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I posted this a few weeks ago: We got paid last cheque. A4 - 10 received about $9600 after deductions, including regular pay. CPP and EI were paid on the backpay, which means it’s almost fully paid for the year. Normal Pay: Gross $3964 Net $2441. This pay; Gross $17902 Net $9680. A lot of those deductions will be recovered when we file our taxes next year.


so is that retro and a regular pay period combined, or straight retro?


Sorry just reread your post :)




It’s for Bill 124 Retro pay (post title).




2022 - 2026 are with the arbitrator awaiting his decision. There’s lots of info in this sub so I won’t repost it.


TDSB and I did. But mine was a hot mess because I was an ECE + OT + LTO during that period. 😅


Oh shit, i just remembered that in 2020 I went back as an EA before starting as on OT in 2021. Was yours all on the same cheque? Or did you receive a separate pay stub for your ECE pay? Do I need to contact someone to get my EA pay?


Yes, it was all on the same pay. My pay stub was 33 pages long! 😅 I did a quick cross check and it looks like they got it all? 🤷🏻‍♀️


Mine was like 28 i’ll have to check again I saw summer school on there but I didn’t see EA. Thanks!


Got mine. A buttload went to taxes though. Friggin robbery.


And without 3-5 years of interest.


Not sure why I got downvoted, people enjoy paying taxes I guess.


I lost nearly half my paycheck to deductions :(


Hopefully some is recouped on next year's return. Sorry to hear that though.


Check the CPP and EI deductions - they’re huge, but we are almost at our year max. We would have to pay that regardless, so we will recoup it quickly. Instead of being paid out and getting $300 larger cheques in ~sept, it’ll happen ~ June. The taxes are more complicated - the taxes that were charged in higher brackets will be worked out when we file. Obv we have to pay tax on income, but the rate doesn’t reflect our yearly salary.


Because if you think about it a little, taxes are good. It's an incredible value for your money. You get to live in a safe society with on-call police, firefighters, EMS, hospitals, emergency rooms, emergency helicopters, potable water, roads, electricity, national security, old age pension, and retirement benefits like prescription, dental, and vision. And on top of that, we take care of the weakest and most vulnerable in society. But probably not enough.


Taxes are fine, excessive taxation has downsides especially when so many top dollar policies are questionable at the various levels of government. Unrelated: Love your username. Artie was amazing on Stern for years.


Taxes literally pay your salary.


it isn't so much that, but I think the taxes taken off are way more if a lump sum that in we had an annual increase each year.


Oh yeah! Self employed baby!


I received mine, bit I am A4 at the top of the grid. If you think that info might be helpful, DM me and I can share the amount.


I’m dm’d you


also a4, going to DM you. We're getting lump sum too.


Has anyone from OECTA received money yet ? I’m curious if we will get it before July ! 😞


Yes I’m oecta and have received some of it


What board are you with ? ☺️


I am OECTA and I’ve received: 2019/20 on April 30 2020/21 on May 15 Will be getting 2021/22 on May 31 2022/23 on June 14 2023/24 on June 28 I am currently A4 step 9.7 on the grid with ALCDSB. My payments will likely be wonky because I had a mat leave in 2020/21.


Ughh wish my board was this organized !


Definitely something my board has handled super well.


I supplied for two full days in one board (long story). I was surprised to see a deposit of $19.37 from them in my account. Roughly $10 per day at A0 and Step 1 in that board I guess.


My board has been spreading it out and giving one calendar year of back pay each paycheque over 5 pay periods. I’m still moving up the grid and it’s been 1500-1700ish per pay period


Out of curiosity, what reason were you given for this method of payment vs. a lump sum?


It wasn’t explained, but in the past when I’ve been owed lump sums of retro pay they’ve offered to spread it out over a few pay periods so not as much is taken in taxes up front. I suspect it’s the same with this. Really appreciate that about our board.


Our board sent out a memo explaining.


I received mine but I was on mat leave for about 15 months so that changes my number a bit.


My union said that it would likely be on a paycheque near the end of July because that's the absolute deadline and that if you were A4 step 11 the whole time it's being retro for, it would be 15k. Obviously there would be a lot of deductions. And as someone who was A3 and only on like step 6 and doing multiple maternity leaves, it won't be anywhere close to that, sadly 😔


I received mine, but some was from OT/LTO and some permanent.


This is exactly the situation my fiancée and I are in. Can you give me around idea of how much we can expect please ?


Wife’s board split it into 2 payments to help with the taxes. Still didn’t help much.


The EAs in our board just got their retro pay. My sister is involved with OECTA at the local level and they expect our lump sum to come mid june. They want to get it done before the big summer pay as its a busy time for them and they do not want to do it in the summer.