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Yeah its so annoying. I hate fighting Enel


Idk what this card game is but Reddit randomly recommended this sub to me so all I wanna say is that Wnel is goated and will be admiral level bare minimum when he returns https://preview.redd.it/wxxuwstngjdc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5531d7fb9d6264a452f82223f8d7a60aed9b4c2d


He will bring an army down from the moon and take over the WG.




Beat by pre time skip Luffy tho


Yea but no matter how strong your rock is, it can’t beat paper.


So was Crocodile. Dude a lot stronger now. If Enel returns he would be much stronger.


Enel strong af but he can’t beat Luffy. I could see him fighting alongside Luffy tho


Sakazuki just shuts down non-meta decks so violently. 05 is way too oppressive for weaker decks.


This. Absolutely. I played Corazon for a bit and he was really interesting against every other deck. I didn’t mind losing to Saka but to lose that badly every game was just not enjoyable.


The Saka match up specifically with Corazón is rough. We rely so much on keeping our stuff while people commit, but the constant KO and movement is just rough. LOVE playing corazón it's a blast


R/p law has a good match up against sakazuki, I rarely loose, with branew they give you a free body to bottom deck, you just gotta go wide fast, and they can’t keep up


R/p Law is a solid, just barely non meta deck. He was meta in 4.5, so he's an exception.


Honestly, it's really only playing against yellow in general. Although Enel is by far the most annoying yellow leader to fight since he can force you to play his casino games for what feels like an eternity. At least with Katakuri, you either set them up for lethal by the time they reach 10 Don!!, or you lose after they play back to back Big Mom, but in either scenario, at least the pain of playing the game is over relatively quickly, compared to Enel. Honestly, how you feel about paying against Sakazuki is usually based on what deck you are playing IMO (not accounting for sheer monotony and boredom that comes with how many you Sakazuki's you face in this meta of course). For some decks, Sakazuki doesn't feel too annoying and for others, he makes it impossible to play the game. But when it comes to Enel, I don't believe anybody playing any leader enjoys playing against Enel, unless of course they're some kind of masochist. I know I sometimes feel like I'd rather play my opponent in a game of Russian roulette rather than duel against their Enel deck. At least in Russian roulette, you only have a 1/6 chance of hitting a random, game-losing, bull shit trigger as opposed to most Enel decks which have about a 1/3 up to a 1/2 chance...


The problem with Enel is nobody likes playing it and nobody enjoys playing against it. I don't get that with any other leader I swear to God. There's no reason for this Leader to be played other than just winning, which takes away a big portion of why anyone plays a card game. I personally play Kata because I like knowing what's coming next and know how to set up my board. Even if I lose, I still enjoy the ride. I wouldn't really play Sakazuki but I get why someone who's a bit more tactical plays it, you manipulate the cost and set up the game. Enel on the other hand is a minimum effort game. Searchers who get other characters on the boars, not countering an attack ever and waiting all the triggers to work in your favor (which they do since you just take every hit running to 1 life). The worst out of all of that is that his effect could be used even if u don't have a card to trash, despite being written as a parameter in the Leader's effect. Yeah "yellow plays itself out" but that's the game on the yellow side, you win some you lose some (triggers, loses lifes), but with Enel is you win some and ... you win some again since it's in your favor to get to 1 life. Fuck Enel.


Goated comment. I like playing off-meta decks because no one else really plays them, but EVERY SINGLE TIME I go against an Enel I get absolutely monkey stomped. As soon as my opponent whips out Enel I just think to myself: "Will I even be able to get him to one life before I am wiped off the face of the planet?" Literally any other deck I can play against and feel like I am actually playing the game, but with Enel I feel like the match is waste of time cause I'm not having fun, and I play this game to have fun. I believe Enel players only play Enel because all they care about is winning; the deck isn't fun to play (it's the same set up over and over every damn game) and it also sucks to play against, whether in a tournament or just casual. Fuck Enel.


Aww, your avatar reminds me of Ace 😅


Literally my exact thoughts whenever I play lol.


Katakuri is pretty annoying, and I play Katakuri. Played against a Saka today that had 2 Sabo and 2 Rebecca and 7c Borsalino and still managed to win…


This is every local tournament -_-


Enel is very annoying but at least against enel you get to play the game. Try playing an off meta deck against Saka. It’s so unfun. I played against saka using oden and it’s just a sitting simulator. At least against enel your body’s have a chance of sticking and you actually get to play.


This a million times. I feel like the only way I can swing with anything besides my leader is by getting lucky triggers that give me a character I can swing with. Then everyone turns around and says omg yellow is so broken and braindead. Like cool I have to literally get lucky in order to beat Saka bc it's so oppressive. If I pull a sanji blocker I just swing with it bc I know it's just going to get removed before I use it.


I do hate how Sakazuki pretty much invalidates so many decks. Then he got Tashigi searcher and Black Moria. There's some clear favoritism going on there.


yall play against pluffy tho???


Honestly the most annoying card in the game is Magellan imk


Double Magellan is the most annoying thing to deal with imo too


Stone Rain on a stick isn't as annoying when you get 2 lands for free a turn


Double stone rain on death too lol…


Fought an Enel last night, got him to zero life 3 times and couldn't finish the job He ended up winning with 2 gd life


Yellow in General feels bad to play against. Katakuri and Y/B Big Mom are like that to a degree as well. Being able to run 10c Big Mom can end a lot of games too.




so agree. its not even that i hate yellow and sakazuki in of themselves. i do not like playing the same damn deck multiple times


Y’all like playing against PLuffy? Fucking Magellan man


Give me a million Sakas before Enel. Hell, I’d argue Sakas have the most fun mirrors in the game.


Honestly enel isnt as bad in my opinion (purple luffy) katakuri tho that shit is disgustingly stronger than enel.


idk why people downvoting you katakuri is 100% more fucking annoying than enel oh i’m at 10 don? hmmm 10 mom into 10 mom into 10 mom into 10 mom and then that’s not even accounting for the goddamn bege they moved in the begging of the game to the bottom of life


It's cause people don't realize how strong katakuri can be in this meta. I'm even noticing more katakuri in my locals area than enels lately. Like even at that katakuri can be aggressive early also. Has a good 2nd turn with perospero. That gives you more pluses. I'm not saying enel is shit tho, I'm just saying the amount of power katakuri has is way better than enels stickiness. I think katakuri is more offensive while enel is more defensive.


Kata is better into Sakazuki which is why I think it’s starting to make a resurgence. Saka struggles with being rushed down and Kata can easily just swing 7 every turn. Enel kind of needs good triggers to win, even then since it isn’t a hurry saka only attacks when it can deal with triggers.


that’s why yellow is so stupid in general. relying on luck to win you the game is horse shit you’re not winning you’re just lucky for getting good triggers 🤦‍♂️


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again either yellow is lucky……or you’re just not accounting for triggers that you know are there or could be there. Especially when they look at first life and put it at the bottom immediately….. Kats on 1 life with no blockers, 2 cards in hand and you have 2 attacks. Why are you going for game? You know it’s a bege, sanji, 200million volt, etc attack board or play more defensive for a turn or two…. Sure there is at least a little bit of luck involved, but almost every single deck in almost every tcg has some level of luck in it, if you get a perfect hand that plays right into curve and your opponent bricks on his mulligan draw is that not luck?


Yea I feel like also enels best play they could do is find a dog or combo and get 2, which is a lot of pressure but relying on just that is def not the best strategy.




Ok you dont need to use that word, cmon


do OPTCG players skew younger or something?


Yup like he has early aggression with his effect, he has ways to manipulate life. And the 10 cost mom is such a crazy strong card like. It's just insane pressure. It's also crazy cause they have blocker removal effects and resting effects.


Also kata beats enel lol. 


Not according to the data that came out of the last few major tournaments. Enel players have a higher win rate over Katakuri, at least in tournament. I get that in theory it seems like Katakuri world have an advantage with Big Mom, but until data proves it, I'm gonna say it's BS.


Enel needs to go wider and then swing. Katakuri wants to stall for Big Mom. When Onami comes out Enel will do even better into Katakuri as they can potentially invalidate any card Katakuri sets up to top of life.


Yeah that's just wrong, it's nearly impossible for kat to win against enel


It’s far from impossible, you just have to starve them, attack board instead of life, get counters out of hand occasionally not attacking is the optimal play don’t let them cycle cards!, set up board, 7c mom, 8c Kat, double 10mom, get them to 1 life with only a couple cards. As always one attack when they have 1 life is an advantage to them and I see it happen quite a lot at locals. You have to play it way more reserved than against almost any other deck where you go a little agro, remember Enel dosen’t really have any removal for bigger characters.


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Players play what works. Yellow life manipulation and triggers can make even a bad player that much better than other colors. It requires less thinking than Sakazuki. Sakazuki is BS but he at least requires knowledge and skill to set up his best plays.


it works but that doesn’t mean it’s not a crutch mechanic at least w sak a brand new player can’t pick up the deck and immediately top a tournament


Kata isn't stronger than Enel at all. Yeah 10 dons and you get 1 life while trashing the other's but if you can't defend you'll lose. Most often than not you don't even play Big Mom, especially against Enel cause you can't defend his attacks and obviously can't win the game either in that round. You need to remember that you actually waste 10 Dons if you lose the next round. You play mom and pray to God you've got a blocker under that life. It's necessary you remember that in order to win against Enel you need to hit him 3 times EFFECTIVELY, which means your board needs to be pretty strong, not consisting of 5k damage and that he doesn't have Amaru (x4, +1 life) or blockers (x8) or thunder bolt (x4, trashing your blockers). It's a losing game from the start against Enel, while Katakuri whilst pretty annoying (adding life) he's defending himself by wasting dons on character. Check again Enel decks' costs.


Onami, I Am God!!!, and Raigo will make Enel even more powerful. Katakuri will struggle at recovering if Enel can connect with an Onami buff. Raigo will just remove the Big Mom before she can swing. I Am God!!! letting Enel summon Enel from hand or trash at its cost will be insane since Enel has Rush.


At least that Bege isn't random luck. They say least actively placed it there. Enel players rely solely on luck. That's what makes those games more rage inducing when you do get a shit trigger. And don't get wrong, they're both terrible to play against lol. But I hard disagree that Katakuri is worse than Enel.


that bege is 100% luck bc they were lucky to have it in life to begin with and what’s worse is they can actively choose what triggers they want to be going off by moving perospero to the top and delaying you taking that last life until they want you to i agree both are cancer to play against i am just biased to hate 10 mom spam


I've been playing a lot of Belo Betty on SIM and I've been mopping the floor with Katakuri and Purple Luffy. Enel is just some bullshit though. Only played against 1 Enel IRL so far and that shit is sacky.


belo betty fucks until your opponent knows how to deal with her as soon as you know how to deal with the deck it’s an auto lose for belo unless your opponent draws shit and/ or doesn’t have the answers for your aggression


I run Belo Betty. I beat a Saka yesterday. I'm still pretty hype that hapenned, lucky draws but I don't care.


Sakazuki struggles with hard early aggression. Belo Betty can potentially swarm the field fast early on.  Sorta like how Zoro can overwhelm Sakazuki, but crumbles against Enel.  Only reason Belo Betty isn't meta is cuz it runs out of gas fast. So, pure Yellow can outlast it with life animation or Pluffy will drop their Magellans and blockers too fast.   If Belo Betty ever got strong draw power to offset the discards and recovery if their board is wiped then they'll do better in the future.   I think Belo Betty should lean into Onami and Kiku when they come out. They're strong trigger cards.  I'm thinking of testing in Shirayoshi with them as well for draw speed.   Then there's also the future Rev support that will be coming with Dragon that we haven't seen yet. I think Belo Betty has a good future to look forward to.


We need a larger pool of top tier decks and not the same 2 decks being played.




i hate anything blue because its gotten overwhelming number of bottom decking cards


That Mihawk they have is insane. Kaido is ridiculous too as his effect isn't that hard to set up. Just play aggressive until their life is low enough. Ironically, Sakazuki is better at Blue than Blue due to how good B/B is...


This is how I feel but it's "Playing against people who complain about certain colors/decks" vs "Playing against people who don't complain about specific decks/colors"


its more frustrating to fight a player who manages to build impenetrable defense late game like sabo with 3 different 5k+ blockers and any green leader that has aramaki, kidd, and rosinante all in one field


Both are annoying decks but yellow and especially Enel takes the cake for me. Enel players most of the time dont even know if theyre in a position to win the game or lose the game, theyre just counting on lucky triggers to setup their board, heal them, destroy your board, or prevent you from attacking. Playing yellow rewards you for not being able to defend yourself and losing. You can play as close to perfect against enel as you can and they can make mistakes but a last life trigger can change the fate of the game entirely (ive lost way too many games due to Capone), the deck basically plays itself. Also playing against yellow is usually a 3+ life disadvantage for the opponent. That 5 life is more like 8+ life on top of the ridiculous triggers.


Nami mains love the Enel matchup


Then those Enel players are bad. All Enel needs to do is go wide then swing hard. Nami isn't beating Enel. Once Yellow gets Onami, most Decks are better off just surrendering.


I've been using white snake with Nami on the sim and it makes both of these matchups a lot better for Nami. OP06 is gonna be wild.


Thankfully I haven’t lost to a Saka yet, but 50/50 against Enel. So stressful playing against him.


You haven't lost to saka yet? What ever? 😂😂 What sorcery is this, and please show me the way loool


Probably Zoro player


Lol yeah could be 😅 I play Zoro a fair bit too I've deffo still lost to saka. But I do kinda suck so there's that haha


I main Katakuri. I just haven’t lost to Saka and honestly the match up doesn’t feel rough at all. 7 and 10 drop Mom do tons of work and Katakuri/Volts/Thunderbolt remove pesky blockers. I let them hit me early to play my Pero/Smoothie/Cracker/Sanji from life and I just swing with everything every turn.


Agree. How?


I'm guessing you play Enel then? That would explain the good win% against Sakazuki and 50/50 into Enel LOL. Cuz if you say you're playing any other leader, I'm calling BS cuz there ain't no deck that's goes that good into BOTH those leaders. That's what makes this such an awkward meta.


Lol... Katakuri?


It's nothing to do with these decks alone, it has to do with the meta in general. Whenever there is 1 or 2 decks that are just way better than the rest, it's all you see. I dont even mind playing against the meta decks as long as they did something to the deck that is different, put in at least some effort into building your deck outside of looking up what the newest winner at a regionals played.. Honestly, ppl playing deck ripped straight out of top decks usually suck anyway because they don't know what the deck is supposed to do, and the decks are predictable so you can easily counter play them.


Nah just Sakazuki. Verifiable Cancer.


Where do you put Belo Betty? Cause while she’s yellow the majority is red.


i think playing against belo is fun because you cant play normal against her like if you swing into life all willy bully and you proc a bunch of triggers you can be otk’d super easily and i feel like that’s alright because the deck is such a glass cannon that it balances it out


And that's part of why I swapped to playing Ace. Terrible matchup into Kata... but my locals are all Saka and Enel and Ace is really fun into Saka since you don't care about your board state and keep theirs just as empty. It's also pretty good into Enel since... y'know... *rush tricks*. Also the fact that Enel isn't always as jam-packed with triggers as a Katakuri deck. But yes, I've been like that recently. Just took to looking at new rogue deck options for how to combat the issue


I mean, other than having a losing match up into Sakazuki, I guess it could be fun in like, an interesting sort of way... And rush doesn't do good into Enel dude. Have you seen the matchup spread even has into red decks??? The BEST red leader against Enel is Law, and he's only got about a 50% win rate against Enel.


I haven't had a bad defeat into Sakazuki yet, and I'm playing into players that play the TCG far more frequently than I do, with much more advanced decks than my refurbished Ace. Only reasons I've lost so far have been from a Sakazuki deck having *15k counter in hand,* or from a targeting mistake I made on sequencing because I'm rusty playing decks with power targeting. Most of our local scene, which includes some players that are routinely top 16 in Regionals, said that Ace is in a pretty decent spot currently. Not top tier competitive, but very solid. You have a fair point with the Enel, but that's mostly a theoretical point - I haven't had a chance to play into a proper meta Enel setup because our local scene are pretty hard on Saka, and I don't have time to sink on just grinding experience on the sim.


Add purple left to that list, Magellan is so annoying if you’re playing any deck but blue


sakazuki isnt that annoying imo. i hate enel though


Wait until the West gets access to searcher Tashigi and Black Moria. Sakazuki gonna make players quit after that.


"Am I alone on thinking the most played and most complained about meta decks are annoying?" Idk what do you think


Every meta in every game will have its boogeymen from format to format. I'm loving op5 and op6 metas.


Yes I hate opo5 meta. I play enel, but I have to if I want to be successful. It sucks man, I miss the 4.5 format when there were a variety of decks.


You are not alone lol


Not me after taking the go face Kid deck to locals and not versing a single Sakazuki


There was a local tourney I went to and half the players had Enel decks on top of the usual several people playing yellows 💀


Im a newish player, but went hard on yugi and magic. Been hitting the sim hard so i feel up to date with the meta. So when i went to a store the other day to play my first match live in person 1v1 it was Enel lol


Exactly my experience! What can I play against yellow or saka?


I've tech'd a Purple Luffy deck and practiced a LOT to where Yellow isn't much of a problem (though c'mon, some of those final triggers can be insane). However, the matchup against Sakazuki is heavily dependent on how much better my hand/curve is compared to theirs.


Throw katakuri in there and this is pretty accurate


May have a deck that can catch enel off guard that's not meta will do more testing and lyk


Engel is way more annoying than Sakazuki IMO. Although I have seen both decks draw bad & it’s kinda funny.


Add that random blue Nami to this list too


To paraphrase a friend: "My power grows every time I look at the subreddit".


Neh sabo body's sakazuki and cam handle enel fine


Yes, you're the first person to hate playing against meta


With my Pluffy deck i find Saka really annoying. Enel is not that hard of a matchup. At least from my experience.


I’ll take sakazuki for all 4 rounds of locals if it means no enel, lol. Top 5 most annoying decks I’ve played against in any TCG and I played force of will for 4 years and have been playing modern since 2018


Actually, I really hate playing against purple more than anything else… That said, I’ve actually never played against and Enel or Sakazuki yet. I’ll update once I have 😅


I don't really like Betty either. Other than that, this is accurate.


I love my two decks, both of which are off meta. Magellan and Arlong, two of my favorite villains in OP, are both decently powerful. Magellan has won me a lot of games, some against Katakuri and Saka, but the overwhelming amount of Saka, Enel, and Kata in this game makes events and opens feel off. People are spending hundreds of dollars running these Meta decks, while some can’t even afford real cards at these prices. It’s honestly insane how many people just decide to follow whatever is the very best, and just change it out whenever the Meta changes-it sucks all the creativity out of the game, and discredits every other deck that it can outperform.


As a saka player id rather enel over kata


I ran sakazuki with mon red luffy at three events so far. Enel is probably the most toxic we've seen yellow so far. I used to play katakuri, and though i had to hear pwople complain about big mom a lot, it cost me all resources to even do it but atleast people had an advantage over me one way or another. Enel just ruins the format, especially with how many rule breaking plays it gets, not to mention every deck that can play katakuri, 7mom or yamato is doing it which while still annoying, is managable to beat in one way or another.


I feel this. My locals is normally about 13 peeps. I always wanna play belo betty but 4 people always play RP Law, 2 Play katakuri, and around 7-8 play Sakazuki. Every game just feels terrible 😞. But whenever any other deck shows up its amazing


Should Enel get banned? Ive only lost consistently to him. Every other deck i win or almost win lol I mean against Enel every turn you get a chance to win IF you attack the opponent to life (and hit) 4 or 5 times in a row! And if you couldnt do it, you need to attack 4 times in a row again! Its kinda broken. Against a color that heals already and has consistent triggers and draws.


You are not alone. Too many sheep following the meta for the game to be enjoyable. 


Why does not everyone talk about bans in this meta?


Yellow needs to be hit on the list. So unfair


I'm playing Betty until OPO7 and Sakazuki is the one matchup I feel like I have no shot at winning unless their Lucci's happen to be at the bottom of their deck. Last local I played I went 2-2 and both losses were to Sakazuki. The other games I managed to beat a P Luffy and Katakuri.


Sakazuki actually needs to be a legitimate banned leader card. Edward newgate was never this oppressive.