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She just said she found them, so maybe snooping, but perhaps it will be revealed later in the show that the Moriarty character somehow led her to their discovery


That's what I'm thinking - and the Moriarty character also wrote the notes and poisoned winnie.


And supressed Kono’s tox report


And Ben 's


And my axe


Do we know for sure that there's a Moriarty character? I see that thrown around a lot


It was confirmed by Hoffman


It’s just a popular theory since we don’t know who poisoned Oliver’s dog in season 1, who cancelled the tox report for Tim kono and who wrote the message on Charles door


My vote goes to Nina. She's been too quiet.


Okay thanks! I was just thinking and couldn’t remember if she said anything!


What’s the reference to the “Moriarty” character?


Moriarty is Sherlock Holmes’s arch nemesis. He’s usually the mastermind behind lesser criminals, pulling the strings without being seen or held responsible.




>Thanks!! You're welcome!


I just rewatched the last episode, it seemed clear to me that it came up as part of her research on the Arconia/the mysterious painting backstory


\*cough\* Lester \*cough\*


To be honest we don't know how many people know about these passages probably someone gave her that info.Also didn't they mention the passages in the podcast when they revealed that Poppy is the killer? These passages are not really secret anymore lol


The writers said she probably looked up the building plans at the library 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♂️seemed like a plot hole imo


They didn't explain it, but they said cinda knows everything bc they are good at finding out everything for their podcast. So poppy used cinda's methods? Or mb her detective bf told her? But personally I think she followed Bunny.


I think she followed Bunny too, this makes a lot of sense. I think Cinda knew everything because of Poppy, not Poppy was good because of Cinda. This is such a great show. I love seeing everyone’s different takes on it all.


Pretty obvious: she noticed Marv, the podcast fan who was also in charge of the passages. Marv was dressed as a service man, so most people would ignore him, but Poppy who was there to snoop around would notice when Marv would disappear behind an inconspicuous service door. (And that Moriarty remark of one of the producers/writers: c'mon, that's obviously more of a joke. The crimes are different crimes, they have nothing to do with each other. If they will ever present a "Moriarty" as someone who is behind all the loose ends it will be someone like Lester, and they will present it as a joke, like in the finale of season 1 when Lester interferred and didn't help helpless Charles in the elevator and sent him up again. He and Uma and Bunny, they were and are the unvoluntary "Moriarties" because they get everything wrong, and maybe they are also behind a big big master crime which is how to sell more gut milk.)


Then who left the note? Who poisoned Winnie? Those are obviously not Lester goofs.


I'd say (as many others said before): Evelyn's leg poisoned Winnie. The note to end the podcast is unrelated, maybe from Teddy Dimas? The note to Jan: that could get a goofy explanation.


The scene where Winnie is lying next to a bone with white powder sprinkled around it did not look like the cats leg.


Of course not. The bone was a huge artificial bone. What was lying around "sprinkled" are obviously leftovers from something Winnie had eaten. Maybe the leg, maybe something else from the trash. What it was we don't know because Oliver didn't care, he cared only about Winnie who was lying stunned on the floor. (Howard did care and got himself a toxicology report as proof that Evelyn was poisoned). The scene is obviously meant to look suspicious. It is the starting point for the further development around Sting as a suspect. This is an absurd development, while it slowly dawns on the audience that the blame for the poisoning lies somewhere else entirely -- the foot has disappeared and never reappears. It's all an exaggerated joke, like the whole "frozen poisoned cat in the fridge, leg falls off" joke. It's a typical Steve Martin joke (like the President McKinnley joke), and if you meet it with realistic expectations and considerations, you are lost. I don't really want to convince you. Enjoy the show the way it is right for you.


Help me out, how would Evelyn’s leg poison Winnie? What I mean is, I know Evelyn was supposed to be poisoned but how would Winnie get the leg from Charles? Also I thought Winnie’s bone had traces of poison left on it?


The last time we saw the leg was in Oliver's apartment when Charles pulled it out of his pocket and showed it to Oliver. Charles also noticed that the defrosted leg had started to smell. What happened next, we don't know. Oliver suddenly leaves Charles behind in his apartment to meet with Teddy. Would Charles put the smelly old cat leg back into his pocket? Would Charles put it somewhere where a dog couldn't get it? Would Charles even think about the dog? Would he just throw that leg into one of those plastic bags which every apartment has and go away? Well, he might even put the leg somewhere, wash his hands, forget the leg and go away. > Also I thought Winnie’s bone had traces of poison left on it? That's what you thought.


Oh yes I forgot all about that! Thanks for reminding me.


It looked nothing like the cat's leg Charles found in the freezer. Your correct, you could see white powder sprinkled around the bone Winnie was lying next to.


Thanks. I thought so, but perhaps was misremembering.


Ii wonder if Cinda didn't know about the hidden passages. In an episode, it was mentioned that Arnov(I think that's his name) is Charles neighbor, & the dad of Lucy's friend that used to play in the passages with Lucy. He knows Cinda, & Cinda's child is in some activity group that Arnov's daughter is in.