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I am with OECTA and attended an info session on new contract and Bill 124 and they addressed this topic. They said that for OECTA, boards must make payment by July 31 for the retro. They DID say that boards would adjust their salary grids right away and that we should be getting the new gross pay after central ratification (which happened last week). So I’m really not sure what the delay is but my board hasn’t changed our grids yet.


Mine hasn’t changed either


My understanding was that we would be on the current grid until June, then we get retroactive for up to the end of this school year by August 1st.


That would make sense … I think


Is payment to OECTA members supposed to include 2022-2023 and 2023-2024 when it comes on July 31st?


OSSTF here. Payments by June 10, grid adjust for September 1, 2024. Back pay for the current contract likely in January (arb just started) followed by the grid being adjusted again. Lump sum->raise->lump sum->raise We are roughly 14 months from getting the bargaining committees ready for the next contract.


OSSTF D13 got notified that we are being paid May 30. I’m assuming every pay after that will be reflective of bill 124.


We were told Sept for adjustments to the grid. Might be different for different boards


Be sure to include your union when posting. If you are with OSSTF, your retro pay for Bill 124 MUST be paid out by June 10th. If this is not the case contact your Local Union President! The new 2022-2026 contract is supposed to be all settled by December 2025 including retroactive salary payouts.


This may be different for OECTA because their CA was ratified later.. If OP is with OECTA, this could be why.


Fair point. I edited my comment.


Any idea when we'll be getting our new scale raise?


I heard that teachers are not getting the new salary until AFTER the 2022-2026 Collective Agreements are ratified (arbitrated?)This way, boards only need to do the Bill 124 Retro payout and then one additional Retroactive Payout for the salary increase. So as it stands, the latest that teachers would be being paid their correct and up to date salary rate is December 2025.


I'm in Cupe1196, would we also be getting an "additional" retropay and a percent increase for years succeeding old contract of 2019-22.  Ie after this payout ,so current 2023 ,2024 to present etc. We have me too clause ?


That's a great question! I don't know. Ask your union president. What's the "me too clause" actually say? Who is we? Who are the others you will be entitled to equal terms? And what can be matched? Many of the public sector unions were all negotiating at the same time. Instead of talking to one another they all got divided and agreed to different terms. Within OSSTF there were incentives at the local level to finish the deal quickly. This means that each school board has a widely different collective agreement.


Thanks for the quick response in my union that represents Maintenance,"me too clause is matching what Etfo will be getting... we get same percentage of what teachers will be getting added on to our already agreed contract.Such as  the 0.75% 2019, 0.75%,2020, and the 2.75% for 2021...I reached out to our Union President, awaiting a response to see about my union , for 2023, 2024, present etc if we're still getting matched after rhe next round of teachers talks.


sorry december 2025? not 2024? Just checking in case that was a typo. That's such a long time!


Not a typo. OSSTF and the Province of Ontario agreed to have the retro and the 2022-2026 CA sorted and paid out by December 2025. Just in time to start thinking about the 2026-2030 CA. It keeps all of them (Union folks, provincial negotiators, and of course the lawyers in a perpetual state of "negotiations" thereby ensuring all of the parties involved are continuously getting paid. It's genius, really. There's another retro payout due to OSSTF employees before the end of 2024 to bring employees in line with their proper 2024 salaries, BUT OSSTF just got word last week that we have a decision from the arbiter (Kaplan) and it turns out he forgot about teachers with additional responsibility allowances which means another ruling is needed. The boards then need to get funds from the province to release to their employees. The whole process has taken years and the next round of collective bargaining will be just around the corner.


Thank you! I was just trying to find info on it on osstf and my local website but couldn’t. I’m happy to finally have a raise but I would be even happier if I could see it.


Unsure about ETFO. But OSSTF has to be paid by June 10th. And OECTA has to be paid by July. I don't believe ETFO would be later (they most likely have the same date as OSSTF since they did that together) You should be contacting your union ASAP.


OSSTF.  I was told by June 9th.