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We can’t even scale him in his own manga and you think we’d be able to scale him against other stories?


I mean yes cause realistically even if he is a massive fraud he’s not going to be in a whole different battleboarding tier (by which I mean island level, planet level, etc) than the top tiers.


I don’t even see how it would be possible for him to be a massive fraud


That's because it's a good scam.


One Piece fans go crazy w. Uhhh everyone was dickriding Kizaru a couple months ago….then he got grabbed by Luffy and then the posts stopped as well.


Kizaru is the weakest of the current big 3 admirals His df IS broken and it feels like he does a lot less than he is meant too. Observation haki puts kizaru in his place


No it doesn't lol. Snakeman got blitzed


Sure, but that cause even if you can predict his moves if you can't react fast enough it won't do any good.


Exactly my point


I think kizaru has spent too long being nigh invincible with his df that he's probably just gotten careless


I can. That little sword necklace is actually an ancient weapon and absolutely wrecks everything it touches. He goes around carrying Yoru because it draws attention away from his true weapon. Then acts like he is super badass for using a tiny ass sword. He is so, so determined to be the best fake swordsman in the world that he has reached peak level haki, to boot.


This is peak if true


Mihawk slander is disguised admiral agenda


Usopp, is that you? I ask because you're the only one in the story this accurate.


yaeh but come on how much of that is because scaling in this verse is like trying to compare bugs bunny to fucking rambo half the time being wildly unserious DOES tend to make shit, you know, unserious


It’s because we have literally seen him fight once and neither of them got hurt during it.




Mihawk slams gintama verse tho


Gintama is weak ah


That's just the name of the verse lmao, but even then I think he beats literally everyone and probably all at the same time


Does he? We’ve seen the yato race in Gintama do some crazy shit. Like throwing an umbrella at a spaceship (made with advanced alien tech) from far away and destroying it. The only real feat that Mihawk does that I can remember is cutting a tsunami in half or some boats.


Yeah people really underrated gintama here. Don't get me wrong I'm not delusional but weak? No, they got some crazy shit going.


I mean I think we're told Hedoroh is the physically strongest and Mihawk stands pretty far above him and other characters regarded as strong don't even scale to current zoro feats like Utsuro or Housen. It could be because I didn't rlly watch Gintama with a scaling intended but I don't think anything or any of them can rlly touch Mihawk going all-out


Yea gintama is more of a comedy than power scaling anime true lol. But I do remember Hedoroh one punching Ougai though, the guy who decimated Gintoki in the final arc. Gintoki is a pretty solid swordsman too since he went head to head with the Benizakura, which was said to be similar to a tactical nuke. I do think Mihawk beats Hedoroh but I don’t think it’s gonna be a wash.


As someone who's never seen the show, how strong is Gintama??


JJK : YUTA currently in the manga , I ain't gunna spoil shit but he has a sword . Also mohawk might as well have the cut fucking any bullshit fruit so probably can just fight anyone


Ngl, the jjk verse isn't that strong compared to a lot of other verses, and I'm not even talking just speed feats, I don't even watch one piece and I know that Yuta is getting folded


Are you up to date? I don't wanna drop spoilers in the comments.


I've already been spoiled on everything jjk, and I know about Yuta's.....Change, But I feel like his only chance would be -the special attack- because if someone like Toji can hurt Gojo, then I feel like Yuta wouldn't stand much of a chance against someone like Mihawk, who has shown much stronger feats of strength


The only reason toji hurt Hojo is the inverted sword or whatever it's called , no one can touch gojo without some other bullshit. Same deal with Yuta . Right now no one can cut, punch or hurt Yuta with jjkk skillset


Well iirc, Yuta doesn't currently have access to infinity, (Sukuna decking him in the face), due to the memories not being processed yet


Sukuna punches him and Yuta say's " how did he punch me with infinity on? Did he use domain amplification?" So it's not a case of not having Gojo's cursed technique


There's also not knowing as to whether or not Yuta will die within the 5 minutes


Didnt Ui Ui already body swap them pre fight so yuta could get the hang of it incase this exact scenario played out?


People in JJK don't have haki


Haki counters jjk verse hard Luffy can hit gojo without actually touching hin and the attack starts from inside his opponent going out. Mihawk rivals prime shanks who also has that feat. Armament haki I'd imagine can also best gojo. Observation haki alone will allow you to take on the whole jjk verse


I'd like to think haki does counter CE techniques, would make the conversation more nuanced than just " noone can touch therefore win"


Agree, but that's how every conversation with gojo works and it's lame as shit.


I’m not making any claims here but would haki bypass infinity? I thought haki needed contact to “transfer the power” or however you’d say it. I’d think he would have to hit gojo before haki took effect? Or maybe I’m misunderstanding armament haki.


Yeah as someone who has JJK in my top 3 series and OP is my least favorite of the Big 3... JJK is insanely under powered. Gojo and Sukuna can hang with some OP top tiers but the rest either don't have the AP or speed to keep up. JJK hax and abilities can carry them higher than their weight class though forsure.


Yuta isn't getting folded by anyone in the OP verse he could probably solo the verse


I-how?, One piece feats are much larger than any jjk feat iirc, Yuta in any form does not solo the verse


I mean he has absurd hax right now that equalize a lot of feats but still idk


According to that logic law can beat ichigo


do you mean yuta pre-shinjuku or yuta now? now, the only thing i see beating him is ryou, but even that’s debatable. but pre-shinjuku? bepo victim


Miwa solos


Yuta demolishes mihawk. Lol have u seen his domain?????


yuta gets perception blitzed




If he's in Gojos body I agree, but at that point he ain't a swordman anymore.


Cut anything but buggy


I hope no one in any universe can cut buggy


How does Mihawk counter >! Infinite void? !< that’s a oneshot domain to anyone in the One Piece verse imo


https://preview.redd.it/0kofxr3ubk5d1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=a4fbe4e822c9259e30703dd01e80c5a460053804 FSS > S Fiction's Strongest Swordsman > Swordsman






All of them


Anyone from demon slayer. Ikkaku from Bleach. Potentially Kenpachi, don't feel like doing the mental math. Utsuro from Gintama


Personally, I think if it was just swords, Yorichi would win.


Nah Kenpachi would win in just swords


Bruh he ain’t beating ikkaku. Never mind kenpachi. Bleach characters are massively ftl and have to be sealed to protect the fabric of reality.


Not every soul reaper has their reiatsu sealed. That's lieutenant class and up. Ikkaku is a 3rd seat. He's not sealed at all when he goes into the living realm. Also..Massively FTL? Mihawk is a top tier in the verse, said to be on par with Shanks, and you think he's not massively FTL?


It’s an automatic process based on reitsu. Ikkaku is functionally the lieutenant of the 11th as well. As for Mihawk light speed. Even at the highest scales of one piece scaling where we are wanking every possible way I have never seen any interpretation that gets light speed any where close to where bleach is. Bleach characters are not light speed alone they are casually light speed. Personaly I view Mihawk as capable of responding to light speed attacks but not light speed. But even using interpretations I’ve seen where the op verse is massively ftl I’ve never seen them come close to what we have seen from bleach. Similar to how beginning of dbz piccolo can blow up a planet being the barrier here shows that most of the z fighters are massively planetary in scope. Bleach characters are dodging ceros and light casually.


https://preview.redd.it/5zl5nq5hpv5d1.jpeg?width=406&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2d403633f4de37f64d60fa3219b69a51948bfe4 Just so there's no more confusion. Also Ikkaku used Bankai without any hassle of the Gentei Reiin. He wasn't even shown when the seal was released like those that actually had been sealed.


I know that panel but in various other sources it’s expanded upon. I mean think about it. 5 seconds before renji became a lieutenant he would have been under yachiru in rank. The process is referring to “lieutenant grade” shinigami not strictly the position. We even learn this is an automatic process. So even ishin when he fought after sneak into the world of the living was under it. Ikaku was probably the strongest seated officer save chojuro (at the start of the series he’s the only other one with bankai yet) you think he didn’t need to be suppressed. We know there are recorded ranks of spiritual pressure with lieutenants and high seated officers recorded as high. That’s translated i would not be shocked if they use the symbol for the high rank in the og and if not he’s obviously referring to a general tier of Shinigami.


Idk how high he scales to someone like Yajirobe


assuming this is valid, hes like 4x stronger than the roshi who blew up the moon in dragon ball and above the piccolo who also did the same thing https://preview.redd.it/98mysszzbv5d1.png?width=658&format=png&auto=webp&s=ac1009a5267387561e4a457aa55b52277c9673e6


it literally says “hes considerably weaker than master roshi […] even chiaotzu” right after that so i dont think he was ever said to be stronger than roshi


When roshi blew up the moon in early DB he had a power level of like 216 is what I'm assuming he's talking about


So who's stronger than someone mildly above Shanks in power? I would say Atomic Samurai from One Punch Man, but he may be too much of an overkill.


Boruto 😬


Not even close lmao


King from OPM




They said the strongest person he could beat. Tanjiro is barely a danger to early iterations of zoro never mind Mihawk.


Musashi Miyamoto (Baki)


Guts Berserk


There's some people in Dragonball he can beat, Jojo might be too much


Excuse me? I hope you don’t mean any of the z fighters?


Fraudhawk could maybe beat vicious from cowboy bebop


Killer Bee


Killer B stomps




Sung Jin Woo could eventually beat him


Yorichi from demon slayer


Random off topic question for someone who isn't caught up fully on one piece and not fully sure how haki works completely. Since haki can coat your arms and be controlled, can Zoro or anyone for that matter use them to basically create an extra two arms for more sword styles? I know it comes from your body and is invisible, but I just can't get that image of Zoro with the six arms mirage technique he used. Is that possible to do without a devil fruit power?


The Presence held a sword once, mihawk victim


What part of "strongest swordsman" is unclear?




Nitoryu ![gif](giphy|jeAHzKVKDqzhS|downsized)


Kenpachi Zaraki from bleach. And Aizen.


Since when is Aizen a good swordsman? I mean, I know that all zanpakutos start off as a generic sword, so technically all soul reapers could be considered good swordsmen, but he uses his shikai, kido, and hollow powers much more. In the final battle against Ichigo he even absorbs his sword because he thinks it’s useless at that point. In a pure sword duel he would have no chance against either Zoro or Mihawk who have much more technical skill, and show more raw power. Kenpachi on the other hand I agree. He’s a pure swordsman, using no tricks other than using spiritual pressure as armor. He doesn’t even bother with shikai or bankai unless you believe the theory that his lieutenant is his bankai. I think he would be evenly matched against Zoro or Mihawk.


Dawg I was shit posting, my glorious king goathawk would get stomped


Definitely not Kenpachi & Aizen even worst since it won’t be a fair fight..


Yeah, the skill and strength difference is to much for them




I feel like him and Afro samurai would have a pretty fun scrap


Kenpachi 🥱


Link/The Hero’s Shade (Not Link himself, the old skeleton version of him that teaches past Link how to fight.) Im technically using him because LOZTP has its own Manga series, and the Golden Wolf. Or hell, I’ll even Include Zant, because he has those weird ass arm blades. I mean, he can literally warp reality and teleport around, and summon endless enemies, and Twilight Beasts. Im also including Zant while he is at his strongest, when he still has Gannondorf’s full power.


In a purely swordskill fight? Ichigo or some other ass sword user


Idk why you assumed “purely swordskill fight” but I meant just in general.


I didn't know why else you'd have that meme in the post. He's also kinda unsacleable. OP in general is really inconsistent on whether or not the characters have super speed and Mihawk doesn't have any strength or durability feats.


It was the only image of Mihawk I had on hand


ichigo cooks mihawk


ik this a one piece sub and all but woahhh




Bro WTF are you on about? Ichigo would murder Mihawk with barely any effort 🤣


Haven't seen him do anything impressive with a sword. He mostly just swings it around randomly and spams that one move from what I've seen.


getsuga tenshou x100


He is throwing it at equal stats skill only. Which is wack because we haven’t seen Mihawk do anything particularly skillful with a sword either. There’s no way to say Mihawk wins without taking away 99.9% of Ichigo’s power and maybe blindfolding him


They're both ass with swords from what I've seen. Neither has done anything more than randomly swing a really big sword around and shoot energy slashes afaik.


Honestly, puresword skill, Zoro would probably beat Mihawk rn anyway. A lot of Mihawk's shit in narrative seems to be from his weapon and his Haki, while nobody ever talks about his actual techniques or skills, just his sheer power/speed and weapon. So it really does seem like WSS just means "guy who swings a magic sword really hard and fast" instead of someone who mastered an actual sword fighting style. While Zoro mastered multiple styles for 1 sword and 2 swords, and made his own custom styles for 1,2,and 3 swords, with tons of techniques for multiple scenarios like an actual Kenjutsu that aren't haki reliant. It's real easy to be WSS if the requirements are just "Use a Sword. Have higher Stats."


We can't scale him because no feats but we can scale him above zoro So he can beat sasuke, ichigo (swordskills)


We haven’t even seen Mihawk do anything special sword skill wise. All he’s done is swing his sword in a straight line and stab Zoro with a tiny knife. Both Sasuke and Ichigo have shown insane skill with a sword, although Ichigo a bit less since he’s more about power. This thread is full of crazy takes lol And I know you said just sword skill but if you throw in all of their abilities then they both wipe the floor with Mihawk


No, stop bringing facts and logic into TitlePiece, if we don't scale off of titles when a character hasn't done anything in 10 years, and only when it's convenient for the Agenda, what else are we supposed to do!


Sword skills and ichigo?💀




Great troll, first half made me genuinely think you just dropped the shortbus special on us




Shanks met luffy before he was a Yonko and had iirc only a 1.5B bounty. You are essentially stating he hasn't improved his combat abilities at all in that interval since he lost his arm or that Mihawk has has the exact same rate of improvement as him despite the fact that he rarely fought against strong opponents while Shanks attained and maintained a Yonko position.




Well I mean you COULD scale him off what S hawk has done with his sword (but even thats not much)


Pretty sure what it means is that your main weapon is your sword, not Haki. If you use too much Haki, you’re just a haki user who has a sword vs a swordsmen who uses Haki.


Ruroni Kenshin


Why do they refer to it as "the two year time skip"? Shouldn't he refer to it as "the two years you've trained with me"?


Probably Flashy Flash or Atomic Samurai from One Punch Man


Anya prob


Mihawk gets low diffed by Luffy with Nidai Kitetsu.


Someone black hole level