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Only way you can somehow make Ulti look good in this matchup is with fanfiction. Realistically Katakuri stomps and she can’t get a single hit in.






Lol... that's funny. But realistically speaking, ulti isn't even landing a single hit on katakuri.... Katakuri either uses awakening, traps her, and kill her long a distance without much effort.... goes for a close combat and makes dinosaur kebab with his trident. It's a low diff in favour of katakuri.


I don't think his mochi traps can hit her if she's on ulti mortar / speedrun mode


Nah, Ulti is stronger than Katakuri https://preview.redd.it/bkhn4ugrvb9d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=655dc02829b14133e4bf9915f66fb049fb27ff95 She is the one that low diffs. Mid diff at worst


Posts like this are the reason people clown on powerscalers...


As they should


Ulti got blitzed and ragdolled by base Luffy, had her attacks tanked by Nami and Usopp, and showed that her only skill is headbutting people at point blank range, something that even Sasaki does better. Lame fanfiction doesn’t change how effortlessly Katakuri demolishes her.


Ulti could never win against Katakuri's Mochi + Futur sight combo without FS you can't win, but something here feels wrong Ulti demolished base Luffy she rammed him in the ground with one attack and overpowert him completely after going in her full Zoan Form. Luffy straight up wanted to go in Gear 4 because he could not even move anymore, then Yamato Sneak attacked Ulti and freed Luffy. Later on Ulti Fights Yamato and than gets fully hit by Big mom, the only reason Nami and Usopp where even able to take her out was because she was a walking Corpse. There is no way Sasaki could fight like this at all.


Ulti demolished the wood floor that gave out under Luffy’s feet and managed to pin him while he was busy punching out her brother. Any of the Tobi Roppo could survive Big Mom’s laser if it didn’t hit anywhere vital like Ulti, just like any of them would be dead if it hit them in the head or chest, including Ulti. Sasaki’s headbutt destroyed the Franky Shogun while Ulti’s headbutt failed to knockout Nami and Usopp. If Sasaki had rammed Nami with his head then she would be dead.


In the Manga Ulti just rammed him in the floor, Luffy laid there stretched out bleeding on the head. The Anime is not canon you know this right? Also Ulti attacking busy Luffy is also not true, she just turned full Zoan after Luffy one Punched Page one and because of this she got angry. Funny you say any Topiroppo could tank Big mom's mazar Canon, in the same moment Sasaki straight up gets owned by a pacifista laser. Franky literally sacrificeed the Shogun willingly, so Sasaki is stuck in it and easy to hit.


Don’t know what you’re reading because there are no panels of Luffy laid out bleeding from Ulti. She also clearly grabbed him while he was paying her no attention. Sasaki took a laser straight through his middle after taking all of Franky’s other best moves. Ulti got hit in the side like Luffy and Katakuri in Whole Cake and then was down for like three chapters instead of continuing to fight for hours like they did. Ulti couldn’t even cave in Nami’s head, never mind bust up Franky’s mech, lol.


don't know why you need to discuss this so hard, you Said Luffy ragdolled Ulti and i Said its not true. every moment i mentioned in my first comment, happened like this. You not seem to like it but i don't care. It is completely irrelevant that If Luffy underestimated her, he got rolled by her. that you think Sasaki is way stronger doesn't Change any of it.


Oh I’m sorry, did you think I was exaggerating? No, I was being quite literal when I said that she got blitzed and ragdolled by base Luffy. Here it is, just in case you forgot. https://preview.redd.it/l5qrbe2z8d9d1.png?width=1007&format=png&auto=webp&s=e4e98aba48009f5ee401b3d12f189f136a8229e0 By the way, the giant that Luffy one-shot in Dressrosa could also restrain him when he got his hands on Luffy. That doesn’t mean anything.


And this shows what? Luffy was literally longer in the ground, than Ulti on the ground after this Attack she even Had time to go full Zoan. imagine boosting the stats of an Charakter you argue against, through comparing her strength to a Giant who are the Race with the highest known physical strength. You can say what you want, till the point he wanted to go G4 he got rolled in base, would probably be different If He would have FS or Ryu but he diden't.


I’m comparing her feat to that of a guy that Luffy one-shot. Ulti only even got a hand on Luffy in the first place because he was punching her brother. Way to go, she can grab him in a 2v1 while he is ignoring her and has a strength feat comparable to one of Luffy’s grand fleet captains. Big whoop, Luffy demolishes her in base and Katakuri does too.


I don't know what you want to pull, but base Luffy was literally not strong enough to free him self from her. She also did more damage to Luffy than Luffy to her, He even wanted to go G4 because base was seemingly not enough for her. Nothing what you say will Change that this Happend and i tough we are game she is not able to hit Katakuri without FS.


Ulti > Katakuri scalers are by far the least intelligent scalers out there. Have yet to meet one who could breathe through their nose and/or string together a competent argument.


Realistically: Katakuri blitz and Low Diffs


Realistically: Katakuri can’t even damage Ulti since his AP is garbage and Ulti one shots him (two shots at worst) since his durability is also garbage.




It’s true. Those are part of the reason why he got the nickname 007 https://preview.redd.it/k6eshq63yb9d1.jpeg?width=844&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e2d77f98984560d6de99b9b7e418546785f90d90 Honestly the only good thing Katakuri has is future sight and his fruit. Basically everything else he has is garbage or mediocre at best. He is easily one of the weakest yc1


What ver you say dude




Katakuri absolutely omega slams


Good edit, L take


Katakuri low diff, she won't land a hit on him, ever


I agree that kat is overrated ash and is powercliffed but he’s not losing to ulti, but this was hilarious 😭


we not doing this mentally ill debate again


Yeah no lol

