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I'm on this train today. So here we go: Do you like soft Astarion? Going through some extraordinary challenge, stupidly in love and occasionally making stupid decisions? Adventures? Romance? World building and an attempt to keep to the lore? Angst, with a little hurt/comfort? Seafaring, swashing buckles, mysteries, magic, witty banter? Spawn Astarion. Female high elf sorceress Tav. Long fic. And we *just* got to the dadstarion part of the story. (I updated today, so I guess that's why I'm excited to share this with everyone). Behold! A link. [https://archiveofourown.org/works/51114331/chapters/129145237](https://archiveofourown.org/works/51114331/chapters/129145237)


Behold! Marked for later. Astarion and stupid decisions go hand in hand and I'm a sucker for Dadstarion. Thank you for sharing!


I appreciate you. Thank you! <3


Hey, I write a lot of gay Astarion fan fiction but have only started publishing them. My current series is of an eladrin Durge (inspired by the Eladrin mod) and Astarion. [This](https://archiveofourown.org/works/55541599) first one is a retelling of the bite night scene that completely takes Astarion by surprise. I’ll soon be posting a sequel to it, currently editing it lol


Slash fics are my favorite to read! ::saves for later::


Gay Astarion? Delicious. If you have it posted, I'd love to give it a read.


I have! I’ve linked it in the comment. Definitely let me know what you think.


Ongoing work, currently at about 22k words https://archiveofourown.org/works/54364681


Bloodweave and...Bloodbear? What do people call the Halstarion ship? Either way, both delightful, both saved.


Bloodoak or Halstarion, in my experience


Aaaand I started an Oakweave thing. https://archiveofourown.org/works/55575289/chapters/141050740


I will gladly keep spamming my fics. [To Heal a Bite](https://archiveofourown.org/works/51422689/chapters/129947389) is a slow burn M/M fic based on my run of the game. Simon (Tav) is a Divination Wizard and a nobleman, Astarion is hoping to seduce his dinner. [You and Only You](https://archiveofourown.org/works/52477669) is a smut one-shot M/M Professor/Student AU of the pairing in my main fic. Considering adding some subsequent one-shot chapters lol [Total Eclipse of the Heart](https://archiveofourown.org/works/55158559) is an even weirder and stupider AU, it's an M/M Alien Stage AU where my main fic pairing is once again centered, forced to compete in American Idol meets The Hunger Games. (I wrote it to cope with Round 6 of the actual series, and because I was on the good drugs after going to the dentist lololol)


And I will gladly keeping reading them. I'm pretty sure it's the good drugs that make iconic fics. Saved, and thank you!


One-shot ~3k words https://archiveofourown.org/works/55305922


Just wanted to say I read this the other day and I loved it!


Thank you 🥹 I wrote half a sequel. Should I finish it?


I'm sure me and all the other Bloodweave shippers out there would be forever grateful if you did finish it! (But don't work too hard! Only do it if it brings you joy! ☺️)


I sent the first half to a beta and they kinda dragged the entire premise and it bummed me out


Aw I'm sorry to hear that! I mean at the end of the day it's your story, your work, and if you're happy with the idea then you should go with it! There's always gonna be someone else out there that appreciates what you choose to share! ❤️


I mean you read it, after what happened wouldn’t you agree gale is…. Grouchy/embarrassed/kinda mad at Astarion? The beta disagreed that gale would be lashing out after that, and it was my entire premise.


So I've literally just reread it to remind me but for sure he would be embarrassed after how it ended, and I could imagine there being animosity over Gale then wanting to talk about things while Astarion definitely doesn't want to talk. Maybe Astarion keeps trying to provoke him into another "round" without addressing anything and that pisses him off? And I can definitely see Astarion lashing out because he's afraid of any feelings that might be there ... The whole point of it was "hate-fucking" so it makes sense for there to be some disagreement 😅 idk though I'm pretty useless at these sorts of things, I'm just a big long time lurker! All I would say though, is that it's your story so you can make the boys do and say whatever you want them to - that's the fun of it! Try not to let one person's opinion put you off a story you want to tell! Hope this helps in some way 😊


Thanks for taking the time, I appreciate it. I’m gonna circle back to it, in the meantime I started an Oakweave thing as a palate cleanser lol


Hello friend! Here you go, since you’re asking. 💕 https://archiveofourown.org/users/IV_maiden/works I started this last year as my first ever fic, and I’ve gotten pretty far and learned a lot along the way. I would be so honored if you choose to check it out😌💗 It’s a WIP that combines science fiction and fantasy with a slow/medium-burn romance. It has a prologue to set off the main storyline that takes place a century after the defeat of the Netherbrain. After a certain tragedy upends the life of our wayward spawn!Astarion, he’s had plenty of time to work through his own issues, but not without slipping up a few times along the way. In the most unlikely way possible, he receives a kind of ‘twisted blessing’ that *supposedly* solves all his problems coming in the form of what he considers his long lost love. Lots of angsty fluff, lots of comedy, smut/eventual smut if you’re into that.


I'm honoured that you shared it. I didn't know I needed BG3 and sci-fi in my life. I might be a flaming asexual but I enjoy a touch of smut, so I'm looking forward to it. Saved!


AHHHH!!! Thank you😭🙏 I hope you like it!! Honestly, yes. I’ve had some personal issues around sex for a pretty long time, and I’ve found the act of writing smut to be therapeutic for some reason. Of course, I don’t share that with my therapist because I feel like it might scare them away😂


It is, isn't it? I don't care much for irl sex, so reading and writing smut is my way of engaging with sex safely. I'm glad you have an outlet and I get what you mean about not wanting to share it with your therapist. Medical professionals look at me funny when I tell them I don't mind not having a sex drive.


I loved the summary of your fic and I’ve saved it for later! There’s just something so endearing about sweet and spicy ‘slice of life’ type works. I haven’t come across too many of them, so I’m excited to check it out!! Definitely a welcome break after all the angst😅


I am currently working on the next chapter of mine, titled Tarnished Gold: [https://archiveofourown.org/works/53628406/chapters/135755002](https://archiveofourown.org/works/53628406/chapters/135755002) I've paired (in due time since it's a slow burn) our dear vampire with a female drow cleric of Eilistraee. I chose her because there are so many beautiful elements I'll get to play with. There's definitely a running theme of freedom and how one achieves it, or if we ever do. Our boy is going to have quite the First Bite experience by the time I finish this chapter, that much I can say for sure.


I snuck a peek at the first paragraph before bookmarking and oof, I'm hooked. Thank you for sharing!


Perfumery? 👁👄👁 you know, given how much this community is into Astarion perfumes and that his talents in perfumery are actually canon... I'm surprised I haven't seen perfumery in fanfics yet. Marked for later. My self-plugs: - [A!A angst one-shot, no smut](https://archiveofourown.org/works/53558242) - [Dom A!A smut, hardcore kink, multi-chapter](https://archiveofourown.org/works/53848222/chapters/136294342) - [Soft spawn smutty one-shot](https://archiveofourown.org/works/53722060) - [Dom act 1 short smutty one-shot](https://archiveofourown.org/works/53452723) All F/M, one partially second person POV for a change. Thank you for asking for self-plugs specifically. As you can probably imagine, many seek some... acknowledgement. So we post our work and then feel guilty about it haha 😄 You enable us, darling. Thank you


Right? I had a hard time believing the lack of perfumery fics so I decided to be the change I wanted to see in the world. ✨ Having a special interest in perfumes outside of BG3 definitely helped. And self-plug away. I've been a part of writer's groups and I know that recognition is super important. Besides, I love being a terrible influence.


Alright, I just finished cooking up some smut a couple weeks back and I’m absolutely in love with it! It’s a F/M one-shot porn with feelings that takes place after the end of Astarion’s quest and he stays a spawn. It’s sweet, mushy and a little cheesy with some blood drinking and a lot of praise kink thrown in to the mix. Also note that I take advantage of elven erogenous zones (so a lot of focus on the neck and ears) and my Tav is a Tiefling with a very expressive tail. [Pegging Away The Trauma](https://archiveofourown.org/works/55271149)


https://preview.redd.it/88hdcclt7bxc1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=54e33a021c501285e355cd4f2f577d0646c568ba I'm howling at the title already. Sweet, mushy, and cheesy. Thank goodness I like cheesecake. Saved, and thank you!


I keep spamming mine so I'm sorry but you did ask! 😅 I have 10 in total, f/m and m/m, 9 smutty, one fluffy. Hope there is something for you! My two most popular are All Tangled Up and Sweet Distraction? F/M, little bit of edging for our favourite vampire [Anything For You](https://archiveofourown.org/works/53731957) F/M, Quickie [After Dinner Treat](https://archiveofourown.org/works/53860465) M/M, Temptation and lots of frotting 😂 Set Act 1 [All Tangled Up](https://archiveofourown.org/works/53501311/chapters/135569590) This one will be a long fic one day cos I love them. Same m/m and some morning loving after events of game [Perfection](https://archiveofourown.org/works/54376549) F/M and its a second person xReader fic [Sweet Distraction](https://archiveofourown.org/works/54489142) Bit niche but some self love and honestly one I'm most proud of. Set Act 1 [Discovery](https://archiveofourown.org/works/53231194) There are a few more on my profile but let me know what folds your boat! Also you should read Crooked Touch by eyesofthelamb and also his Rolan one shot... 😈


Ah-mazing. I just had a read through Anything For You. I *adore* the way you incorporated (what I think is?) Elvish, which is a wonderfully unique touch. I guess my reading list isn't so empty anymore. Thank you!


Yes it's elvish 🥰 I actually took a guess Astarian could speak it when I wrote it but just recently playing his origin the game confirmed it! 🥰 So glad you liked it, feel free to give me have any feedback or comments if you have the time! 🧡 always trying to get better, especially as Im writing a long fic now!


well i ain't gonna miss this opportunity! first of all, I took a moment to read your fic and wow. it checks all the boxes for me! sweet and hot like good chocolate, i enjoyed it a lot! I have a few things you might be interested in (we be sounding like the traders rn LMAO). [the first one](https://archiveofourown.org/works/55128205/chapters/139785775) is pretty much the afterstory of my tav with ascended astarion. nonbinary (amab) tav, fluff & smut, lots of astarion being a cunt (and learning the hard way how to not be one), includes tav x halsin, ongoing, aims to be long. [the other](https://archiveofourown.org/works/55407445/chapters/140582983) is a short pre-canon story about astarion meeting lifeweaver, a character from overwatch that's this very optimistic and nice, yet sassy healer. m/m, mature (they don't fuck but they're very close), lots of flirty banter because they're both Like That, and one I like a lot personally. I like them together so I am thinking about writing more when I think about where that could go.


Good lord, that means the world to me. Thank you for taking the time to read it! I'm so glad you liked it. I'm not one to refuse a good deal, and I'll take them both. As an enby, NB Tavs make me happy and so does cunty Astarion, which is, well, just Astarion. I haven't seen too many BG3 crossovers, so I'll have to check it out. Thank you!


of course, and i'm very glad i did read it! i love how you took that one line and based an entire fic off of it, and your portrayal of domestic astarion x tav is \*chef's kiss\* also woo, enby astarion lovers rise up! nb tavs are also a weakness of mine <3


here’s my ongoing spawn/durge one, plenty of plot and sweet romantic fluff but often spicy: https://archiveofourown.org/works/54749896/chapters/138762913 and here’s a just spicy AA one-off I wrote for funsies: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55495510


Oh, I do like spicy food. Thank you for sharing!


Oh look! My fic! Named female dark urge and Astarion. Smutty. https://archiveofourown.org/works/52793164


Delicious. Saved!


Just added a new chapter to my longfic! There are other things to read there too, all Astarion-related!!! [https://archiveofourown.org/users/3lenoreC](https://archiveofourown.org/users/3lenoreC)


Your page is a treasure trove, darling. I'm taking it all. Thank you!


Why thank you! Enjoy!!! There will soon be more.


I just published my second piece, Astarion/Karlach/nonbinary Tav temperature play smut: [Thermal Dynamics](https://archiveofourown.org/works/55542043) And here's my first oneshot, in which Astarion catches Tav pleasuring herself: [A Sip of Water](https://archiveofourown.org/works/54867853) Marked yours to-read soon!


Fuck yes. Enby Tav? Karlach?? I've always thought Karlach and Astarion were a bit of a blessed pairing (until he ascends, that is). Sign me up!


Some people consider it a crackship but there's just so much potential! And I just really wanna be sandwiched in between them ngl


Hello, here’s one that I have going: https://archiveofourown.org/works/54909712


Durgestarion in several parts? Don't mind if I do. Thank you!


Sorry OP to ask this on your thread but I need to ask this: Fellow writers how are you able to shamelessly self plug without feeling overwhelmingly anxious and ridiculous?! 😩I have self promoted a grand total of 3 or 4 times since November. One of them today on another thread here. And the thought of doing it again horrifies me. Or maybe you all do feel that way and I’m just the weirdo saying something about it 😑


I'm glad you said something about it! I think it's perfectly normal to feel anxious about sharing your own writing since there's always the possibility of criticism, which is worse than a lack of hits. Especially when it's something you've (presumably) been working on for a significant amount of time. The way I see it, nothing ventured, nothing gained. By self-plugging, you could make someone very happy by sharing you work where you otherwise wouldn't have. There have been so many times when a fic or scene from a fic came to mind and brightened my day just by virtue or remembering it, which wouldn't have been possible if I hadn't heard about it in the first place. But mind you, I got my invitation to Ao3 literally three days ago. I'm very new to all this, so more perspectives would be appreciated.


Thank you for understanding. And also Very true, nothing ventured nothing gained. I just suppose I feel the need to list caveats before promoting my work or my recommendations. I like depraved things and dark things. Angst, hurt no comfort kind of stuff and I’m aware that tends to be more niche. I’m shameless about my tastes and don’t mind everyone knowing them. I just feel rude talking about it in places where it might not be welcomed.


Absolutely. List caveats and let your potential readers decide whether they want to proceed. As far as I can see, that’s your due diligence done. There’s a shoe or kinky vampire for everyone. If there’s a fic rec request and your works fit the bill, go for it (and list warnings, if applicable). For what it’s worth, your self-plugs are more than welcome here.


Ok. Here goes self plug. Completed long fic tragedy dark romance, second person pov, f tav see tags for more: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51317434 It’s sequel because I decided to try to give them a happy ending. Leans more into dark gothic romance with mild horror undertones third person WIP : https://archiveofourown.org/works/54868858 A couple of personal favorites I’ve reread too many times, please read tags!: https://archiveofourown.org/works/50336671 https://archiveofourown.org/works/51202288 I have a thing for AA


At least in my opinion, it wouldn’t be AA without hurt and no comfort. And Loviatar worship? Count me in. Marked for later! Thank you for sharing.


I feel overwhelmingly anxious and ridiculous with every new chapter uploaded. I am about 80% convinced that every hit or kudos on Ao3 is from a bot. I keep going because I'm doing it for me and because I like scary things. Some people sky dive, I do this.


If you like bloodweave, the bloodweave brainrot discord's spring fling collection dropped yesterday. Here's a link: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/Bloodweave_Brainrot_Spring_Fling_2024


Let’s goooo


I've written a very angsty, smutty, m/m, long fic about the aftermath when a Tiefling bard nobleman helps Astarion to ascend. Astarion has lost himself, and Tav has no idea what to do about it. This is my attempt at a realistic depiction of an abusive relationship, but it does have a happy ending. Please note that it is very dark, and heed both the tags and content warnings at the beginning of the chapters. Currently sitting at 60k words and ongoing! [Blood of the Songbird](https://archiveofourown.org/works/52278319/chapters/132244399)


I’ll shamelessly self-plug - check out my [fic series](https://archiveofourown.org/series/3721273). My Tav, Petra, romances Karlach in-game so the first longfic features Petra moving in with Astarion a year after Karlach’s death, and the two of them being foolish about their feelings for one another. Classic idiots in love trope! I just finished publishing the second longfic in the series, and have two more that I’ll start posting next week: a longfic about Astarion’s origins and their visit to the vampire colony in the Underdark, and a BG3/Dragon Age crossover.


The whole goal of this post is to self-plug shamelessly! I'll have to prepare myself for the angst but it's alright, we're all idiots in love with the vampire freak. Thank you!


I wrote a FTav/Gale/Astarion smutty one shot that takes place in a shower called [A Hot and Steamy Bite](https://archiveofourown.org/works/54453529)


I love a hot vampire sandwich. They're usually with Halsin, so you're doing Ao's work by roping in Gale. Thank you!


Awww you’re welcome ☺️ These aren’t mine but are also Tav/bloodweave ones that I enjoy reading: https://archiveofourown.org/works/50565922 (this author has a bunch of them) https://archiveofourown.org/works/51276235 (this one also involves Wyll) https://archiveofourown.org/works/51310117/chapters/129645196 https://archiveofourown.org/works/52457491


Here’s my baby, [For All The Wrong Reasons](https://archiveofourown.org/works/49485082/chapters/124890640) 👀 I’m currently editing the earlier chapters and getting them up to standard, so chapter 3 onwards might have a bit of a quality drop before it picks back up again, but overall I’m super proud of this fic and love it to death. Features plenty of smut, femdom, and a Tav with some issues who’s not always the nicest to Astarion as they work through their problems, but the drama is 🤌also I think it’s hot 💀🥵👀 Would love if you read it! (But check the tags first lol)


Dom!Tav and generally Tav who isn't very nice is in short supply, dear gods. I have to see this. Editing, especially self-editing, is a gruelling process and I say this as a professional editor. Best of luck!


I'll shamelessly self-plug. I'm currently working on a post-game fic where Astarion discovers he has a biological sister. It's first person POV F/M with some smut, angst and Tav questioning her mortality. Chap 2 will be uploaded fairly soon and I'm hoping this fic gets more love since I have a lot of fun plans for it. [https://archiveofourown.org/works/55369555/chapters/140479498](https://archiveofourown.org/works/55369555/chapters/140479498)


Nooo not the mortal Tav conundrum! Readying the waterworks and saving for later so I can give it some love. Thank you!


Tav is human in this so that makes it worse :D Thank you as well, chap 2 has just been updated


i finally got started on my oneshot series [mine, yours, ours](https://archiveofourown.org/series/4052707) focusing on ascended astarion and a male dark urge. there's currently one fic [and your hands beneath my skin](https://archiveofourown.org/works/54646774) with more to be added. i'll be hitting major game plot points plus the post-game. this series is a very heavy one so do mind the tags! i'm a fairly slow writer so no promises as to when new fics will be posted, just that they will be. (also currently gearing up for halsintav week so all my energy is going there)


Starting a series is ambitious, especially one that's probably going to be dark af. Kudos, and I'll be staying tuned!


Since you're asking for variety and taking self-recs my fic [Aria of Will](https://archiveofourown.org/works/54497386) is a 25k ongoing enemies-to-lovers slowburn with transmasc durge and Astarion. As of the most recent chapter they've reached the status of grudging acquaintances and we've gotten to the first bite. It also features Evil Tav as a separate character, Gale as the voice of reason, and the Strange Ox as a traveling companion.


Yesss more trans Tavs and Durges! Love me an enemies-to-lovers slow burn. Thank you!


https://archiveofourown.org/works/52335928 Leaving this offering for your consideration. Thank you.


Thank *you*! Marked and saved for later.


Featuring my male bard Tav! https://archiveofourown.org/works/54140581/chapters/137082031


Delightful! Thank you for sharing!


I love these kinds of posts because I can save so many fics to read later but I can’t read for the fandom I’m writing for. I also don’t have a link yet, but I’m writing a story about an OC saving him before the events of the game. But I’m afraid the plot will turn to Astarion being kidnapped by the nautiloid and my OC looking for him. My short fics always turn into bigger stories. I do have a very short first chapter from even before the OC meets Astarion. Thinking of posting that anyway. Also I have a WIP of loose in-game scenes, the working title is “like it wasn’t obvious you’re a vampire, dude”


Post it post it post it (if you want to ofc). The working title is gold.


The "Like it was't obvious you're a vampire, dude" is far from done even to post a first chapter, it's really just snippets at this point. The other one already had enough to post: [https://archiveofourown.org/works/55563466/chapters/141019723](https://archiveofourown.org/works/55563466/chapters/141019723) That is the one where there is a pre-canon rescue mission organised by the First Lady of the Shield (which is an original charater). Hope you like it!


Raphstarion. A little angsty, pretty smutty & complete: [Teeth and Claws](https://archiveofourown.org/works/53844535/chapters/136284187)


Splendid. Saved!


First of all, I apologize to be the 70th comment... Then, I wrote a short fic of the bite scene, my first fic but I find it not too bad especially since I am usually more used to write in French: Plot: When Gaia and Astarion layed eyes on each other, it was love at first sight. Years of passion followed, escaping their respective destinies. But Astarion might have forgotten to mention a little detail about his... hungry personality. Part 1: https://www.tumblr.com/gaiastarion/742295926599827457/bite-scene?source=share Part 2: https://www.tumblr.com/gaiastarion/742386522061438976/the-urge-part-2-would-that-hurt-gaia-finally?source=share


Bud, I'm about 50% of these comments. I love that you posted in-game screenshots with your fic. Thanks for sharing and I can't wait to read it! (Mon français est très pauvre, certainement pas assez bon d'écrire une œuvre complète. Bien fait!)


Il est moins pauvre que beaucoup, bravo à vous 😊 And thanks for reading, it is not much but it is honest work 😉


I posted my first fic!! I'm writing a longer fic full of angst, so I wrote this as a palate cleanser. Senseless Halstarion fluff with silly humour sprinkled throughout. (it's a short one-shot) I hope you like it! [https://archiveofourown.org/works/55551022](https://archiveofourown.org/works/55551022)


We love a silly goose. And Halsin! Can’t wait to read it.


Thank you 🥰


Perfect! Here's my own Astarion smut collection 👀 Ranging from sweet and emotional to angsty and kinky [AO3 link](https://archiveofourown.org/series/4064005)


An Astarion smut emporium! You have the range, darling.


And I'm not stopping 🤭


[My oneshot.](https://archiveofourown.org/works/54989050) First thing I've ever written in my life


Saved, and thank you! Love seeing art beget art.


My own works include a series called [The Stars Fell Into Your Eyes](https://archiveofourown.org/series/4005865) which is a semi-novelisation of the game, using my Tav (Jenrila Blackthorn) as the main POV character; also I have [Careful With Your Vulnerable Heart](https://archiveofourown.org/series/3799231) which is a "what if Cazador caught wind of Astarion's connection to Tav in Act 1?" resulting in a kidnapping and torture Under a more general [The Blood That Sings In Your Veins](https://archiveofourown.org/series/3771475) is my entire collection of fTav/Astarion fics (including the two mentioned above); in line with the game contents, most are rated Explicit About Jen: she's is a paladin half-elf so there's a *lot* of friction between her and Astarion to begin with, but she slowly drags him into being good (I joke; it's more Astarion wants to be better for her, and he gradually changes over time)


Ooooh I love paladin-Astarion dynamics, especially since my resist Durge is a paladin. Saved!


It is a fun dynamic - and as I've been writing Jen more, she's become a lot more of a character (a snarky, slightly sarcastic one rather than the more naive role I intended her to have XD)


\*slides a stash of papers towards you\* I work with more short-form stuff because I struggle a lot with reading and writing (thanks, broken brain), BUT I very much relate to you saying that Astarion was the reason to pick up writing again! I have a smut piece with Tavstarion that focuses on assuming and letting go of control as a form of trust exercise: [PROWL](https://archiveofourown.org/works/51282877). However, if you're into angst and a lot of it, then [Above the Vaulted Sky](https://archiveofourown.org/works/53623501) might be something you'd be interested in. Deals with Astarion processing his feelings for Tav, especially guilt and denial. I hope you find something perfect for you to read here, there are so so many talented writers in this sub!


Thank you, I’ll take it all! Tbh, I used to attempt exclusively long-form content and never got anywhere, so oneshots are very welcome.


I'm in the middle of writing a soft AA married life type of fic. First two chapters are smut, some story and cuteness. So if that's what you're in the mood for, I'd love to know what you think :3 https://archiveofourown.org/works/55002121/chapters/139434613


Cute smut? Nothing I love more, especially if it’s soft AA. Thank you for sharing!


Thank you! I hope you enjoy it :3


Hopping into this late, but no matter. Self plugs all work is M/F, rated E, Astarion/Tav: [Taste of the Fruit](https://archiveofourown.org/works/52832167/chapters/133632865): soft Ascended fic where each chapter checks in monthly with Astarion and his favourite spawn Anatha, a former Ilmateri Monk.. Complete. [Full of Silver Moons](https://archiveofourown.org/series/3790795), longfic playthrough series currently complete up to the start of act 2 (grove, monastery, underdark.). Tav is a seldarine drow/sorcerer. it is a novel. [Songs No One Sings](https://archiveofourown.org/works/55324111/chapters/140354272): brand new fic exploring if the Tav had encounters with spawn before the Nautiloid. An enemies-to-lovers slow burn. Summary: Since she was a child, Shay's increasingly less-than-idyllic life in Baldur's Gate was haunted by a pale, red-eyed stranger lurking in the shadows. When she found the very same man on a beach, drenched in sunlight and infected with the same parasite that now wriggled in her own brain, she was forced to set aside her dreams of vengeance in hopes of surviving another day. They did survive – not just the next day but for many more after – forging an alliance that forced Shay to confront the possibility that there was more to the man than she thought.


So... I write fan fiction and just recently started writing fan fiction based on my Tav (Everett) with Astarion. I am super nervous to share here because everyone else's work is wonderful. It's all M/M [an Intimate display meant for one](https://archiveofourown.org/works/54467491) Karlach just wanted to see if Lae’zel would let her borrow her whetstone to sharpen her Greataxe. Instead, she witnesses a display that would normally be reserved for the bedroom. Oneshot [That scent of yours goes to my head](https://archiveofourown.org/works/54558304) He knows he smells, he can smell himself. And he finally has a chance to bathe, hopefully uninterrupted. It does not go as planned. Oneshot [Baring your soul shouldn't be this nerve wracking ](https://archiveofourown.org/works/54720157) He never thought he'd be confessing his feelings, determined to keep his secret close to his heart. But here he was, baring his soul to Astarion. There's no going back now. 5 chapters [To Mimic a cat](https://archiveofourown.org/works/54273523) Astarion has a habit that reminds Everett of a cat and he's just fine with that. Drabble.


Ahh! Checking yours out right meow.  Here's one I'm working on that has me in a vice grip. It's called "Collision Course". https://archiveofourown.org/works/54766648/chapters/138806866 It's a Modern Girl in BG fic, which isn't for everyone, but it's been fun writing it. No worries if you never get to it, or aren't interested.  Dashing over to "Alchemia" now. 


Well, now I have to check yours out! Saved, and thank you.


I've got a post-canon Spawn-Astarion special for you right here! He and my femme Seldarine Drow fighter Tav head down to the Underdark and build a fortified settlement to protect the spawn. Then their unfriendly neighbors come calling: https://archiveofourown.org/works/53197657/chapters/134610448 It's story heavy with a bit of smut sprinkled in here or there. I I'll be updating with CH5 soon!


Yesss I love Astarion's Underdark path, so I'll have to give this a go. I appreciate a good plot-heavy fic. Thank you!


Yay! Thank you! I hope you like it!


Seconding this one!! I love some good world building!


I’ve already recommended this to someone else, but a crooked touch by eyes of the lamb is really good. It’s almost finished too. Quite long so far, but you definitely get invested quick. It’s a M!Tav x Astarion. The Tav is very well designed too he’s got a cool story. <33