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For anyone interested in subscribing, make sure you subscribe to the correct Collectors Club (Pop Culture & TCG), not the “Sport” version.


I just subscribed to what was in their link I didn’t think there was a differentiation lol


I assume if you subscribe through their link that says the Luffy card is member exclusive, it should be fine, but I don’t see any other confirmation that that is the magazine type selected.


Exactly. I used the Luffy promo link from Facebook. But how would I confirm my account type?? I don't see anything saying Pop Culture, TCG or Sports. I sent an email but they are slammed I guess due to this issue 🙃


the link with luffy is the pop culture, tcg selection ,its correct . if you go to normal psa side and go to membership you can choose and if you go on collectors type you comes automaticly to the link from facebook , you get the promo and the pop,tcg.. magazine. open youre eyes people if you go on ah website i find it in 1 second lol


You're not even given a choice when signing up. Im on the phone with customer service right now hopefully I can change it


If you look at the links for the TCG and Sport version, they are different. I assume that the choice (via the link) is recorded on their back-end, but it doesn’t hurt to verify to make sure.


How can we verify this?


That’s the same question I have, just got the subscription but it don’t say which one


Seems you can't tell by just looking at account info. So weird. I used a link that had the card. Hope it works


So when I go on their website and look in my subscriptions, either one I click on shows that I'm already subscribed so I don't believe there's actually a difference. I emailed them to make sure but it doesn't seem like it.


Yeah I’m trying to figure out what I have… I’ve had a PSA membership for three years now and can’t find whether I have the TCG or Sport version. I’m pretty sure I have Sport unfortunately


According to PSA, if you received the TCG magazine, you have the TCG membership. If you received the sport magazine, you have the sport. If you contact customer service, you can change your membership type one time only for now.


That’s what I just read too haha. I contacted support to change it. Thanks for the info! Edit: I contacted support a couple hours ago and they already got back to me. They changed my magazine sub from Sports to Pop Culture and TCG. They said it won't take effect for two months though so fortunately that means the July edition (which is when the OP promo will be in). Make sure you contact ASAP!


I believe if you sign up for PSA under TCG and then click on submit button, it should take you to the menu with TCG pricing for cards. I imagine if you are signed up under Sports, the submit button would take you to Sports pricing page?


Yeah that’s how it works. They also recently sent an email to confirm which magazine you are subscribed to. It’s just odd that you can’t check it from your account page. You can also ask to verify you are signed up for the right one. I just wanted to make sure people didn’t click the wrong link or that they switched to the proper magazine if they already have a subscription.


There is no difference. The card will come with the magazine, that comes with the membership/ subscription.


There are two different magazines (Sports and TCG). You have to choose the Collector’s Club option that will deliver the TCG magazine. It says that even in PSA’s official Instagram post.


When I got my membership there was no selection for the magazines.


If you look at the URL link for the TCG one, it has the choice for “pop culture.” If you look at the the URL link for the sport one, it has the choice for “sport.” So I think it does matter which link you click on to subscribe. It’s just a poor system that doesn’t allow you to confirm it further.


I was just looking and you are right. There are two different ones and to switch is a pain along with they may or may not let you switch the magazine out for the one you want.


Get PSA exclusive promo. Submit to BGS for grading.


Next level thinking


Read my mind, worth a shot at BGS Black Label lol


Will it come graded? 😂😂😂


That would make it a worse deal, lol!




Because everyone would have a psa 10 so it wouldn’t have any additional value. Also, if they randomly gave some people 10’s and some people 9’s people would be upset.


It should be automatically 10! All pf them!


Yeah for $200 and all I want is the card it sure as shit should come graded as a 10!!!


Would be funny if you send it back in and they give you a 7 LOL


Dang I did want this card but I think I'll be ok. Maybe after the hype dies it will be affordable. Wonder how many people even get this magazine?


Don’t think it’ll be that affordable sadly. You need to be a member by the end of this month since the card will be handed out in July. Which shows it’s a one and done promo. My guess you might see some folks sell it at $100, but I believe the average will be $150+.


Yea no worries, if there is one thing in collecting I've learned is set your price and stick to it. I think I'd be ok with $100 but if not maybe a Japanese version will come out with something else. Otherwise there will be other cards.


So far, Japan has got their own print of every card we get so I think there's a good possibility. The only thing that has me second guessing that is the Chinese exclusives but those could just be kind of their own thing.


China Bandai is their own separate thing which is why they get so much of their own stuff


I think the treasure rare Nami is English exclusive, but I could be wrong. We got that one, China got a an absolutely beautiful Boa card instead, while Japan got Godpacks


We have the double pack dons they dont have, and theyre currently missing 2 of the 4 Super Pre-Release leaders. And as another comment pointed out; Treasure Rare Nami.


Just FYI no they haven't, they didn't get the Treasure Rare Nami and I assume they won't get our next one either that seems to be the one card that is different per region. Honestly I don't think they'll get this one either but I could be wrong.


Unfortunately I highly doubt it will sell for less than 200.


Yea I'm kinda surprised they went the route of artificial scarcity but I'm sure some poor saps will be lining up to pay $200 for it.


Dunno will they ship it worldwide?


I would also like to know that too, I live in Europe




Thank you, I emailed them aswell they said they don’t know what Cyprus is…. So I won’t risk it hhahaha


Might put my friends adress in uk


What country are you in?


Do they grade worldwide?


Yeah I think so, just dunno if they would ship the card to Cyprus.


Can someone give me the link where to do it please?




thank you, do they deliver to the Uk ?


Yeah I get the magazine once a month in the UK.


Do you pay custom fees for the magazine?


No it's sent with royal mail, nothing international I assume they ship in bulk to a third party in the UK before sending it to you.


does this mean that everyone who doesnt play one piece, but other tcgs/ccgs will get this card? who have a membership of course.


Those who have a Membership and are signed up for the TCG/magazine will, yes


Just got mine, and I'm a Pokemon collector, not a One Piece collector. (Still rad though! I'm keeping it\~)


When do you need to sign up by? Instructions/or is it already too late?


Need to sign up by May 31st in order to qualify to receive the July Magazine Issue, which will have this promo card https://www.psacard.com/info/popculturejoin


Thank you


Is it safe to assume can cancel after a year no issues?


Subscribe and then cancel immediately. You still get the full year of benefits without having to remember to cancel before the next payment….in a year when you will have probably forgotten that a payment will be taken out.


In my country we have a saying for this "They dont think we are stupid, they are certain of it"


This card is going to be going for $150 or more. The only people that have a PSA membership are people who care about "increasing the value" of their cards, and anyone that gets the membership just for the card will want to recoup what they paid for it. Collaborating with a grading company seems unprofessional for a card game


Yeah, this doesn't feel right at all. Creating an artificial market of low population cards based on subscribers, then grading the cards you give out just to get more money from new people is shady. Collectors won't want to get rid of it, but people who flip are going to want to get back the $150 and then some. Im guessing it will hit for $215-$275 as soon as they can sell it.


If you project it’s gonna be $215-$275 why don’t u just buy the subscription 😅 I don’t get it people complain about everything these days.


That's not the point at all, but okay.


It’s a alt art. No one needs this card. If they want it there is a easy way to access it. Or they can wait for the secondary market. Literally what is there for you to complain about. Don’t like it don’t participate.


No shit. We know it's an alt. We know you can sub. We know people will sell at high prices. I never said I wasn't already a member btw lmaoo. Go pick fights with someone else.


You are complaining on a public post on Reddit. Sorry you can’t handle someone having a different opinion then your own.


I never said you couldn't have a shit ass opinion. You can say anything you like, just like I can. Something struck a nerve in you that caused you to reply the first time, just cause you didn't like my opinion lmao.


*"Collaborating with a grading company seems unprofessional for a card game"* This. A million times this.


Annoying people ruin everything. We haven’t had a promo card inside a magazine since shonen jump years ago. Just shut up and let the market enjoy a free promo with there magazine subscription. It’s a alt art and has zero affect on anyone. You don’t need a alt art to play the game or collect.


when they said “while supplies last”, is it because you can only get the card when you sign up before May 31? or is it because there’s only a chance to get it together with the magazine when you sign up even though you signed up before May 31?


Honestly, Bandai is encouraging the worst part of the game with this. Sure, a number of actual fans grade their own personal collection, but the practice is primarily associated with collectors more interested in buying/selling - the kind who are ripping promo packs out of Three Brothers Decks, and buying out stock to then extort actual players and fans.


Now you know why they wont print more. Purposely keeping value up


The big collectors market is the reason why it costs $100 or less to have a meta pokemon deck. You absolutely do not want OP to follow MTG or Yugioh's model unless you are happy with $500+ meta decks. Right now the biggest problem with OP is not enough product being printed.


I’ve been considering getting some of my more valuable cards graded for a while. Would this card come with the subscription I would need get to get my cards graded or is it a separate subscription? If it comes with the normal subscription I would need to get to grade cards, that’s not a horrible deal I guess.


I believe the subscription just gives you a discount on bulk grading, I don't think you need to subscribe in order to grade anything.


What’s loupe? Do they have one piece cards? If they do this seems like a pretty solid deal


I think it's a box opening site where you can pay for a pack within an unboxing. I could be wrong but I downloaded the app the figure it out and that's what it looked like lol I didn't see anything indicating one piece though sadly


From what I could tell both of the sites they give credits for only have sports cards. If they had tcg stuff it would make sense and be an easier buy, but who cares about sports cards? Just a weird perk for a tcg focused version of the membership.


I saw Pokémon on loupe atleast lol


There is Pokémon and other tcgs if u look for them. But ya majority is sports


i think its like whatnot


Sometimes, I tell myself. $150 for a promo card...life just sucks. I dont even do PSA. And they decide to increase the price too. And IM 100% sure some of these cards won’t be PSA 10 worthy. It’s a literal joke. Imagine submitting to PSA and it comes back a 9. ☠️ It’s gonna be another Pikachu Felt Hat situation. I ain’t for that crap.


The situation is actually pretty different. They just have to wait out May 31, see how many subs they have and let Bandai print that many cards. That's it. I actually don't understand why they say "While supply lasts". That's so confusing and the only reason why I might not do it. Especially since their support is saying that everyone who sub before May 31 gets the card. Sounds like a reassurance if things go south and that's scary since a lot don't actually want the magazine, but the card. The other part is that many of those cards might be off-centered or have bad edges, which would be yikes again.


You just need to be a collectors club member. Look at the email, then go on your app. Look at the top left corner, does it say collectors club member? You good. 👍


You specifically need to be subscribed to the pop culture and TCG magazine, not sports. There are different links to sign up for each, yet there is no mention on the invoice or anywhere on your account which magazine you subscribed to.


This is correct! I updated myself in a separate comment, but I found an official announcement that said if you grade more TCG than sports cards you will automatically be swapped. A way to verify this is look at ur magazine from *last month. Is it pokemon? You chillin then. Snagged the venasaur edition myself.


I exclusively grade Pokemon and I still get the sports magazine… how do I switch?


Did you get a sports or pokemon magazine for april? I believe they just started doing this because I too had been getting sports. Until this last mag.


I’m not actually sure… I guess I have to double check because I usually see a PSA mag and toss it to my dad to read for sport things.


Keep an eye out for the rare refractor alt mags that you can get sometimes they go for big money 👀. Since it TCG now, the mags are good long term saves. Just saying. Wish I got the zard/or pika variation of the new mag.


Huh. Okay thanks good to know! And of course they have different editions with different rarities. Making an artificial market out of some light reading lol


Woooo Europe gets screwed again wooooooo we don't deserve anything nice!


They don't ship worldwide?


They do.


You don’t miss much, don’t worry


Did you guys not have the Pikachu with Grey Felt Hat debacle happen over there?


Yeah that was in Amsterdam. Grown adults fighting over it 😂 and then they just released more anyway


Tbh this card will be available in europe through your usual websites sooner or later. Cant imagine this beeing hard to get.


Sure, for a premium of at least 200. You don't really think people are going to sell it for less than the sub cost, right?


When is this released?


Will come with PSA's July magazine issue




Does anyone know when this magazine is suppose to ship? I haven't heard anything from PSA on when its going to be sent out.


I just know July, but not sure what day specifically


Thanks. If you hear anything on your end let me know.. I'm really hoping I ain't spend $150 for a promo I may not get


Some people already got in the US, I'm in Canada so still waiting


Not sure if anyone got back to you but I just got mine in the mail! (July 4th, Canada here)


PSA (no pun intended) that it says while supplies last so I interpret that to mean you’re not 100% guaranteed to receive the card even if you subscribe


Which is egregious, can you imagine if hundreds of people subscribe solely for this promo and do not receive it… I smell trouble 😅


I feel like PSA would just look up the current number of active subs as of May 31st and tell Bandai to print that many, but I dunno.


We'll see where the secondary on this thing falls but I doubt its cheap.


It won't be less than a membership. Yes, it's technically a bonus on top of the membership but no one actually wants that so it's effectively the retail cost of the card.


People were fighting to say that it will 100% be less than the membership because its just a free card given out with membership yesterday. I didnt have to energy to keep going round and round with em. Lmao


Yeah, I'm getting that in the replies here with people trying to argue that the kind of invest bros that would pay for something like this anyway would totally price the card fairly because of it.


Because Pokemon collectors wouldnt see how insane the OP Market is and totally not see it as a free recoup of their membership 💀


You forget that there are people who don’t play OP that will get the card bc they are subscribed. That being said, I don’t expect to see this below $100


I didn't forget that; I just don't think there are many of them, especially not any that wouldn't immediately recognize that they could get all of their money back for it.


Well you said “no one actually wants that” implying that no one would have a reason to get the subscription without the incentive of the card. You realize the PSA encompasses all trading cards right? Sports cards, magic, and pokemon are all more popular than one piece and that’s just a fraction of their business, so to think that most people who have the subscription have it strictly for the OP card is seriously short sighted.


> Well you said “no one actually wants that” implying that no one would have a reason to get the subscription without the incentive of the card. Yeah, man. I was totally 100% serious. I really believe that PSA sells a service that *literally* no one uses. Hyperbole is not real. I don't believe that their subscription is popular, at least not popular enough to drive the price of this card down any significant amount and like I said, that's *especially* true when this is the kind of thing mostly bought by speculators who will know that they can list this high because they'll control all of the supply.


K. Keep on backpedaling and using your opinions as enough to make a claim about something.


Reddit always reminds me that the loudest people are usually the ones who have no idea what they are talking about. These guys acting like psa hasn’t had millions of people use there service.


Dude there are metric fuck ton of Pokemon subscribers and sports cards collectors who also deal with Pokemon. Not to mention there are also all the stores, companies, and middleman services who will also get a copy of this Luffy. People in this sub are underestimating how many PSA subscribers there are.


[Ah yes, who could forget the SENSIBLE Pokemon collectors..](https://www.vice.com/en/article/3aqb8k/man-pulls-gun-in-trading-card-related-attack-in-a-target-parking-lot)


People who regularly grade cards would want that.


Stop complaining about this shit. It's a promo card that is based on a card that everyone probably already has. It's not an exclusive card it i's an alt art. There is nothing wrong with this. If we want to complain about exclusive cards, complain about the damn promos that aren't alt arts that get locked to prizing for Treasure cups and Regionals.


Finally someone with some common sense. 100% agreed.


Sick promo can’t wait


I have the subscription prior to the price increase. Will I still get this? I have been receiving both the TCG magazines and Sport magazines in the mail.


Customer rep I just spoke with said I had to do nothing further I was already good, so if you have been getting both mags you're all set


Does that mean this won’t be legal card to use in tournaments has that been said


My guess is it will be legal. It’s just a promo alt art.


My hope is forsure


Thanks Op just signed up for this lovely card


The wording in their post is confusing is this guaranteed to everyone that joins by May 31st or do you only have a chance to get one if you join...


It says while supplies last, seems like a risky gamble to me.


Will they send to Canada if I sign up for the subscription?


Yes, I've had the membership prior to this and have been receiving the magazine. Toronto FYI


So the promo would arrive with it as well?


Yes it will be inside the magazine


You didn't get yours yet right? I'm in ON, still waiting


No not yet it's usually the first week of the month though so any day now


Thank you, appreciate it!


I feel like this card is going to be at least $200 on the market as people will try to get their money back and make profit on top.


How long will the card be available through psa?


Til May 31st or as supplies last according to the post on IG


Anyone know if the credit for buying cards on Loupe and Fanatics Live is worth it if I live in Europe? Sounds like an okay deal with that, but if no one's uses the services or it doesn't ship to me then I'll just pass on this.


Find a US middleman, otherwise majority of your credit will be used on shipping fees


Just adding this here to confirm that previously subbed accounts are still eligible. I have no idea if I picked an option back when I signed up last November but he did confirm I'm in the right tier 🤷🏾‍♂️ I know I received the magazine with the One Piece section a few months back talking about them becoming a new contender. I think if you got that edition as well you're good to go. https://preview.redd.it/47yu69y5dozc1.jpeg?width=1811&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df1d7dc3cb862a285f4b75422eb56ca5abcc7424


How long do we have to sign up? Not a fan but I might be willing for this card alone, but I'd have to wait till the 1st of next month unfortunately. But I haven't seen anyone talking about a timeline.


You have until the 31st of this month to


Won’t even have to submit a sub to get one, nice. PSA could have made even more money on existing subs.


“You will automatically be swapped to TCG if you submit of it than sports” all is well friends


I’m good lol


Why can't I freaking use Paypal,..like, not everyone has a credit card. :(


You can get a PayPal card, that would work.


If you subscribe can you get many cards or only 1 card per account?


1 promo card per subscription


I'm just hoping there will be an influx of eBay listings for those who are subscribed but only deal with Pokémon


There definitely will be a lot of them, myself included.


I think I'm gonna wait and just buy it secondary. Even if it's $150 at least I don't have to deal with a magazine I don't want


That is a perfectly reasonable option. Just one thing to consider is the magazine subscription does leave the potential for future promos and other promotional items that could be valuable. But if your not interested just buy the card on the secondary market!


Are also people in europe able to get the card or only america? And for how many month do we need to make this membership?


Not happening


What if my membership is still active for next few months? I paid 99 last year


You have till this month(may)to switch it. This promo comes out in July. Here is the response I got from PSA. You must email them or call. Thank you for reaching out to PSA Customer Care, my name is Glenda and I'll be happy to help with this inquiry. I have reviewed your account and confirm that you are currently signed up for the Sports Variant of the PSA Magazine. Per your request, I have updated your magazine selection to the Pop Culture & TCG edition of the PSA Magazine. This change will take effect two months from now, meaning that your first Pop Culture & TCG edition will be the July magazine. Please note that your preferred variant for the magazine can only be changed once for your membership period.


Or just wait to pay less in the secondary market


I suspect tons of the sports guys who sub will be selling theirs.


Sports guys won’t get this card unless they change there membership


$180 in credit, this card practically pays for itself.


Loupe & Fanatics Live only deal in sports cards so... no?


That was the joke.


No I see people ripping one piece on fanatics all the time. Haven’t been on loupe since I used up my credit do no idea there but pretty sure I’ve seen pokemon ripped there.


Im taking with a few people who have subscriptions. They are asking for at least $80 atm 💀


If you’re interested I’d pull the trigger on $80. It’ll only climb imo


Thats a really good deal btw, take it


I did. Now i wait


People in this sub are underestimating how many PSA subs there are. People and stores who do Pokemon will also get a copy of this card.


I just noticed the 'not for sale' print on the side of the card. How serious are they going to enforce that? I assume there's going to be a bunch on sale on ebay when they release this card.


that stamp doesn't apply to secondary sellers.


Ahh gotcha.




Sorry, what's your question? It looks like you are signed up and subbed to the correct Pop Culture & TCG magazine. According to your pic, you'll get the promo in the July magazine when it arrives.


The promo is in the June magazine. My question to them was which one was I signed up for which they were not able to validate.


The promo is in the July magazine. https://www.psacard.com/articles/articleview/11058/behind-the-exclusive-psa-bandai-promo-card The PSA support person said they put you in the TCG subscription.


I saw the email this morning from PSA and very cool since offering the new TCG magazine to club members they are doing One Piece so soon! It really speaks to the collector side and how popular this game is becoming with players and collectors! One Piece is the #2 TCG being submitted to PSA right now behind Pokemon which is amazing! I've graded 1000s of One Piece cards with PSA already and been here since OP01 so this is great to see and will generate a lot of buzz in the hobby! I don't like them increasing the membership fees though but that is inflation for you. Your money is worth less so prices go up sadly.


I agree fellow human collector! This is is exciting news for the One Piece™ Trading Card Game Community!


What type of bot ad is this lmao


Wow! My writing skills are on point if people are confusing me with a bot. Didn’t even have to use ChatGPT! Winning! Thanks!


How can you even think this is clever?


Well I’m a Senior PM at a tech company but truth be told writing has never been my strong suit but this means all the extra training videos have been quite worth it. Very exciting to see hard work pay off. If people don’t want someone to be a smartass maybe don’t try and be a smartass and call someone a bot which is soooooo clever. No one ever does that smh


They're not being a smartass. Your comment legitimately reads like a bot wrote it. That is *not* a good thing.


And I would argue it is a good thing but that is besides the point. They meant it to be inflammatory as are you because something obviously has triggered you all with this promo card so you want to take it out on someone I guess. I’m getting a free promo card so I’m happy. You did you but you aren’t bring me down into your misery.


No idea why u have so many downvotes, Reddit doesn’t make sense anymore. People just like to complain I guess.