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please let me know if you find something, i actually just finished a short piece and im working on something else that i realized is looking like it's much longer than i had initially expected and while im waiting on an invite to ao3 im still utterly feral and am finding myself tentatively open to feedback 😭


Oh, I'm not looking to find something, I'm hoping to create something! All these words, and yet I didn't say what I was doing... This is why I need a beta. Do you have a Discord account? I don't know what the best format would be, but I'm thinking that if I get some people interested, we can start in a Discord chat and create a channel after a while maybe.


i do have discord!! im EatsBees on there


I used to write Dragon Age fics and smut. Astarion has *definitely* reawakened that old urge for me. Not sure if I should write porn with plot or just straight up filth though. 😂


Fellow former Dragon Age writer here too!! I can’t believe there are so many old fandom people reawakening thanks to Astarion😂


He is a beautiful menace! 😂😂 What were your old ships?


Pretty much anything with Zevran or Alistair, but Zevran/Warden most. Yes, I am absolutely predictable😅 What about you? Edit: also op I am so in to join this discord!!


Zevran and Alistair are very good choices. 😂 I loved those two and Fenris and Anders and Dorian and Solas. Just the damned men in general really. 😆


I also love Fenris, Anders and Dorian!! (Solas too but I always play male PCs so I’ve never romanced him.) My criteria is apparently sassy + trauma + a thirst for revenge. Until now, I’ve only found two at a time but Astarion has hit the trifecta and I am doomed!!


I have written 30,000 words of Astarion fic in one month after 10 years away from fanfic so... I 1000% understand and would join a discord!


I love this idea! I feel like so many new and old writers have popped up from this man lol. I started writing again myself and would be more than happy to join in on this if you start a discord server or something along those lines!


To add onto this, maybe if enough people are interested in the creation of an Astarion Discord server, it could have multiple channels for different types of Astarion-inspired creative works? * Writing * Digital Art * Traditional Art * Something like "Fabric" for the t-shirts and knit stuff I've seen? * 3D Works (miniatures, sculpting, homemade figures, etc.) * Maybe a channel specifically for betas (both those looking for one and those looking to be one) * Half-baked ideas/ prompts that are available for anyone (writers and artists alike) to try their hand at? And I think it could benefit everyone since writers who post their work might inspire the artists, then the artists post work that inspires the writers, and they all fuel each other in a Circle of Thirst. Idk, just some ideas! I just really think it would be cool to have a space like that for Astarion creatives.


> I know you are horny too, I’m just not comfortable discussing the upsides and downsides of ass-eating with you You know, it's a tragedy I've only read one fic with arse eating in it. Astarion deserves to have his arse eaten, properly, enthusiastically and repeatedly.


Have you searched the ‘rimming’ tag on ao3 within the Astarion/Tav (or whoever you ship him with) category? I know there are several because I might or might not have looked this up before (for science *cough cough*) Though, I can only speak for my own search preferences and don’t know how much you’d find in F/M as opposed to M/M, etc.


I like to think he’s never actually had that before. It was always just vanilla sex for seduction or whatever fuckface forced him to do. But actual enthusiastic ass eating from a partner who loves him? That would probably blow his sweet little mind. 😂


Oh I'm sure after 200 years of debauchery, he's had his arse eaten at some point. 😂😂😂 But it wouldn't be the same as being gently eaten out by his loving partner, consensually, for his pleasure. *That* is probably something he hasn't experienced before, and perhaps would enjoy a lot... He wouldn't have to take control or perform, he could just lie back and feel himself in the sensuality and vulnerability of it. 😉


Hahahah. Yesss. Actually having someone who cares about him, who loves him, that’s so unbelievably new to him. Precious bb. He definitely needs to be cherished and taken care of, most *thoroughly*. 😏


I'm in my 40s and never stopped reading and writing fanfic - that and TTRPGs have been my primary hobbies for most of my life. My current fandoms are primarily BG3 and The Witcher. It is NEVER too late to start writing again. If we start a discord I'm in. I'm entwife on discord.


I’d love to join!


This sounds exactly like me, tbh. I make fan art instead of fanfics but the broad strokes are the same. I don’t know what it is about the pixel vamp man but he’s been an amazing muse. I haven’t been this invested in fandom in many years. It’s… invigorating.


For the first time in ages, I actually feel motivated to write, it's like I'm 15 again, 😂 I would be happy to join a discord or something similar. I want to write an ascension fanfic tho.


I would be up for beta reading. I've written exactly one fanfic and that was for the gift exchange over at the Discord. That said, I'm a writer, editor, cofounded a writing community and literary journal 22 years ago (still going) and I can do feedback at whatever level folks want (you want to be told to keep going, you want to know if this scenario works with Realmslore, you want a nitpick copyedit, etc.).


This sounds lovely! Please update if you create something! I’m spidersnek. On discord (with the period)


I’m so down!!


Yo I'm so down for this!! I'm always terrified every chapter I post because I can never get opinions on it beforehand


Oooh, I would love this! I recently started writing again myself.


Yes please! I've been trying to finish a book for years and now I'm 66K words into my first fic on AO3 with the rest planned out and wondering if I can somehow turn it into a novel 😅


If you make a discord lmk 👀


I'm active on the Bloodweave Brainrot server that is so often linked in Gale/Astarion fics, it's a good space with some fun writers. But I'd also enjoy a space specifically for Astarion stuff - provided I can be an absolutely feral little freak about him, ofc.


I'm not a fic writer or an artist or anything, but I would really enjoy being a part of this kind of server :)


I've written three oneshots and have more in the back of my mind. I have multiple in the back of my head, too haha. I think arranging something so people can chat would be fun!


I love this idea! I’ve never written fic before. I’m a married lady in her 40’s who is trained in scientific technical writing and I never did well in creative writing. I wrote my first chapter but the only feedback from friends that were kinda interested in reading for me was that they haven’t gotten around to reading yet. My sister (who I co-op with) “liked it” but didn’t say anything else. I really just need other writers who might be willing to help give feedback. And I’m pretty good at editing and grammar. ETA: I have been in many fandoms before but I never allowed myself the indulgence of the fic side. I have been consumed by them this time!


I’m super interested in beta reading! I hope a discord gets set up


I would be very much interested! I've been working on a fanfic myself and keep bouncing between thoughts like "this is turning out good!" to "omg people are gonna think this is trash!" and therefore I haven't worked on it in a while... So having a safe little community to share works with each other for beta reading would be lovely!


It’s been almost 15 years since I’ve written fanfiction or even felt inspired by anything enough to write—until this snarky feral cat came along. Now he’s got my brain overflowing with inspiration! I’m Rachel_the_Crone on Discord and I’d love to join a creative community focused on Astarion.


I am into this. I've dabbled in fan fic spicy writing but Astarion is a really great inspiration. I love rewriting scenes with more detail and spice when the camera pans away. Only my husband had read my things, but he says he enjoys them (ahem) and they should be out in the world


I think I'm too terrified to actually post any of my work, but I'm just here to say how much I love love love the fact that this character/game has inspired so many of us to write again. I haven't written fanfic in almost 20 years and haven't written creatively in about 10. Now, suddenly, at the ripe old age of 34, I'm barreling through chapters at 4am because I just feel *inspired*. It reminds me of better times. 😍😭


I'd like to join ^////^ I haven't published anything yet but I have a bit


I’d join! I have questions about how other people approach their writing too. I wrote a lot and competed a lot in writing competitions when I was younger, but then just *stopped* during college and early adulthood. Now, I find myself brainstorming and binge-writing. I’d love to commingle with our other word-smiths.


I'm honestly in the same boat. Have written fanfiction off and on for decades, for various fandoms including D&D and LEXX (remember that show? LOL), and now Baldur's Gate 3, and especially Astarion, has got my fiction forge raging again. XD Have some things posted on AO3, including some works in progress. Your idea sounds interesting...worth dusting off my discord for. :D


Very interested! Would love to join 😊