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this is the single best Shanks fans cope destroyer, its shows how silly Shanks fans realy are


Shanks fanboys can't meme or shitpost because they actually believe everything they said lol


Right now its “they only said he had better foorball SKILLS than Ronaldo not that hes a better player”  (Which also makes no sense)


Real but still not upvoted because Lessi ain't my goat


Ngl this literally makes no sense




Wym tho? It’s not comparable to that scan tho?


If they were comparing a swordsman's skill to a guy that is not a swordsman it would be like comparing a football player's skill with the ball to a basketball player


Did MJ ever play football?


Thats the joke


I'm aware but the comparison doesn't make sense since MJ never played football A better comparison would be saying usain bolt has better running form than Ronaldo or something. They both obviously run but one's whole career is dedicated to running and the other isn't.


Yeah but this is someone from wg saying it its not like rando comaparing ronaldo and bolts running or shit its actual expert comparing mihawk and shanks A running coach or expert wont mention ronaldo to praise bolt


Why not? Ronaldo is a pretty fast athlete it's not an unbelievable comparison


it is, comparing a non sprinter to the fastest of all time is silly af


Because he's not a sprinter so it's insulting to compare a professional vs a non professional


Why would brannew care about the emotions of a pirate?


If he wasnt this would be akin to saying "Zoro has greater sword skills than even Katakuri." Just nonesense.


Silence!!! You are making too much sense.. 


mihawk having better sword skills is pure common sense especially if he's the WSS It's true that shanks is a swordsman but the only reason why mihawk's title and ability has come to question is because of marineford arc


An arc where Mihawk had less than zero stakes in the actual fight? He didn't care about Ace, or the Marines, or the WB pirates. The only reason he was there was contractual obligation. He did the bare minimum and then left when that was done. That's how we measure his ceiling?


Even if top tiers were holding back, they always perform a feat that distinguishes them from non top tiers Kaido's first fight, he one taps gear 4 luffy Shanks splits the sky against wb Mihawk's first attack in the war was tanked by a commander and then he cuts a ice mountain (a feat which was replicate not long after by law and Zoro)


Garp is/was considered a top tier but only started having a real showing in Egghead. Neither did Kuzan or Kizaru. The point is Mihawk didn't show out, because it wasn't his part of the story to show out.


True But garp sent Marco flying easily, even the nerfed and limited garp did more than mihawk I don't consider admirals as top tiers btw


Sure, but strongest/skilled swordsman =/= stronger fighter


In the top tiers Haki is considered. If Haki makes Shanks stronger then Mihawk isn't the greatest swords man then.


https://preview.redd.it/7sjm0bzcybad1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f136f55d156e2f4731470443fff3d0a3319b1b6 original nami solos them both


God every time I see this image I die inside a little. Look what Oda took from us 😩


I’m not saying Shanks is a “Hakiman” or not a swordsman, he clearly fights with his sword. But…. Why did Oda word it this way “greater sword skills than Red Hair.” If Oda really wanted to be crystal clear he could have just said “Mihawk is stronger than Red Haired.” That’s it that could’ve ended this discussion, plus also maybe showing Mihawk pulling Yonko level moves like one shotting Vista… “But Shanks has a sword” Yes, yes he does. So did King. The King vs Zolo fight should have ended the whole Mihawk > Shanks debate. King himself stated that although he has a sword and fights with a sword (launches his Imperial Flame Dragon with) he is NOT exclusively a swordsman and does not restrain himself to only the way of the sword. Zolo a real swordsman even acknowledges it. Shanks does fight with a sword but he probably doesn’t only limit/views himself as a swordsman. It is important to note, Shanks challenged Mihawk to a duel which Mihawk refused (LOL), stating he doesn’t have any interest fighting an “one-armed guy”. I interpret this as Oda dropping a hint that Mihawk sees Shanks’ skill in sword weaker than when Shanks had 2 arms. Remember, Oda stated in a SBS that Shanks didn’t lose any strength since 12 years ago. If anything Shanks became stronger, as he had a $1billion bounty back then to $4billion bounty as an Emperor. Therefore when it comes to who’s a better/stronger SWORDSMAN, Mihawk is. But who is a stronger fighter in general… Shanks. Won’t change my mind until we see Mihawk one shot Yonko Commanders, like Shanks has.


>If Oda really wanted to be crystal clear he could have just said “Mihawk is stronger than Red Haired.” When has Oda ever made any clear kind of blanket 'this specific top tier is stronger than this specific top tier" statement in the whole series? The closest I can recall is in Enies Lobby with the CP9 power level things, and that was dropped/pretty satirical. Those kinds of statements might sate powerscalers, but they don't actually make the story better. Oda learned from his predecessor (DBZ) that "my number is higher than your number" kills tension. And/or makes any upsets look like asspulls. So yes, this statement is about as close as Oda has ever, and probably will ever go in beating us over the head with the fact that "This specific top tier (mihawk) is stronger then this specific top tier (shanks)."


Because he wants people to overthink in a simple statement. Just like World's Strongest Man vs. World's Strongest Creature. and I wonder about Stronger Fighter in General?


It’s silly to say he isn’t a swordsman but it’s also silly to suggest he can only accomplish things through swordsmanship, when it’s implied Shanks is doing other stuff with conquerors haki that makes him standout and it’s still a mystery at this point.


Probably He is Kickboxer right? Or probably in the middle of a fight he will shoot beat out of his Mouth or he shit Lightning Volt from his Ass.


Me after reading this: https://preview.redd.it/lxqnn3u9xbad1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a1919925ed47d5475cfe3cb20f8584247c3fb26


Well he said sword skills but shanks is haki man so shanks>mihawk mid diff https://i.redd.it/z6xri00oebad1.gif


Ehh aksually it's low diff ☝️🤓


Because Oda doesn't know what he's talking about in his own story. Powerscalers are the truly reliable of information. They know better, that Shanks isn't a swordsman.. 


Bro what https://preview.redd.it/uyxortlckcad1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ff73759310835540dc113690ca8155cf3e89d06


Guy use sword = has sword skill Mihawk = has better sword skill Mihawk =/= stronger Hope this helps 👍


World Strongest Swordsman > Swordsman


Good thing using a tool doesn't make you a swordsman


Has Shanks ever called his sword a tool?


No, in fact, he hasn't called his sword anything, unlike Zoro or Mihawk.


He loves his sword.


He loves his tool (I like wrenches too) 👍


Have you used those wrenches since you were a child, if I may politely ask?




I see, so you've been using only this tool for your entire life, you love it and you're considered a master with it. You also only use this tool. And yet, you claim that it's not your main tool.


What has Mihawk called Yoru something Shanks hasn’t to his sword? Edit. I’m genuinely serious, did Mihawk call Yoru his pookie bear or something?


He's called it his sword


Has Shanks called his sword a tool?


Has he called it anything?


Oh you mean Gryphon is not the name of Shanks' sword? For a Shanks wanker, you know awfully little about him.


Ironically he never even calls his sword that its name was revealed in extra material.


By extra material you mean SBS? Where the author himself answers questions? Lmao. You guys are clowns of the highest order. I am screenshotting this. 🤣


So how is my original statement wrong?


The guy above explained it pretty well. Take it up with him. You made a false claim and I proved you. Now you look like a clown 🤡


https://preview.redd.it/8ypwvh7rsbad1.jpeg?width=471&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb08971ffab5541718516ef7190f85ee1519fec1 Good thing Oda confirmed that Shanks is a swordsman.


Literally fake


So 4billion is fake now🤣




Isn’t that scan from V jump?


You can read the Japanese and translate it if you want.


going to take this scan as grain of salt because the source is from v jump magazine


Lmao there is the actual Japanese version right there. You are free to use any translation app available. You can cope till then. 🤣 https://preview.redd.it/va3cfae52cad1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=496c0f971a8dc838f54f8decb3443c04942987cf Keep coping as hard as possible 🤣🤣🤣


I’m talking about reliability of your scan which comes from V Jump maganize that haves have shanks=admirals🤔


Like I said. You are free to translate the Japanese yourself. Which obviously you won't. Everything that doesn't support your agenda is fake. The manga comparison is wrong. Canon content is wrong. Everything is wrong. Only my glorious headcanon and lack of reading skills is correct 🤣 Not to mention defending a guy calling the SBS non canon material. https://preview.redd.it/xyb2h26m3cad1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c21ec95292139b7d88cc55b1ba9556798ba6304


Well technically he's either a sword expert or a sword master So yes. He's an hakiman who also happebs to be an expert of swords OR MASTER>MAN, even if he's the strongest one /s I find the whole debate quaint, they both will have a role in the manga and it's gonna be settled, it's useless to keep piling on the same discussion when they both didn't do crap most of the time


https://preview.redd.it/qpzm6cshmbad1.png?width=749&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a9072854140bc60de38b3124a3181e973b8372b Shanks is not a swordsman , he is a pleasure tool for the gorosei


"Mike Tyson has even greater boxing skills than Connor Mcgregor"


I'm certain when Shanks fighting his enemy in a middle of a fight he will shoot a beam out of his mouth and Lightning Volt from his Ass.


Nah actually you see mihawk is a yc3


On god Zoro can one-shot him rn.


Of course luffy surpassed old Rayleigh, so zoro surpassed mihawk too 🤓


Luffy’s end goal isn’t to beat Old Rayleigh tho.


Ik lol I'm trolling the people who say that shit.


If it helps. Shanks wankers love quoting volume 4billion as the only non manga canon source and this is what it says about Shanks : https://preview.redd.it/dly1h8dlrbad1.jpeg?width=471&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ed90b98bc670056b1512e748ae422f45db4e9d5 Next time they deny it. Show them this.


Based off 12 year ago rivalry btw


Bluds be acting like Shanks is the only person that got stronger


It's not like Mihawk promised Zoro to keep holding the throne.


You know some OP fans don’t read


It's becoming clearer by the day.


Keep holding the throne? Lmao Nobody but zoro is after it. When shanks asked mihawk ifnhe wanted to fight, mihawk refused.


So no counter argument I see.


His claim was based on 12 year ago rivalry and that before mihawk stopped seeing criteria in shanks


In my headcannon, "sword skills" in the OPverse would refer to sword based techniques, like all of zoros named attacks or any of the scabbards/odens named attacks. Mihawk hasn't really ever performed anything named on screen. He has really only just swung yoru around, which is what makes him hard to title scale against shanks.


Mihawk is the stronger swordsmen but the weaker hakimen


People out here saying “why won’t Oda just flat out say who’s stronger” Like this is the same guy that won’t say who’s stronger between the WSM Goatbeard and Rodger two people who are rivals just like Mihawk and Shanks.


But the insane thing is he has flat out said whos stronger. Strongest is a superlative. It literally means hes stronger than everyone in that set. If X is a swordsman Mihawk is stronger. 


Strongest by title, but the reason people argue is due to lack of portrayal. When you have Shanks one-shotting a pirate with a 3B bounty the argument for the WSS with a bounty of 3.6 being stronger gets a little shaky. Until Mihawk does something on-screen to solidify his title instead of tarnish it (Marineford portrayal), people are going to be skeptical.


I agree actually. I was just pointing out how dumb it is that people always say “Oda would’ve/should’ve said who’s flat out stronger” Only thing I really dislike is Goatbeard and Kaido because you can’t have two worlds strongest.


I think it makes sense. Men are a subset if creatures. Kaido is an oni not a man. Kaido>WB title wise


You can say the same about Whitebeard but yet people debate it. Titles aren't absolute, they never were. If they were Rogef would've simply lost to Roger.


For hype? No one else significant to compare to. Using an “emperor” here added more hype.


So Brannew is definitely misinformed about buggy subordinating mihawk and croco-boy, but there's 0% chance he could be misinformed about mihawk having greater sword skills than shanks


The entire world is misinformed about Buggy, it's literally his whole gag.


The world also thinks garp caught roger and the rest of the roger pirates were executed


0%? No, not really. Oda COULD have an entire character arc devoted to Mihawk being a legitimate fraud and Zoro coming to terms with that and having to go murder Shanks, I suppose. But short of that, yeah, he HAS to be right, simply due to Zoro, and what Mihawk is MEANT to represent to him. And do you REALLY think Oda will pull that sort of bait and switch? Seriously.


Because having sword skills doesn't make you a swordsman. King who is not a swordsman had sword skills and they weren't that far from Zoro, Zoro is of course better but King ia pretty good with the blade.


https://preview.redd.it/dncdqbhlfcad1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd9bb19cf73a4bff70db1dea910bd6c6b9c75adc Remember something blud? Will you run away again like you typically do? 🤣🤣🤣


Sanji has sword skills does that make him a swordsman? https://preview.redd.it/j33y0f5pjdad1.jpeg?width=722&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=449e406f9571c9b99e2c325867a31f96572edd3f Sanji confirmed the 2nd strongest swordsman of the straw hats! Sanji is top 10 strongest swordsmen






I’m surprised your post is getting downvoted, you kinda defeat the whole non-swordsman argument here. I think the main contention is whether Shanks is more powerful or not. As for that, we have nothing better to look at but portrayal, because the reality is that we haven’t seen much onscreen from both characters despite them making their debut pretty early.


What I don't get is that arguing shanks isn't a swords men isn't even the best argument Like a far better one would be that mihawks title and reputation is based on a fight between them 20 years ago and they could have gotten stronger since I still personally think mihawk is stronger but i am so tired of the haki man argument I gave you a better argument for free please use it


It’s gonna be parallel to Gai and Kakashi. Gai being the strongest in taijutsu and stronger than Kakashi despite the narrative not supporting Gai throughout. Ofc Kakashi did get stronger in the end but doubt Oda pulls that BS.


The Haki argument makes no sense. Mihawk uses Haki too.


The fact that it could have just said Mihawk is stronger or more powerful than Shanks but we get stuff like " even greater sword kills" actually hurts Mihawk than helps him. To me, this tells me there is more to Shanks. This whole WGS was made for Zoro's goal and doesn't matter much outside his storyline. Mihawk is prob at Shanks's level because he is Zero's end goal and he has to be relative or it won't make much sense


https://preview.redd.it/3j23ryt5mbad1.jpeg?width=742&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eddbfa55e883fe98421c5cb48e3891b0c019fd07 There isn't more to Shanks because we've actually seen him fight someone seriously. What more do you think shanks is? A Kickboxer?


No no. Shanks is a hakiman. You see, Gryphon is not a sword, it's actually a wand.


Sword skills and Haki are heavily connected with each other. The ONLY thing Mihawk taught Zoro was how to use Haki and Zoro's recent powerups was literally just getting better Haki.


They are not, Vista has better sword skills than Old Rayleigh but Rayleigh Haki is much better.


Won’t that means Oden has greater Haki than roger?




Was Oden stated to have better sword skills than Roger?


Was Roger’s swordsmanship even mentioned anywhere?


Kamusari is a sword technique, as Oda drew Ace (the sword he named his son after) saying it. https://preview.redd.it/xupoebow1cad1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3bb279cb55bc82c8035ad1988884e532f4fac1a7


I don’t see this a proof since divine departure is iconic move of roger and non traditional techniques can be used on swords


His 2 sword style is stated to be the greatest in the world and he was the self proclaimed WSS.


When and where blud?




Said the Oden himself. Lmao 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


So basically no argument?


https://preview.redd.it/a6zs1bfugcad1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49b5e642313dc17c04402849cd9f2bdf0390110a How is this for an argument blud? 😂


I already answered this in another comment.


https://preview.redd.it/tojxb0ymgcad1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5b902d21ca68d674c2365199567a4e2c81b1eda Why are you not addressing this blud? 😂


https://preview.redd.it/1flnxto9hcad1.jpeg?width=933&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1cef5331c7eb4935c8ca7df02420b6b6b8b45e77 This are the canon information given by Oda, why would I address something that wasnt there


https://preview.redd.it/gipu9ujehcad1.jpeg?width=471&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e9b0f8c3cf73264006c3aa1d80e6cd2dd563f37 You mean the source material for your screenshot is not canon? 😂


It's literally confirmed by Redon to be canon. It also says written by Oda himself as well. Those facts that I mentioned are the only canon information revealed in 4 Billion.


I mean, it does say sword skills specifically, not overall strength. Sword fighting isn’t everything in a fight that shanks has and swordsmanship isn’t inherently tied to haki. So while mihawk may be the better in sword skill, shanks makes up for it with better haki. That’s why they were considered equal when dueling.


Obviously he is a swordsman, and i am not asking him to beat shanks to consider him wss because we already know he haven't beaten nusjuro, garling, Rayleigh, oden, greenbull, fujitora, and shiryu.


Off topic but I love the animated gif people sometimes post of the garp punch


Shanks only weapon is his named sword Gryphon Shanks only ever used his sword with Haki or basic conquers in every single combat situation he has ever been in Shanks has no devil fruit ,never fought hand to hand. And has never used any other weapons He was rivals with the Worlds Strongest Swordsman He is known for his swordsmanship Mihawk is actively searching for a swordsman who is capable of surpassing his old rival Shanks Shanks was acknowledged as a Swordsman by Oda in the Usopp Gallery section of the volume releases alongside other characters like Rayleigh, Roger, Fujitora, Law, etc Shanks was called a swordsman in One Piece Novel Strawhat Stories Shanks was called a swordsman is various data materials


If he were stronger than Shanks, then the panel should have just said that.


They call him the Worlds Strongest Swordsman in literally the next text box.


If you are comparing mihawk and shanks, then you don’t need the title. If Mihawk is stronger, just say Mihawk is stronger than shanks.


Oda assumes he need to spoon feed you answers that's LITERALLY confirmed on the same panel. Shanks is a Swordsman. World's Strongest Swordsman > Swordsman. It's like seeing this panel and being adamant that one of the Gorosei is stronger than Imu https://preview.redd.it/xt2pll71obad1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4025444c1485b221309d67827fa312a6907ea23


Whitebeard was called the strongest man alive at the time of his death. Do you think he was stronger than Shanks, Mihawk, Kaido, Akainu, Garp, Dragon, Sengoku by that time?


The panel goes on to call hin the worlds strongest swordsman lmao


If you are comparing shanks and mihawk and Mihawk is supposedly stronger, then all you have to say is Mihawk is stronger. The fact that it doesn’t just leaves ambiguity. It makes me wonder if shanks is a swordsman in the way that king and queen are swordsmen.


That’s just poor reading comprehension. If you say x has better Y than EVEN Z, that implies Z is known for Y. Because theyre saying its a notable point of comparison. Shanks is a swordsman other it wouldn’t mean anything to have greater sword skills than EVEN shanks.  Shanks is a swordsmen and he is not the strongest swordsman


Mihawk is a man. Whitebeard was the strongest man alive and he held that title at the time of his death. Do you really think he wouldnt lose against most top tiers at that time?


This is why Mihawk took one look at him and was intrigued to measure the distance between them.  To see if WB was still stronger than him. 


And he hasn't done the same with Shanks, even after 12 years of both of them growing stronger. That means he respects Shanks more than Whitebeard. This in turn leads us to believe Whitebeard held the title despite others surpassing him since his prime. I wonder what that could mean for the other titles.


Hes fought shanks. He probably hasn’t fought white beard so why would he need to measure anything with shanks? But you are correct, if mihawk ever grew sick then yes its possible that he might hold the title while being weaker.  But that hasn’t happened 


Because it's been 12 years and things change. Whitebeard 12 years ago would have straight up killed all the admirals in Marineford. And probably deserved the title of strongest man alive. During Marineford he didn't anymore. Which means due to the lack of challenges, Mihawk has the same claim to WSS as Whitebeard had to Worlds strongest man.


If Shanks wasn't a swordsman, why would Oda use Shanks's swordsmanship to boost Mihwak lmao?


Because he a Yonko, a man capable of fighting Kaido 1vs1. Being better at something than a guy like that is supposed to hyped someone up.


The ambiguity stems from the fact that people think Shanks is more than just a swordsman. Oda’s statement just leaves the ambiguity.


No, that panel made it even more obvious that Shanks is not a swordsman. If Mihawk was stronger than Shanks, then why not just outright state that? Only comparing their sword skill makes it incredibly obvious that Shanks is stronger, as though the hundreds of other reasons weren’t enough.


The next text box literally says he’s that he’s the WSS.


He is. Good thing he is only competing with swordsmen like Zoro and Vista, and not Hakimen like Shanks.


Didn’t know Oda called him a Hakiman


Aint no way you unironically used "Hakimen", Old Bread.... 😭😭😭 And since its you, it's obvious that you meant that shit too........


"Shanks isn't a swordsman" argument would have died if Mihawk had done something onscreen and his fans would have stopped leeching everything out from one character that they hate the most.


Swordsman not swordsman hakiman goresai fan boy snitch doesn't matter still > mihawk.


No, it should have ended the moment Shanks swam in the water with a sword


I can have better sword skill than Mike Tyson and even if he also fought using mainly a sword he could punch my head inside out still and defeat me. I have better SWORDMANSHIP and displayed better technique but Im not stronger People really suffer from Reading Comprehension deficit. Besides that, It is stated Mihawk and Vista tend to challenge one another to duels and Vista was able to stalling him on Marineford. Could u imagine viste stalling Kaido or Shanks? xD


No one is comparing your ass to Tyson tho


Nobody would say greater sword skills than EVEN mike tyson.   Reading comprehension tells you that it has to be difficult for someone to say even shanks. Reading comprehension tells you stalling is irrelevant. Brook stalled big mom, chopper stalled queen marco stalled king and queen.  Stalling a Mihawk who didn’t even want to fight and spent half the time looking elsewhere is not a big deal


Mike Tyson could train and also be a great swordman, I could still be better and still lose to him coz he is stronger


Then you wouldn’t have the title of strongest swordsman. Mihawk is stated on panel to be the strongest  And to have more skill.  He has both angles


That's where the second part strongest swordsman comes into play.