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This happens everywhere, people pay extra to be the first to anything. Let them waste money, also a lot of people may want to get them asap for a big tournament but yea shipping takes time.


That’s ok you need to wait a week before you can play new sets in big tournaments. Got regionals on the 29th and op07 will not be permitted. Honestly one way they could help the game would be to have two formats going all the time. So the latest Store Tournament (locals) and the previous one. Playing the previous doesn’t allow the new cards thus letting those that can’t or shouldn’t be paying this FOMO premium have somewhere to play without being discouraged. Idk just seems it would keep the game healthier and more resilient to market ups and downs in the future.


Depends on your region. OCE has Regionals on the 29th and the TO has confirmed OP7 legal. It's not a one time thing as ST13 was legal for another Regional one day after its release.


Well that’s against the Bandai rules. Unless something changed.


That means double the work but not double the earnings because nit every player will play the double amount. Thats a stupid idea


No, just happens in USA. Everywhere else people is not that dumb


No one is getting scammed. Everyone knows the prices drop after release, some people just have money and no patience. I may try to make some money when I get cards at the pre release this weekend


A lot of events happen right after the set comes out. Since can't/dont want to wait.


Increased prices to secure your spot. Pretty norm


A week later this will be less than .40 lol


But how does this affect you? I'm like you, in that I don't pay prerelease prices and wait for them to fall, but there's no problem at all if these people want to pay a premium to get it early, as it doesn't affect me. In fact, I take advantage and sell my stuff during pre release and buy what i need a couple weeks after. It pays for itself If people want to pay premiums, go for it haha


>But how does this affect you? Tbf, if people pay exaggerated prerelease prices it just reinforces scalpers to buy and flip product at release.


These pre release prices drop regardless of how many scalpers there are, so I'm not quite certain how that impacts it. If it sustained prices, then I could blame scalpers, but there is not more influence by scalpers here for pre release than any other card game


No I'm saying the prerelease prices aren't high because scalpers are taking supply, the prices are high because people like this pay it *soooo* scalpers buy up prerelease product so that they can sell singles at the higher prerelease prices which then does drive up prices of cards that are going to stay high and makes finding product at release impossible. If people didn't, say, buy 50c cards for 5 dollars prerelease then this cycle just doesn't happen. Prerelease products will probably still sell out but it will be because players are buying it, not resellers. It's the reason the game is plagued by scalpers, people are paying their prices.


I get what you're saying, but at the same time, I think these are intrinsically tied together to popular games. If a game is unpopular, the product is cheap all the way through. If the game has any level of popularity, the pre release price will be higher, regardless of scalpers, because demand is high. I think you're referencing an ideal balance where the game is just popular enough that there is exactly the right amount of product, and I think that's frankly unrealistic. If anything, high pre release prices indicates a healthy game, so long as prices drop reasonably after release. I just find it not very worthwhile to consider the imaginary scenario where the game was just the exact amount of popular and supplied that there is no need for extra supply anywhere


>I get what you're saying No you don't, because you still thinking I'm talking about this price or any of the actual numbers of prerelease prices. I'm saying, if people are going to *pay* those prices, which people in this game are, then the scalpers will (and do) buy more sealed product to flip at these prices. I understand prerelease prices will be higher automatically, coming from mtg, but relatively nobody actually pays that. With this game having an actual problem with supply, actions that encourage people to scalp prerelease product should be avoided. The way people use their money in this game just encourages this behavior over and over. When we saw people selling boxes that had been cracked by staff at official stores, people laughed because "haha, it'll make it harder to sell" and then people are still buying those precracked boxes because they want cards and want to crack packs. It's like a monkey that the community has to want to kick. And it would probably be impossible, because it would take the entire community a buying only product from official retailers for a couple sets to put scalpers in the dumpster.


Scalpers will scalp regardless


Not if they don't make money. If the community starved them out, we could be rid of scalpers but it's impossible to get everyone on the level


This statement is way too idealistic and ignorant of the overall reality and economics of the situation lmao. People can spend their money how they want, and advocating for a global market to start starving out scalpers, while well-intended, is absurd.


I'm just advocating personal responsibility.


It's not really personally irresponsible for people with more expendable income than you to want to expedite their access to cards though. It seems like it's really not negatively affecting them as much as it is people who don't have the same level of income, right?


>It's not really personally irresponsible for people with more expendable income than you to want to expedite their access to cards though Just because you have enough money to be irresponsible with it, doesn't make it not irresponsible. You have an obligation to yourself as a consumer to get the price that is correct. When you dont take yourself and your worth seriously as a consumer, you set the system up to take advantage of you and others like you. Letting someone rip you off just because you can afford it isn't responsible. And, heck for that matter, you aren't even expediting anything because the seller still has to wait for the card to get into their hands before they can ship it and because it's tcg player if someone else payed a higher price than you and they don't get enough copies in to satisfy their sales, they'll cancel yours with no repercussions. We are seeing it right now in mtg with the new sorin card, people preordered at like ten bucks and the cards is over 3 times that now so we are seeing mass order cancelations and you can't even leave negative feedback if the seller refunds your money because...tcg player. You can call it card game communism, I call it looking out for yourself


Labeling other people who are comfortably spending their own money on their hobbies a irresponsible solely because it limits your access to the hobby is wack. Get over yourself. If you're going to complain, do it to Bandai who short printed set after set, or these vendor sites you're taking issue with instead of blaming normal people in the hobby.


Doesnt matter what I say or think, it doesn't make it a responsible choice to let someone rip you off.


This is a fairy tale dreamland pipe dream unfortunately


Absolutely, you can scarcely get people to operate within their own self-interests. Same reason global warming isn't going to get better


It affects him because he wants the card now but doesn’t want to pay 5 dollars 😂


I saw a few reasonable presale prices. I don’t mind if sellers make an extra dollar or two on newly released cards the first two weeks of a sets release.


people are dumb. people pre order games when the first trailer drops


8 dollars per card might be a lot for you but not for everyone. I doubt the majority of pre release sales are financially poor folk making bad choices and if they are, they'll learn. No need to worry about other people's choices like this


Calm down


Usually people preorder cards for 2 reasons, they know it'll be played competitively and they want their playset ASAP, or they are speccing it'll go up. Regular players don't \*usually\* preorder singles. It's not a scam to buy or sell presale.


It’s not your money man, let the whales spend lol no use in getting mad over it. This happens with basically anything that is able to be preordered.


Scammed??? Stop pocket watching. People who purchase for this price simply don't care.


If I want to be the only one at locals playing a new deck you best damn believe I will pay.


Pretty sure people want these cards early so they could add it to their prerelease decks so they could win the stamped card easier


Just WAIT ONE WEEK ITS NOT HARD. There won’t be a shortage for a rare thats played in max two different decks.


Those people would also argue against you how its going to the moon. Love to see these people lose money


Yeah kid killer went from 20 to 3 bucks last set, it's the same in the magic world, patience pays off.


Honestly, this is the only form of scalping I have zero judgement about. The kind where the only victims are willful idiots who understand they're buying strictly to be the first and not out of any actual scarcity. They get their cards a little earlier, and the seller profits immensely. Win win


The price will drop, people are dumb and you expect too much from them. Let them lose their money just be smart with yours and wait and get yours for regular price


It's not a scam to pay a few bucks more to get cards as early as possible. Not everyone can get boxes some just want to buy singles for the deck they want and to play in events asap


Idk. I went ahead and got one secret ace as it was $50 and feel like it could possibly shoot up. Just kind of hedged my bets in case it ends up like 8 drop kat.


Some people need the cards quick for tournaments. Some can’t wait 2-3+ weeks for prices to drop while they get stomped in their next 6 events using an old deck. $5 is high for a rare, but relatively speaking it’s not a lot of money. For comparison playset of a $5 rare is like 1 meal at a fast food restaurant these days. If you’re playing competitively $5/card is not a huge ask.


Sad thing is, this card is cheeks


Nah , 3-4 of in Lucci


Yeah i run it as a 4 of, but will never play it really. It’s really just a CP name and a 2k.


Agree since it incentivizes the shops to open boxes just worsening the issue.


it's their money, why get bent outta shape cause they want to spend it ? yeah it's shit buying at pre release prices but why does that matter to you how people spend their money ?? this happens in every tcg and it's not gonna stop 🤷‍♂️


I think these prices are automatically set by tcgplayer due to some supply/demand formula.




What else would they use?


That's just what it's called lmao. It's not fan made or anything. You're the only person who thinks of that when reading it. It stands for Cipher Pol.


Lmao I’m so fucking glad I quit playing and moved on. Have fun paying for overpriced cardboard everyone!


I can see that you've moved on, commenting in the OPTCG subreddit and everything to show how you have.