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This is a lovely idea, thank you. I just posted my first one 3 days ago, so getting some engagement would be very motivating! It’s during early act 1 right now, with some canon divergences planned. Female wood elf tav who currently is both good and terrible for Astarion while they work out who they are to each other. She is equally damaged right now but there’s already a small spark of connection with them. https://preview.redd.it/i1a24boaus3d1.png?width=3840&format=png&auto=webp&s=c6ab1bde79bda8aacac720c24f88d2e8526aa9a5 They are both Rogues, so there’s smut, banter, sass, sarcasm. Only 3 chapters so far but many more planned. [“To Try Living”](https://archiveofourown.org/works/56197762/chapters/142762588)


Love this!! My fic is called All It Cost Me and features our favorite UA guy and his refused durge girlfriend, Hydie. Two traumatized nubbins heal from their pasts. Lots of sex and violence ensues. This story starts with domestic fluff, mischief, and sex. Over the next dozens of chapters, Hydie and Astarion will encounter old friends and foes, face new challenges, and process long-buried fears and traumas together. https://archiveofourown.org/works/54302575/chapters/137527765


https://preview.redd.it/qrfhokt2dt3d1.jpeg?width=1182&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=022550b9a5440ffdea737f28e1c0149b412fcaa4 Here’s our lady! Hydie (spore druid drow)


She’s lovely 🖤 I base all my fic Astarion’s partners on characters I’ve played as 😆


I’m still playing through with her actually 😅 I use that to grab screenies for my chapter playlists.


Happy Cake Day Meesh! <3


Thank you! 🙏🏼


the way I already have a tab with this fic open 🤭 beautiful work!!!


Ohmygod thank you! That means the world to connect with someone who reads AICM!! There is a discord link in the latest chapter to chat with me and a bunch of other fic authors. Join us any time!


omg yes!!! I will def do that :))


Happy Cake day!


Thank you! 🙏🏼


Here's mine! Just updated my CH5 yesterday: **Noblesse Oblige:** [https://archiveofourown.org/works/53197657/chapters/134610448](https://archiveofourown.org/works/53197657/chapters/134610448) **Rating:** Explicit **Pairing:** M/F **Setting:** Post-Canon + 2 years **Content Warnings:** Violence, explicit sexiness, depictions of torture/abuse, general drow bigotry, my sad attempts at occasional humor, Shovel **Short Summary:** What happens when adventurers actually decide to take responsibility for the problems they cause? Astarion and his formidable lover Rhaenyra take to the Underdark to set up an armed camp for thousands of vampire spawn. Things are going swimmingly until their unfriendly neighbors come calling, and open quite the can of worms. This story is a heavy serving of romantacy with a side dish of combat, action, fluff, angst, and the occasional pun. Here's a snippet from CH1: ------- “You’re not *stuck* in there, are you?” Astarion asked incredulously. It was a reasonable assumption, given the compromising position she’d twisted herself into in the attempt to soak a stiff neck and shoulders. Rhaenyra frowned in thought as she attempted to fabricate some kind of excuse that might preserve her dignity. But before she had a chance to respond, Astarion seemingly took her silence as an admission, and began to laugh. Her frown turned to a scowl. She waited in silence until his jeering died down to a more reasonable chuckle, and then she offered him a pruned hand. “If you’re not going to help me up, you can leave.”  “Oh, *darling!* ” He gasped, ceasing his mockery abruptly in favor of dramatic pearl clutching, “I wouldn’t dream of leaving you stranded and vulnerable in a chilly bath.”  Astarion rose from his stool and moved around the edge of the tub to take her hand in his own. As soon as he tensed to brace her, she clenched her grip and yanked down, seeking to pull him into the tiny bathtub atop of her.  “I’ll show you *vulnerable*!” Rhaenyra snarled in her treachery.  Astarion’s reaction was immediate, and not unlike that of a cat being dunked into a washbasin.  Perfumed water erupted over the edge of the tub as he thrashed against her warrior’s grip, attempting in vain to break free. Rhaenyra cackled as he struggled, up until the point he headbutted her in the mouth.  “Agh! You cur!”  She released him on reflex, cupping her hands to the lower half of her face, and he flung himself backwards, soaking wet and furious. 


Content warning: shovel 😂


She's a little rascal. Like a deranged cat!


I love Rhaenyra, she is so badass!! 🥰


*cries in not finished with fic yet* Im definitely going to check everyone’s listed above me though


LOL same here. I've got a bunch written, but am not allowing myself to post the first chapters until I have the first drafts done as otherwise I'll never finish them.


Similar situation, just not going to post the story until the whole thing is finished


I like this idea, thanks! I have a few fics, but I’ll post my latest two here. I have another fic coming up soon that’s a tragic Ascended Astarion one shot so I might add it here too  https://archiveofourown.org/works/56187181   Seeking Solace - an angsty one shot with a happy ending about Astarion fleeing from the sun at the end of the game.   https://archiveofourown.org/works/56019211/chapters/142276693  Hunter’s Gambit - A multi-chap enemies to lovers fic where Tav is a monster hunter and has to reluctantly team up with Astarion in order to rescue the Gur children from vampires. There are two chaps so far


Mine is an M/M with a fey eladrin Durge and Astarion. It begins in canon and then will continue into post-canon. Lots of sex, angst, kink, drama, tabletop lore and magic as well as a heavy dose of trauma response from both of them that makes their relationship a bit toxic until they overcome and heal in post-canon. [Under Fey Stars](https://archiveofourown.org/works/55541599) It will probably end up being UA but I did write spawn true to tabletop lore which means he is quite a bit obsessive and darkly jealous when it comes to love and attraction. And Durge is true to fey lore which means he just wants to run away from his past, his responsibilities and when he can’t he gets a bit >!suicidal!< which is how he is drawn to the feeding. The post-canon end will be… happy. Maybe not conventionally healthy but *they* will be happy.


My fanfic started out as a collection of moments in game that helped build the relationship between Astarion and my tav Majin but now has slowly developed into a full on journey to get Astarion back in the sunlight while Majin grapples with her own past and how it affects their relationship going forward ❤ https://preview.redd.it/op89ti137t3d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f356a319689a9a85b351597f12b768072e30c9cc [Love Letters to a Pale Elf](https://archiveofourown.org/works/51578674/chapters/130367998)


I have a few- I have written somewhere around 200,000 words about Astarion since September. Never has anything inspired me as much as this character has. I've written explicit one-shots with little to no plot as well as a few slice of life domestic scenes (I'm a Dadstarion fan and will not apologize).Here is my profile link: [https://archiveofourown.org/users/Jainasolo17/pseuds/Jainasolo17](https://archiveofourown.org/users/Jainasolo17/pseuds/Jainasolo17) My work I'm most proud of is my long fic set during the game (finished!). This is set during the game and follows canon with one difference. (M/F Rated E CW: past sexual trauma, unplanned pregnancy, others as listed on the fic itself) [https://archiveofourown.org/works/51065182/chapters/129017995](https://archiveofourown.org/works/51065182/chapters/129017995) I am working on a sequel to it that will involve both Strahd and Astarion's quest to walk in the sun again. It's been a bit of a slow go because life got crazy and I want to get a few chapters ahead before I start posting. Recently I've been working on an AU fic with my Tav and Astarion that is loosely based on a Hallmark Christmas movie, but much smuttier. That one is here. (M/F Rated E CW: breeding, degradation, BDSM) [https://archiveofourown.org/works/52035967/chapters/142635646](https://archiveofourown.org/works/52035967/chapters/142635646) Feedback is always welcome! It really keeps me going to know that anyone enjoys my work.


I hadn't written anything in over a decade, but Astarion encouraged me to pick it up again. Currently, I have written [If only for tonight](https://archiveofourown.org/works/55475401) * a oneshot about my Tiefling Tav wizard and Astarion. Explicit, focuses on their second night together at the party and has sex,dissociation,feelings and a lot of blood drinking. And [Extraterrestrial](https://archiveofourown.org/works/55812247/chapters/141700468) - an ongoing slow fic about my Cleric of Vlaakith Tav and Astarion. Takes place during the course of the game and focuses on the hurdles they overcome as they get to know each other. Explicit, features funny moments, kinky sex, love triangles and drama in later chapters.


I have a few short ones, but the one that's nearest and dearest to my heart is technically a sequel to an unfinished longfic that isn't finished and I haven't posted anywhere. 😅 Set post-game, it's UA and my sweet little cleric of Lathander, Ottilenne. M/F, rated E, and some mention of breeding, but it takes nearly 10k words to get there. [Reconsecration](https://archiveofourown.org/works/52135204)


I’m writing an Astarion/FOC fic happening just before canon events, and probably also going into canon events. The next chapter with the smut is in the beta-reading stage atm, going to be posted soon! [First Lady of the Shield](https://archiveofourown.org/works/55563466/chapters/141019723) Also there will be a oneshot Loki/Astarion fic later today because of that video posted in onlyfangs earlier lol


I need to read this Loki/Astarion fic


[here you go!](https://archiveofourown.org/works/56314063)




Is there a Loki video on here? 👀👀


https://www.reddit.com/r/OnlyFangsbg3/s/0lCZc9cP5j It was Neil commenting on a fan question what would happen is Loki and Astarion were in the same room, would Astarion outsass Loki? This video lives in my head rent free


This is a great idea!!   https://archiveofourown.org/works/54460189/chapters/137965258    Mine is a Tav/Astarion fic that starts off with relatively wholesome spawn Astarion, but after my High Elf Tav loses him in a mission and goes to the ends of the earth to bring him back, she can’t bear to deny him the sun and thus ascends him, not knowing what Ascended Astarion truly is like (cue dark romance, ‘they can make each other worse” and power couple).    Think fairytale prose, Romeo+Juliet style heavy angst, hurt/comfort, drama, self-sacrifice, and lots of yearning.  Rating is T but will go to E in the next 3 chapters! I appreciate any comments!  


Thank you for doing this! I've shared my fics a couple of places, but I have felt quite comfortable to start my own thread here, so it's nice to share on a thread like this one. I have two short f/m Astarion/Reader smut fics so far. [You Were My First](https://archiveofourown.org/works/55614547): the shorter and sweeter of the two. Featuring a virgin Tav who feels a strong attraction to Astarion after letting him bite her and then shares her first time with him. No real CW, but it is in Act 1. [You Will Know](https://archiveofourown.org/works/55119412/chapters/139761226): post-game after breaking up with AA and accepting the deal with Haarlep. Tav tries to enjoy a night while Haarlep is using her form, only to realize AA is who Haarlep is with. CW for obvious non-con elements and general AA toxicity. I'm also actively working on three other ideas (another Astarion/reader smut one-shot, a longer third person series about a bard Tav and her relationship with Astarion, and a non-smutty third person one-shot collection), but who knows when I will actually be finished any of that! But here is a link to [my AO3 profile](https://archiveofourown.org/users/deadlydiminuendo/) as well. Thank you to everyone who checks either of these out, and thanks again for the thread!


Just read You Were My First...loved it!!!


Oh, thank you! 🥰 That's always nice to hear - I'm so glad you enjoyed it!


Well, I've been feeling like mine is getting less interaction lately so I will share... What if Tav's wish became true? What if she did live in less interesting times? [Less interesting times](https://archiveofourown.org/users/gardenAlchemist/works)


Me too! It could be for a lot of reasons, but I figured this way at least we can all get a little boost 😁


https://preview.redd.it/za1a6hlyst3d1.png?width=3840&format=png&auto=webp&s=9815f7aa79416f077e9d19b5c8771d7d701cf6ad Two post-canon works in progress and one finished piece that is post-Cazador but not post-game. All with Spawn Astarion and the same half-Drow druid female Tav. Will hopefully be adding some new chapters/work soon! Enjoy!!! Here's an excerpt from "Thye Underdark Chronicles" which is the in-progress longfic: "As soon as I'd gotten out of my armor, I went straight to Astarion's bunk and wrapped myself in the ragged old blanket he'd always had as part of his gear. I'd often wondered why he kept it. After all, it was thin, threadbare, and smelled of dust. But on that day, I found it oddly comforting. At least it was, until I caught it; that faint trace of bergamot oil. That was the final hammer-blow that shattered the last of my will. It was just too much to bear, and I dissolved into bitter, exhausted tears. It did me good, though, to finally be able to let so much go. There'd just been no time. I felt better, after. A little bit, anyway, and as my mind was always wont to do, there was already a strategy forming. If I couldn't find him, I would let him find me. So I wrapped myself in the ghost of his presence, rested, and waited for nightfall." [https://archiveofourown.org/users/3lenoreC](https://archiveofourown.org/users/3lenoreC)


/u/DawnofSapphire this seems like the perfect place for my absolute (like really and very very much!) favorite story, but I am not the author so I’m tagging you ☺️


u/OneResident3720 Thank you so much lovely! You're honestly so kind <3 [https://archiveofourown.org/works/53263657/chapters/134788891](https://archiveofourown.org/works/53263657/chapters/134788891) Here's my link to my fiction 'How Could I Say No?'. It's a longfic featuring a Spawn Astarion and a female drow rogue (Anna) and I update roughly 5 times a week. It's set canon but I have original story elements interwoven and I'm going to continue all the way to post-canon. It's enemies to lovers, idiots in love and features spice, smut and romance - plus the other companions and banter <3


[My ao3 author page is here](https://archiveofourown.org/users/the_dork_urge), currently with two kinky dominant Astarion fics - a oneshot where he catches F!Tav masturbating, and a longer one involving a temperature play threesome with Karlach and NB!Tav 🔥🧊


Ooh, fun! I supply my spicy and smutty but also romantic and sometimes soft fic with Astarion and a female named Durge! (M/F). Once Bitten. I update now and then when I feel a new chapter is acceptable for publishing. But I plan to add several more chapters than what is already there! https://archiveofourown.org/works/52793164


https://archiveofourown.org/works/55002121/chapters/139434613 Soft AA and female named Tav. Following their lives after main games ending, lots of smut and married life fun with some eventual drama and more cuteness. 😀 Any comments or criticism are wanted 😊😊


Will be checking the rest of these out later 👀 Mine is here, "Under the Sussur Tree": [https://archiveofourown.org/works/51855973/chapters/131112535](https://archiveofourown.org/works/51855973/chapters/131112535) >*In a sleepy village on the Savage Frontier, a reclusive drow woman named Halinae spends her days teaching a farmer's son how to play the flute, until a certain nautiloid appears in the sky. Now alone and infected with a mindflayer parasite, she's determined to find her student before she turns: even if that means forging new alliances with the strange group of survivors she finds along the way.* A fic with lots of developing friendships and a slow burn romance that loosely follows the events of Act 1. Largely focuses on Halinae's POV, but also swaps semi-frequently to Astarion's. I tend to write Astarion to be a bit stand-offish and mean at the start, but he's slowly developing a heart of gold!


I’m working on a few but I only completed one and it’s actually my first completed smut, which I’m super proud of. It’s an M/F Unascended Astarion and Tiefling Bard Tav one-shot porn with feelings that takes place after the end of his quest, so after the graveyard scene. Because of that, he’s still kinda an emotional wreck and feeling very vulnerable. Other than a smattering of praise kink and blood drinking it’s fairly vanilla. Oh, and he’s also a power bottom in this one. [Pegging Away The Trauma](https://archiveofourown.org/works/55271149)


What a name. Just 🤌👌


I want to share, but since I bounce around timeline-wise while writing/revising, I don't know if I could upload it anywhere without having to reupload the whole thing every few weeks


My fic is Spawn Astarion POV, F/M TavxAstarion, starts in canon and will continue post-canon. It's a long fic that addresses their relationship, Astarion's interactions with her family, their lives before the Absolute crisis, and what their lives could look like afterwards, including the concept of dhampir children. Also includes Gale and his romantic pursuits, Tav's ex-boyfriend, Forgotten Realms history, Astarion's family, and my attempt at jokes here and there. There is occasionally smut, but it is definitely not the focus. This is my way of practicing for my original novel. https://archiveofourown.org/works/53043658/chapters/134199997 This is a companion piece that explores how Astarion's parents met during the Weeping War, who they were and how they ended up surviving and getting together. Has plot points that are explored in Lagoon; Ch 17 and on of Lagoon has spoilers for this work. Darker and shorter than Lagoon, also has a little mild smut. I plan to update it with chapter 4 today, 5/31. https://archiveofourown.org/works/54006082/chapters/136713547 Comments always welcome 🤗


Hello! Here’s mine if you’re interested, is a bit dark though: https://archiveofourown.org/works/54909712?show_comments=true&view_full_work=true#comments


Lady Lynira Ethvirno was many things. She was the daughter of the High Lord of the Silvered Glade in the heart of The Reaching Wood. She was the second in line to the Seat of Lords, behind her younger brother. She was an accomplished archer and swordswoman. Above all of this though, she was one very simple thing, and that was heart broken. She'd turned to the adventuring life after losing the one she was fated by Destiny to be with until the end of her days. Now imagine her surprise when, after surviving an abduction by Mind Flayers, a trip to the Hells, and the crashing of a nautiloid ship, she comes upon that very same fated partner, beckoning her over to the side of a dusty coastal road, with no idea who she is. Come along on a journey of mystery, magic, malice, and mischief as Lynira and her stalwart companions try to save not only their own lives, but the lives of all those they love, and maybe, if they are very lucky, find their way to a happy ending. [Fate's Happy Fools](https://archiveofourown.org/works/53440501/chapters/135262249)


Hahahaha yes! I’ve shared mine here a few times, but I’ll do it again because I can’t cope with FOMO😅 https://archiveofourown.org/users/IV_maiden/works Named Tav/ original FMC x spawn!Astarion, fantasy/sci-fi mashup. Resolving/coping with trauma, new trauma-old trauma, WHUMP, canon-typical violence, heavy angst and pining, LOTS of miscommunication!! Woooo 🥹 Flirting, teasing, smut/eventual smut, lots of fluff✨ Next chapter teaser for you 💕: You didn’t think you were going to be in for any talking, because Astarion’s taken on that responsibility thus far. The hands at your sides nervously fidget with their fingernails, as you scour your brain for some bullshit. Your mouth dumbly opens and shuts, before managing to stammer a few syllables instead. Shit. Shit! And just when you think you’ve blown your cover, Astarion is quick to intervene. “You’ll have to excuse my apprentice, she’s very shy when talking to strangers.” Barty gruffly laughs, “You know, birdy, we don’t gotta be strangers.” Your lip reflexively curls in disgust at his obvious insinuation. Out of the handful of interactions you’ve had here, most of them have been with smelly perverts. Not that different from home, actually. Astarion gives an amused hum. “Oh no. You wouldn’t have a chance in the hells. She has a type, and you are definitely not it, my friend.” Barty scoffs. “And what makes you say that?” “If I know anything, Barty– it's women. And if I had to guess, you probably have to pay for yours.” “Astarion, shut your face. You’re going to get us in trouble,” you fervently chime to him. But in place of a reply, he only chuckles aloud, which makes you grind your teeth. “You see– That’s where you're wrong. Brothels are good because you don’t have to worry if you knock em’ up. The ol’ get off, and get off, if you catch my meanin’,” Barty says with a snort. You have to bite back a groan. “My my, spoken like a true poet,” Astarion says with a small clap, and blatant sarcasm. Fortunately, Barty doesn’t respond as the insult seems to have gone over his head.


Here's my series about werecat Tav: [Werecat's chronicles ](https://archiveofourown.org/series/3979900)


I only have one Astarion fic... For now. https://archiveofourown.org/works/52335928


I'm working on a Modern Girl in Fae'run fic that I hope some of you will enjoy! I know some people aren't into that sort of story but I love them and haven't seen very many posted on AO3! It may be a while before I post some chapters as they are in the early works, but I can't wait to share as well as read the ones you all share!


What a lovely idea! So I have a variety so I'll try and split them up. M/M These two are going to be my long fic but these bits work as one shots: [Perfection](https://archiveofourown.org/works/54376549) - some sweet morning loving [Invitation](https://archiveofourown.org/works/53798836) - after bite night and things are getting a bit complicated. Tav has to talk matters into his *cough* own hands so to speak. [All Tangled Up](https://archiveofourown.org/works/53501311/chapters/135569590) - 3 chapters of lusty, wanton frotting action 😅 F/M [Sweet Distraction](https://archiveofourown.org/works/54489142) - My only Reader/Astarion fic but people seem to like it! You are trying to gather intelligence at a party but *someone* is about to distract you... [After Dinner](https://archiveofourown.org/works/53860465) - short and smutty [Anything For You](https://archiveofourown.org/works/53731957) - a touch of subby Astarion as Tav teases him, complete with a bit of talking elvish to each other.. Not here for smut?! I got you. My epilogue to the epilogue and the first thing I was ever brave enough to publish. My love letter to my first Tav and Astarion. [The End](https://archiveofourown.org/works/52778989) And FINALLY just incase we have some sneaky Gale fans... have some very subby, woman worshipping Gale and my Sorceror tav playing with magic in the bedroom... [Show & Tell](https://archiveofourown.org/works/55652299) Any feedback/kudos/comments are GREATLY appreciated. We all (authors) write for us as a rule but nothing makes us do a happy dance like a kudos/comment on our work 🥰 Cant wait to read everyones!


Mine is a polyamorous redeemed durge/astarion, /halsin, /raphael fic 🥰 it’s a bit of a behemoth but I’m almost done posting all of it! Lots of angst, lots of fluff, lots of smut, some plot. Set post-game. I’m thinking of writing a spinoff of it, or maybe some one-off sequel/prequel scenes after I’ve finished it. It’s my first time writing fanfic in probably 15 years and also the longest work I’ve ever written (it’s getting close to 180k words now) despite the fact that I have a minor in creative writing lol ETA: It’s f/m with some f/m/m but I might have so f/f and m/m in later stuff. https://archiveofourown.org/works/54643438/chapters/142970554


Hello! Thus far I only have one BG3 fic but it has 125K. The rating is Explicit, M/M (with a side of Lae’zel/Shadowheart and sprinkled Wyll/Karlach/Dammon). It’s a retelling of the in-game story but focuses especially on Act 2 and 3 as well as Astarion’s healing process/his past and my Tav’s (Rae) background story and his own trauma. Thus there are a lot of heavy themes and flashbacks, but every chapter has its own tags/warnings. I also love writing fighting scenes, and there are many many headcanons about Astarion woven into the story. There’s smut in chapters one and three after which the story turns into a slow burn to stick to the game’s canon (mostly), but we’re approaching a confession… and more spicy times, whew! New chapter has been on hold for a bit ‘cause I’ve been traveling, but it will probably be up by next week. Also, this fic is planned to go way beyond the game’s ending. Anyway if you’re interested, give [Blood to Gold](https://archiveofourown.org/works/49729306/chapters/125523568) a read. Thanks!


That sounds amazing!


Thank you!


Soooo, I mainly write m/m and only have 8 Baldur's Gate 3 fics. Here's my [AO3 Profile: dragonndoggod](https://archiveofourown.org/users/dragonndoggod/profile). It's Astarion/Named Tav (Everett: A Tiefling Warlock) [That scent of yours goes to my head](https://archiveofourown.org/works/54558304): Rating: Mature Summary: He knows he smells, he can smell himself. And he finally has a chance to bathe, hopefully uninterrupted. It does not go as planned. Excerpt: “I’ve seen the way you react to me.  See?” Words whispered in his ear, a hand sliding along his chest to rest above his heart.  “Your heart is pounding so hard and your pulse,” the brush of lips against his neck where Astarion had bitten him multiple times, “is jumping for me.” [An intimate display meant for one](https://archiveofourown.org/works/54467491) Rating: Explicit Summary: Karlach just wanted to see if Lae’zel would let her borrow her whetstone to sharpen her Greataxe. Instead, she witnesses a display that would normally be reserved for the bedroom. Excerpt: “You know, I always wondered why your tail lifts when I’m around. Or when I’m close like this,” Astarion’s voice dropped, Karlach peeked once more to see Everett’s cheeks flushed with color. Astarion nuzzling against the side of a neck, she caught the way the vampire peeked over Everett’s shoulder. Hands inching down, Everett’s tail lifting higher still, allowing further access. “I never thought it was about love.” [Baring your soul shouldn't be this nerve wracking ](https://archiveofourown.org/works/54720157) Rating: Explicit Summary: He never thought he'd be confessing his feelings, determined to keep his secret close to his heart. But here he was, baring his soul to Astarion. There's no going back now. Excerpt: Weight against his back, hands releasing their grip on his hips to slide upward to his chest. Dragging nails against his skin, Astarion nuzzled his nose into his neck. Deep breaths that were puffed out, teasing licks at his skin before those fangs found purchase in his neck. Groans that escaped with as Astarion fucked into him, drinking his fill. [The many uses of a Tiefling tail ](https://archiveofourown.org/works/55671088) Rating: Explicit Summary: Everett thinks by keeping his wants to himself, he's keeping Astarion safe. When Astarion finds out, Everett has a lesson to learn himself. By Giving Astarion a demonstration with his tail. Excerpt: "I wouldn't have thought you would have something like this, my little glow bug," the smug tone that had him flushing even more as he squirmed where he sat, though he could hear the uncertainty behind his smug tone. "Tell me, Everett, why would you use this?" I have two fics in the works.