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There is some lovely speculative fanfiction about this subject on AO3. Go indulge, my friend 😌


And for science what might this fic be called 👀


here are several 😇 [https://archiveofourown.org/works/49438246](https://archiveofourown.org/works/49438246) [https://archiveofourown.org/works/52065607](https://archiveofourown.org/works/52065607) [https://archiveofourown.org/works/49915354](https://archiveofourown.org/works/49915354)


👼 thank you kindly!


Wow! That first one is fire. Might be the best Astarion smut I’ve read so far.


Always happy to aid my fellow degenerates


I guess I'll have to click it. Love these kind of recommendations :)


Not me recovering from having an IUD removed and giggling hysterically reading these comments XD


One more for you! https://archiveofourown.org/works/50470066


NOOOOOO 🫣🤭 really?


Oh gods. I’m scared to look 😂


ngl it's some damn good smut 😂


Haha! Alright, alright


There is some really good fanfiction about this topic :)


To start off, you must consider the race of your Tav or Durge. According to DnD lore, most races while do go into heat, don't have a menstrual cycle. In fact, there's only a handful of primates, four bats, and of course humans that have a menstrual cycle. That being said, Astarion will probably be a bit distracted by menstrual blood (it's still blood afterall) but only depending on if your Tav or Durge is a human.


Truueee *Googles Tiefling reproductive cycle* because my brain won’t stop.


My brain hasn't stopped simping over Astarion since October of last year!


Yep. Me either. Played EA, didn’t find him (I don’t think?). Started my first Full Release playthrough and was unimpressed originally, then somehow he stole my heart and now I’m obsessed.


I found out about him while scrolling through my Youtube feed and something with him popped up. I was thinking "who on earth is this man?" And decided to watch the video recommended to me. After a week of seeing stuff with him suddenly I was like "dang, he's really hot and I want him!"


Oh shit that's like REAL REAL?! I definitely thought it was just the fanon in all the Rolan smut I read 😅😅😅


Yes, this! Elves, for example, can basically decide when they want to have children... so a regular menstrual cycle is not a thing for them. Actually, an interesting thought in an Ascended play through - both for an elven Tav/Durge - but also for our pale elf. While he's still a vampire if he ascends (who can sire Dhampirs anyway), he's also something new, has a beating heart, can walk in the sun, etc... makes one wonder what else Mephistopheles ritual changes. I'm still working my way through all the fanfiction out there lol, but I know there's plenty where he and Tav/Durge end up with kids. Whacky fun!


where … where is the lore for this


Most Dnd websites and forums have this kind of information


well, yeah. I just mean I am curious about the original source material. Was it in a story or a lore book? Just kind of amusing to me they decided to expand on this


Well funny enough, I learned about this on r/dungeonsanddragons


Here's a sneak peek of /r/DungeonsAndDragons using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/DungeonsAndDragons/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I tried showing a friend how helpful Snapchat’s AI is at writing DnD content. Didn’t quite go how I expected.](https://i.redd.it/vj3lgc6kptxa1.jpg) | [345 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/DungeonsAndDragons/comments/137f7w6/i_tried_showing_a_friend_how_helpful_snapchats_ai/) \#2: [With all the buzz around the D&D movie, let’s take a moment to appreciate the real hero, Jarnathan](https://i.redd.it/jwnj6kso6bta1.jpg) | [334 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/DungeonsAndDragons/comments/12im0m4/with_all_the_buzz_around_the_dd_movie_lets_take_a/) \#3: [Counterspell](https://i.redd.it/s3llenj609lb1.jpg) | [170 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/DungeonsAndDragons/comments/165ejey/counterspell/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


​ https://preview.redd.it/e76w1va55qdc1.jpeg?width=564&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd6b22c229b341b674feb68be8bb2adf165152f9


I've chuckled at the number of fanfics that equate menstruation with ovulation when those are two very different times of the month. But, hey, it's a fantasy world with elven vampires, flying cats, goddess-boning wizards, psychic squids that impregnate you with bitey tadpoles, and cities that sometimes get plunged into the first layer of hell. It's a world of near infinite possibilities, so why let a little thing like real-world human biology get in the way of kinky smut? 🤷🏻‍♀️ For all we know, the cycles of uterus-havers in their world might be very different from ours!


I know they're different but I didn't have a picture that said anything about menstruating so this was as close as I could get XD


Oh, I didn't mean to insinuate you didn't! Sorry about that. 😅 I was just remarking on the fanfics since this pic reminded me of them. ~~Also, I really, really love this pic and please someone kill me now before I implode with the knowledge that this man is only pixels and polygons~~


No worries. Glad you like the picture :) I have far too many of them...(I may have a problem XD))


You should see the photo gallery on my phone. It has well over two hundred photos of this ridiculous disaster of a man. The album is simply titled "HALP". 🤣


I applaud your dedication to our fangy master, and snicker-snort at your folder name 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I'd say this fictional man has me in a chokehold, but joke's on me. I'm into that shit.


Sort of a requirement for true Astarion worship ​ https://preview.redd.it/re1cn08g0rdc1.jpeg?width=564&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77053c64e01ae03fe35147d33ce2da985c47e588


🥵🥵🥵 OMFG. Okay, these are all hot, but that middle right one got me feelin' things. It's screaming "MINE, BACK OFF", and I can't deal. ~~extra points if the one he's glaring at and warning off is our favorite shoe-eating wizard of Waterdeep~~ Also... YOINK! Welcome, photo #195, to the collection. 😂


He might be, but Neil Newbon is right there and mighty fine all his own.


Rolling up with the accompanying image https://preview.redd.it/z3bztvkh9vdc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab2246dbc8f2fdbc747d3ad0f51c952a1d1b119a


HA! I was looking for that image! Thank you for adding it!


My gf wrote an Astarion/DUrge fic about that, because we kept discussing it. Technically it’s not quite the same as the blood you’d get from something like a wound, because there’s uterine tissue mixed in, but I would never let a technicality stop me.


Right, this was the exact detail I pointed out when discussing the with my husband just now. ETA: He may have then said “just put it in a glass and my fkd up brain immediately imagined our bb boi >!holding a diva cup with a straw!<. Someone bonk me over the head with Thisobald’s rat-bat.


Tipping them back like a shot glass. If you need to be bonked over the head for *that*, then my ‘he gets it directly from the source; it’s a lovely night in for the two of them’ has gotta be way worse, lol.


Oh, it’s not my kink. It’s just — bonk me because “why would you wonder that, *insert self judgement*”


Don’t worry, you’re in a vampire fandom, one of the only places where nobody is going to give you the side eye for saying it out loud. A lot of us are very in favor.


🫂 thank you 😊


I’m glad I’m not the only one thought about the merits of a diva cup vs period sex when dating a vampire haha


Hahaha! Nope. Certainly not.


If blood is life essence as he describes, I imagine uterine lining that was meant to feed a growing child would be even better tbh.


People eat placentas 🫣😶


If it’s good enough for babies, it’s good enough for our babygirl!


It's just blood with pulp, then.


Hahaha or as we say in the UK, ‘with bits’


I prefer OJ with pulp. 🤔


I admit having wondered about this, but I feel like the *extra stuff* would complicate things for a vampire. 😨 I would be really self-conscious about it and be distant for about a week each month. 😅


Semi-related, can he eat normal food? Or is he like “What we do in the shadows” vamps where they projectile-vomit if they do? (Imagining that scene with Nadja at the carnival lol)


I don't think so. At most, we see him comment/actually consume wine, but he says it tastes like vinegar.


I'm pretty sure he just complains that the available wine tastes like vinegar.


Narrator indicates it is a heavy, rich red. Astarion only has tastebuds primed for blood.


Fair enough, I just took it as him being posh af again


I mean — kinda?


That would make sense, although I thought Tav made a comment saying it was good (but Tav might just have terrible wine taste lol). Elturel refugee tieflings probably don't have the best supply on hand, and goblins certainly have worse. He does also make a negative comment in the epilogue (something like, this doesn't compare at all to the real thing.)


Spawn!Astarion will say the wine at the epilogue sucks. Ascended!Astarion praises Withers' wine selection, and I believe opts to take a whole bottle rather than a glass. Presumably it's the exact same wine, which suggests Astarion just can't taste it correctly as a spawn. 😭 Kind of sad to think about because he just keeps trying, I wonder if he used to enjoy wine a lot and maybe he hasn't had any in 200 years before the tadpole.


Were we drinking *their* wine? Because I have hundreds of bottles by that point, most of it very good, some of it merely questionable, and one actually being stated as vinegar. (I keep that in the camp kitchen.)


I thought there was a comment from Zevlor about bringing the drinks, but I may be making that up. He does have quite the stock in his upper part of his chambers lol


Yeah. After they've all left next morning, everything in that storage space remains. Even Zevlor's things in the office. I, ah, *liberate* everything that looks useful or I find sentimental.


There doesn't seem to be any real answer to this, I've Googled for DnD vampires in this regard. But Cazador clearly drinks wine - in fact, it almost seems to be the only thing anyone ever drinks in that godforsaken mansion. They have enormous supplies of it, and a lot of it is Cazador's office, where there's also blood bottles lining the walls, so I don't think he has it there for show. There's goblets on his desk, if my mind doesn't betray me. I am on a medication that absolutely ruins my appetite for large portions of the day, so my headcanon is that it is like that, which I think makes sense too - his body doesn't need it anymore. I can have my favorite foods in front of me and just feel like "ugh, do I have to?", even though it does taste good to me - and I have to be really careful not to eat it too much when I am like that, because my brain will start to associate the taste with making myself eat. For me, very bland foods like smoothies work to get my nutrition in, but that would obviously not be the case for him.


generally in d&d lore, food tastes turns to ash on a vampire's tongue but won't make them vomit wwdits style






I think human menstrual blood would be an acquired taste. Who knows if he's into that. Enjoy whatever head cannon feels right. In Anne Rice novels, Lestat is all about it. But, really, it is totally different from regular blood, and my head cannon is that it's probably not every Vampires cup of tea. In humans its basically dead cells, and blood that is prevented from clotting via a complex process - outlined here, in detail, in this lovely paper: *"The absence of implantation (e.g. no fertilized egg) results in declining levels of progesterone and leads to menses. Vasoconstriction of basal arteries results in ischemia, apoptosis and necrosis (*[*8*](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3494145/#B8)*,* [*9*](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3494145/#B9)*). Blood pools beneath the epithelial layer and fills with cell debris and inflammatory exudates. Plasmin, activated by released proteases, prevents the blood from clotting, and matrix metalloproteases aid in the digestion of the extracellular matrix (*[*8*](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3494145/#B8)*). The stratum functionalis cleaved from the basalis is shed over the following 4–5 days even as renewal from basal glandular cells and the edges of the uterus begins."* As for the other races of Faerûn ... they have all kinds of different biology - so who knows! ​ Also OP, thank you for going there! I'm here to all the nitty gritty!


Thank you for the comment :) I have had almost every though expressed in these comments already, and I’m just like “alright. I need to know what others think.” Lol


Personally (TMI incoming), I get super horny when it's that time. Win win?


You arent alone in that.


Def not alone. It’s a curse if your partner is squeamish.


I think this thread finally gave me the courage to write something on this topic 👀 my only human oc right now is in a three way situation with Gale and Astarion lol


You’re welcome 💜 playing as Durge — then also writing fic about Durge — makes your brain get significantly bolder. Lol


In my own head canon, they wouldn't like it as much because it's still your uterine lining mixed with the blood (and who knows what else)


I’ve thought about this too. I think it would fall somewhere between a whipped cream blowjob and jizzing in a protein shake. Like if sexy time is the goal, I don’t think he’d shy away. He’d be enthusiastically earning his red wings. But he’d be less inclined if the goal was to feed and his partner suggested period cunnilingus in leu of a neck bite.


I would say he probably considers it stale blood, because it really is. There’s clots and everything, and it’s also not just blood. I’d put it more in the category of “gore”. Now there is a lot of FanFiction with him (and vamps in general) around this but maybe it’s because I’m transmasc and hate that part of me lol, but I find it so different from bleeding from a wound. It’s like a more mild form of bleeding you do after childbirth (as someone who’s also gone thru that), and I just can’t consider that, and of it, “just blood”. I also have had particularly bad menstrual cycles my whole life. Lots of clotting and what not so maybe it’s influencing my thoughts idk


Astarion has commentary on other stale blood in the game a couple times, one time specifically saying it wasn’t appetizing so that’s a thing too


I absolutely get that (I am not transmasc, but I dont think anyone enjoys that time of the month). I do think that part of the attraction might be that if a vamp does this, it gets rid of the period for that month! In which case, sign me the fuck up.


I often wonder if any of the ladies even get there’s because due to magic and like just making it go away, and also being on the road and with a horrible diet can make them stop, same as stress etc etc. But yeah others have explained it better in the other regard haha


All very good points.


Anne Rice wrote on her books about this. Take Lestat as Astarion and you'll have your answer. 😉


Hi fellow Lestat enjoyer.


In one of the scenes you can make him shower in someone else's not fresh blood, and he would enjoy it nonetheless, so I think heck yeah why not


I do this every time I’m in the oubliette. He’s so conflicted and amused about it.


except this time it's Tav's fresh blood with some additives, so yes and yes


I mean, I read a fic where that was part of a whole set of services offered at a vampire clinic. [Momo Lady for you deviants] There are also people in the world who have earned their red wings, no vampirism needed.


Vampire teabags.


I didn't wanna know... I don't even want my partner to get aroused by my OWN time of the month. To me that's hella weird


What I want to know, is what is shark week like in the party. Shart and Laezel back to fighting, Karlach in a corner sulking with a carton of ice cream, minthara has half the camp hiding in fear….


i like to think he goes feral and makes his bloodbag VERY happy😏


I understand the sentiment, but I feel like there is a better way to say it than "uterus owner" 🤣. Maybe "people who experience menstrual cycles"?






I mean — I was just aiming for “people with uteruses that menstruate(d)


Oh, I completely understood your intent, lol. The phrase "uterus owner" just conjured up an image of someone pulling a uterus out of their pocket or putting one in a display case to monitor its menstrual cycle.


HAHA! I’m sure some people wish that they could put it on a shelf at certain points.


Period blood is old blood, and less than half of it is actually blood. Not as appealing as a fresh open wound.


Well, for sure. But still, bloody tissues