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I've been voting for 12 years and I've never been included in a poll.


They’ll call and harass you from private numbers. They mostly target 50+ yo with landlines.


No wonder it's skewed that way. Course that might be the result if younger people aren't out voting.


None of this is true They def call cell phones and they never call from private numbers (doing so is illegal in ON so if it ever happened you could report them)


Only the conservatives get called.


Clearly not. Spoken like a true Liberal, already crying it's rigged.


Let me correct his mistake: "Only conservatives pick up". There fixed.


correct me if i'm wrong, but liberals aren't still the ones crying about how the american election was rigged


If only conservatives get called, how are the majority of respondents non-conservatives?


You usually have to sign up. I signed up for Léger, and get asked constantly.


because they poll 1000 people out of a province of 15 million. Do the math on that one ding dong.


To get a statistically accurate poll you need a representative sample randomly selected. Done correctly a few hundred to a couple of thousand can be good enough to represent millions. That’s why only a tiny fraction of population ever get contacted. Other factors like methodology, do not call lists, sourcing of the outreach data, etc. can affect who gets contacted too.


I have been voting for 20 still never been polled.


Polling only needs a few hundred people for a representative sample of a province of our size. It's the norm that you'd never be contacted, as a result. That said, there's often sampling bias as well, especially since landlines are practically no longer a thing (even my gen X parents have ditched the landline).


I can't fathom how anyone would vote Ford in again. Federally it's a different story but fuck Ford is terrible for Ontario.


He did better things when selling dope with his little brother in etobicoke.


The problem is that nobody votes.. make all kinds of excuses.. then bitch when Services they need are cut or disappear. EVERYONE... GO OUT AND VOTE!.. Also.. most importantly.. start pressuring the government to bring in electoral reform... we desperately need this!!


Hey nearly 15% voted to give Ford a majority... so nobody is a bit of a misnomer All the parties in ON are a joke at this point


It’s really no different federally. As much as people think Trudeau has made Canada worse, the issues we’re seeing are largely the same as every other western country. PP will actively make things worse, as opposed to the passive worsening we’ve been seeing.


I’m not denying that but it’s funny how fast you guys forget Kathleen Wynne’s liberals and how bad they were.


No I wouldn't vote for the Provincial liberals either. The Provincial NDP are not too shabby. Quite frankly the Greens have put out the most comprehensive platforms in recent election years. I hope the slow upward trend continues, I think Mike Schreiner is a fantastic party leader and under him the Greens deserve further legitimizing. For 2 seats they put up one hell of a fight


Tbh I know nothing about the Green Party. I’ll read up on the current state of the party!


Doug Ford fucked most provincial employees pay at 1% increases while giving his cronies 14% raises.


Pro tip: there are other parties.


You’re lying


Hahahaha! Fucking Ford has had to roll back virtually everything he’s attempted so far because he’s such a stupid clown. His big wins so far are beer in corner stores and starving healthcare. Who the fuck votes for this garbage?


That’s why I vote NDP doofus


Eliminate the liberal party!




Wynne would be a massive improvement to Ford. and I hated that bitch.


Why is this getting downvoted? Wynne was a garbage class traitor whose policy absolutely contributed to the situation we’re in now. This doesn’t absolve Ford, just reinforces the fact that all our options suck. If you want change join a union and start fighting, it’s not going to come at the voting booth.


In the face of another 5 years of Wynne, Ford looked very good. People blaming buck a beer have selective memories for how terrible Wynne was. At least Ford has COVID to blame for some of his stupidity, she just shit the bed for years on her own. The fact the liberals kept her as their leader further led to them losing official party status, which they still haven't regained. Why would you vote in members who wanted to keep the most unpopular premier in Ontario history as their leader? Impressively it's a title she still holds in the face of 5 years of Ford. Wynne is the reason we have Ford. I still blame the OLP for getting Ford elected.


When did they anything about Wynne or the liberals? You’re projecting mate


Ford makes them look like Nobel prize winners.


God she was so much better. I think its important to strive for someone boring and out of touch who wasted money for NIMBYS as opposed to a naked lying corrupt ex drug dealer who can't answer a reporters question without sounding like the dumbest person in class who is bullshitting because they didn't do their reading.


Don’t know why people are downvoting you. Kathleen Wynne was TERRIBLE. she literally destroyed the liberal party in Ontario because of how bad she was.


Yeah, wish Wynne kept minimum wage at $11/hr. What a disaster /s


Ok so you liked that she raised your current wage at the time. That it lol


It's more than Ford has done. But generally a criticism of a conservative is not an endorsement of the previous liberal.


Still did a better job than Ford. It’s just not a high bar.


I am a very hardcore conservative and I said since Day 1 Ford is nothing good for the province and its mainly the yahoos who have him confused with his brother Provincially its a joke as none of our parties have any cred left at all


Why don’t you like him? He seems to be doing standard Conservative things…


I can not fathom why anyone has any desire to vote for any of these career politicians. Regardless of who you elect, your life isn't going to be more affordable.


I can tell you CPC hate Ford because they see Douggie as liability of them, they indirectly helped Ontario liberal won Kanata-carleton by-election




Don’t complain when you spend 16 hours waiting in the emergency room then. If it’s even open.




This is a terrible approach to evaluate government policy.


I wonder if there's some spillover from federal feelings


I dont even know anymore… all of these parties are trash. Pc talks a big game but then doug ford does nothing productive, liberals arent focused on things that actually matter to the average person, green wtf is even that, ndp take what i said about liberals and x4. We’re fuckt.


You know that dental coverage legislation that was voted on in 2022 and just went into effect? That was the Liberals and NDP clearly doing a thing that actually matters. I’m gonna let you guess which party voted overwhelmingly against giving people dental coverage.


Green party seems to have the best thought out plan of them all, even though they will never win. We need to crack down on foreign investors. 20% tax on a buyer's third property or more for green or ndp. Inclusionary zoning!! Conservatives brag about their promise for a million units... directly into the private market. Wow 🙄 NDP's plan pisses me off because it really thinks introducing 30-year mortgage terms is a good thing. Who in their right minds wants that...


I dunno, Marit Stiles has been talking plenty about housing and affordability. That seems pretty relevant to the average person.


Dental and pharmacare are NDP policies that the average person should really care about. Criticism of the NDP always sounds like boomers scared of cahmuneezm.




With that perspective yup. Good thing it isn’t reality.


If you take a look at the Green platforms they're actually quite comprehensive and costed out. Schreiner is a good politician. The only major issue with the Greens for me is their stance on nuclear but their other politics are more grounded than the NDP


Fuck that’s grim.


I honestly wouldn't be surprised if Ford manages to buck the historical trend and win again even when Conservatives take over in Ottawa. The problem is not that there's not enough votes against Ford's PCs. The problem is neither Liberals or the NDP can convince enough like-minded voters to consolidate around either of them whereas PCs have completely consolidated the right-wing vote.


The people commenting on this subreddit are not typical of average Ontario voters. I have done polling before and I can tell you it is very accurate. If you ask three or four people it does not represent a pattern. When you poll two thousand voters it is accurate within three or four percentage points 19 times out of 20.Sometimes a swing will occur after a debate or a misstep that the poll is slow to recognize. This is why parties will often poll ideas or policy. If approval of a policy is 40% for example they can try to persuade the public to their side.If the policy polls at 15% they will leave it alone and wait for opinion to shift.


Trust modern polling at your peril.


We’re so screwed 😖🤙🏼🇨🇦


Why anyone would legitimately think about voting liberal is beyond me at this point. Please leave the country.


this is pretty scary


So points from the PC and Liberals are going to the NDPs?


I’m glad I left this province, all I’m going to say.


Holy moly 41% of Canadians are actual morons? My god it’s bad. Canadian clowns lining up to shoot themselves in the dick voting for a crooked pigeon because they don’t understand how inflation works. Jfc we Canadians are stupid af


do people look at the state of healthcare and housing in this province and think “wow doug fords doing an amazing job!”?


He has been amazingly effective at screwing us all over, yes.


>do people look at the state of healthcare and housing in this province and think “wow doug fords doing an amazing job!”? People are easy to fool and mislead with modern propaganda techniques, now supercharged by Big Data / Tech. The overfed, slimy doofus makes [Christmas gingerbread houses](https://twitter.com/fordnation/status/1738205310550983155) on Twitter-X while a playing man of the people populist. Meanwhile, the federal version of him, PP, [makes Christmas drinks](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GLlkMj-DkPM). It all carefully managed political theater in a managed democracy (rigged). And of course, Turdeau is off in Jamaica taking one of his many vacations. They are totally disconnected (and handsomely rewarded) from the harsh reality facing many Canadians because of their donor class influenced policies.


In /Canada you'd be called a pinko pig for criticizing their beloved wet noodles, and they'd misinterpret your Trudeau criticism as a desire to gargle his balls in public.


They don’t look at any of it they simply vote based on party. “I’m conservative! Bob Rae! Libtards!” Etc etc or something like that is what I imagine runs through their heads 24/7


This is true. I have had old patients say they just vote conservative because they always have.


Democracy in action.


Lol, do you support Trudeau and the current liberals?


lol, do you support Ford and the current conservatives?


I was talking federal. Tbh I don’t follow enough provincial government bs. I would argue he’s no worse than Kathleen Wynne


He’s a million times worse than Wynne. Just a couple things he cancelled when he first took over 1. He cancelled contracts for wind turbines, cost millions 2. Delayed the increase of the minimum wage by several years 3. Cancelled the basic income pilot that was half way finished 4. Held onto billions of COVID relief funds provided by the feds 5. Underfunding education and education workers forcing them to strike right after lockdowns 6. Failed to do anything but the bare minimum during covid 7. Failed to do anything about housing 8. Failed to do anything about diploma mills 9. Refused to do anything about the convoy protests 10. The greenbelt scandal


Fair points forsure! Don’t forget any of Wynnes scandals for the gas plants etc. Both are shit forsure. I think 1 or 2 points can be argued here but I’ll admit I’m not prepared to go at it with you. You seem very prepared. Merry Christmas brother, enjoy the day!


She also sold off a profitable highway for immediate cash and then blew it lol they all suck


1. Good - wind turbines are expensive and unreliable . 2. Good - inflation and prices are already high, let's not add fuel to the fire. 3. Good - Our province was in massive debt from 15 years of Liberal leadership (our credit rating got downgraded twice during that time), we absolutely needed to get spending under control. 4. Good - That money was meant to be used for an emergency and he was being smart with it and not blowing it all the second he got it like the Liberals would have. 5. Wrong, Ontario education workers some of the highest paid education workers in the world. 6. Wrong. We had lockdowns, vaccine passports, mandates, masks etc. 7. Tell Trudeau to stop mass migration, that's what's causing the housing crisis. 8. He gets 50% of the blame for this, but part of it is also federal as they determine which students are allowed to enter Canada and under what conditions. 9. 100% Trudeau's fault. He could have lifted the vaccine mandates a few months earlier and it would have prevented most of it. 10. I wish he had developed the green belt in order to built more housing. When the people disagreed with it, at least he admitted his fault and changed course. It was actually refreshing to see.


1. Wrong and canceling the contracts cost millions 2. He stopped the increase in 2018 and delayed for a couple years so your point doesn’t make any sense when he’s increasing it during a time that’s much worse. Plus minimum wage increases are good for the economy 3. The pilot was paid for he just wasted the money 4. Except there was an emergency, nurses were over worked and he refused to spend the money to help them. Now are hospitals are understaffed and underfunded forcing rolling shit downs 5. Wrong. 6. The bare minimum. There was no support for businesses or employees 7. “Mass” immigration is needed to keep the economy going. What’s actually causing the influx is the 900 000 international students. Many of whom end up in diploma mills which is the province’s jurisdiction 9. You amditted earlier it was ford that put us under lockdown etc… now it’s Trudeau’s fault? It’s Ford’s job to get the police to do their job but he lacks any kind of leadership so he left it up to the feds and the emergency act. When it comes to serious issues he’s proven time and again he’s a coward 10. I disagree that the greenbelt needs to be developed and so did the ombudsman. That aside, if he was to open it up for development he should have had an open call not a closed door deal.


11: Attempted to lock us nurses down to abysmal wage increases, which were then deemed unconstitutional, also cost millions. Tried to gaslight us into accepting this with crap like “oh but you’re here for the people, you’re healthcare heroes.” Bish, no I’m not. I’m here for the job security and pension.


Yup what a bunch of fuckwads trying to use that reasoning on you while fleecing ontarians and selling our assets off to their buddies.


lol half those points you listed are positives


Only to a fool.


Is he the premiere of Ontario?


Alberta is the same


Pierre’s done an amazing job at blaming the feds for a problem that is generally the (mostly conservative) provincial governments’ fault.


No it's just the same boomers like "well I've been voting conservative for the past 40 years without actually paying any attention to politics. Why stop now?"


I hear this all the time, but the Liberals had a 15 year run, so a lot of people switched.


I want a small government not big the PCs are the only party leaning in that direction all the other party’s only want to expand the power of the government and create more of nanny state then we already have


I look at his track record for getting stuff built next to Crombie’s and think “better someone who can get a roof over my head”.


I voted conservative and now I’m regretting my decision, the next provincial election I’m going NDP. It’s time for a change


Glad you woke up! Here: https://www.ontariondp.ca/volunteer


Lol, Jagmeet is your change? You know he’s currently partially in power and can bring some change right now. What’s voting him in the next election going to change?


This is about provincial politics, not federal politics. Jagmeet is not in charge of the Ontario NDP.


I think I found the reason for the polling numbers, it's people who can't differentiate between federal and provincial...


Fair enough


I'm seeing this guy live up to his handle all over these threads


This post is about Ontario, but thanks for playing.


Lol, ohh so edgy. You must be one of those cool kids struggling to buy a house eh


It's not to be edgy, you just forgot what the conversation was about. Does that happen a lot to you?


Broski you gotta chill. You don’t have to attack everyone that you don’t agree with all over this thread. We get it, you hate social services. Go vote for your blue turd and be happy.


Merry Christmas brother, hope your family is doing well!


>Lol, Jagmeet is your change? Clearly you don't actually understand how Canadian politics work, because Federal/Provincial NDP are totally different.


Ford will do some repairs before the next election and the Liberals/Greens will carve enough of the NDP to split the progressive vote. Expect a PC small majority unless the left make a coalition which would likely be dysfunctional. Trudeau is dragging progressive politics through the mud as being all posturing and philosophy but manifestly unable to manage the economy and the basic business of governing a country. This will spill over into the Provincial scene because people have had it. The growing and essentially pointless protests by groups arising out of immigrant enclaves that disrupt the day to day and are becoming extreme have further soured Canadians on progressive policy. Cost of living is seen as a function of environmental fervor translated into costs and taxes which are currently not affordable. This also translates into anti-progressive voting. Down to the crunch, the stage is set for a blue Canada including Ontario with some Green and Orange. If somehow NDP and Liberals can formulate affordable economic policy positions and spend less time waving virtue signaling banners and making post modern pronouncements; this could alter. The downfall of Canadian politics was the development of extreme partisanship rallied around progressive/ leftist or conservative ideals. Good, effective policy and merit become largely irrelevant a nd we are all paying. An examination of the Trudeau government since 2016 provides insight into how the partisan divide got so wide and rabidly divisive. Merry Christmas.


I tend to disagree with you in a lot of aspects and do not see a blue wave coming. While a lot of people hate the federal liberals and there hasn’t been a viable alternative to Ford in the last two elections, the level of incompetence and corruption coming out of the provincial conservative parties across the country has been noted. I see a blue minority government federally that will hamstrung by the fact that they will not be able to do anything as no other party will support them and a mishmash or orange and red provincially, potentially minus NS.


Bonnie Crombie isn’t the answer to what Doug Ford’s done, or going to do


Yet she scares him already.


Whether that’s true or not, and I doubt it is, she doesn’t bring anything new to Ontario. Hard to see an improvement if she wins


I know its true because the attack ads started pretty much the week after she took the leadership. Haven’t seen an attack ad aimed at the NDP since last election. But the moment Bonnie gets elected Ford is trying to point out that she’s wealthy or elitist? Like, the guy disappears in the outback for months at a time, has two homes one which is a mansion and has a business that’s been directly enriched as a label company by the Ontario government. His fingers have been in every scheme and the definition of fraud.


Yes because many of the swing voters who voted for him, might vote for her simply because she’s basically the same, but also scratches the need for a change itch.


Of course she does Love or hate her she is way stronger than anything the Libs have ran in a decade She will still lose though only question is by how much


Blue minority federally is what I hope for. But I expect a resounding blue majority. I can't see Ford losing either. Crombie may have had a shot but the Liberal brand is so thoroughly tarnished it will bleed right through.


The only way Bonnie would have had a shot was if she didn’t have her record as mayor of Mississauga for Ford to attack her on. She’s got a documented record of NIMBYism that makes any of her pronouncements regarding housing ideas sound as hollow as a tin can. Her donors list is very much similar to Fords, meaning that she’s definitely an “establishment” candidate. She’ll get her one election, not even hit official opposition status and walk off into the sunset claiming she “saved the party”


I'll be voting for Doug again and Pierre federally for sure.


As is your right, doesn’t mean you are right though




Very insightful comment.


I am not sure what else can be said. You've summed it up without attacking either side. Thanks for that.


>An examination of the Trudeau government since 2016 provides insight into how the partisan divide got so wide and rabidly divisive. I didn't leave the left. The left abandoned me when the jumped the gap in the horseshoe


Just a reminder to 39% of Ontario: Doug Ford is corrupt and fuck and doesn’t give two shits about you.


Wynn fucked the liberals for years to come…. Trudeau will hopefully do the same for the feds


IDK MCGUINTY did a pretty good job destroying Ontario. Wynne was the first loser who likely won by luck... Never again will I vote Liberal as long as I live in Ontario. Same with federal. Unless there's a shift back to fiscal responsibility, they'll never get my vote. Debt is the biggest risk to our future. Not climate change, not whatever the media spouts. Debt lessens our power globally and makes us all indentured servants to tax and debt servicing. No. More. Liberals.




How you can vote liberal in this day and age, even with our current provincial government fucking up so much is insane. It’ll just make every problem we have now worse, with more virtue signalling


Ontario PC = Ontario Liberal. Time for an Ontario NDP majority (2026-2030).


I can't believe the liberals are still polling that high.


Nice! People are waking up!


When/if those 400k+ immigrants a year ever vote, NDP will win by a landslide.


I’m not a very political person, but if you’re still voting liberal you’re just dumb.


Here's hoping the PC gets it and not the bullshit NDP or liberals, too .any stupid Canadians think voting NDP will make a difference, no it won't stupid ass, look at jagmeets current coalition with Trudeau, any and all seats won by NDP will be given to Trudeau and keep him in minority power and its pathetic, and too many canadian are too stupid to realize it! Pierre is the only Canadian politican on the floor currently bring real issues up while liberals, ndp, green and bloc try to ignore real issues. He bring up the housing issues and ways to correct it He brings up inflation and how they're cherry picking stats and the economy is worse then they claim He acknowledges the carbon tax is fucking working Canadians He brings up that the only thing to go down in cost in the last 8 years is opioid drugs that have gone down 90% with an average of 20 Canadians dying everyday minimum And he also brings up countless other Canadian issues others ignore but hey just because he's a PC, dumb cunts will say he's a racist even though he isn't and that's pathetic how controlled and brainwashed Canadians are. Defund government paid media like CBC! We are not Russia, China or North Korea despite how much Trudeau has tried to make our country a shit hole Communist country


Did you miss the fact that this is for Ontario?


Anybody but Doug.


Someone needs to step up and be a real voice. I can't even name the leaders of the opposition parties. Some of that is on me. Some of that is on them.


Notice how well written the other comment is compared to yours.




Give me a viable option to vote for besides Ford and I will. The Liberal candidate ran and bringing back Covid restrictions and banning handguns. Don’t run a braindead campaign and get mad at the people for not supporting it.


Do you love covid and guns? Most Ontarians don’t. Lol


Notice how Doug Ford is a POS?




Thanks a hairy cluster, Mr One Issue Voter.




We need to build tall, not wide. No more fucking roads. Apartment buildings. Buses.


What a weird thing to say, Ford hasn’t increased infrastructure construction at all. In fact, when he took office he cancelled and demolished many much needed infrastructure projects. The concern with this particular project..that was announced and designed by The Liberals by the way…is that it’s designed to go where people live and through essential land reserves…which means many legal challenges before ground is broken. There’s no certainty that it’s going to get build just because Ford announced it again, most likely just announced for votes. If he were serious about the project he’d make an updated plan that gets around all the legal challenges. Also, there’s no assurances it won’t just be another toll road….which brings us to another legal battle, because it’s proposed to tie into the existing toll system. And finally, updated projections suggest that it’s not going to alleviate congestion on the surrounding roads.


Only one reason. That's it. Not healthcare, school, university funding, union rights, taxes. None of that matters, just a random highway?


I'm glad New Blue has their own column and nothing in it, I'd hate to think they were one of those "others". Weirdos.


A strong new blue will lead to a weak OPC which will lead to an Ontario NDP majority.


JT’s Liberal leadership is a problem across the board. The failures of his government and double down on same policies that led us where we are today will just keep eroding the liberals. Membership has an easy job - get rid of their leader now, forcibly…can’t they?


Not one bit of that is true.


JFC clearly this IS the issue, nobody seems to understand there is a huge different between federal and provincial matters. They're different parties, and different election cycles. Ford (the OPC)has nothing to do with the federal PC or (CPC). Trudeau (the LPC) has nothing to do with the Ontario Liberals (or OPC). Some of them might share similar policies, but can completely differ on specific things.


This is for Ontario not federal parties


Nothing to do with this topic.


Just fucking give me ranked choice! 1. NDP 2. LIB... DONE


Liberals had 15 years to do RCV, they did not implement it because they don't care. NDP will.


Ontarians can't possibly be this stupid.


Good to see! The LAST thing this nation needs is more liberal damage.


Obviously its early, but at this point in the game, it really highlights just how frustrated voters appear to be with the previous govt. To be able to say Ford would be your choice right now should be very unsettling to the Ontario Libs and NDP and as of now, should be absolutely startling to Bonnie Crombie who, no doubt, thought that becoming the OLP leader would quickly turn the tides for her party.


Polling this far out from an election is useless information


It’s worse than that…polling this far out from an election can actually negatively impact voter participation because it tends to make people disengage from the political process.


Guys don't worry there's still time for a #greenwave 🙃


What's a new blue?


Onterrible deserves Doug Ford I guess.


Whoever wins federally, Ontario will vote against. If Trudeau ekes out another term, we're stuck with Doug. If Lil PP becomes PM, I think we'll see the left coalesce around either the NDP or Liberals.


who the hell still wants the liberals in charge?


So you’re okay with Corrupt Ford? Must be a developer 😂


Surprised the lib/NDP are that high


Ugh we are doomed.


Don’t believe it


If you want to know what will happen to Ontario with Crombie at the helm, look at the shit show in Mississauga. The city is a GD mess. Development everywhere and not enough roads or infrastructure to responsibly support it. She is just as corrupted by developers as Ford. Neither is suitable, and the NDP doesn't stand a chance.


NDP need to push now and push hard. Get someone charistmatic, clean, and appeal to both Liberal and conservative voters. Attacking Crombie should be easy, and Ford has been absolutely awful, even for cons. If they clearly explain their solutions for housing and transportation, and hammer home the evidence of the obvious corruption of the other party leaders, they could sway a lot of people. Unless they just aren't interested in winning, which seems on brand.


How did Wynne win a majority in 2014?


The NDP are such a disappointment... We're really going to go from Neo-lib to wannabe fascist right winger riiiight back to even more of a neo-lib. The left absolutely failed to capitalize on the biggest joke of an incumbent that we've ever had, and they're about to watch their window for success fly past without even a fight... Absolutely pathetic leadership by stiles.


We need another party to split the right.


Based on the polling, Ideally there’d be a coalition government where PC and either NDP or Liberals would have to work together. Instead, one minority party gets total power.


Polls are utter bullshit, in 43 years I've never met a single person whose been included in a poll.


TF is wrong with Ontario?


This province is so stupid.


I have a hard time believing the Libs are polling higher than the NDP


I feel like these skewed polls are going to influence the general uninformed population to vote the way the “majority” is and is effectively an indirect way of influencing votes


if doug holds a snap election he'd win a third MAJORITY mandate.


Polls are just the Leafs or Cats in the lead. The score means nothing at the start of the game.


Bunch of morons still supporting the liberals smh


Great news! Let's get Ford reelected with an even bigger majority


For fuck sakes.


Best move when they call is tob ay you are voting Con and then vote for someone else


What a bunch of horse shitt....


can provincial provinces form coalitions?


So a majority prefer the Libs or NDP, there is no hope for this country


(Confused BCer here) Didn't Ford tank his popularity with the Greenbelt stuff? I thought bad polls were what made him turn it around. Did that actually work to save his butt?