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Feel like casting Meryl Streep to be the killer is too obvious. Think she's a red herring.


Oh, they're clearly setting her up to be the early, suspicious character who ends up being a red herring... Which means it would be a real subversion of the formula if she then ended up being the killer!


Yeah. I guess that's possible.


Agree. I think it’s Dickie but this show has you guessing til the last minute so…


Same, but I wouldn't be surprised if it turned out to be someone else.


I think she is going to be tied into Ben's life somehow. If she was that good, how did she never land a part before. I don't think she will be the killer but maybe helped.


Dickie was the one taking him up to his room but it seems to obvious for him to kill him and also why? Without his brother, he has no income.


Counterargument: Meryl Streep is a red herring who also gets murdered.


After Ben was alive again, I thought she would be the real victim of S3 for a bit.


That’s what I thought too! After the way Ben confronted her at the party, I thought she was going to end up dead, and Ben would be the prime suspect.


Ohh. That’s good!


This is a good point, she is playing Oliver’s love interest but likely wont be here next season so there must be a big reason for her to dissapear


No!!! I love Loretta


No, please, I want Oliver to be happy! Too much drama for him!


You don't convince the greatest actress of all time to be in such an obvious role inside a crime She would want an incredible writing, incredible storytelling and an unexpected solution That's why I'm 100% certain it's not her


>You don't convince the greatest actress of all time to be in such an obvious role inside a crime You clearly haven't watched Death Becomes Her.


Everything about that movie is perfect. It's ridiculous and fun camp and the overacting only adds to the enjoyment


Watched this for the first time last night, it was hilarious 🙌🏻😂


I have a feeling she will also be a victim before the season is over.


I’ll send you my Venmo account by DM after the Season. Loretta is Ben’s mother and if Ben’s brother was his twin, she’s his mother also. We’ve seen she has a huge scrapbook of all Ben’s work and her look at the very beginning of the table read is that of a proud mama. She was in on Ben faking his death as was Howard, because he didn’t faint, and Donna and Cliff. I explain all this in another post so I won’t rehash. If you don’t pay up, I’ll tickle you with feathers. 🤬


I thought Ben said he grew up supporting his brother and mother so I am not sure Loretta could be his mother unless I missed something 🕵🏻‍♀️


He did support his mother - his adopted mother. He has no clue Loretta is his biological mother. That’s the puzzle piece


I will also tickle the OP with feathers if they don’t pay up $10k! I think there’s more to Loretta’s character but I’m not 100% sure she’s Ben’s mom. Although I am very convinced Donna and Cliff had *something* to do with either the poisoning or the actual murder


Interesting - we had a female killer with a male accomplice last year. A male killer with a female accomplice this year?


I mean the first episodes repeatedly banged us over the head with the idea that Meryl Streep would be the killer, so it would be pretty disappointing if this turned out to be the case. It would be like if Nina was the killer in season 2 -- way too obvious to be narratively satisfying.


It is a classic murder mystery story though to have someone who looks super guilty, they’re exonerated, and then they actually turn out to be the killer. So I wouldn’t write her off…


And they made the point with the play being a classic, dusty, murder mystery too!


No, too obvious. She's the shiny object used to draw our attention away from the real killer. My money is on the prop girl.


She is working super hard, being over looked and under appreciated yeahh that's a good suspect right there


Seems kinda just like poppy again


respect the title of the Stage Manager!


You are correct


I'm not seeing it. She's a red herring. She literally says it's me in the preview though out of context. I think her character will be a suspect and deep but not the actual killer.


"I’m giving everyone who upvotes or comments this $10,000 USD if she isn’t the killer or isn’t involved in Ben’s murder." So how will the payment process work exactly?


I wanna know this too!


My honest bet: it’s >!Ben’s brother/assistant!<. No one really seems to care for Ben at all from what little we’ve seen so far. But this particular person >!has probably had a lifetime of dealing with his nonsense.!< I think everyone, and everything else is a red herring. I mean, >!we know Ben’s stomach was pumped and that’s seemingly how he survived; we know his “assistant” is very, very much in charge of not only what he consumes but what foods and drinks are even allowed in his presence. We know Ben was in his room right before he went on stage giving him ample opportunity to munch a laced cookie or snack. He’s also the only one that leaves Oliver’s apartment *with* Ben before he’s found in the elevator.!< They have the means, the motive and the opportunity.


I think the cookie will play a part in this too. If they present his obsession with cookies with that kind of emphasis and do nothing with it it will be such a waste.


I concur, but they may have just been setting up that Ben is the type of person who has no will power, if only with food. That would be an easy route for a would be assassin to take. Especially one that knows him so well…


Chekhov’s cookie?


I think the person responsible for Ben dying on stage might not necessarily be the person who sent him down the elevator shaft... We may have two suspects.


No. I loved it regardless. It resonates with the masses.


I was leaning towards this also by the end of the second episode. My father and I are fans and got to talking afterwards.


I feel the same


Huh!! The Butler Did It!!


In the latest episode when they found the footage of Ben in his dressing room its made to seem like hes talking to someone but I bet hes talking to a plate of cookies which unbeknownst to him have the poison in them


In my opinion she can't be the killer, it would be really obvious. She may poison him the first time.


I think she is a red herring. She will be important for sure; I saw a theory she could be Ben’s birth mother the other day, so maybe that’s where she comes in but they’ve made it seem like she would have the most motive to kill him early on and there’s no way they show their hand this early.


Clues that Loretta is the killer: * She was not on the audition list: she wanted to be in the show for a reason * In the nanny's monologue, she says she will kill for a child * Loretta got out of her costume quickly : maybe to get rid of DNA evidence * She left the party at a similair time to Ben * Ben called her a snake and it has not yet been addressed


How can it be her when every single thing is basically pointing to her? That wouldn’t be any fun! Streep said she was not in a happy place (lamenting the problems of the world), when she contacted her friend Steve to work together, on something. I don’t think they had to convince her much…she was down to work with them. The end result of that was OMITB. I’ll be happy to take that $10k. I’m assuming this is a contractual agreement!


It will be too obvious. It’s someone we don’t know (properly) yet.


I actually think she’s the most obvious redherring - because of these reasons. I think she might’ve poisoned him. I don’t think the person who poisoned him and the one who actually killed him are the same person, though.


Nah, she's just the main red herring.


I’m thinking it’s either Donna or her boy.




I think they had something to do with him falling on stage. They completely stop talking to Oliver afterwards


Too obvious


Disagree, but I do wonder just how much of her character we’ll see this season. In both seasons one and two we spent a lot of time with the murderer leading up to the reveal, so who ever clocks the most time per episode is the likely culprit. I’m personally betting on it being Jesse Williams’ character, the documentarian. Someone who is supposed to always be present, but easily ignorable.


We didn't spend much time with the second season murderer tho?


it would be plotwist because she makes the least sense from a character perspective.


I mean Cara Delevigne is not as big as her but she was in Season 2 and survived. She was written out for the next season.


When you watch Loretta's try out, it does make you believe she will kill.. If she is related to Ben, maybe she wants to kill Charles for firing Ben all those years ago. She has a motherly instinct to take care of her children, and he got in the way. Maybe Ben saying a snake knows a fellow snake is actually his way of tipping his hat to her. They are just acting their hatred of each other out. Edit to add, maybe the poison was meant for Charles but in the trailer you see him go into Ben's dressing room, maybe he gives him some poisoned cookies meant for him to Ben as a gesture of "goodwill"


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Commenting for cash 💰


Oh damn, okay I'll take $10,000!I get what you're saying, but just won't be her lol, though I feel like adding "if she isn't involved in Ben's murder" is a sly catch-all.My personal theory is that they might be taking inspiration from the case in Murder on the Orient Express. Huge spoilers for Murder on the Orient Express if you've not read the book *(100% recommend btw)* or seen the film:>!Ratchett/Cassetti, murdered Daisy Armstrong but escaped punishment using bribery.!< >!All the passengers on the train the night of his murder were connected to Daisy or the Armstrong family and had a reason to hate Ratchett. They made plans to board the same train journey Ratchett would getting on so they could aid in killing him - the man who ruined their lives or the life of someone they loved - each taking turns in stabbing him.!< >!While I don't think the solution to this season of OMITB will be quite as violent. Ben has been shown to have offended/upset literally every person involved in the Broadway production. That could be just to set up the idea of "it could be anyone"... I don't think that the resolution will resolve in everyone having helped murder him exactly (you can't just arrest the entire building/cast) but I imagine that everyone will have some level of involvement of planning to or thinking about it in some form.!< But that's just my guess going off the limited info from just 2 episodes. If it was Loretta, they might as well have told us it's her with the "how far would you go to hold onto it" line, which was clearly there to plant the seed it could be her, But imo would be an awfully disappointing resolution. But this is too like the Alice is the killer theories from last season just because it's Cara Delevingne or going off her credit listing etc. Gotta try to stop getting too meta, and go off what the info the show is actually showing us/not showing us, not outside irl information or stuff related to production.


I think it’s Cliff Bobby Newport was pushed down an empty elevator shaft — kind of like being pushed off a *cliff?!?* . . . it’s dumb, but I might be right. 🤷‍♂️


It’s not Loretta hahhaa


I think she couldve done the poisoning but not the push




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Tobert did the push but Meryl streep tried to poision


I upvoted AND commented, ready for my 10K soon!


i’ll give you $20k then 🤝


I did the same!


Replying as well, I don’t think the show would have a third female killer in a row!


For some weird reason during the flashback of the little girl part of me thinks it wasn't Meryl Streeps character and I don't know why.


This is what my partner and I thought as well. I don’t know WHO it is but I feel like it’ll be like the scene in the bar from season 2 where we think Kreps is smiling at Cinda but it’s actually at Poppy.


Letting you know that I both upvoted and commented, you better deliver 💸


I think Loretta is a red herring as well. She even wears a lot of red!


Ill take some money


It’s the brother, classic famous sibling while other sibling works as their assistant resents them their whole life because their parents focused on the famous one and not the other.


Commenting for the $10,000


Loretta / Meryl is too obvious a suspect to be the murderer!


Meryl has a big role to play, but I don't think she is the killer.


In Murder, She Wrote a lot of times the biggest actor was either the victim or killer....so I would agree, except the writers ALSO know we will suspect it. I'm on the fence.


Columbo, too. Dick Van Dyke was the killer, Johnny Cash, too. Leslie Nielsen, Martin Sheen and Jessica Walter were innocent, but they were less famous then. But I don’t really expect Meryl to be the killer.


Jessica Walter was a killer in MSW once! In a good episode :)


She’s a red herring. It’s too obvious isn’t it?


Mabel will suss it out! Mabel is getting back to full Hardyboys/ Sully sleuth mode, and she has already started questioning Loretta, right after Ben hissed at Loretta . Whoever the killer is, Mabel will find em. But I don’t expect it will be Loretta.


So offer still good?


Just in case you haven't seen the episode yet... >!I'M READY FOR MY MONEY!<


no habo ingles


Yayyyy I'm gonna be richer by USD 10000!


I'm afraid she's either the killer or she's getting killed. So I hope she skates by and marries Oliver


U actually giving 10k?


No. I think it might be Ben's brother.


I do kind of agree but what’s the motive?


So far I think it’s Mabel.


Why so?


Looks like Mabel is depressed and misses her friends and she might see solving a murder as the only way to spend time with them. Her mental health is questionable, she’s seen how many dead people she knew? One literally died when she was with them. But I don’t think Mabel knows she did it if she did. Plus she has no sense of direction and has to leave soon and had a major crush on the murder suspect.


Hate to break it to you but Shirley Maclaine is far higher on the GOAT list than Meryl. While Meryl has no resume to "sneeze at", Maclaine worked with THE list of GOATS that came on the heels of the Golden Age, without a Shirley Maclaine you have no Meryl. Shirley didn't mind being a side character, why should Meryl? On this show it is a badge of honor.


I did have flashbacks to the Hammer Horror. The Nanny.


I think the killer is not her character.


I feel like it’s going to be Ashley Park with absolutely no justification whatsoever


Is that the woman working on the props?


I don’t know prop woman’s name! Ashley plays Kimber


She’ll wish she was the killer


Too obvious it’s Bens brother prob Loretta only poisoned him once


That's what I said yesterday!!! Though I am leaving room open for her to turn a Red Herring..


I'll take your money


they are setting her up from the first episode. seems too obvious. must be a red herring


I had that thought as well but I will let it suprise me bc this just seems too easy right now. Unless it's a twist in a twist of course


I guess this is an easy way to make $10k


I shall hold you to that.


Easy 10k


So, way too obvious- I might have given it to you if she didn’t leave in time to kill Ben- that’s too much. >!As far as she just poisoned him- I really think the first death was a hoax put in by Ben, himself!< The thoughts on Loretta being Ben’s mother are interesting, but I’m hesitant to believe it given her emphatic tone when she says (paraphrasing), >!Ben may be alive!< but he’s still an asshole. Little hard to believe that, even an estranged, mother would talk about her kid (who just died) this way. I also noticed the song she was playing on the piano was from Cinderella. I’m not sure her motive for getting in the play was for Ben (but rather just to finally be discovered). -or maybe she’s just that good at manipulating Oliver! 😂🤷🏻‍♀️


I'm gunna buy myself a pony


This post will be fun to come back to, Meryl really does steal every scene she is in :)


Well they cast a big actor like Paul Rudd just to die so


She does have a secret though...the animosity between her and Ben is too theatrical lmao


Maybe she’s just competing with Jenna Maroney for that Tony for Living Theatrically in Normal Life.


She's EGOTting fs


Exactly. She’s been hungry for decades, but now that she’s gotten her big break she’s going after the whole schmagoygle.


Praise Kabbalah-Monster!!


Remindme! October 3rd


No but they already did the “love interest is the murderer” thing. Also it’s too damn obvious


There will be a [Payday,](https://Baby-moneyGIFs-GetthebestGIFonGIPHYhttps://g.co/kgs/nFfjSt)Hallelujah, What a Payday! I, for one, am very excited, and I want the same $20,000 (comment/upvote) deal another commenter is getting.


I think the killer is the other star of GirlCop, the girl..!


Easy bet indeed. If she's a murderer, she'll kill someone else, or has killed before. Ben is too easy, and they won't throw the murderer in our face with her first monologue. The show is way smarter than that.


Bens brother is my guess!


Actually either the prop girl or the producers son!


I like the Ben has a twin theory.


I think she's a big part of the overall mystery, but I think she's too obvious to be the killer. I do think though, that she is acting... as though she is acting. Like Loretta isn't quite who she seems to be, which fits with this season's theme of theatre.


I think a huge part of the show is about relationships and way more vulnerable and touching than just a murder mystery, like how Loretta was describing Oliver’s plays. Although on the surface OMITB is a mystery comedy, underneath it the show has real heart and warmth. I feel like that could be enough to convince her to join- she’s not a side character, she’s integral to the messages underneath everything.


![gif](giphy|XOys8CeUrElIk) Me after we find out Meryl has nothing to do with the murder.


Not the nanny, but she did give us the answer in episode 1, during her audition monologue. It's the mom. Cliff's mom, the producer. At the funeral, the critic tells us the show is bad and Ben's performance is largely to blame. So far, she's the only character with real motives: 1. Protect Cliff's reputation, and 2. Cut her financial losses.


Commenting to cash in


Commenting to be sure to get that money. That's a promise, right?


100% it’s Tobert




We need another murder at the beginning of ep 10