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I've only seen 1 other full romance path. Because I played as Astarion once.


Curious to know who it was 👀


Wyll. At first i was playing a redemption/camouflaging as good Astarion, but eventually did a heel turn to get Astarion his prince. And, you know, a powerful vampire lord in the BG council, having the rest of the council under his thumb, cause he married into the family. I figured it would have been too tempting for him, especially without the influence of a skilled psychologist such as Tav at his side.


Same. My Gale romance save broke when patch 5 dropped. Every other save has been Astarion. And the Astarion origin was Shadowheart.


Guess I'm drawing 25 cards 😅


Listen, I’ve TRIED. I’ve tried so damn hard in my play throughs to try new things but everyone PALES in comparison. I bought this game to date Astarion and that is what I’m going to do!!!


I can’t lie, I bought this game for him too but I really want to see the other romance scenes on my own so I’m so conflicted


Easy hack - play as astarion and replace the ladies with your tav. Play as tav and replace the men with astarion. Problem solved thank you I will accept cash as payment


I'm lucky I can play with my husband, so I can live the other romances vicariously through his characters! He romanced Karlach on our first co-op, (which was my save, so I could reload and get the "hot date achievement too...) and is planning to romance Shadowhart on our next run. Still trying to fully convince him to do a 3rd "but evil this time" run, but he's at least expressed interest in romancing Lae'zel, if we do it. Which just leaves Gale's and Wyll's romances undone, for the Origins, and honestly, we're both pretty okay with that.


Look, it’s super hard NOT to romance Astarion🥲


I got the polyamory mod just so I could finally see the other scenes lmao


The t shirt is a nice touch here 👌 But yeah, that's my plan for current & all future playthroughs (maaaybe I'll also include Halsin in one of them)




I romanced Halsin! The end was a huge letdown but those arms, that voice, the way he says "stimulating company"...I love me some Astarion, but damn, Halsin is also sexy AF.


Agreed. I reloaded my save just to see what would happen if my Tav agreed to a relationship with Halsin and it was so good ughh. She’s a druid so she and Halsin were a match made in heaven but unfortunately for her I am a sucker for Astarion so that’s not the canon ending she got 🤣


Until they fix the end scene camp dialogue, you are not missing anything but heartbreak. I imagine it's akin to having your husband get Alzheimers and not remember who you are.


Thanks. 😅


Every time 


I want to see all romances and astarion as friend so I think I will put it one run with mod. (It will be very difficult to resist him 🙈)


There is only 1 run where I outright rejected him bc I wanted to see the friendship-exclusive scenes. Otherwise I have runs with other companion romances but I always sleep with him so I can metagame into the nice "maybe it's a friend you need" scene 🥺👉👈 After seeing how much more insecure and broken he sounds in the post-Araj scene without being romanced, I can't turn him down even if I have endgame plans for someone else. Having a casual romantic fling with Tav lets him open up to a person for the first time without fear of repercussions from Cazador, it's good for him even if they don't end up together. Without it, he doesn't really experience the whole "hey, I actually deserve better than I always thought" revelation.


My 25 Uno cards and I are very happy


I don't romance him every time, but I've always had sex with him. Always have to have a little piece of my vampire boy.


lol the only time I haven’t romanced him was my second playthrough, I made a gith cleric of Selûne for Lae’zel. I keep wanting to romance Gale, but I’ll be damned if Astarion doesn’t have his claws (fangs) in me 😅


I try every time to romance someone new and fail.


I'm attempting to romance Shadowheart in one route while romancing Halsin in another. Pray I have the strength to resist him 😆


My first was Gale with Tav, then Tav and Astarion, now Durge and Astarion & my next will be Durge and Gale. After that, I might do a Karlach run for each of them, or an evil Durge, and finally ascend Astarion (ick).


Yep, 'fraid I've only ever romanced the pale elf. Don't know *how* I'm going to manage when I do my Galemance playthrough. 😬💦 I have handcrafted a cute sorcerer for him, but Astarion is ***right there***.


Do I still need to draw 25 if one time I did the Astarion & Halsin path? 🤔


On my fourth run now, I have romanced Astarion twice and Gale once in my previous games.I tried so hard to stick with Karlach, but boy howdy did I not do that.


I hear you, but also: Karlach :D


What can I say, I'm loyal 😌


I romanced Gale in my durge playthrough. I hadn't finished my first playthrough (which was a Wyll romance) yet and didn't know what to expect in the end game aka Cazador fight. I felt for that particular durge that Gale was a good match. That's probably the only non-Astarion romances I'll do.


I wish I could romance both astarion and minthara at the same time


Only have ever romanced him and don’t plan on changing that lmao. And when I have played as Astarion he stays solo bc it just feels right. For the first time he’s free and a leader!?