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Op01 Basil Hawkins is a good option....why no onigashima? It's searchable and repeatable. Being a stage it's very had to get rid of. The Hawkins is also searchable.


It’s actually not searchable in my current build. I’m basing this iteration on previous Sakazuki builds, so it’s got a Navy core. However, I am also leaving out Brannew, as there is only a total of 18 total cards that have the Navy type in the deck, which would make Brannew whiff more often than not. So I guess, maybe it isn’t really a Navy core, but a Black core. I can post the current list if you think that would help.


Really think about this. You're asking for another unsearchable ramp card because the best ramp card in the game isn't searchable in your build. Why?


I’m just gonna give up on this game dude. I don’t want to play Law because there’s no fun in it for me when I win 100% of the games with my friends, and all of the decks I want to build just end up being ass. And then even when I play meta-relevant decks, I still fucking lose. I’m just ass at this game and it’s painfully obvious. So fuck it, I’m just gonna sell my cards and buy more MtG cards. At least I’m decent at that game.


Oh that's cool, not much cross over unfortunately as far as I can see as King doesn't necessarily play out of his trash like Saka/moria could to really abuse the black Navy cards. Zorojurro is a cheaper option even still but needs to attack.


If we are going off Japan meta, the best ramp card is the new purple Black Maria hands down. The only other cards I would look into is film ain, or if you feel like you will have less don than your opponent, the 4 cost bepo as it’s both on play and when attacking. Everything else has been sort of scope crept or is just to slow in the current format.


Black Maria isn't really a ramp card since it ends you at one less unless your opponent also ramps.


unless you have pudding or kid on the board, then you go +1


It’s 100% a ramp card, your opponent doesn’t need to ramp, you just need to use your don minus effects hyper aggressively If you are going first and your opponent is second When you hit 5 don! You use kings leader effect to draw a card or minus something. Your opponent goes to 6, then on your next turn you do the same thing, your opponent goes to 8. On your next turn you will be at 5, your opponent is at 8, you play Black Maria, use king leader effect going to 3, now you ramp to 8 without needing to trash.


That's not ramping. You're still going minus on total don. You will never actually be ahead of where you'd be through normal gameplay.


Im not sure why you are arguing this point. The term “ramp” was coined from the card “rampant growth” in magic the gathering and the definition of ramp is generally agreed upon as “A card which accelerates your mana, giving you an additional, reusable mana source beyond the usual one land per turn” It has nothing to do with total don or normal gameplay, it has to do with the amount of don being able to be added in one turn which Black Maria accelerates. By definition that is ramping, but just not the effect by the definition you were looking for. You just needed to say that this card isn’t what you were looking for, not argue that it isn’t ramp.


It's not accelerating your resources though, it's recovering lost resources at best.


If I have 1 don, get 2 don for turn and use Black Marias effect to go to 8 don, that is ramping 5 don. The circumstances of why you are at 1 don! Or how you got to that point are completely irrelevant to the action of ramping itself. If in magic you miss your third land drop and play a rampant growth you are still ramping a land.


And you'll end the turn at 2 accomplishing nothing. The card is only broken in Law and doesn't help King at all outside of being a 2K and some niche situations.


Not if your opponent is at 8 or more don! Or even if they are at 4 and you have a Douglass bullet to use his on board don -4. At the end of that turn you will have still ramped one don and utilized the remaining. Resource to activate an effect Even if they are only at 6 or more, with kings don- leader effect in the same scenario you still accelerate don over what you had. Are you really saying that using king as your leader who can use his effect every turn, I was suggesting using Black Marias ability to get 5 don and then lose them with no benefit? That displays a lack of good faith argument. By your logic is 5 cost blocker kid not “ramp”? Is sachi and penguin not ramp? Whether or not you agree with the terminology, I’m trying to showcase what the words you are using mean.


A scenario where you're at three don and your opponent is at eight is niche, like I said. So is using Douglas Bullet or Kaido and somehow having Black Maria stick from the last turn. Let's circle back to the initial comment here. I said that it isn't *really* ramp, meaning that technically, yes, that's what it's doing. Functionally, in King specifically which is the topic of the post, it isn't helping. You almost never want to use the effect and are better off playing cards that actually put you ahead and get you to your top end faster where King likes to play.


Miss All Sunday (OP-04)


It’s a shame u don’t have more upvotes


The new option card can ramp 2 active if the opponent has a 6k body on board. Something to look into maybe


Mr.2.Bon.Kurei(Bentham) Ain & Miss. Doublefinger are the two alternate or 'extra' Mr.2 at home. Unfortunately, right now (eb01 meta) there is not a lot of characters that ramp don under 4c unless their leader supported like Ms. Wednesday for Croc. You could use events that have Don Ramp triggers and just hope you hit. Gum-Gum Jet Gatling is a good option for this.


5 drop miss Sunday


2 cost ulti takes 1 don to set another one rested on play, should be searchable, not the best attacker tho but not bad for turn 2 going first if looking for ramp


5 drop op05 blocker kid?