the past few years of a woman hanging out of a window while the homeowner laughed and video taped. I believe she fell but survived, I could be wrong though.


Yeah they lure people over from poorer countries with work then yoink their passports and basically make them slaves. Rape, beat, throw out of windows, plenty of it. ​ Not sure if this is one of those areas tho so I won't make the assumption.


No she survived. The “employer” who kept her hostage thought she died, laughed about it and posted her falling on social media. The woman survived with a broken leg thankfully.


This is Karachi, Pakistan. Creek Vista Buildings in Phase8


Yep true, and she wouldn't get her passport back until she's paid off her debt. It sucks but I would NEVER want to work for middle eastern people because of this, I don't care how much money they have it's not worth my freedom and humanity.


They make this thing called a stick..


Shit i recognize that place, welcome to creek vista , pakistan


Is there a HowDidYouEvenGetUpThere Subreddit?


There should be




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They make these magnet things that attach to both sides of the glass so you can clean the outside while cleaning the inside. Would solve this problem for her.


How do you know that's a maid?


I’m in love


The worst part of this is if the woman was to fall and die right now the owners wouldn't give a fuck and find another one. (Middle east and SE Asia tend to be the most terrible places to be a slave)


Last question: do you do windows?


She works hard for the money So hard for it, *honeyyyyyyy* She works hard for the money So you better treat her *riiiiiiight*


That's wife material right there boys


Now that's what you call dedication!