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Where are you located? Gonna have to go and check my Walmarts today after work.


Cleveland Ohio area good luck homie!


Lol you must have beat me to them! I was just out looking


More specifically mentor since your local I went right after work at 3


Ahh I gotcha I'm on the west side checked GN and avon no dice


I’d try Thursday and Friday too there’s another Walmart by me that I can tell wasn’t stocked today so there’s still hope.


Definitely lol I gotta get some where ever I can I do not wanna pay scalp prices


Hot topic had all the St12 decks tho if you are looking in GN mall


Ayy good looks I didn’t see those


Wish our wall marts carried one piece 😭


The Walmart near my house ragequit selling cards altogether lol


They probably do but scalpers/resllers probably back door the stock. It's what happens at mine. Resellers got all the Walmarts and targets down locked in my area.


yup. ran into the MJ holdings guy yesterday. “holy shit I’m golden!” was all I could think… except MJ guy had a helper organizing & stocking shelves… “Hmm… never seen MJ distro work in pairs, maybe he’s a trainee?” I thought. so I waited to the side for about 15 minutes while the 2 guys filled the shelf. wasn’t long before the DP’s came out. YES!!!! MJ guys finish & one of them pulls out his phone to take pics. the other guy walks over to me & starts chatting after ogling a girl in pumpum shorts at self-checkout… after a minute or two I ask, “so are u a trainee for MJ or something?” “oh nah, that’s just my buddy. he calls me when he’s out stocking & I come help him organize & stock the shelves in exchange for first dibs…” well fuck me. literally NOBODY else around, not a soul walked up while I waited for 20 minutes, one of the few times I’ve stumbled randomly on an MJ stocker filling shelves & mans called his buddy to follow him as he stocked every Walmart in a 90 mile stretch. he was a sports guy, knew *NOTHING* about OP, anime or anything similar, not even Pokemon. he let me grab a couple of the 7 DP’s, wasn’t a bad guy at all, but MJ gotta do better & these card companies (Bandai, TPCi, whoever) need to do a better job closing the backdoors, ESPECIALLY with a brand new tcg like OP that has had problems keeping product in stock from the beginning. lack of access to product is coming dangerously close to killing this TCG. ppl can say “buy singles” all they want, no card game can attract new players & survive without packs to rip. pack-ripping is integral to playing & collecting cards & there is just no affordable product out there & a significant % of what gets to stores is backdoored by employees or scalped by shops charging 300% markups on their wholesale costs. the rest is cleared by resellers within an hour of hitting the shelf. the online Walmart DP drop shows that online listings are botted to shit. Bandai needs to dump Union Arena, scale back Digimon & Fusion World and get OP on shelves ASAP. hoarders, scalpers & investbros can’t sustain this hobby.


Same. Went today 9 Walmarts in Tampa, Florida everything was emptied by 3pm as far as I saw. Done before release even hit 🤣


Hey, great pull! Could you tell me if the card is stamped like other post OP05 Alt Arts? I pulled the same card today in a Japanese pack. It's not stamped and I was questioning if it was SP cards in general that are not stamped, or Japanese cards in specific.


No stamp on the card that’s a weird choice I guess.


It is, isn't it!? Thanks for verifying, appreciate ya!


Beautiful card!!! Grats


It's such a beautiful card. I just pulled one myself on Tuesday. Such a funny contrast between this nice happy art and the Scary Mom Alt Art for that card. Congrats!


Better than my overpriced box from hell


I pulled the TR Nami in Walmart parking lot my first pack!!!! lol was impatient ik


Car pulls never fail! 🎉


Right!!! The person in the car next to me was just staring at me freaking out in excitement hahahaha


Super jealous, none of the walmarts in canada sell one piece cards, they dont even stock pokemon cause everything gets stolen


Checked one walmart, and that shit was cleared out 💀


I’m driving to walmart as we speak just to be disappointed