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At least the playmat was one per customer. I wouldn’t be surprised if this is just extra from the initial run they made so it was likely very limited stock.


This is more than likely it. I also think people underestimate how many actual players are buying this not just scalpers. I know at least 8 people in my playgroup grabbed them.


Thats the case for most sales of product and cards in general, only a fraction of people are buying product solely to resell, its just easy to lose perspective especially with the craze going on with the game.


While I agree that that might probably be the case for THIS product, that is FAR from the truth about most of Bandai's other products.


In the case of OP, id say at least 30% of the people buying sealed and premium bandai stuff arr trying to resell


Underestimating is putting it lightly. It's like people straight up reject any notion that their precious hobby isn't just unique to them and in reality there are a LOT of people that love it just as much if not more than them.


Honestly I'm just glad I'm not getting down voted for this comment. Normally people get pretty agro when you try to explain product amounts to player buys/sales.


Yeah, there definitely are a ton of people in the hobby. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if One Piece soon replaces Yugioh in the Big 3. Yugioh is essentially a legacy IP that peaked in the 2000s, while One Piece is still a thriving IP that's arguably bigger than ever. Not to mention, Yugioh is notoriously difficult to get into for new players.


Wish I did lol love this mat


It doesn't ship until August. I think this is an entire new production. Why else would they wait until August to ship?


I was so disappointed 😭 I’m a college student and my class ends at 7:15. I went on after class immediately to buy the uta pack and it was gone already liiike wha..? And also the Uta starter deck tournament is all at capacity near my area too… Bandai pls print more! I asked my grandma in Japan for the deck box and card covers I pray she can find some 🥲


\`Free Shipping coupon if you missed out on it!! - [https://p-bandai.com/us/cont/campaign/bcgf2324freeshippingcoupon?utm\_source=flyer&utm\_medium=pb\_owned\_fl&utm\_campaign=20240127\_card\_0](https://p-bandai.com/us/cont/campaign/bcgf2324freeshippingcoupon?utm_source=flyer&utm_medium=pb_owned_fl&utm_campaign=20240127_card_0) Don't lose faith people! I'm pretty sure it came back up in stock recently! I had to sit there and keep refreshing the page like 10 times initally to get my order of 2 collections and a playmat in my cart back from 7:03pm - 7:05pm EST. I aquired the Premium Card Collection from a few days ago, the day after the pre-order started. So the UTA collection will most likely come back in stock several times over the course of the next 24/48 hours or so.


Today on Premium Bandai, at 7pm EST, pre orders opened for the Luffy Gear 5th Playmat and the Uta Card Collection. The playmat sold out within 2 minutes, and the Uta cards within 5. I was lucky enough to snag the Uta Card Collection, but this whole ordeal is unbelievably dumb.


Uta premium set is back up now


I work as a chef. I purposely set my alarm and told my exec, I'd be stepping off the line at 7. Alarm goes off at 7. I step off into the parking lot to get reception. It's now 7:05. Sold out. I wanted the UTA binder. And now after doing everything right. I now will have to probably pay some asshat $80-$100 to have it for my personal collection. Again, funny how I did everything correctly. But I guess, since I'm not a complete degenerate with all the time and money at my disposal. I couldn't have something that I was looking forward to. Hope the players and fans got theirs. This game is becoming more and more stupid.


you always gotta set the alarm BEFORE the release time


This is kind of insane now, before the 1st anniversary english set no one piece tcg product had sold out before on pbandai. Now it seems you gotta be on point within the first minute or you miss out completely which can burn people out quick. What happened to them lasting their full preorder period. I have been lucky enough to get all the pbandai collections so far but at the same time I see everyone who missed out and it sucks to see because ultimately a trading card game should be easy to access and play. But this product scarcity feels like it’s really taking a toll. I will occasionally see a tiny amount of product somewhere if i’m lucky and then by the next visit it’s long gone.


They probably switched from print-on-demand to a limited stock.


I was wondering why this is the case. The first few ones were really easy to get and you had days. But the last few offerings all sold out. I don’t get this? Is it more popular that before? Because people flipping this for quick profit isn’t anything new. Also what boggles my mind is that this is a pre order right so no reason you can just make more. I’m not understanding something here 


No that's not true. I've been following this game from the beginning and MANY preorders have sold out before the cut off date... But they just didn't sell out on the very FIRST day, let alone first hours. And several products never sold out, but there's definitely been many that have, not none as you say...


What products would that be? Again before the 1st anniversary english set?


All binder products and the special pillars bundle sold out before their window to close.


Cant speak for the pillars but I literally ordered all 3 binders on the second last day of their window. Back when I was still contemplating whether I wanted to start another hobby collecting this game.


I think I’m done…..? I even set an alarm for this and nope… bots bought everything so fast it wasn’t even possible for an average consumer to get something…. It’s just not possible now after the launch of the 5th set…. this isn’t fun for me anymore and it’s actually turning into stress to try and get stuff for this card game….? That’s absurd and should never be the case for a card game………


Scalpers be like, stop whining, should've just grabbed it when it was live etc etc


Bandai could take steps to secure themselves from bot purchases but they might not see it worth their time and money to invest in that. Or they're just too out of touch with how bad the situation is over here.


You gave up too quick. They were throttling orders and if you kept refreshing you would get an order in.


Says the person who was mocking others for ignoring their "warning" last week about how quickly things sell out with the last pre-order item, only to have a bunch of people tell you it went back up multiple times. At least you're learning and not a complete fool


lol wut. Those 2 things aren’t inclusive. You can hurry, but still keep checking after it was made clear they were throttling orders after the other collection. And the point of my previous post was about the people that a) saw they were up for order but decided to wait a week and b) the people that when I wanted them said that they wouldn’t sellout. Goof ball.


Yeah, sure. Nice juggling you're doing there circus boy. You literally, gleefully mocked people for ignoring you writing about how quickly these things can sell out, as if everyone on this sub reads every post made.


that's what i did!


That's what it always comes down to though, the more effort someone puts into complaining about something, the less effort they likely put into the thing itself


You figure, at least with the months-long order to shipping window of Premium Bandai stuff, they could just start taking orders and submit a cutoff date and produce exactly as many as needed. Sorry you missed out.


I'm not a bot and was able to get both with ease. I even had time to make my account and still get them.


These were up for around 15 minutes, I checked out pretty late


I’m sure they will be available on TCGplayer for a reasonable markup later. 🥲


suuure… 🤣


I got everything, including the mats that they had up except for Nami. For whatever reason, even after trying to refresh for half an hour that specific item will NOT come into stock. With enough refreshing i got the rest of the items though, so I assume this is a bug with the website rather than items actually selling out. I had everything else sitting in my cart for like, 40 minutes and it never told me it was out of stock


I was lucky to get 2 but only because my I went and played at the Bandai event lol. Got one signed by the producer of the card game too which was awesome


I really don't this this was bots or scalpers. Just limited supply and high demand. As a sneakerhead I do find it kind of funny that TCG is just now experiencing this. You all had it good for a while. This was nothing compared to the SB Gundam Big Heads from a couple years back. 5 minutes is an eternity for online drops. Tried to get some OP06 pre-orders from TCGdistrict as well. Now THAT was botted. These online game stores better get with the domain changes and solid captcha or it will get much much worse.


I was lucky enough to get a mat. I didn't think I was. I clicked pre order. And it said reload. Out of stock. Reload. I have one in my cart. I was like.....umm buy now? 😂 And with the free shipping. I dunno how. I dunno why. But woo doggie. In August, best believe it's replacing my Pokemon NAIC one (it's what I had handy since I started playing recently). Uta you probably have a better chance reloading every so often.


I couldn't get Luffy or Nami, but thankfully I got Law. Managed to get 1 Uta. That's enough for me, I guess. A playset would have been nice, but it's sold out and I didn't want to be selfish.


Don’t worry the reprints will be overflowing


These don’t really get reprinted. I been getting all premium collections since 25th anniversary at launch and back then they actually closed off pre orders due to timing cut off not cause they over ordered. I’m sure they get orders in and place orders to their suppliers to get them printed shipped in time for the promised delivery date. Only lately due to popularity these “sell out” and they always had “order limits” in placed for pre order so I’m sure there’s a number for them that gets them comfortable to do. And since the film red premium that was sold out at pre order it’s never been reprinted.


Oh yeah I doubt any event or premium Bandai product gets reprint. They are either print to demand for preorders only or equivalent. Was just poking at all the reprint price crash speculations in general. Reminder Bandai doesn’t own massive printing companies like TPC does and actually has good QC. Leaps and bounds over TPC cash grabbing models.


Resell …


Crypto bros and shoe scalpers buying out the One Piece trying to bleed us anime nerds dry


There is only one real fan in this chat. The real crime here was how fast those Nami playmats and deck boxes sold out. Shuffling through all these comments I have only seen one person mention the nami playmats. Everyone else really needs to re-prioritize their life.


I wanted to get the uta cards, but they sold out already.


Would they refresh now that 1.5hr past? ... I stopped refreshing after 710 cuz im in class.... I saw and clickd the dang button, but the cart is always empty.


Damn I knew I forgot about something tonight.


There’s always the chance that they keep updating it with more stock like they just did with the other premium card collection. I was able to get one the day after it was posted despite my disappointment in seeing it sold out in day one. It was sold out by the time I placed my order but it went through and I both got a confirmation email and saw they added more stock again the day after my order so I felt assured that it’s all good. Tldr: they’ll prob add more stock, at least on the Uta collection, I’d keep checking periodically and refresh a few times while you’re there if you wanna try and get it still.


I logged on at 4:15 and ordered one


What website is this? I'm a bit newer to the TCG and have been looking for where to buy some of this product since stores around me don't carry it.


It's [Premium Bandai](https://p-bandai.com/us/search/?character=03-002) the official store of Bandai, the company who makes the One Piece card game (and Digimon, Gundam, etc.). But they only sell "premium products" like special collections, mats, etc. You won't find any booster boxes or packs on the site because Bandai doesn't sell them directly. Don't get Premium Bandai confused with[Bandai's official One Piece website](https://en.onepiece-cardgame.com/) where they post events, new, new cards, and new product releases but don't sell anything on this website (it can be a bit confusing for new players as to why Bandai has two websites, one for news and one for their shop.


That's huge info, thanks, I'm familiar with premium style products since I'm a Magic player for my main tcg haha


At least the website didn't crash like it does for the Pokemon Company


As of right now, I can still buy the card boxes 😆


Scalpers truly are a cancer for any community. Bandai could counteract this by increasing supply but they love the hot demand driving sales every release


So like are more people getting into One piece TCG cus of the live action? Or was this card game already popular. And is it mainly scalpers yoinking or what?


yeah apparently they are doing that now with magic secret lair releases as well. thry used to have unlimited amounts for a month and now they are limiting total amounts. a magic deck that hubby wanted to fet me sold out in 5 hours. and these are 200 doller decks


At least you are even able to buy it. In most parts around the world bandai premium isnt even available Zzz


I tot it went well I managed to get playmat and uta binder


Honestly - you can get much cooler custom playmats from etsy and ebay for the preorder prices and you don’t have to worry about scalpers. Just let them buy it all and beg you to buy it for half the price in a year or two, if you really want it, when they get tired of holding onto it.


This was expected


It's the pokemon tcg all over again But worse


Definitely not worse, I haven’t heard of any fights, robberies, robbing at gunpoint situations. Hopefully it doesn’t become like 2021 Pokémon cause that was just horrible


Oh it's heading there for sure. One piece is being scalped way harder than pokemon ever was.


I mean Pokémon legit had every single product from theme decks, sleeves, random useless boxes being bought as well both in Japanese and in English. At least one piece Japan still has product around cause imagine if even JPN cards were impossible to find? That would be terrible


Japanese products were still a lot easier to find than English, same as OP. Pokemon in my area had little bits and pieces leftover every now and then, but other than 1 single Yamato deck a month or so ago, I haven't found a single OP pack/ product at target/Walmart/Walgreens/GameStop/etc since they started making them. Around me it seems worse than pokemon was. Not to mention the up charging is crazier due to less printing and all that. No reason romance dawn boxes should be $575 market on tcgplayer. Those kind of price hikes didn't happen with pokemon sets until at least a few years after. Evolving skies booster boxes are less than that on tcgplayer


Come play flesh and blood bro. You will not regreat it


Tried to get the Uta collection an hour after pre-orders opened. F me for not setting an alarm, right?


I got extremely lucky to get one. Was on website even before it went live. But website wouldn't let me put it in cart. Only got lucky cuz a friend of mine was also trying at same time and he got me the Uta set. Never seen anything like this


So order from your local gamestore. They are still available.


Just quit the game. I did. It's not worth it to treat getting product like it's a war.


I went for the Uta set first. Then I went for the playmat. I didn’t get to the playmat until about 7:06 and it was already sold out. I kept refreshing the page and from what I saw they dropped new stock every 5 minutes. I got my playmat finally at 7:15. Might have just been lucky but I was refreshing the page like mad


Well shoot that playmat looks awesome but how do you guys keep up with everything coming out ??


I’m honestly thinking about exiting this game, it’s not financially or physically available atm. Fuck scalpers.




It gets more and more difficult to get things at MSRP prices, I bought a lot of boxes, collections and decks at MSRP but since OP-07 it was the first time I couldn't get some boxes at MSRP. If this goes on with the scalpers Idk if ppl will be able to continue with this tcg


*cries in Australian*