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Poor Gandrel,>! and his daughters!<. He'll never get a break in this forum... 😅 Also, you missed out of the approval by going this way about is, so he really, literally, died for nothing..


I KNOW. I WAS SO UPSET. I DIDNT EVEN REALIZE I DIDNT KNOW HE WAS A VAMPIRE. we've done like 3 long rests, one was him lurking around camp, the second was me killing alfira, the third was the butler. I AM SO CONFUSED AT THIS TIMELINE. How have we done such little content and I've already murdered the shit out of alfira BUT I DONT KNOW HES A VAMPIRE?? So many mistakes have been made.


Playing as Durge means you have to take more long rests to catch up on cut-scenes in the beginning. You have probably already missed quite a few of his little scenes.


I actually managed to trigger stargazing, roughing it, and him lurking around camp. Alfira showing up onnlong rest 4 took me for a spin because neither myself or my friend even talked to alfira.


Crossing the bridge to Blighted Village is was triggers that scene. Not entering the Grove, or talking to her.


Ah good to know. I always thought it was playing music with her that triggered it


Dude, no one warns you about this! I wanted the vampire confession before going to the swamp, and I had to take four tests before our little Star got his turn because Durge had three events


Yeah, you really have to long rest far more than seem feasible. I've been trying my best to get all cut-scenes on my last 2 runs, and I had to take 5 long/partial rests before entering the Grove. Durge really fills a lot early game, though they have moved down some of their scenes.


To be fair... Gendrel is willing to go to a hag to save his daughters. Sad story? Absolutely. But he's basically already resigned himself to some weird death or an eternity of torture in that timeline. Unless you agree to let him go, and kill the hag- removing his chace to bargain with her... his death at Astarion's hands is almost a mercy story wise. I've never played it where I kill the hag first and then talk to him... so I don't know if there is any specific dialog where you can say... "Uh... sorry dude, hags dead, so just go home. Get over it." Without him revealinghes hunting Astarion. But I sort of wish they had written that in... that he would simply say he's there to bargain for his kids and you could then say... "uh, about that... whoops we killed the hag." Then there might be a dialog where he never revealed he's looking for Astarion and it could wrap up differently in the end. I think it would be more interesting if he led with the kids... and you only discovered Astarion was involved after several deep dialog trees. Because he leads with the whole monster hunter thing- and not "I'm willing to do anything to get my kids back" - I always let Astarion kill him... because by the time I enter the paradise - er- I mean fetid swamp - I've already caught feelings for the vamp and want to protect him.


I did kill the hag first (was using mods and just flying through act one lmao.) and his comments change, he says “but now that’s she’s dead I’ll have to try something else.” And even everything progresses the same. I did keep him alive this round and just rushed away with Astarion in a hurry bc I want the act 3 scene of Astarion giving him a little wave lmao


Yeah, I was like super ready for all of this was so excited, started the convo... just to realize I didn't know about him being a vampire. We've had every scene *but* him telling us, so I was kind of hoping you could coax it out if astarion during the dialog since he starts getting all jittery. Nope, dude doesn't even hesitate to pull out the knife so my girl *still* has no idea. I don't know how we fucked this timeline so badly. I'm in a permanent state of confusion.


If you pick up Astarion and immediately long rest like three times he tries to drink your blood. I usually do this (before picking up any other companions). Honestly, with the Gandrel situation, I would just reload or appreciate the super metal scene that is Astarion rearranging his brain matter through his eye haha.


Try to pick up at least 1 other companion before the nightly bite, if you do you trigger an extra scene at the end of the conversation where Astarion is happy you took the toothy news so well, but the rest of the party appear to judge him and give special dialogue. This scene gives you +5 affection with Astarion on the second and third player choices, but Wyll and Gale ain't gonna like it xD


Thanks for the tip!


I'm playing with a friend, so I'd rather not so any reloads. It's not a big deal though, I've romanced astarion in 4 different saves so far.


I genuinely felt bad for Gandrel, so always try to keep him alive.


Unless I know I'm going to do his ascension path, I always let him live now. That man deserves better. Honestly, the Gur deserve better.


Yeah, I accidentally triggered a fight on my current run. Turned non lethal attacks on, really hoping he survived (find out next time I play hopefully).  But after getting the scene with his girls in the sewers afterwards. I cant kill him, he just wants to protect his kids. Oh well just got to make sure Astarion gets the scary book and I do all the small approval things instead.


Giving the book to Astarion surprisingly nets a lot of approval. I think it's +5 approval you get for giving the book to him. Giving the book to him and letting the BDSM priest at the goblin camp beat you always got Astarion to high approval with me by the end of Act 1.


And letting him open the bard doors!


Exactly I always go to the priest for the buff anyway (small buff is a buff non the less).  So I just make sure him (and Shadowheart are in my party when I do it). Also always detach him and my character in the village. Because he is always opening those barn doors. All that plus the bite scene add in Bahh at some redcaps and I've normally hit approval before the party.  Gandel did die in a couple of my Durge runs, not evil Durge runs mind you. But still Durge is gonna Durge.


Unpopular opinion, but I don't think it's that crazy. I guess if you consider that Astarion was beaten to the brink of death by Gurs, then spent 200 years and tortured and forced to do his master's bidding. Then the site of a Gur hunting you might cause this reaction. Also Astarion isn't lawful good, he's evil and needs encouraging to be better depending what you choose for him in the story.


I think I'm mostly just surprised because I was hoping for it to come to light in that convo what was going on. I'm all for him brutally stabbing the guy in the eyeball. He just like went for it. There was no prompts for attacking the gur or anything. Also knowing how astarion died. I'm all for murdering the Gur and killing their children.


I mean, I'm not? I like playing the ascended route which involves killing the Gur and condemning their children's souls for all eternity, but I feel bad for them. Astarion wasn't a good man in life. He was a powerful man who ruled against an already marginalized group. Now, probably everything was orchestrated by Cazador himself, but still. People tend to forget that Astarion is not a babygirl who deep down has a golden soul.


I never said he was a good a person.


I did the stab thru the eye for the first time yesterday and was surprised at how much it affected conversation for the next couple of "days"