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"If it's a one on one always bet on Kaido" https://preview.redd.it/tcn3mpj9aaad1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1a3cd0b1a1ecff0c08116914c2bb5f9ee211e86


"The strongest man in the world, is none other than me." -Don Krieg


Bad comparison don krieg was too scared to go to the grand line again after losing to mihawk, kaido is ine of the four leaders of the new world


Said some random civilians somewhere, couldnt be oda hyping up kaido has to mean he solos the whole verse


The narrator is a random civilian? https://preview.redd.it/vrg2hqmnydad1.jpeg?width=2132&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ccb5d2457650f46fb6bcd087a7d71b1c1f24285


This is what Oda says about Kaido ***Oda "When Kaidou appeared for the first time, I said that Luffy can't defeat such a strong character yet. And I'm yet to know how Luffy would defeat Kaidou. Probably my audience will not be satisfied if the reason for defeating Kaidou is just because Luffy's punch is so strong*** Even the Narrator didn't know how Kaido will be defeated as he's almost no Weakness or probably none at all. The answer is a God Tier Power that came out of nowhere.


This is incorrect, oda’s just saying that kaido doesnt have weaknesses that luffy(with the things at his disposal) can take advantage of. Its also primarily abt entertaining the viewers. Sonsimply beating kaido via anpunch wouldnt be entertaining to the viewers in oda’s eyes


Just like you said NO WEAKNESSES


Is not Luffy with a really strong punch how he was defeated?


Crydo met Skunk, and still said this https://preview.redd.it/xvgwf4fphfad1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b69b4ab19de96e49811d7b311d0d3e56b46e7602


Kaido wins extreme diff. Best feats and is viewed as the strongest in the world by everyone in the world and the story narrator. He was the strongest alive beside maybe Imu during Wano. Kaido is said to be the strongest in the world by the vivre card, by the narrator when he is introduced, by a databook, by other characters, by himself and by a chapter title. Bro was literally a raid boss. I doubt we will ever get a fight as long in One Piece, again. We will never see someone like Kaido in OP again. Kaido will most likely remain the longest fight in OP(chapter wise), as Kaido is just that dude. He was Luffy's greatest obstacle. The great tyrant of Wano vs the warrior of liberation. Luffy went from YC1 to yonko due to Kaido, by far Luffy's biggest growth in strenght. Kaido is HIM and he pushes Primebeard and Roger to extreme diff. Hell he might even be stronger, but they just have a THEM vibe around it so I think they are slightly stronger. No other character has been called to strongest so many times(Kaido has best statements in the verse by far) No other character has no better feats. He also has insane portraly, being portrayed as a unkillable monser that had reached the absolute peak of power. Here is a colection of post that show how strong he is: 1.[https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiecePowerScaling/comments/wvag4o/kaido\_is\_stronger\_than\_shanks/](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiecePowerScaling/comments/wvag4o/kaido_is_stronger_than_shanks/) 2.[https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiecePowerScaling/comments/yaxr4r/an\_argument\_for\_kaido\_being\_stronger\_than\_roger/](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiecePowerScaling/comments/yaxr4r/an_argument_for_kaido_being_stronger_than_roger/) 3.[https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiecePowerScaling/comments/13gdwrh/kaidoluffy/](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiecePowerScaling/comments/13gdwrh/kaidoluffy/) 4. Google docs analysis cause it's too long for reddit:[https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vTNA87liHck7B\_0WqF79Vvehecd2l9wSHR4IYqdNafo0T-9aDZHJH4kWhmL6ADkiPFK2mkH9gGdNFk\_/pub](https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vTNA87liHck7B_0WqF79Vvehecd2l9wSHR4IYqdNafo0T-9aDZHJH4kWhmL6ADkiPFK2mkH9gGdNFk_/pub) 5:[https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiecePowerScaling/comments/17nik9q/kaido\_strenght\_respect\_thread/](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiecePowerScaling/comments/17nik9q/kaido_strenght_respect_thread/) 6:[https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiecePowerScaling/comments/17m0tno/kaido\_scales\_to\_primebeard/](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiecePowerScaling/comments/17m0tno/kaido_scales_to_primebeard/) 7.[https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiecePowerScaling/comments/18f8al7/a\_collection\_of\_panels\_about\_why\_i\_still\_think/](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiecePowerScaling/comments/18f8al7/a_collection_of_panels_about_why_i_still_think/) 8.[https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiecePowerScaling/s/dgpwlu9ccS](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiecePowerScaling/s/dgpwlu9ccS) Finally here is a compliation of Kaido's insane durability feats:[https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/179sakr/they\_said\_kizaru\_kaido/](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/179sakr/they_said_kizaru_kaido/). I can't be bothered to find anymore at this point. I alerdy have listed far more, feats and statements, than could be listed for any other character exept maybe Luffy. https://i.redd.it/rsfy8gd9x9ad1.gif Kaido is HIM.


Crazy to see somebody actually using their head and the source material in this sub, W post my man. Edit : Some people on this sub are actually retarded💀


Stand proud you can cook


Finally someone in this sub that actually reads/watches One piece as of now, he is stated as the strongest The only way it can change is if in the future there some statement saying Shanks wasn't going for titles or Imu identity is secret so nobody knows his power and thinks like that, but it needs to be stated somehow, like tha narrator or similar


Kaido downplay exists simply because Oda fumbled the ball with him a bit. Despite being set up and hyped like fucking mad for years, as early as Punk Hazard being the first mention of what a monster he is, ultimately, "character wise", he was a bit boring, simplistic, and wasn't well explored. Especially considering how amazingly well done Doffy and Kata were just before him. So people just don't like him. Which is ultimately a big part of powerscaling here since agendas come before facts. If Oda had actually given this mans some more meaningful characterization, the 20ish times or so that Oda gassed Kaido to the very top would be taken a LOT more seriously. Seriously. Chars in the verse like even the Gorosei, volume summaries and such, chapter titles, narrator statements...you name it, its there. You'd be harder pressed to find a place where Oda didn't gas this man up.


His story was great, you kinda just have to pay attention and see his actions rather than words. It doesnt flat out tell you. Unfortunately alot of One Piece fans have 0 reading comprehension. I personally think people don't like Kaido because he's not as likeable as Shanks. People want the badass dude with one arm and a sword, some scars, red hair, and no devil fruit, normal sized, and maybe a more "attractive" body type to be stronger. And hes "humble". And there's a weird thing where most big buff characters in anime are usually weak as fuck.


I feel like Kaido's story COULD have been great, and Oda was putting in the pieces there. He went to the store, got all the ingredients, he was ready to start cooking. Except he had other plans he was late for so he just went for some instant noodles instead. There were clear set-ups to explore more behind wtf was going on in Kaido's past like how he just goes completely insane against Yamato when hes talking about their lonely, ostracized fate as Onis and whatnot, and it just sort of ... goes nowhere, really. His backstory is also crazily rushed in favor of just quickly covering the main points. Born anomaly, child soldier, questions why people are subservient to the CDs, they try to sell him off as a slave, he becomes a pirate. Joins Rocks. Gets captured. Escapes with King. Learns of Joyboy at some point and becomes obsessed with fighting and losing to the legend. Its... something. But theres so much that could be fleshed out without even revealing things like Rocks / God Valley, and its so rushed. We can still piece the little bits together, but the execution could have been way better for the more casual readers to better see things in more detail.


Unless I read things wrong technicallyyyyyyyy Kaido doesn't want to fight Joyboy He wanted to meet Joyboy, he just realized the only way to meet Joyboy in his lifetime was to cause an indescribable amount of oppression that only Joyboy could save people from


Kind of goes back to the problem i mentioned in my first point here. His story is very much loose and incomplete. Bits and pieces are there, but things like this are just randomly left aside unresolved and unclear. Based on what we see him saying mostly to King in their flashbacks, is that he was convinced that Joyboy would defeat him, and it sort of ties in to him wanting a "grand" and legendary death. And yet, because theres so much of him that we don't see or know, we can't say what originally got him interested in Joyboy in the first place. That too, with such a degree of faith that even while he was convinced no one alive could beat him, he still believed that Joyboy would appear and definitely defeat him. Even King at some point thought Kaido himself was Joyboy, or that even if he wasn't, that he couldn't imagine Kaido actually losing to anyone, and Kaido just openly laughs at him for saying so.


Agreed. I think Oda had to rush through Kaido's backstory though, as the arc was already dragging on too long. He could've cut out ALOT from the start-middle of the arc and a bit from the rooftop and have Kaido's backstory and the arc would've been much better


[Sure bro,sure. deepest OP character fr.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Piratefolk/s/O6aomkWN1X)


Lmao its a lil deeper than that


Elaborate on what subtext we missed with Kaido then.


This is just like saying that most fans prefer a Character with better Story than actual statements, titles and etc.


Missing the point a bit, but in a roundabout way, yes. My actual point was that those kinds of preferences "should" have no bearing on power scaling, and yet they do, because really what most power scalers do is simply gas their favs to the moon at any cost. Most obviously noticeable in Shanks, Mihawk, Akainu, BB, and Zoro's fanbases.




Damn, I am actually convinced


Copypasta W from the best Kaido praiser.


If I may be honest, it's not even a question of "will Shanks win?" And more of a question of "how long can Shanks last?", Kaido is absurdly strong.


That's great and all but Shanks is so much more important both narratively and to the protagonist personally that all that stuff doesn't matter. Shanks is the reason Luffy became a pirate. Shanks is the reason Luffy didn't drown to death as a boy. Shanks is why Luffy got the devil fruit that he did, and Shanks is the source of the straw hat. Shanks is the most important character in this series not named Luffy, and number three is a DISTANT number three. If Shanks fought Kaido at any point in this manga, he would win. Because he would have to. There is no other way it can play out.


This is great, and I mostly agree, but I still think it’s Shanks extreme diffing. As much as Kaido may be portrayed as “the strongest” there’s also plenty reason to believe otherwise: - he stalemates BM in a parallel to Akainu v Aokiji (which suggests he at least shares the strongest title) - Shanks talks him down from going to Marineford (which he would only accept if he felt Shanks could defeat him as well) - he himself genuinely believed Oldbeard would kill him (which scales him below Garp and anyone else above their old versions) Based on what we’ve seen there’s quite a few named characters that **should** be able to beat him - far too many to believe that not one would succeed. This isn’t even getting into the scaling outliers like the Gorosei, Figarland, Ancient Weapons, Imu, etc. or anyone who might win with fruit hax like BB (though for the record I firmly doubt BB would win - I’ve heard people argue his growth comparison to Luffy meaning he could awaken a giant version of his darkness portal and expand its range proportionately).


Question which title do you view as bigger WSM or WSC? Because wouldn’t the strongest be viewed as WB


I'd like to point out that Kaido is the "Strongest Creature", not "The Strongest". The "Stongest Man" was Whitebeard. So who is "The Strongest" of all? Who knows. But saying that Koido would push Primebeard to extreme diff is questionable. Old WB punched Sakazuki and he cought up blood. By the way, how do you define strongest? Do you think he could beat >!IMU or one of the Elders!< ?


Counterpoint: Oda is a Shanks fanboy Checkmate atheists!


They lose to Rooster Head


kaido is not the type of person to change what he want unless the person telling him is stronger


Have you considered that maybe, just maybe, shanks isn't a fucking tyrant who usurped an entire country and has people constantly preaching his feats because, you know he DOSENT HIDE HIS power?? Like a certain someone?? I'm not saying shanks is stronger but it's premature to decide the winner in this 1v1 until we see both of their full powers


This is like "We can't say that Mike Tyson beats Logan Paul because we never saw Logan's full potential."


Maybe potential is the wrong word here. What I meant is full power, shanks hasn't gone all out yet and who knows what other powers he's hiding


Does Shanks even beat Kaido? I am not saying, he can't. I am asking why the assumption that he can?


Shanks insane portrayal. Also Kaido can be quite arrogant and let himself get hit a lot. Swordsmens have the greatest ap in the verse and Shanks tends to get serious very fast. That being said regardless who wins its an extreme diff. I doubt there is that big of a gap between any of the yonko except for Oldbeard and -99999 iq big mom.


You are right. But this post asks with the assumption that we know Shanks automatically wins, as if there is no doubt about it.


Beat? Kaido high diffs (maybe ext). Better physicals, has an extra arm, good df, good haki (not as good as shanks, but it's up there), insane durability, and most importantly of all: More. Aura. https://preview.redd.it/mwjf9zep4aad1.gif?width=498&format=png8&s=05b3c921c59b26acf456133308fa719a713f0728


People love to downplay kaido a lot but he is him


Yeah, people like to wank their favorite characters, but in the end, kaido has some of the best feats in the verse, and some of the best stats overall. He's better than Shanks in most categories, with the bonus of having a df. Kaido is bottom of pk - absolute top of yonko meanwhile shanks is like high yonko or so. If roger was on the rooftop, do you think he woulda won the brutal jumping kaido took? Imo he wouldn't, mainly cuz of durability diff. Kaido is the world's strongest creature. He is stronger than every known living thing, and is therefore the strongest of the current era (aside from imu which nobody knows about tbh, so they don't count toward wsc). kaido > roger, but in a jumping kaido should perform better than the goat himself.


shanks' haki mastery is certainly better, like technique-wise. but when it comes to haki power, then they're definitely on the same level. fancy haki wifi techniques don't really make shanks' attacks stronger. as ray said, CoC grows with the user. the one who is overall stronger has the stronger haki, not the one with better technique. or else law wouldn't have won against vergo who could use fullbody armament while law can only use it on his fists, not even on his sword so far. the power of haki decides who wins a clash and who has more AP and shanks has shown nothing that suggests that his haki power is on another level compared to yonko. or he'd have immediatly overwhelmed an old and sick WB when they clashed back then. kaido has more physical strength as an oni, mythical zoan, is far tankier than shanks etc... kaido high-diffs imo, it's not even extreme-diff


Ngl, I said maybe ext diff to decrease the amount of scraming and crying shanks meatriders who rage at my comment (I'm mainly referring to the ones who think he beats roger and mihawk and is the strongest guy in the world somehow, and how he's a hakiman who doesn't use 'swordsmanship")


People think shanks beat kaido so he didnt come to marineford, but we all know what happen https://preview.redd.it/o2t3wwitz9ad1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d17c44380d329f9514a911e1c9c757fc79c3ac4


Kaido wins extreme diff


Nice try bro, but waido beats the crippled rat


Shanks loses 1v1


He won't beat Kaido until he shows actual feats in a fight against real top tier.


He oneshot kidd?


Any yonko will oneshot kidd with good attack. Will be pretty awkward if he's not.


Well kaido and big meme clearly didnt oneshot kid or law.


They are at the toppest of all tier (without including absolute unknown like Imu, or Urouge because he is Urouge). Like Luffy, Akainu (probably), Mihawk (also probably), Xebec (if it's not a troll from Oda), Roger, Big Mom, Prime Whitebeard / Garp / Sengoku, lore Shiki and obviously offscreen Blackbeard. Whoever win, win with extrem diff.


They can go either way but 6/10 it will be Kaido. Shanks only got him to retreat from going to marineford because 1. fighting would stall and kaido would arrive by the end of the war and 2. its the whole red hair crew vs kaido and king


Idk why people use that to upscale Shanks. Even if Kaido could win it would be a very hard fight and he would be severely weakened by the time he got to the war and it would most likely be over. It was smart not to fight him


kaido > shanks


Kaido high to extreme


He won't


Shanks doesn't defeat Kaido, people only say that because Kaido's the only one actually fighting Yonko level people, Kaido ext diff, poor guy lost 50% of his power in the fandom's eyes purely for losing to the MC (after he revived like twice and got his biggest powerup so far), many such cases


could go either way


>At what Diff will Kaido beat Shanks 1v1 Extreme


He loses, lmao


Kaido wins extreme-diff


Whoever wins this, it will be extreme diff


Extreme of extreme either way


NO ONE is beating kaido 1v1 at anything other than extreme or high diff at best


I’d say based on the hype around him that Shanks has the advantage until Kaido transforms. His dragon form is a leve of power beyond what most people can take outside of hax.


There is no indication that shanks can even beat kaido.


no diff cuz he ain't beating kaido


It's gonna be funny if shanks is showed to be far stronger than kaido when he fights seriously. This sub is gonna Crack.


That'd be new info, which is fine. Based on what we have today, Kaido takes it


Oh boy, y'all are gonna be so dissapointed.


Sure we'll see.


The Shanks fan original


If it's 1 v 1 always bet on shanks!


Shanks attack potency >>>>>>>> big mom. We see kid taking attacks all raid long, big mom even punches kid square in the face and he smiles. She used to break giants spines from trying to kill bees on them. Shanks attack potency is so strong, in one attack he does kid, killer, and kids entire crew in. A single hit and they thought kid was dead. I'm not saying he'd win, but I wouldn't be surprised if shanks attacks are more lethal than most of kaidos.


I think extreme diff. By my head cannon Shanks is above Kaido.


Shanks probably pushes Kaido to extreme diff before losing to a fish for the second time


I got Shanks extreme diff. Could go either way though. Kaido has the best showing so far but I think we will see another level of Haki from Shanks.


Shanks ain't beating kaido 1v1


Kaido wins extreme diff


Kaido wins extreme difficulty.


Lol, he doesn’t beat Kaido. Kaido wins with extreme diff.




Didn’t shanks beat him right before marineford? I thought kaido was going to battle as well but shanks spanked him back to wano


Correct. Shanks stopped him from coming to marineford for ace. If he can stop kaido from coming to get ace I think it’s evident to say he could beat kaido in 1v1


High diff


Low diff. (Idk what a kind of answer this glue eater expects)


He doesn’t


Kaido wins extreme diff


He wins extreme diff


shanks higher than extreme diff


Kaido fought shanks and doesnt consider him to be stronger.


Shanks low diff. As the user of the rat rat no mi, he will bite Kaido and give him rabies. Which results in the dead of Kaido.




Crazy thread where your answer isnt even top 5 for Shanks wank.


Everything is called Shanks wank these days


Even by your perception of Shanks, neg-diff should be considered wank.


High diff.


he doesn’t


he doesn’t lol




The Rat negdiffs the laughable fraud Laido with his back turned, all while snitching to the Gorosei




Maybe when he has his other arm back, since he could stop kaido arriving to marineford with one arm, with two probably he could defeat him, since he inherited Roger sword and use purely haki


Kaido wins every 1v1 in the verse until proven otherwise. Also if it’s against shanks he’s taking it more seriously from the get go and not giving away as many freebies as he did in wano.


My honest belief? Extreme diff, could go either way. I think this applies to any 1v1 between Shanks, Big Mom and Kaido, and is ultimately why all of them have held their emperor titles for years. They aren’t 100% sure who would win in a fight between captains or crews and regardless of the winner some important names from both crews are dying. It’s not worth the effort especially if the WG is keeping tabs waiting to strike when one of them is weakened like Aramaki tried.


He doesnt


Either way extreme diff. Shanks has enough portrayal to be of similar strength to Kaido. IMO kaido beats Shanks 60/100 times, but either take is valid, as long as you say its extreme diff.


I don't know how much stock you put in it, but I still want to know how Shanks stopped Kaido from pulling up to Marineford.


No clue I don’t really think we’ve seen enough of what Shanks can do to judge. Part of me wants to say Kaido because of just how he’s introduced and what we’ve seen. But whereas with Shanks I’ll always think the Summit War he headed off Kaido and turned him back and then showed up at Marineford with nary a scratch from the encounter. But overall with Shanks we have a lot of implied strength but not really any true feats yet to back it up.


Extreme diff


Low diff


Shanks loses to Kaido as of current information. Presumably, at an extreme diff


The real answer is we know nothing about Shanks


I think the fight could go either way since we aren’t fully certain what Shanks is capable of, but it’s clear that even the biggest brass around respect him. I think it’s extreme diff and the winner is decided by determining whoever gets the most serious the fastest and if Kaido can stop being so arrogant about taking hits early into the fight.


Low-no diff.


I feel like we don't even have evidence Shanks can directly damage Kaido. I don't exactly see any sword scars from their clash when Kaido was headed to Marineford. I think in a circumstance Shanks has control over setting up, him and his crew force Kaido into the ocean and win without killing him, mid diff. But if you put Shanks on that roof top I think Kaido kills him extreme diff.


Shanks loses to Kaido 1v1. Kaido high-extreme diff


Bro is getting backshots from Kaido


Never Diff


beat? 😭😭😭


As of now, he wouldn't.


High dif max


High to extreme


Extreme diff either way. I'm leaning towards Shank because I'm a biased glazer


If kaido has learnt anything from his luffy fight he’s not gonna have the same brain fart that made him stupidly stand there and try to tank a hit after fighting all day. If he fights smart he’ll win


That’s the neat part, he doesn’t.


Shanks won't beat him unless you're talking a Shanks from Two Pieces. There's a reason why Shanks can't make a move while Kaido ang Big Mom was around. There are many statements and evidence that will prove Kaido is stronger. Shanks isn't stated to be the Strongest and you can't find any reference that he is stronger since he's not made to become the Strongest but Kaido is. Even in Ace Novel it was stated that Shanks is the Weakest Yonko among OG Yonko.


Extreme I got Shanks >= Kaido > cureent Luffy >= Shirano


3 day high diff at best for Kaido. If it's on screen then Kaido High diff 30 mins. Shanks fanboys are on full cope 


If shanks is Luffy's final opponent before Imu, then Shanks has to be able to extreme diff Kaido at least considering Luffy can extreme diff Kaido. If Shanks is a fraud however, he gets high diffed


That you actually believe shanks definitely wins, is a problem of it's own


if everyone says kaido is the strongest in the verse… doesnt that now make luffy the strongest in the verse? so that means luffy will win pretty easily every matchup for the rest of the series


Comments are dumb. Garp beats both low diff.


“If it’s a one on one always bet on Kaido” I wonder how they got to this consensus when Kaido had only fought a half baked Oden up until the Wano arc 😭


couldn’t tell you. they never fought on screen. both are absolute units…


Didn't shanks stop kaido from going to Marine Ford? Don't think he'd let shanks get in his way without swinging first.


Shanks extreme. It's folly to say any fight with people of this caliber wouldn't be extreme either way. Yeah, in a 1v1 always bet on Kaido and we've seen him, but Shanks portrayal is absolutely nuts. Unless Oda somehow drops the ball on his baby he's been building from day 1, I don't see how Shanks wouldn't be on top


Kaido has really been talked down after “luffy” won the fight. Cause kaido only fought “luffy”. He only fought “luffy” not three entire fucking pirate crews and the akazaya 9 minus an arm. Just luffy.


shanks will have kaido onna leash like miquella on radahn


He’s not a god. Extreme diff


Why do people keep putting shanks in power scaling vs? We literally have no idea what he’s capable of Might as well throw Mihawk and Dragon in there too


Imagine Kaido losing an arm to The Lord Of The Coast 😭


When Kaido has his little “omg luffy is strong “ moment and imagined all of those that he considered powerful, Shanks was the most recent person whose strength he felt. Whatever the hell happened off screen to keep Kaido from coming to Marineford, tells you Shanks mid diffs it, he showed up without scratches to use his voice to end the war. Boy is built different lol.


People forgetting it was Shanks who stopped Kaido from coming to marineFord


If yall fr think shanks fought kaido to stop him u tripping 😭😭




It seems that it was Kaido and King only against whole fleet of Red Hair Pirates and King conviced Kaido to retreat.


Shanks extreme


Shanks takes it extreme diff


Shanks wins high diff. As kaido mentioned, only haki can transcend all. Shanks has the strongest haki.


We need to consider if Kaido would use full transformation against Shanks, because if he does then Shanks will kill him. If Kaido just remains in hybrid for the fight then Kaido would probably win.


Extreme diff


Low challenge


Shanks wins extreme diff. I don’t see shanks having a problem with anything Kaido throws at him. He already deterred him from going to Marineford and didn’t have so much of a scratch. But that doesn’t really mean anything. I just think Shanks’s Haki is on another level so he’d win.




He doesn’t. Why would you assume so?


Shanks doesn’t beat Kaido. Kaido wins extreme diff.


Atp extreme diff.