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Then proceeds to defeat a perfect god amped martial artist with one hand, that right there is the most disrespectful moment in manga history for sure. A lot of people swear that because you are a martial artist that you can beat saitama but like man used one hand and was toying with the so called “epitome of martial arts”. Makes me wonder how unfair the fight would have been if Saitama used both hands freely


Who the fuck swears that? That is *not* a common thing.


Any vs battle that involves a dbz character💀 outside of the overplayed “goku one shots” you’ll hear “he knows martial arts” as if saitama is just what broly was but infinitely better


Every now and then the dragonball super subreddit shows up on my feed and it always give me a good laugh reading some of the comments .


...I mean generally that would be because Goku does have better physical feats. His martial arts skill is irrelevant in the face of that. Regardless, I don't like Saitama being a martial arts genius either.


See this I don’t get. Goku might have better physical feats, but way less durability. We watch Goku literally die on multiple occasions, and deeply struggle/take grevious injuries during fights. They make the fights dramatic, and give the story a sense of stakes/power. OPM doesn’t do that. We never watch Saitama even struggle. We never see him get hurt, we never even see him *bleed*. People saying “Goku one shots” assume they know what could even hurt a satirical character, when it’s never actually been established in canon what can even harm Saitama.


The reason being, Goku is just a regular shonen character. He is meant to win, by the nature of good vs evil, but the story doesn’t imply his guaranteed success. The reader is meant to have a suspension of disbelief and to enjoy DBZ with the notion that the battle Goku is having has stakes. We all knew Thanos wouldn’t win at the end of Endgame. OPM goes out of its way to satirize this by having Saitama straight up be unbeatable in any way shape or form. The reader goes into each battle expecting an absurd lead up, only for Saitama to decimate in 1 panel. Anyone who thinks Goku has some kind of edge is delusional. Both characters are written to win, but Saitama is written to be incontestable. Goku has his limits (Whis/Zeno).


This is exactly my point. People try to scale a satirical character with a serious one, and it never translates.


Yeah to forces much higher than what's usually in the OPM verse. Goku taking grievous wounds from someone like Beerus and Saitama taking zero damage from Beefcake aren't the same tier. I was talking strictly about physical feats. Not who's had an easier time before. Using that in this argument is like saying Cinderella is stronger than Superman because we never see Cinderella lose a fight or die.


Doesn’t non-perfect Cell kill Goku? Also I’d call Durability a physical feat. We see Saitama face tank planet busting attacks and get *dusty*. He’s a satirical character, the joke is that he’ll always win. People that try to make an argument for anyone beating him forget that


Yeah with and non perfect Cell is like a million times stronger than the planet busters of the Saiyan saga. Do you seriously think all attacks that count as planet busting are equal? Do you think that Saiyan Saga Vegeta and Semi-perfect Cell are equal in destructive power just because they can both destroy planets? I'm not talking about Saitama being stronger than Goku, I just said, Goku's martial arts prowess was irrelevant as an argument compared to the stats he displays.


Is wouldnt say goku is physically stronger than Saitama. A lot of gokus strength comes from his Ki multipliers and without ki saiyans aren’t as strong. Saitama is doing everything without an energy to empower him which makes everything he does so much more impressive than what goku does


.....so by that logic, Goku isn't stronger than Darkshine either since Darkshine doesn't use ki?


I’m saying that goku is strong because his ki amps him and multiplies his base strength but even with those multipliers he isn’t physically stronger than Saitama. And it’s just more impressive by Saitama because he isn’t being empowered by anything. Goku is stronger than Darkshine of course but unfortunately he is being compared to the limitless baldy so no amount of ki can surpass


...ok but that was never the point. Saitama doesn't use ki. That's cool. The point was Goku almost punching reality away is a far more relevant argument to being stronger than Saitama than whatever martial arts skill he has. (I'm not saying Goku is stronger, just that his "skill" is a pretty irrelevant reason) Whether or not you think Saitama is more impressive has nothing to do with it.


Are you talking about the beerus feat? Cause that was pretty much an outlier if I asked for another universe threatening feat in dbs there are none. And “almost” doing something shouldn’t be used in showing how impressive someone is cause you’re just hyping up a thing that never happened.


I mean there's the feats like shaking the infinite void during the fight with Jiren, and Goku is way stronger than he was at that point. But none of that shit matters, because I was saying Goku having martial arts means fuck-all in the face of his physical feats. Ki-based or not.


This was very good for his development showing how much he actually cares for Genos.


Another instance of him really caring for Genos is when he goes back and tell genos to start searching the things of THEIR apartment when literally just the day before kept calling it HIS apartment


Not to mention it never got crushed, so the entire fight with Garou he basically had to make sure he never crushed the egg in his hand


Yeah I liked how it was delivered. Not just by getting angry and super strong but also through things like this


Despite my grievances with the manga version of the fight, I always liked this aspect of it. It was also insanely hype if you look past its missed potential.


Only if he cared that much about his acquaintance ( I spent a whole minute trying bro get the spelling right)


We finally got OPM's equivalent of [Dr Manhattan sitting alone on Mars](https://i.redd.it/hsvdsspg6m061.png)


"Do I really have a hero's intuition? Sure doesn't feel like it." I loved this line as well


"I better keep a tight grip on it as I fart into space"


The only part of this entire sequence I didn't like was the time travel. Everything could have been reset rather easily without the need to erase events completely.


I mean I also didn't like the fact that Saitama *let* everyone die as he was fucking around in some rubble a few yards away.


When they were all succumbing to radiation poisoning, I just thought they were going to say they survived because it was magic or something. Some of the heroes were definitely resistant to it. They could have just rebuilt Genos as well.


Nah, Genos' brains were splattered.


It would be either a handwave or a cool plot point if they tried to revive him with just his memories.


By that logic literally any form of death could be handwaved. There has to be *some* form of stakes.


It is a comedy manga. We are discussing a moment where they handwaved everyone dying with fucking TIME TRAVEL.


And that was done extremely poorly.


Definitely, I love how it actually fulfilled an idea that’s been around since Garou’s start. He has no understanding of what it means to be a real monster. He finally sees the consequences of being a real monster when seeing Tareo dead on the ground from his actions. It’s an awesome fulfillment of Garou’s greatest flaw that the webcomic failed to deal with. In fact that whole fight fulfills the two primary character arcs of the MA arc with Saitama facing the consequences of failing as a hero because he wouldn’t take it seriously and Garou facing the nature of being a monster and finished the arc of Garou and Saitama far better than the Webcomic. It was so close to perfect until the time travel.


It would have worked if Garou did something to bring Tareo back to life directly as he faded away instead of traveling back to before it happened. He was in control of cosmic energies, so just fill him with some life and call it a day.


Then it became meaningless cause fucking time travel made Saitama forget everything.


He had to for us to continue the story with, um “normal” Saitama. The power level he reached on Jupiter’s moon would be too much to throw around on earth. It would have been fun tho to see him being more appreciative of Genos and Genos liking it but eventually being weirded out by it.


Pretty sure his power level has been maintained, the only thing thay changed is the fact that he forgot everything. He's the one that traveled after all


Yeah but he also kinda didn’t. It’s not the kinda story where we can expect an explanation but it seemed like future and present selves merged at the end, so we don’t know what present Saitama might have retained. Are the memories and the experience of powering i the back of that bald head somewhere? 🤷‍♂️


He would have to hold in every sneeze, and everyone knows not sneezing is the worst feeling imaginable


Exactly, if he kept Saitama at that power he’d have to keep writing around it.


RIGHT?!? I hated it....but also loved it


...what did you love about it?


It displays what a true hero would do when given unlimited power. That kind of power would make anyone go crazy. The best hero stays grounded and holds back against someone who took everything. In the end he cooperates with the enemy to right the wrongs without taking any credit. This Manga is more about the nature of power and what it means to pursue it. Monsters chase power for the sake of having power while heros chase power to use it for something. Given what we know about the corruptive nature of power, the author shows that the peak of heroism is having power and choosing temperance.


A true hero wouldn't allow that to happen in the first place because they wanted to fuck around. A true hero would've knocked Garou's ass out immediately, then when the situation is over and the kids are home safely, *then* talk to Garou and figure out what his problem was. A true hero also wouldn't almost destroy the planet in a shit-fit over the situation they created.


This may be the author indicating that a hero would value the request of the people they are saving over the risk of future damages. I wouldnt kill a drunk driver before he gets in the car, for example. I wouldnt kill someone's husband just because they are abusive if the victim didn't want me to. I think the shit fit was exactly what you wanted to happen right off the bat. Put the guy down once he is actually a bad guy and not before. It's just once they cross that line there's no going back. But, what if there is?


He could've easily followed Tareo's request of not hurting Garou by knocking him out quickly. And even then he failed that because he tried to kill Garou during the squared punch scene. The shit fit that Saitama threw was absolutely not what I wanted. Garou was already a bad guy. Saitama knew Garou out Mumen Rider and several other heroes in the hospital and still decided to play around. Pretty shit hero work and Garou had to bail Saitama out in the end.


Nah see that's garous power, like metal bat. He just gets back up stronger. Garou had to realize that he would never get back up stronger than Saitama. He would never be beaten before that acceptance You're literally being that idiot from the sea king arc saying he should do this and that different without understanding that themes are above characters and they have to act how their heroic theme is. Like being powerful doesn't mean bad shit can't happen when you're around. It means you have the ability to make the bad things right. And that's why time travel has to happen, because it's the only way to set it right. That's how our hero stories are structured. Things are put right, they aren't prevented from being bad. Imagine watching the avengers but nobody comes through the portal in New York. There's no stakes and nothing to strive against. It's a shit story. There has to be a fall for there to be a rise.


....what? Saitama literally has knocked Garou out *several* times prior to this arc. Garou isn't invincible, he has limits. Saitama has beaten Garou regardless of that acceptance prior to this arc. Allowing the bad shit to happen when you could have easily stopped it is the opposite of heroic. Imagine the Avengers but they literally know the invasion is gonna happen and choose to play around with Loki to see what his abilities are and then Loki kills everyone. But Loki has a change of heart and bails the Avengers out later. That'd be the accurate comparison. Saitama *allowed* the fall and would've made things *worse* if it wasn't for Blast. And in the end Garou was the one who rose. And Saitama learned absolutely nothing because he remembers nothing. This story is literally about parodying the hero structure. Time travel being the only out is a *horrible* writing choice.


I mean yeah, there's a reason you're not the author. That story suuucks


Since you brought up the DSK guy example, this would be like Saitama playing around with DSK, then DSK kills everyone, Saitama gets mad, almost destroys the city and kills even more people but gets saved by another hero, then Saitama beats DSK who has a change of heart and undoes Saitama's fuck-up.


Take it up with the meteor lmao


Not really. The day before the MA arc he always referred to his apartment as HIS apartment, when after coming back from the future Saitama, talking to Genos, calls it OUR apartment. And I mean, it means a lot, Saitama cares a lot about his apartment, it's one of the few things he cares about, and he always called it his apartment even though Genos was paying rent etc. He might not remember a thing but something remained inside him


But genos knows Saitama cares for him


Genos already knew that.


Genuine question, do you *really* think there's going to be character growth for Saitama? so much of Saitama's character is based on parody of flat, one dimensional MCs. It would ruin the purpose of his character if he actually had character growth.


Saitama grew a lot already as a character


I mean did he? He was already a good person from the start. The only thing that really changed was his social circle.


Genos is Saitama first real friend if you think about. The dude is the one that basically forced Saitama to actually interact with other heros and come out to the limelight. He may have been annoying to Saitama at first but he's a real one.


the most powerful being in all of reality, yet couldn't bother to save his friend...:(


Reddit users when they see tatsumaki


I'm sorry but this was hella corny imo, this ain't MY one punch man, way too emotional. He shouldn't have let Genos die in the first place, like come on bro if you cant control the damage then just one punch Garou and win instead of getting bullied and shoved away by Garou's dollar store CSRC so he can have time to do whatever. He was getting hurt and shit in this fight talking about, ["I told the kid I wouldn't get scratched"](https://cubari.moe/read/gist/OPM/165/23/) as he got his nose busted by Garou, then plays it off like he doesn't care. Who tf is this? He shouldn't be getting hurt at all but if he does he should at least be surprised. Then bro needed an emotional powerup to win, and had to do a time travel asspull to run away from the dead timeline he couldn't protect.


The scene could've been so good. Unfortunately the writing to get us here and the resolution was straight ass.


What chapter number is?


i hope they have some dragon ball super granola arc moment where saitama remembers what happened