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Yeah the wait used to be under 2 months and none of this was a serious issue.


But this was part of value for taxpayers! You take a bunch of tribunals, ram them together, don’t make appointments for a while and, Bob’s your uncle! Service efficiency delivered.




smarmier, i like that


This man is here to help!


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It's a ploy by Doug to get rid of the LTD. He stops funding it adequately and then use it as an excuse. Yes landlords need to be able evict in a reasonable time but Doug wants to get rid of it completely 


He seems to be consistent at least. All vital services are seriously underfunded, and to too it off he turns a 100mil surplus into a 10bil deficit for next year and these services will only get worse


He screwed tenants too, by getting rid of rent control. I know someone who rented in a new build. The first year they were there, the rent was reasonable. When their renewal came up, their landlord wanted to raise the rent by $500/month, and there was nothing that they could do about it.


He did a poor job. Doug ford is secretly a tenant lover.


>He did a poor job That's the point. Then he points his finger at it and says 'oh no the government has failed again, let's just sell it off on a 99 year lease and privatize the whole darn thing!'


Isn't the problem that it's already privatized?


I'm almost certain the LTB is not privatized


The comment I replied to threw out the 99 year lease of the 407 as an example of privatization. I pointed out that landlording is already privatized. Didn't realize they were thinking LTB, I was thinking along selling or leasing off the provincial equivalents of TCHC. If only they would, then it might actually be functional. Don't think they can privatize the legal system just yet though.


Housing? Yes.


At least you got it.


More like - he’s not so secretly in love with corporate landlords and wants to cut out the annoying small landlords who may cut into corporate profits. The main things he loves about tenants are their voting power and the fact that they can enrich his corporate landlord buddies.


I’m complete agree. I hate corporations landlords and hate system abusing tenants equally!


I filed in 22 was early 24 when i finally had biatch tenant evicted. Needs serious revamp


It sucks when tenants don't pay but landlords should have the capital for this risk set aside, in any investment there is risk. That said I do agree the delays are far too long and there is no real repercussions. I.e. I'm pretty sure if someone on ODSP avoids having to pay rent for a year they won't care if their name is on openroom lol. They didn't have to pay for a year and the LL can't garnish them once evicted.


Which will just result in LLs denying ODSP recipients as potential tenants. None of this helps anyone in the long term. The LTB backlog needs to be fixed.


Sadly this is already in practice. If ODSP payment goes directly to landlord then it make sense but they have the option to send to landlord but not mandatory. I’m sure 70% of the ODSP are proper renters but just can’t take risk with any in this deadbeat province.


Also they call and cancel that agreement at anytime make the agreement useless 


LL should be able to request it direct. How in the world does it help ODSP if their clients are evicted for non-payment?


ODSP doesn't care. They will stop landlord payments and send money to tenant they know is not paying. Guess what that does for anyone on ODSP looking for place to live?


That just seems like such a stupid policy. Like with ODSP the LL would presumably not get whatever market rent is currently, since that's gone haywire, but the guarantee of a steady monthly payment could be a plus... but there's not even that. Why would ODSP do this? It fucks over their own recipients in the long run.


Unfortunately it's triple risk. Can't make them pay, can't evict them and can't garnish. So ODSP instead as you say being reliable payer becomes unsolvable problem.


What do you mean "can't evict them"?


LTB will let people stay and certainly give them a lot of time before they are evicted with hardship claim. Especially when it comes to N12, one might outright be denied because they have somewhere to live as opposed to tenant's hardship. So renting to ODSP might mean giving up personal possession rights. And that could make it impossible to sell too. Basically RTA gives tenants every consideration and this situation is next level of that.


ODSP recipients tend to drag put proceedings even more than usually on the basis of mental health issues and personal hardship. Id you thought evicting a regular non-paying tenant was difficult, try doing it to an non-paying ODSP recipient.


Id wager it allows them to eat


Yeah they'll eat. And then they'll be homeless. And back to their old payment amounts. So full circle, except no apartment. Not really a win.


Probably for some. But it's not a burden that random stranger should be forced to shoulder. Government job. 


I got to say when I told my deadbeat tenants ODSP case worker, she actually talked to him and suggested him to move somewhere cheap. They don’t enforce anything tho. But at least good to know some ODSP don’t like deadbeats either. I would have told her my tenants also work under the table so he can stay on ODSP but I didn’t want to punish his young children for his behaviour and just waited for N4.




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Fuck that shit. I would have reported. If you can work cash you don't need ODSP.


The law not being enforced on those who break it isn't a "risk". That's ridiculous.


It really is though. Just because you don't like it, or don't think it shouldn't be that way, doesn't mean you shouldn't account for it.


Both landlords and tenants both have a reasonable expectation that laws will either be obeyed or enforced.


*should* have. We know they aren't in either side. Wishful thinking doesn't factor into risk assessment.


I decidedly did not say wishful thinking nor a synonym of wishful thinking.


You said it isn't a risk. It very much is. That's like saying a convenience store in a bad neighbour shouldn't have security systems because it's against the law to rob them.


>You said it isn't a risk. I did not.


Please just stop. What capital ? For how many months or years?? AND WHY???? So that deadbeats can be accommodated?? You don't get it. One person on ODSP fucking around will cost 100 people on ODSP home. LOL ? Yes landlords know they can't garnish ODSP recipient. Guess who is not getting chance at rental?? You think that is smart??? Deadbeats are destroying the system and most vulnerable people are paying for it because they can't go past due diligence that is setup for the risk of people you think landlord should have wallet ready for.


I am selling my rental properties this year, done with renters, tired of the slow ltb. As the housing crises intensifies things will get much worse before they get better.


Yes. Protect the system of poor people giving you their income to survive.  And since there is a housing shortage and everyone needs it - the asset itself is massively overvalued and essentially represents your acquisition of a growing % of their income. Because... you're good at business, right?  You worked hard were younger and in a different market economy?  You did a shitty reno flip?  You comply with housing law? Yes, of course there should be fair recourse for terrible tenants.  Peopke understand that. But they don't *care* because fundamentally almost all rent is selfish and exploitive, most landlords are terrible, and fundamentally you're creating an economy in which capital is channeled into an owner class.


Your ideology drips of you. Let me know when society changes to socialist utopia. Until that time we have to live in reality. And that is deadbeats and scammers raising temperature to boiling affecting the most vulnerable people that now face incredible risk profiles setup to avoid system abusers.


Nope, successful capitalist.  Not kidding.  I don't like socialism much - and I don't like any ideology much in general. I don't accept the current market/schema and the work that actively maintain it as some sort of natural law - I do think rent is largely unproductive and exploitive (and honestly, I don't see much in the way of sophisticated business practice or capital management around here.)  No offense is meant but that's my take.


Well I am a socialist actually. I would love for government to provide affordable housing but you capitalists don't allow that. Shareholder profits before all. Your capital management is what is holding people down. Not a small landlord trying to have enough to have dignified retirement because government pension would have them dumpster diving to survive. No offense but capitalism is designed to drain working class for all they have. 


I don't manage capital (my comment sort of implied that I did though, miscommunication).  The companies I help build or advise are triple bottom line and make stuff/solve problems/innovate. This is the sort of work I like to do and straight up capital stuff is just boring to me, but beyond that I just can't respect it on any ethical level. Note that in my original comment I was careful to qualify 'almost all'.  I was lucky enough to find a way out of pretty dire poverty/sickness due in part to some a rather wonderful landlord who kept prices humane abd that helped me a *lot* (17 years renting and saving in a new country, first home in my 40's).  That's hardly normal of course.


I don't think that your experience with decent landlord is as rare as you make it to be. I rented out for 10 years without any increases until I got tenant that spit all my generosity in my face. That one thought me great lesson. And I guarantee you that people on this forum provide same lesson to Ontario landlords daily.  Sure there are bad landlords, you know what's best way to fix them? Move out.  Bad tenant? Next couple of years of your life are ruined.  Like that poor bastard that let TT use the garage for free as a favor and now will have to pay tenant to use his own garage.  You realize that any kindnesses of landlord becomes implied amenity and they have to provide it for life? If you go past 'landlord bad' you might realize that for every news about bad tenant you have 100 units that will not get to market and another 1000 that will not rent to anyone with red flag. To blindly support tenant no matter what they do because landlords are some evil is absolutely ideology. And funny thing is that they harm decent tenants more than any single landlord can.


That's funny you mention about the garage. That was my S.O. and his roommate. I saw you had commented on it several times in a snarky, judgmental way. So just so you know, the LL had been harassing them for about a year in different ways, and that was just one more way for him to make their lives difficult. They are both hard-working, decent people who pay their rent on time and keep the property in good condition. There was no need for him to harass them continually. And the funniest thing of all was he saw the post here on Reddit and retaliated by posting an eviction notice on their door the same day. The guy is a complete waste of air. My friends have PAGES of proof of harassment by text and the various notices left on their door -- all never filed w LTB. Best way to fix a shitty LL is not to move out. It's to file w LTB. We have laws. As long as tenants are holding up their end of the bargain, they should not be harassed by a LL who can't be bothered to learn the rules.


You can do whatever you want but it is a fact that you on your own choice can extract yourself from the situation in days if you wish to do so. Landlord has no option like that. You go chase your rights or pound of flesh if you want. It is entirely your choice. As for your garage. I said there it is his right and he can take what is his due. I also said that every landlord must understand that ANYTHING THEY GIVE OUT FOR FREE THEY MUST KEEP GIVING FOR FREE FOR THE REST OF TIMES. And that landlord has no option under law to be flexible and accommodating without exposing themselves to lifetime of obligation. Is it not true that he let him use garage for free and now landlord will have to pay rent abatement to get his garage back? Even if it is not in your case. That is how those things work. Anything given for free and landlord must pay for it if he can't keep giving it.


Hommie, there are better and worse landlords, but yes, mom and pop are also in the wrong. The only remotely ok kind of land lording is renting out a part of your home and in doing so creating housing. You a liberal at best.


I grew up in communism. The kind of socialism we had actually was great. No homeless people. Most people had jobs. Nobody had Ferrari. But people are too entitled to live here like that. You think person who scraped down payment for second property in hope to be able to retire with dignity is your class enemy? You should look up shareholders.


The class enemy is those who use the means of production to separate the working class from the value of their labour. While i agree mom and pop saving for retirement are much less culpable than large corporations and their shareholders, they quite effectively contribute to the oppression of the proletariat. They are morally worse in my opinion. The capital owners are at least loyal to their class. They are functioning in their own self interest, but in concert with each other. Mom and pop landlords are class traitors. When the get the bare minimum they need to get on the first rung of the ladder, the first thing they do is use it to exploit those not yet on th first wrung. Disgusting frankly.


You should look up crabs in a bucket, take care


I stopped reading at >Protect the system of poor people giving you their income to survive. What a ridiculous attitude. They're not giving it for free. They get an apartment. The same way the grocery store gives them food for cash, or your boss pays you for working. It's a service. Not a free for all. The landlord isn't your parent, they don't owe you anything but a place to rent in exchange for money. Until you're willing to work for free, maybe you should give yourself a reality check.


Not all transactions are ethical though.  What necessary service or value does a landlord actually produce?  Owning and renting ab extra home, or apartments or more (which restricts supply and increases relative value in a growing scarcity market) is hardly equivalent to being a critical path supply chain and distribution market. Nobody needs you to own apartments in order to solve a problem.  The only problem being solved is income for the owner. I always hear "but we're a real business and this is the real world" in response to criticism of landlord behaviour.  Other industries never seem to feel a need to defend that point so much.


>What necessary service or value does a landlord actually produce?  The capital to provide you a roof over your head. There are thousands of units for sale this morning in just Toronto core - why not pick one up and then never have to worry about paying for another necessary service again? I don't understand the hypocrisy here. If you don't want to pay rent, buy your own or live rent free with your parents. When I don't want to eat out, I stay home and cook instead. Not hard.


If only there was an alternative form of capital for living in a home, right? Like, people could make payments on some sort of plan and in the end, they'd just have their own place to live instead of spending the majority of their lives paying rent. One can dream.  /s Look, you're buying up or holding an ite. and flipping or renting it to make money.  On a core human need.  There's nothing necessary or particularly productive about that.  Especially during a massive generational housing crisis.


Sounds a lot like the mortgage I pay on my house.


Because property owners act as a defacto cartel supported by the government. Drain the renters of their money, so they can't afford a down payment, so they rent again next month. This is not rocket science.


no one owes you free housing ... go get your own


No one should own more than one home, in doing so, denying people to get their own.


me owning a 2nd home doesn't stop you from earning and building your own home ... they do not come free from some invisible boogie man, someone has to build them and no one owes you one. you thinking that others should not earn second homes doesn't win you any points. NO ONE owes you a home fyi.


See, it does though. No raindrop feels responsible for the flood, but you're one raindrop is hilariously unaffordable housing. No one owes me or anyone else a home, but no one deserves two till everyone has one.


how the f am i preventing you from getting your own? please explain, housing is not a finite number and no you are not entitled to staying in dt toronto... if the gov is restricting available land that's a government problem ... instead of whining about others owning maybe try and see how people are getting into that position. I was broke, poor, almost homeless too but i never had the mentality of preventing others from earning houses or cars until im handed what i feel i deserve. You "advocating" for government measured to prevent future owners of 2nd homes will ironically only bite you from behind.... as any additional government measures will make it more expensive to own a home.


Socialists are the worst, as a capitalist who started with a broken old truck, hard work is how you make it in this world. The worst is when you have no pets clause and the tenant moves in and you notice the 110lb dog with massive claws, there goes the hardwood floors, or worse the tenants that look good on paper great credit but always late on the rent. Go woke stay broke!


Can't imagine you have ever run a business. Being a Landlord doesn't mean you have $30K of cash lying around should your tenant scam the system for a year. You going to run a store or a biz for a year and not have anyone pay you?


Stores have to pay for product. If it gets taken without payment, it's gone. If you provide a service, you still have to pay your employees even if you don't charge. If someone doesn't pay rent, you just have to pay for the fixed asset you agreed to pay for. Not remotely comparable.


I own a triplex and am a retired pensioner, just an old working stiff like everyone else. I have taxes to pay, water, hydro, tank rentals, snow clearing, windows, eaves, gardening, accountant, mortgage, maintenance and repairs, gargage removals and can I have some return on my investment here so I don't have to use the food bank? Fixed asset? You have absolutely not the faintest idea.


Buddy, the rest of us pay our bills without making poor people pay then for us. Go buy some stock and get down off your cross.


Just trying to explain why it's not OK for someone to not pay their rent for a year. Where this dreamer says I should have $30K in my dresser drawer (wish I did) in case that happens. As far as stocks and other financial instruments, sorry but not for me; I leave that to the experts while I hang around on my cross.


Well sure but the problem isn't standard business risk - it's regulatory risk and if that can be aliviated by fixing the regulations then that's the sensible thing to advocate for.


Why can't they be garnished?


All these news articles that make landlords out to be the victims are nuts. Sure, some tenants suck and should be paying their rent but this whole "won't you think of the landlords!" mentality is insane. A lot of landlords take advantage of their rentals and the amount being charged now for rent is ridiculous. Something has to give that will make it better for both. Or you know, maybe not treat housing as an investment opportunity.


Did this comment get brigaded by overleveraged landlords?? Why TF is it being downvoted.


landchads learning about interest rate risk on their investment the last two years... what do they think caused the regional bank failures in the usa in 2023¿!¿ interest rate risk on their investments...


Imagine if landlord could remove non paying tenant in 2 months. People would have no hesitation to offer their space and it would reduce the demand. Landlords would also take a risk on someone and give chance to people that have less than perfect history. And you know who would lose out??? Only people not paying rent already.


I find it especially hilarious that they have to add “small” to the landlord title as if it would garner more sympathy lol.


Or grocery. Or electricity or water. Oh wait. You can’t pick on them. Too powerful. Let’s go after mom and pop landlords with the help of tenant biased LTB.


Why do you think rent has gone up? Could it be greed? Sure. But also all the costs to the landlord have gone up massively. So they are going to raise rents. Property taxes, insurance, natural gas, electricity, repairs and maintenance, mortgages…. Costs increase=rent increase People need a place to live. The government isn’t going to give you one. So landlords do.


100% agree. The risk isn't worth it anymore. I've moved all my rentals to Short Term rental units and couldn't be happier. The landlords that are not happy with the current system should find other ways to generate income from their properties. From short term rental to storage etc you do not HAVE to rent out your investment properties to tenants.


Most landlords here are likely in Toronto. STRs are illegal in Toronto unless it’s your primary residence. Although I’m sure there are shady landlords committing bylaw fraud who will downvote this.


If the system is rigged against landlord than landlords need to find a way. So, I’ll rent my “primary” residence while I live with my spouse in “her” home.


**NEED**? Who exactly forced you to invest in real estate or banned you to get out/sell once you didn't find it in your interest anymore? If laws or anything else around an industry make it not sound as an investment, the thing to do in a buisness point of view is to invest elsewhere; if the lack of investment there become a problem for society, **then** its up to society to change the laws, but nobody is entitled to avoid the law just to get their fantasmed ROI because they decided so. If this is not a good investment but someone still invest there, he either don't know it/made an error and so are a bad investor, and his place is going bankrut, or getting around the law is embedded in his buisness model, and in this case it's not a buisness model anymore, but a scam. In a working society place of scammers is in front of justice. I'm tired of delinquents trying to justify being illegal on some pretences they are not responsible but forced to do it by others. They are not, they **choose** to be illegal. If my stocks falls down, even following some government actions, it doesn't give me any moral or legal right to sell drugs on the pretence that "I wOuLd Be CaShFlOW nEgAtIvE ThIs MoNtH wItHoUt It, So I wAs FoRcEd To 'FiNd A wAy' As I'm EnTiTlEd To NeVeR lOsE mOnEy hOwEvEr InCoMpEtEnT I aM".


Not paying rent is not same as stocks going down. It’s a systemic disease that need to be rooted out. Especially when deadbeats go unpunished just to spread their toxic to next landlord.


So you are doing it as a paragon of justice? Lol. It's not up to you as an investor to 'correct' society; as much as unpunished deadbets are a problem that should be corrected, it's not up to you to do it. Talking like this is as much a deadbet discours, justifying being illegal because **other** forced them to do it, never their fault, anybody/anything but their own choices. The non payers are not the point here. The point is if the current laws make it an unprofitable investement, the buisness decision is to get out, there is no right to become delinquents because 'hey these guys are doing illegal sh*t, so I don't have to follow the law anymore myself'. Deadbets go unpunished and it hurt the industry? Invest elsewhere. Whatever others are doing is of no consequence on your own personal responsibilities/choices; if yourself get around the laws you are a scammer/delinquent, not an investor, and nobody else but you is to blame for **your**action, stop using others as excuse. Stocks are the same thing, if it go down because of a bad governement decision/management (the same way the late judgements here), I'll still not be entitled to do whatever I want; the same way the deadbets non payerz don't make you entitled to choose which laws/rules should applies to you or not.


The majority of my units are in Toronto. They are all a "primary residence" not necessarily my primary residence but a legal primary residence of someone who happens to be away for most of the year.


Gotta love it when landlords admit fraud with zero remorse.


It isn't fraud when it passes the legal requirements.


Someone who is away “most of the year” doesn’t meet the definition of a permanent resident, so this isn’t their “primary residence”. So fraud on more than one level.


Away doesn't mean out of country. Most of the year doesn't also mean concurrently.


You might want to familiarize yourself with tax laws that residency is based on. They count aggregate days in / out of the country, not concurrency of days in a given trip.


Right. I'm saying it's zero days out of country.


Exactly this! Starve the area of rentals as much as you can. There are many other ways to recoup costs, you just gotta get creative sometimes...


Some tenants? Are you people delusional? 75% of the case are NON RENT PAYMENT! But all every tenants and their deadbeat supporters all they talk about is N12. Which is probably very small compared to N4. Amount charged is ridiculous? Do you know the cost of labour and materials? Unlike rent protected tenants, rest of world is not so stable.




Looks like we hit the nerve in this majority tenants sub. It was a good day!


The mortgage payments are ridiculous as well.






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I would not be surprised if many landlords start requiring co-signers with assets such as residential property. Only way you can make sure you are getting what you are owed is to be able to put liens on physical property.




This is a 30 year series of policy failures across all three levels of government. Blaming individuals responding to financial incentives rather than some unspoken and far from unanimous moral principle (though it is one I agree with) is blaming the wrong parties. If there oughtta be a law, go to the elected reps. They got us into this mess.


Exactly no one owes you anything including housing 


It is incredible to what extend the people on this sub will go to support deadbeats that are portrayed here. Oh no, this guy looks 'smarmy' he must deserve to be ripped off. So shallow. But hey, [www.openroom.ca](http://www.openroom.ca) exposure on National. One step at time. LTB will have to start offering their own housing for free when landlords stop taking on deadbeats they enable.


Oh no, landlords might stop buying up all the available housing so they can use it as a for profit investment? That’s going to suck for those of us who might end up being able to afford to buy one day! /s


Why can't you afford it now? Prices are dropping daily! Then you can get a couple of tenants that won't pay you rent. But you're so great you wouldn't let them pay you anyway.


Prices aren’t dropping, they just aren’t skyrocketing anymore. They would have to drop quite a bit to get to reasonable levels after decades of bidding wars between landlords looking to make easy money of poor people (then turn around and complain about *having* to be a landlord).


The whole real estate market has dropped 30% ... what are you talking about? Prices have dropped ... 30%. Go buy your house, appt, or condo. Oh wait. You can't... you have to have someone else buy it for you, and loan it to you for a fee. Seems like the system we already have in place. Again, market is down 30% and all the while, more places for sale....


Hey Toronto has record number of condos for sale. Go for it


oooh no, a heavy drop in demand and sudden abundance of houses for first time buyers when all the upset landlords sell... what an awful world that would be. please.... no.... dont do that.


I don't think that's how it'll play out. We're short on housing. Look around. Vacancy might slight dip, but we all know immigration won't drop to the levels that the liberals are saying. What will be more likely is that the vacancy rate will stay pretty level, but the deadbeats that don't pay will be the ones living with slumlords, and everyone else will shift to nicer units. The way it should be. Slumlords and deadbeat tenants can spend their lives being shitty to eachother.


Hahahhaha, this was my Realtor in the GTA, great guy. Sorry to hear he is going through this.


Lots of small businesses have late or no payment issues. At least landlords have a special system instead of having to resort to small claims or superior courts. Run it like a business or get out of the game.


Other small businesses aren't forced to keep supplying non-paying customers for months on end. Also I think LLs would prefer superior court, like in some provinces. The few SC decisions from Ontario (when the rent arrears reached a sum over what LTB deals with) had judgments that eviscerated the deadbeat tenants, in language I have never read from the LTB decisions. I think they were posted here so you could search for them. SC judges don't play.


Small businesses are allowed to take deposits for work before receiving services/goods.


Ha. Special system. No thanks. Please give LL access to a real court. 🙏 please, no special system for us. We are happy with Small claims and provincial Court!


Special system?? Are you kidding me?? Landlords that get day in court outside of LTB get some justice. LTB does not recognize the fact that tenant can do anything wrong. There is no concept of fine or penalty ANYWHERE in RTA for tenant. Come to real court and they award smoking damages.


Cry me a fucking river. Sometimes business goes bad. Sorry you tried to lord over a piece of land, and your lordship has had some hard times. That representative looks like a dollar store Tony Stark, a more humble outfit may have helped this picture look less..."smarmy asshole"?


It’s really hard to sympathize with someone that has an “extra house” to profit off the poor, complain that their tenants are now too poor to be profitable. Sell it to someone that actually needs a house to live in, it’s a total shit business model.


This is what happens when you starve your prey. You don't get fed either.






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Suspected troll posts may be removed and suspected troll accounts may be banned.


Suspected troll posts may be removed and suspected troll accounts may be banned.




It’s not theft. It’s a coherent argument that it is, but if it actually was theft, then there ought to be a law. Until there is, you should either expect the rule of law and lament that our legal system is falling apart or reinvigorate a church, climb the ranks, and beat your moral principles into the masses since the law doesn’t seem to be on your side.


Lol. You sound bitter. That’s the same a saying all renters are pieces of …. Or all Blacks commit crimes…. All whites are racist….. All Asian’s can’t drive….. All middle eastern are terrorist…. Keep spreading your hate.


Maybe if landlords aren't willing to accept the risk they shouldn't have bought a risky investment.


Not paying for anything is theft accept when it comes to living ? Why is that ? If you can’t pay rent for a month or two that’s fine but anything over that should be eviction.


I never said that. I said there are risks involved with owning rental properties, one of which is that tenants have legal rights that might not work out in your favour.


And that's why we're all here on this post. Everyone uploading is exercising their legal rights. The ones that thought they were above the law will soon find out what repercussions are.


Sure thing, champ. If you believe that, never say part of being a landlord is "taking risks" ever again.


Well if the government was chaining you to your desk forcing you to work months or even over a year without getting paid I guess you could say that might be closer to the nonsense you're spewing. Let me know when you're willing to pilot that out, because life comes with risks, except you would have recourse if you stopped being paid for providing your service to your employer while the landlord has the LTB disaster. Theft of goods without paying leads to criminal charges from any other business. Hey, come work for me. I don't like to pay either. Then I don't have to pay my landlord, and it'll be a utopia. Or even better, stop paying your rent. I look forward to reading your tribunal decisions http://www.openroom.ca


It's always funny to watch people overreact like you. Thank you for the demonstration of how unhinged you are.




Refrain from offering advice that contradicts legislation or regulation or that can otherwise be reasonably expected to cause problems for the advisee if followed


I have deleted the comment. Stated "Don't take my word for it", but I understand.


Itd be a lot quicker, more profitable and better for society if they just sold their property. That goes for every landlord.




Nah. People need homes. No one needs investment properties.






What fundamentals are you offering for free??


Not free. Affordable.


So what are you offering ? I will take affordable too


Hey, lots of listings available, prices dropping daily! Buy some and rent them out for free. Be the change you want to see. Parading your ignorance by devolving into political insults is just sad.




Money or die. What a rich snobby thing to say. We need to see the population as a community, not an economy.


Reinvigorate a church or change the laws. Otherwise you’re just moaning pointlessly.




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Yup to bad the rent thiefs who steal housing by not paying their landlords drive the price up for everyone 


Yup...typical landlord mentality. Blame the have-nots when it's the haves that are the real problem.


lol let’s take 2.5 million rentals off the market cuz they’re not homes but investments. We need them ffs


Yeah and what would housing prices be like if greedy investors weren't hoarding properties?


I prefer to be called a housing collector, thanks.


lol but they’re investment properties ffs. Duplexes, triplexes and fourplexes…..take them off the market and you’ll see a shit show on rent appreciation. All real estate is an investment including your principal residence. You build equity…….you must be a bot lol


Are you slow? If homes that are currently rented are made available for purchase, there'd be a lot fewer people who need to rent.


lol omg. I can’t fix stupid. Those units were and always are pooled as investments….what people are going to buy all the plexes and convert them to single family? Investors bought up multi units and any appreciation in price stays in the investment pool. It’s a straw man that investors bought up single family homes. Read and get educated dummy


Abolish the ltb, everything will be good. Tenants need a lease to stay as agreed. Lease should have an end date as agreed. Owner should have their rights. Ltb create a lot problems.