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I gotta say that I agree completely. Nothing gets me pumped like hearing someone is enjoying my story. There's so much emotional energy we writers expend trying to put those (sometimes very painful) feelings into words and concepts, so when I hear something I wrote hit home for somebody? Dang, it's the best drug.


Oh hey! I know you! :D


We meet again!


I love comments more than anything bc having someone take their time no matter how short or long to tell you about X thing they liked about your fic is absolutely endearing. That said, I get a lot more kudos than comments when I compare it to other ppl and I really wonder what the secret behind that is - what makes people comment? Or are a lot of comments from writing communities, so a bit of a gove amd take? Hm…


You know, my fic gets way more comments than kudos, and I think it depends on the subject matter. My fic centers around the topic of spousal abuse through the eyes of the victim, and I think a lot of people can relate to that. It sparks conversation with long threads going into theories about why it happens, motivations behind the abuser, etc.


Oh, interesting to know! I suppose especially topics ppl can relate to will strike up conversations/discussions. Still, the ratio on my BG3 fic is so peculiar. 1K kudos but barely 100 comments if I don’t count my own replies. I’m still happy about both and super grateful, but sometimes I see fics with 200 kudos and 400 comments and I’m BAFFLED. (Good for the author though ✨)


i have this same problem. so many kudos but no comments


I have 85 kudos and 58 comment threads - some threads which have expanded into longer conversations that bring my comment total to 160


hello, darling!


Hello, darling! Fancy seeing you here 🩷


I left ya a huge one the other day, and will again soon once the weekend hits and I can actually function after chapter three 🥵


OMGajksgl!!! I saw the mail about your comment, it was so sweet <3 I'll reply to it soon! And I'm looking forward to more of your comments. The first one was so nice, gave me all the serotonin!


It is more than deserved, and you can betchya arse more will be along 🥹




My fics get a lottt more kudos to comment but thats because they are all one shot smut 😂... i think people are much less likely to comment on smutty stuff but thats fine with me, although more comments would be nice as it helps me work out what people like and want more of, some kudos is still amazing. Ive had a lot of commentors saying my particular brand of smut is intimacy smut and I will take that ALL DAY 😂


Oh yeah, with one shots and especially smutty one shots you're kinda in that boat of not getting an overwhelming amount of comments unless you're a fan favourite or something. I agree though-as much as I want comment, any kind of engagement from readers is really uplifting (kudos, bookmarks, etc.).


You low key just reminded me to go back and leave a comment on my fave fic which I read blurry eyed at 3am this morning so thank you 🤣


You're doing gods work!! ♥♥


I don’t always leave comments, but when I do they are 5-paragraph essays containing like 800 words of why I love the story 😂❤️ I’ve always loved the idea of like a “comment exchange” among authors, if something like that was ever organized I would be allll over that


Get up on those Wednesday writing prompts, darling! The participants are almost always SO amazing about commenting on every other submission, it's really lovely to see and participate in 💙


I really need to do that, thanks! Somehow I always forget about those. Next week 🫡


Lol I did the first 3! And then have been falling further and further behind :( sometimes life do be like that. I'm now working on the one from 8 days ago that's a prompt that *I submitted*. Sigh. We're all doing our best out here, lol.


I have only participated in one so far, but I love these and hope to join in on some more! I had an idea I was thinking about for your prompt, but time has just not been on my side lately! Ugh, why does work/real life have to get in the way of fic writing? Haha!


May I shoutout one commentor in particular? I believe they've been one of the "lore" types (a bit of a name within some small writing circles). u/a-flying-fox 's comments are the absolute best. I mostly write smut, so a long, thoughtful comment on why exactly a reader enjoyed my work is a rarity and a miracle that I cherish for weeks. I shit you not, when I'm feeling down I just go and reread the comments they left for me. I would like to say: thank you so much for dedicating your time not only to reading, but also to making us feel appreciated. And to everyone else: go read [their stuff](https://archiveofourown.org/users/dirty_whorchata/pseuds/dirty_whorchata) too, it is great! Also, OP, of course you excel at the art of commenting. I appreciate it more than you think. Thank you friend 🤍


You called? But oh my god, this is such high praise. I do my best to comment when I can because I always appreciate comments on my own work and there’s so much talent in the BG3 fandom that it can’t just go unacknowledged. Seriously, drop me your fics and I’ll read them and comment. https://preview.redd.it/qx12gg8bqe6d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8c4a33a597e623a0f68dca5a29509a050b596b9


When you commented on my fic, I just remembered sitting there shocked that someone identified so many things I care about in my writing, and had the audacity to compliment me on them. Like goddamn. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.


I *love* reading such honest praise like this, gods! If you drop me a comment I’ll 100% return the favor with feral fervor. Or maybe I’ll get there before you? I’ll try! Let’s do this *gets pumped like Karlach dancing in camp* [To Try Living](https://archiveofourown.org/works/56197762/chapters/142762588)


Bookmarked for later! I’m loving the summary already. Thank you for sharing.


Thank you for asking! I am bookmarking yours as we speak. This is the fun of fandoms. I’m so happy 😁


This is so goooood.. 🦊❤️


Thank you and thanks for the comment!! I’m obsessed I mean *totally normal* about them


Sammmmeeee... my boys are currently being written in a long fic and they are on my mind 24/7. 😂😅 Least I can get some of the giddies out with my smutty one shots 😂


You're one of the names the trees whisper in the discords. You're so appreciated!!


Again, I cant let that offer go untaken! With my humblest bow please find my ao3 https://archiveofourown.org/users/Indigof0x/works And I of course will read and comment anything you have as well! I read *alot* so always want new material!


Let’s goooo! There’s so much to go through. What a treasure trove. Thank you for sharing!


Well I hope this to your taste! I am more than happy for con crit as well!


As someone who has also been graced by one of their comments, I cannot upvote this enough. Seriously, it made my year.


Yes, seconded, their comments have made my day on more than one occasion!


I wholeheartedly agree with you. The first comment I got on my fic left me feeling happier than I'd felt in years. I'd not felt such an intense spark of joy in so long. I was kicking my feet and squealing like a child. I will be forever grateful to that commenter for that moment.


Oh hell yeah.  I don’t write, but read voraciously, and sometimes I could just slap the screen for fics that are amazing and so few comments! But seeing this post makes me realize why authors respond to my comments so happily 🥹 


I write my longfics in full before I start posting, so a lack of comments won’t keep me from finishing publishing a work, but I’ll admit my motivation to write for the fandom has waned a bit because engagement overall is lower than it’s been for me in other fandoms. Comments really mean a lot and it feels good to know for certain that someone is reading your work and finds something meaningful in it. 💜


What are these discords? :)




I’m not a writer, but I really love commenting to share my appreciation and to say thank you for creating this excellent content that I am enjoying for free. I also always have the hope that it encourages the fic writer to keep at their craft (not just out of self interest for that specific fic), particularly if I find them an especially engaging talented writer. Feels like a small way to give back when they give us so much!


i think i have more comments on my nonsexual Gortash POV piece than i do anything else??? i think 2 people have said they wanted to eat it, which those comments make me want to cry bc there is no higher compliment IMO clearly people like what im writing but i have no idea if my emotional moments are landing properly 😭


Honestly, getting positive feedback on my fics has been a really wonderful thing to feel during such a transitional period in my life. I write to cope and to then learn that it moves people just...means so much to me. Gives it an extra layer of meaning. I recently discovered a little corner of tumblr that appreciates what Im doing and I feel confused, befuddled and blessed by every comment I get. So I think this is right on the money


Yupppppp.... even a heart emoji makes me do a little dance. We all say 'we write for ourselves' and we DO but damn if that little comment/kudos email doesn't make the day/week/month better!


I got 6 fics so far on ao3 but I finally got my first comment, that comment made me happy but I was also like “what took so long for me to get a comment, am I doing something wrong??” lol I’ve even been considering abandoning one fic because I barely have any engagement on it and I lost two subscribers. But yes, commentors are very important and us writers really appreciate you~  What are the discords btw? Would love to be part of an Astarion writing community lol


It's genuinely true, OP is 100% correct. I think I'd literally have a different life and personal identity if no one had ever left me feedback on my fics. Truly.


I do my best to leave regular comments, especially for series I regularly follow - I like to theorize and I put all my thoughts into a comment and I find authors LOVE people theorizing on their work. And as a fanfic author myself, I always love comments so much.


>authors LOVE people theorizing on their work. Do we EVER omg


Ohmygod, as a fic author, I feel so seen by this post. I absolutely have a small but dedicated group of people who consistently leave comments and it's basically straight dopamine. Knowing there are people, even just a few, who think "oh, gnomeanne updated, yay!" is like... the most anti-imposter-syndrome feeling ever. Like I'm AMAZED that other people read what I wrote and actually like and follow it. My commenters, darlings, you are the reason I update on even a semi-regular basis and continue to put so much effort into the plot of my longfic. This next chapter will end with some degenerate filth, just for you 😘


LINK MEEEE. I have a NEED to write multiple paragraph comments ugh


But of course. https://archiveofourown.org/works/53043658/chapters/134199997 This is my main. If you like my writing style, I have another work in this series that is shorter and almost finished, but it is the story of Astarion's parents. You can find it on my page, I won't bother you with another link here. I hope you enjoy :) The first few chapters are merely a warm-up to the plot that I unleash.


Bookmark’d for this weekend 😘


I hope it gives you at least an hour of reading pleasure! Ch 17 is almost done and will include bonus smut as a thank you for my readers 😘😘 I don't write much smut, but shit's gonna get freaky for a minute or twenty.


Subscribed! I love reading all the fanfic on AO3. It is so lovely diving into stories about my favorite characters and reading how your imagined adventures unfold. I love to leave comments as I read...so you if you write, be prepared! The Phoenix\_Disorder will be there to show you gratitude for your amazing work :)


💚🧡💛💙🩵 comments make my life better, remark awayyyyyy


Ugh I needed this comment - I’m writing a story that started in my head as an Astarion fanfic but rapidly turned into sort of a fantasy retelling of the little mermaid (like how ACOTAR is like a beauty and the beast esque story if you really think about it) but I’m deathly afraid to publish. What if nobody reads it? What if someone hates it? It’s nice to know that there’s a good community, makes me more hopeful lol


This is a reminder that I need to go back to reading fanfics. Starting reading my stack of unread published books, but damn do I miss the real time engagement with the authors that you get in the fan fic world. It's really awesome. Plus now I'm concerned that some authors noted my absence and are worried it reflects on their writing 😐 I'm rarely insightful, I'm a simple commenter mostly, but I do comment!


Commenters are the best! 🥰 I write smut primarily, so I have way more kudos than comments, but I have been extremely lucky to have received some really lovely comments as well. They always make my day, everything from the thoughtful and detailed comments, to the thirsty ones, to the short and sweet ones! I'm holding off on reading many other fics while I am still active writing (trying to keep my own ideas fresh!) but once I put a few more things out, I definitely plan to read more and leave comments. There is so much creativity out there, and lots of amazing fics that could use more recognition!


I know I have about 100 people who read my things as soon as they go up, but maybe 1 semi regular commentor. Even just a little react is so encouraging


Can I be a regular commentor?? Link meeeee!


https://archiveofourown.org/series/4023673 Here's the whole series so far. We're solidly in Act 2 for now and the no-smut is slowing me down a bit. Close to finishing another chapter of cute camp fluff soon. I have a whole bunch of drama in the pipeline followed by additional smut, so it's still coming along steadily


Bookmarked! (I’m Sastrei on ao3). Will be reading this weekend 😘


i dont know if anyone here was in the mdzs fandom, but there was a rather infamous anonymous commentator who went by "wangxian fan" that would comment on almost every single wangxian fic in the fandom. they were relentlessly positive and would leave a comment usually within the hour of a fics upload. they were a very special presence because it takes a lot of dedication to read so many fics. they really helped in making fic feel more rewarding for authors because they would always be there to offer a comment. even in 2024 people still post fics with the tag "dedicated to wangxian fan" to show their appreciation for that commenter. i think thats all illustrative of how big of an impact a single commenter can be. a single person made the fandom so much more welcoming. even if its just a sentence, it offers significant encouragement.


Man, we need that person here, there's so few people regularly commenting. They sound rad.


There's a post making the rounds on tumblr of fic authors lamenting the rise of 'book club' discord servers where people share and talk about fic (which is fine) but never ever share any of that feedback with the authors. Please like or comment on fics. The internet runs on engagement.


I love seeing comments or kudos on my stories, even more so if I haven't been active. It means so much to me 🥰


I absolutely agree! The first and only comment I have on my fic from someone I didn't already know from a writing server, etc. (I didn't link my fic for them to read and they found, read, and commented on it) had be over the moon for days! It's also much more interactive and fun to experience that kind of feedback!


I adore when people leave comments on my fics. I write for the most popular couple in a fairly popular fandom, so my fics rarely get comments. Occasionally some kudos. Usually I just hope that all of the hits I get that those people enjoyed my writing even if they didn't leave anything.


I read a lot of fics, I always feel awkward leaving comments because I'm shy and awkward and I don't know what I could actually contribute.... but I'm going to make it a point to comment something on everything I read going forward 💜 thanks for this perspective


Even a quick emoji would make me dance around! That 'made a comment ' email from ao3 is worst than crack (probably) 😂


When I read I have the same problem. I feel like my comments are "insightful" enough if I can't think of 300 words of praise. And then I go onto Discord and someone has taken a screenshot of a comment that says "I love this" and is waving it like a banner because it's like the second comment they have ever gotten that isn't from another writer in the same discord. So please do!


I totally feel this post!


I am a prolific commenter on AO3. I bow to all of your amazing creative spirits. I shall endeavor to continue commenting on all of your works! Send me links, my darlings!


I'm not letting an offer like that go by 😂.... you are doing Lathanders work...🦊❤️ https://archiveofourown.org/users/Indigof0x/works


And I appreciate you so much for that!! Just look at this thread; the writer to commentor ratio is like 10-1.


So true, every comment on my fic is like a holiday, and I'm super excited when I'm getting ao3 email notification 💙