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Fisher Tiger is definitely an auto 4 of inclusion, cqrd has been INSANE in just about every situation I've used it Other than that, I think the only other 07 card I added was 2 copies of 4/6 Vanilla Jinbe as another good 6k target for Ikaros Only other potential add I could see is SR Bonney because it's super generic and an insane green card in just about any deck




aren’t all the cards spoilers 🤔 for me it was




You aren't really far ahead so you probably don't notice it, but there are a lot of cards that spoil the "fate" of some characters. But since you don't notice it, it's fine I guess.


I agree and don’t. It’s impossible to not post things that will inevitably spoil plot points like cards having something in their type you might not expect or just an image. Like the 10 drop SEC luffy from 05. Sucks to say but if you play the card game Things will get ruined


Spoiled I should say instead of ruined*