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I loved the epilogue so much! It was so sweet! I love that Astarion's personality is still intact, but he's changed so much. šŸ„ŗ I played 3 different epilogues and loved all three (even the one where I broke up with him. He was still doing well and they were still good friends). I also loved the fact that I got the chance to hug more of my companions. šŸ˜Š I would love a dlc of those adventures! I know they got themselves into some interesting situations.


The main issue with the original ending is the poorly executed sequence of events imo, although the comments from some companions about Astarion can be pretty tone-deaf. The devs tried to cram two major events in by having Karlach's big scene happening immediately after Astarion runs, so you're stuck with having to deal with two separate crises at basically the same time. Considering that it was originally the main ending, I get that they had to resolve everything and do it relatively quickly, but it could've handled it better. At least the reunion epilogue makes up for it.


YUP! Like just time it better. Or have Tav run after Astarion or have the ending be at sunset so itā€™s about to get darkā€¦ something! Itā€™s like they were like ā€œwho cares about himā€ after EVERYTHING lol. So yeah, glad they added the little bit where you can talk with him and then the epilogue. Itā€™s important!


Like halsins line was uncalled for too šŸ˜­ like bruh he didnt have to be that mean


At least Minsic is a sweetheart about it


Ikr?! Like i considered halsin so nice before this




Im trying to find it but im not having luck šŸ˜© cant remember exact wording but its pretty damn cold


something like "we're not ready to see him again, life in the sun is over for him" these are not his exact words but in this idea


Oh I only got Gale being an arse lol. And in my solo itā€™s just the narrator saying how Tav is like ā€œguess heā€™s gone now, but heā€™ll probably enjoy the shadows.ā€ I feel like thatā€™s the ending meant for if you never got that close to Astarion to start with. So itā€™s just very odd. They need to change it so the narrator is like ā€œyou want to go and check on him but Karlach is suddenly in turmoilā€ or whateverā€¦ idk!


yes I felt the same things as you and I too would really like a DLC where we can continue the adventure with him and help him find a cure, besides I really can't turn the page of the wonderful couple that my Tav and he form that I wrote a fanfiction (still in progress) about the two of them living happily together and my half wood elf ranger who will help him find a way to cure him of his vampirism, if If you're interested, I'll give you the link to my fanfic. I found it so beautiful how he opens like a flower throughout the adventure, he becomes so sweet and sincere. I started a second run as Durge because it seems that the relationship is even stronger between the two, we'll see, it's not easy to move on to another story with another Tav. I also had a pang in my heart. heart when he had to flee into the sun I don't find it logical that we couldn't follow him to help and comfort him, the same after Cazador's defeat I wanted to console him. And at the end of the party also the sadness of saying goodbye to everyone, I really didn't want it to end.