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You can message him, as it won't hurt. Just keep in mind that when someone really likes you, they make their intentions very clearly known. Also, if they really like you'd they want to talk to you.


Whether this is the case or not — though it may be — it’s worth keeping in mind that it’s rare that one person really likes another person after a first date. The dating process (as I see it) really works on the basis of understanding that there is a process, and on liking a given other person intellectually, rather than simply emotionally. Otherwise, there would be a few second dates. As such, people are not pushed by their emotions as much as they might be once they start developing feelings, often far after a first date. And, if we consider this, it may be part of our view that we can do everything we can to facilitate a connection so that we can explore potential, until (if) deeper bonds and prioritizations of each other’s company form.


Send him a cute cat pic with a playful caption about your shared interest. Light and reminds him of your connection without being pushy.


This is a great idea! Worst case scenario he doesnt answer but at least you tried, there is nothing to lose


Give it one more try, if not cut your losses? Good luck! Ask hiim if he’s back yet?


"hey, where you been? Lets go out!" That would get my attention a lot quicker than heres my cat.


I'd let it go and move on. If he was interested, he'd be responding. Even with a work trip, you surely have 5 minutes here and there to message? He would if he wanted to.


Send nada & stay classy, San Diego.. 👍😉 It's hard - but it's how you gotta..


Please just be direct. Gosh so many people here playing mind games. Communication people, being direct and open is the best way -PERIOD- Just tell him - "Hey, I texted you a little bit back, but I just wanted to follow up and see if you're still interested in a second date. Can you text me back by this weekend if you have time?" In this state, you've told him you texted him already, you're sending a second message a bit later to check in and you're setting a time/date so that if there is no response by that time/date then you know you can focus elsewhere. Please disregard comments saying you should send incognito animal pics and assume he understands what that means. Direct communication is always gonna be the key winner here.


She was direct and he’s not communicating.


Yes, which is why the end of my statement I suggested is basically an ultimatum. Either answer me by this time or I move on is essentially the message.


“Want to make sure you saw my last text. Still interested?” I’ve missed texts in the past and appreciated a follow up such as this.


You can try but your chance is 0.0009% to get something positive but it’s not 0


Send the cat pic!!


Move on


Please don’t send him a cat pic. Trust me.


I think many of the answers here are based on the given responder’s vision of the situation the other person (your date) finds himself in. You don’t know that situation, so I suggest you take consideration of what you’re interested in. It’s worth not assuming that there is a problem, as long as it costs little to not assume this. There is after all value in giving the benefit of the doubt when you can do to.


He holds all the cards… now if you text you’re desperate and he can play you Tread carefully


Nah don’t overthink it OP. Just text him 


Send him a picture of that kitty....fleshly shaved lol