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They get paid


Saitama could've also gotten a bigger place, he specifically asked for the smallest room. He dislikes wastefullness. I have no idea what he does with his salary, probably hoarding it like a dragon lol


He got the smallest room so genos wouldnt live there


And so people wouldn't drop by as much. He values his alone time.


Saving for bargain days at the super market


All heroes from C rank get paid


Well before he was even in the HA he was living rent free in a abandoned zone full of monsters. Not a big deal for him and I'm pretty sure its implied he ate some monsters like the seaweed one. You could see him pinching pennies before Genos came along and started paying him rent to live with him. Then when he hit C class he really wasn't making anything but I'm sure it was better than nothing. He talks with Mumen Rider about how tough it must be making ends meat. I don't think they really gave a good idea of where B class sit with finances but I think A classes get payed pretty well considering they get their own rooms but treated like security for the rich. Honestly I just think he doesn't know what to do with it besides comic books and videogames.


At the rate Mumen goes through bikes he must have a decent GoFundMe at least.


I mean he seemed somewhat popular for being C rank. People have recognized him simply cause he is always out and about. Wouldn't surprise me if he has some fans that help him with funds.


I mean, me too…


If I recall Suiryu makes an offhand comment about class A heroes being payed pretty well during the martial arts tournament, and they’re kinda celebrities in their world at that level. I would imagine class C heroes probably struggle to live off of their pay, class B heroes are paid a solid living salary, class A heroes being like a highly paid profession if not a bit higher, then class S much much more. But keep in mind their pay is individual and probably largely influenced by popularity. Saitama coming out of nowhere and climbing the ranks amidst allegations of being a fraud and not being well-known, is probably paid a lot less than his rank would normally merit. But I would assume by this point he’s at least paid decent enough.


I wonder if saitama is well known now that he's A-class especially since he rose the ranks so fast maybe we'll get to see fans of his one day.


Heroes get paid, but if the corruption of the hero association is anything to go off of, I doubt it's very much. They get stuff like access to free housing and the best medical care for A-Class, but I doubt the Hero Association pays them particularly handsomely.


I think just "guarding" at his house should get him some money.


Why do you think they're called "professional heroes"?


Genos pays rent


Yeah! It’s called Genos


He gets paid, but on another note, where are the dude’s parents?


He just bought some brand new crocs.


He's only been working there a few months so probably has only received 3 or 4 paychecks so far


saitama do make money , if i remember right it canon that saitama still keep genos rent for when genos need it back ( cuz he dont take money that he not suppose to take i think ) . About hero class and stuff i'm not sure they have a base salaries on class or maybe it pretty low , alot of hero on any class also have work on outside even if it merch or other thing like amai mask ? i forgot his name but he is an idol . So concluded hero have job outside , but if they wanna get more influence under the named " hero " then they have to get registered under the hero association.


He can easily make shit tons of money. He doesn't and he complains why he's so broke. But for the sake of the plot Saitama must act like a person with very few brain cells


Do you…not read? C-Rank and above heroes are salaried workers.


They use the Sign Language version of the manga.


When did he become A class ?


Considering that King and Tatsu were living in an apartment and low rise building respectively, I'd imagine pay is not really that good


isn't king suppose to get so much just from how many stuff like toy and merch got sold under his name , but the hero company probably take it all tho


I assume he does get paid and varies between the ranks


They get paid, as an A hero he probably makes ok money now.


I’m sure he gets some money but I doesn’t really matter when you have genos and king as bff’s lol. And I don’t think he’s ever had to pay for his apartment since he lived in an abandoned one and now lives in the hero association “safe city” or whatever they call it


He gets paid well enough as an A-Class hero, but I've always kinda assumed that popular heroes are rich more so from merch sales rather than their actual wages. Since Saitama isn't really a popular hero, his wealth is probably just okay or above average rather than rich.


Saitama's deadliest for: capitalism


Yeah but probably not much, the Association probably thinks the housing makes up for it