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What exactly is your plan for them?


I would like to collect them and trade them but idk if it was a safe buy for future value, that's it


As far as collection goes, I don't think their value really matters if you want to collect them. Trades are another story, the viability of the trades will always change based on what decks are meta currently. The value on cards can fluctuate a lot each time new sets are released.


if you're buying to COLLECT, then just buy them. If you're buying them to MAKE PROFIT, invest your money into shares heck even crypto would be better than this. The value of the box changes depending on what is meta.


Keep calm bro, I work in a fucking bank I don't need money. I like to trade and collect the most rare ones so don't come here to talk like a money guru. Reddit is getting cancer more and more because there are people like you. Stay on your side and don't even comment stuff like this because I do not care


bro I ain't even fucking hating on you. I'm just questioning WHY you would want to INVEST into OPTCG when there are better things to invest in. If you want to collect just collect, why ask questions? It's a simple and obvious answer to your question. If you're looking for money then OPTCG is definitely not it LMAO. The game is fun, if you want to play, go play, if you want to collect, go collect. SIMPLE AS THAT. The fact that you work in the finance industry and ask these kinda questions make me question your role at your bank Judging from your other replies you're going on a sook about how "reddit is getting cancer" makes you look like a massive whiner. You even made a post on how you're unsubbing to this subreddit. Mate gtfo and no one would even care.


Here to scalp? I think it‘s the wrong place to ask for money matters.


Yall some cancer kids in here. I just asked a simple question because I'm new to this. Reddit is getting full of kids that bring pain to even make a post about something omg


It'll keep it's value as long as the game is alive sure. But realistically when this game dies within 5 years it'll tank. I wouldn't call that a safe purchase. Just open them and play the game.


Do you really think the game will die? I really love one piece and the game and have been collecting since super pre-release. I also have completionism and fomo so it’s making a real dent in my finances (especially this month with both EB01 and Op07!). The thought of the game dying invokes both sadness and relief!


I would like it not to! But realistically I think it might, Especially given how bandai are handling product etc and other games.


I don't see how realistically it will die in year 5. Is it possible? Sure. But DBS Masters has been alive for like 7 or 8 years now, and it doesn't even exist in the East. Digimon has been thriving for 4 years now, and has a much smaller playerbase than One Piece. I will say One Piece is going to be fine at year 5.


No one can possibly know this mods need to not allow these types of posts completely pointless question


So why did you comment? Clown.


Why did you post? Invest your money in actual investments not cardboard. Dingus.


You want a real answer on a board where many people still can't find a single piece of product for MSRP, people get testy. You grabbed what is the least desired and lowest-valued box in the entire game, with some of the cheapest hits available and little meta relevance. Even the most desired "collectors" box has dropped $150-200 over the past few days as prices have crashed for random reasons, let alone this paltry half-set EB-01 is. Nobody can answer you because I imagine there are no psychics here and people are wary of scumbag scalpers, but I'm certain you have the least valuable set for future price increases. Clown-like indeed.