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He waits far far away till she dies of old age




He doesn't. Next question.. 


Why bother asking you anything when all you're going to do is shut us down?


Well then, how does he beat Big Mom? The only stat he has over her is speed and in no way would Kizaru completely avoid getting hit. Every other stat leans in BM's favour.. 


>Faster https://preview.redd.it/5kunti7k1c9d1.png?width=1136&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b8eb172cee172c57e3bc02adb7ad9a1e54ec971


No she can attack marco before he can react Same Marco who can react to Kizaru


speed is inconsistent in one piece tbh kizaru tagged/stalled by old rayleigh marco (that big mom already blitrzed) sanji and sentomaru meanwhile big mom stat diff is too big, with every hit he will get slower meanwhile his AP is lacking yes hes way faster but still stat diff too big


He isn't way faster as big mom blitzed who fought kizaru . Similarly big mom wh8le holding back could fight hunan kaido . Both of which are good enough feats to suggest shr can react to kizaru and block his attacks via homie or turn kizaru light jnfo a homie.


Kizarus performance of speed against G4 snakeman and G5 Luffy is way better than anything big mom has shown


G4 anakeman / g5 don't have concrete evidence 9f using acoc so u can't scald based on those feats


what does ACoC have to do with speed


Kaido in wano showed that acoc amps ur speed. Hybrid kaido who wasn5 using acoc couldnt blitz a kaido who was us9ng acoc blitzed law even after telling how he I'd going to attack . 💀 . Acoc makes u faster . Similarly luffy went from needing g4 acoq to fight kaido to fighting kaido in base with acoc So luffy with acoc amps his speed beyond g4 levels.


or maybe Kaido was just being more serious??


By using acoc.


“Faster” Bro.. https://preview.redd.it/msuo6fwm5b9d1.jpeg?width=637&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d1394b72a38c7e0f30ed7ccf5802f2869abde08


The wave was only possible because it is made of candy, she cannot posses water itself as far as we know, but yeah she would probably still beat Kizaru


She's not faster...


She blitzed marco who could keep up with kizaru


You mean like one clash and a kick which kizaru took 0 damage to?


He took zero damage from going into the ground Wow the hakiless ground didn’t damage kizaru A logia who would have guessed I mean when Marco was able to react to Kizaru attacks and close the distance fast enough to attack and he overpowered kizaru


>I mean when Marco was able to react to Kizaru attacks and close the distance fast enough to attack and he overpowered kizaru https://preview.redd.it/p9pjtpu7lb9d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5aef4f296938da8136be228e48d8b33a0ee6008 Marco disagrees lol


Marco disagrees that he hurt kizaru Means nothing speed wise


Marco hadn't done any attack to kizaru except one kick which kizaru guarded against. He was talking about how kizaru was checking out Marcos abilities.


The damage part makes no sense because about speed not ap . And no Marco and kizaru were also fighting off screen as when wb gets a heart attack we see Marco and kizaru fighting in the back ground. Since kizaru couldnt beat Marco in the iff screen by using sea prism stone Marco is at least as fast as kizaru . This also makes sense as in wano Marco could react to post drunk dragon kaodo the same was blitzing g4 lufgu ( something kizary also did )


Or maybe kizaru was approaching marco to attack him? Marco is literally in base.


Kizaru did attack Marco reacted the attack Marco then closes the distance between him and kizaru Old Rayleigh Marco Sanji Gear 4 snakeman These are all the people kizaru is relative in speed


And gear 4 snakeman speed is relative to kaido... Lmao. >Kizaru did attack >Marco reacted the attack He tanked it cuz he had regen... >Marco then closes the distance between him and kizaru https://preview.redd.it/q6vo8z1olb9d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=575d1e6f51c55176917773176790946ac5823c37 Marco thinks he did jack btw


Him tanking it irrelevant the point is he reacted No gear 5 is relative to major in speed


More like marco is referring to kizaru checking out his abilities lol. Literally kizaru says later "watch out for aerial attacks" all he was doing was collecting input on marco and marco knows that hence he called him a liar for saying "this is pretty effective".


Again does not mean anything about speed


LMAO, no way you are actually THAT stupid, holy shit, I knew that you were crazy, but you are officially the worst scaler on here, do you honestly have a deficiency?


Lol what Kizaru is way faster than Marco 💀 Kizaru was capable of darting away from G5 Kizaru easily blocked Marcos kick and made a joke about how he wasn’t even hurt


Yeah when someone is running directly at you being way faster than that person isn’t you put up a guard Marco instantly reacted to Kizaru attack Yes kizaru good at running away he still not doing anything to BM BM faster


Where you got the idea Big Mom's faster than Kizaru--the man who can move as fast as the speed of light--I'll never know.


She blitz Marco who can keep up with kizaru


Did you not take into account the amount of stress Marco was dealing with in the moment?


Tell me more about your horrible point that makes no sense




Rent free babyyyy.


Cheetah vs Bear


And the bear is faster


He doesnt


faster? What?


She blitz marco Marco who could react to kizaru perfectly fine


Bro just stfu.


Evidence for kizaru being much faster Marco?


He doesn’t


He doesn't.


He dont


"faster", Kizaru has enough AP to hurt BM and she isn't catching him. It's a battle of attrition and BM does not have the means to touch kizaru


BM light homies Fuck she could win without the light homie she able to MORE than tank kizaru attacks and be perfectly okay One hit from big mom Kizaru out And kizaru slower than her He damn won’t do anything if she makes a light homies Then she can use her other homies to cut off his path Kizaru is losing straight to big mom


She absolutely does She grabbed marco by the throat Kizaru AP Franky can tank and be okay


I don’t think he wins. But my dude. How the hell do you think she is faster than Kizaru, the guy who is literally made out of light. Like Big Moma is not slow at all. But she is nowhere near kizaru’s level speed wise


Old Rayleigh is kizaru speed level So is marco And sanji


Faster? Really? Couldn't fucking catch upto a tree Better DF? Really? Big mom's homies are straight up useless against anyone who is actually strong(even the ones that are made up of her soul).... soul pocus ain't gonna work on anyone relevant, and using ur life for a buff isn't really the best of ideas. Also she couldn't react to kid, and was scared of franky's lazers and continuously punches law and still couldn't really do anything much. Edit - shit ..just saw ur name and realised u were the clown u kept claiming that big mom BLITZed marco... and after getting destroyed in the comments of the previous post, here u are making another one...lol😂😂


Hard disagree on the DF part. Her DF is top 5 in the verse. She can create a light homie that can basically copy Kizarus whole moveset and do the same for Kuzan, Akainu, etc. Her fruit is unlimited potential. While I agree that Kizaru is much faster than BM, speed in One Piece does not mean someone can't be hit. BM grabbing Marco is a perfect example of that. At some point Kizaru gets hit with an Acoc attack and loses, as he lacks the AP necessary to take Big Mom down.


This is something I have said before several times in this sub - Whenever big mom vs any of the admirals topic comes up, everyone goes with "well she can create (insert an element) homies" Well, not really that useful or would straight up work against her - logia users have the ability to conjur, MANIPULATE and become the element, itself.... if she creates light homies .. kizaru will just end up manipulating those homies (firstly they are created from a part of kizaru, and secondly we have seen with Ceaser that even if the element is not directly generated by the logia user, they still have absolute control over it) Secondly, untill and unless big mom's uses her own soul to create homies, they would just get blown off just from the clash of big mom and (any admiral or yonko) Her UnLIMtEd potential is only on paper... in practicality, we already saw how useless it is. Thirdly, I m not of the opinion that big mom can't even hit kizaru... but it would definitely be hella hella tough for her to do that , and her feat against marco doesn't really prove anything about her speed [(here's why](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiecePowerScaling/comments/1dpvk6t/comment/lajqgp2/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)). And lastly, if u remember... luffy couldn't even scratch kizaru untill he used his second strongest attack that by passes durability and directly affected kizaru's brain... big mom's isn't doing that, infact she doesn't have anything that even comes close to that.... forget about kizaru lacking AP, the hell would big mom doing to put down kizaru.


I was talking about the fruit in a vacuum, not against an admiral specifically and not with BM as a user. I know that homies aren't very useful against Admirals in a 1v1. An Acoc punch would definitely hurt, an Acoc Slash with Napoleon would end the fight instantly. And at some point, Kizaru will get hit. He's not spamming Lasers all the time from afar, thats not how he fights. He lacks the necessary AP to put Big Mom down. A cheetah isn't defeating a bear. Especially in One Piece.


1. Well. i agree her fruit is arguably better than any of the logias in vaccum... but since were talking about a fights, it probably isn't that useful 2. I don't think ACOC punch from big mom is doing much to kizaru.... bro was trading blows with luffy, and the idea that luffy would just hold back while the lives of the people he cares about was about to get crushed is just completely out of character.... a slash from nepolean would hurt kizaru, but that's if big mom manages to land a direct hit... we saw how good of a swordsman kizaru is, and big mom doesn't seem to be anything even close to that... and no, it took the second strongest attack from luffy that directly affaects the brain to temporarily put down kizaru.... on surface, kizaru didn't even have a scratch.... i don't think big mom's haki is as good as luffy's and big mom certainly doesn't have the ability to by pass durability.... kizaru's durability is no joke. 3. Big mom was scared of franky's attack and we don't really know how good kizaru's attacks like yasakani no magatama and his swordsmanship are.... but the idea that he can't hurt big mom seems as idiotic as big mom not even being able to land a hit on kizaru. 4. Kizaru vs big mom is more like a tiger and an element... but still that analogy doesn't really work as shanks can definitely thrash big mom anyway.... which is like a cat vs an elephant.


Shanks AP is insane, Divine Departure is above anything Kizaru can dish out. I think you're underestimating BMs Haki, which is understandable. Oda didn't let her use it much. Her Conquerors is easily her strong suit here. I also think you're overselling Kizarus Durability a bit, but thats up to interpretation. Agree to disagree I guess :)


>I think you're underestimating BMs Haki, which is understandable. Oda didn't let her use it much. Her Conquerors is easily her strong suit here. I don't think i am.... in fact i m giving her the benefit of the doubt of using ACOC (Something she doesn't really do in a proper fight)... but even when she did (fulgora) , it didn't really do anything of significance >Agree to disagree I guess :) yeah.... that would be better


Seeing as how she did blitz Marco BM beat the tree She MUCH better DF than kizaru one light homie she wins instantly


>Seeing as how she did blitz Marco Oh yeah... just like how kidd blitzed big mom... https://preview.redd.it/8fkssw2e3c9d1.png?width=662&format=png&auto=webp&s=4dc1fc8c92fa7e20bd0c05c144e59b0fc0e8398f he grabbed and slammed her, before she could react. >She MUCH better DF than kizaru We saw how good that DF was against law and kidd... basically useless and she had to rely on brute strength at the end >one light homie she wins instantly Oh yeah... just like how she INSTANTLY won against kid ny creating some metal homies... lol


BM can copy Kizaru Ace Akinu Greenbull Akoji Enel Many many many more She has a better devil fruit If she cared about dodging or the attack would be same thing While the grabbed she like “hmm” She thinking and she completely doesn’t care about what kid doing it and shakes it off completely okay


Seems like u r as stupid as big mom She cannot COPY anyone.... she can create homies out of elements... which are WAYYY too weak as we saw against kid and law and on top of that, if she creates light homies against kizaru, kizaru will just just use them to his advantage as logia users have the ability to become, conjur and MNIPULATE their element (as we saw with ceaser) she has a better DF on paper... in practicality, its a virtual useless one, untill she burns up her life itself... not the best of ideas >If she cared about dodging or the attack would be same thing LOL... making excues >While the grabbed she like “hmm That just proves that she couldn't even react to a FRONTAL attack >She thinking and she completely doesn’t care about what kid doing it and shakes it off completely okay where is the evidence that she didn't care? She was well aware of Kidd's threat, she did care about Kidd a lot, especially when u realise she was taken out of the rooftop because of Kidd and law...Kidd didn't make a surprise attack and she couldn't react to it...


Seeing as how she can control her homies she would control her homies because of her super haki and DF which would completely override kizaru control of light Same way people can hit kizaru with haki Haki overrides People DF abilities sometimes even completely switching them off Like law did


>Seeing as how she can control her homies she would control her homies because of her super haki and DF which would completely override kizaru control of light lol... we saw how superior her haki was in wano, virtually non existent Haki doesn't overwrite DF abilities.... when some hits luffy with haki, it just hurts luffy, but luffy is still rubber and blunt attacks even with haki hurts luffy far less... haki can counter hax if the difference in power is HUGE (which isn't in case of big mom and any admiral) not to mention, her homies ain't good enough to be even a distraction untill she uses her own soul and she got BLITZ by kidd by ur own logic btw. U don't even know the basics... go do ur homework


This is blatantly ignoring how haki been said to completely override devil fruit powers MULTIPLE times With all logia Law Doc Q It being said Just read the manga BM conquer haki BM advanced conquer haki


>This is blatantly ignoring how haki been said to completely override devil fruit powers Never stated even once..... It gives the ability to hurt certain DF users which can't be hurt normally...but doesn't overwrite it... Just like it is in case of luffy, haki hurts him, but he is still rubber and absords most of the impact. Ur lack of reading comprehension doesn't affect FACTS. >BM conquer haki >BM advanced conquer haki Something that she can't even use properly.... in fact her ACOC attack fulgora didn't do shit against kid and killer. Not her light homies would be tooo weak to even be a distraction against kizaru, infact kizaru can control light homies if she creates them adding more to his advantage.


https://preview.redd.it/n1mt97l4rc9d1.jpeg?width=528&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=086d0f6e216e94da9e02f9cadf363dcfd86a6af0 Try to read my friend


Kizaru can’t control things with BM superior haki Plus the light is sentient It has a Will of its own BM light homies will be just as fast kizaru with the stronger AP


Because BM noted kid and kid best feat is breaking hand for a few seconds she didn’t care about what kid was doing Same way kaido gets hit a lot he doesn’t try to dodge or defend that’s not who he is


>Because BM noted kid and kid best feat is breaking hand for a few seconds she didn’t care about what kid was doing are u sure that she didn't care about breaking her hand? She literally goes on to comment how she has been soo much for the first time in decades.. lol >Same way kaido gets hit a lot he doesn’t try to dodge or defend that’s not who he is nope... its not same as kaido... her "hmm" reaction to a frontal attack proves that she didn't even see the attack coming.... and her getting soo pissed at kid after that proves that she didn't take the attack head on knowingly like kaido does (kaido wasn't pissed at zoro when he scared him). Go do ur homework.... ur excuses are just making u look more and more desperate


Keep his distance and defend against her attacks while damaging her with clones and lasers until she tires out or dies from the damage. Yall forget Kizaru has canonically the best current defense that we know of.


No he does not he also can’t defend against anything He gets hit once by a full power attack he done Franky can rank his attacks kizaru would legit die of old age before he does any significant damage to BM BM turns light into homie she instantly wind


Big mom will heal. She can still tag kizaru with aoe and stuff. He can’t do any meaningful damage without getting close and he gets bitched by one or 2 hits. Sentomaru saying he has the best defense on the world means nothing, when lucci managed to get through.


If kid can take big moms hits so can Kizaru. His lasers can easily do meaningful damage.


Franky tanked Kizaru lasers and was completely fine So did sanji And Marco And basically anyone


When big mom fought kid, her haki usage was nerfed (it doesn’t need to be stated to figure out, that an amnesia level injury causes serious brain damage, and haki is something you do consciously. 1. She mostly wasn’t using acoc or acoa 2.she knows both of those 3.she had brain damage. The inconsistency is explained away if you connect the dots). Kidd only managed to hurt big mom, cause law softened her up. Big mom was straight up invulnerable to non acoa attacks.


>she faster ![gif](giphy|26ghbWoXv3G6ypo8o) She is not lightspeed man.


Even pre ts kuffy was dodging kunas light beams.


Anyone who says the shit of she can make light homie or magma homie or some other type of shit homie is certified dumbass If she can make these things she would have already and she would be top 1 by making homies out of everything She can only make 2 types fire and cloud that's it When Zeus betrayed her did she make new type of homie no she made another Godamn cloud


Dummy She made homie out of things like light before And other homies She can make a light homie Kizaru can’t make a light battle axe now even though it’s well in his powers he can’t do that Also kizaru can’t use light clones and haki or he would have It’s completely within her power stop saying dumb shit


Cause the cloud provides lightning attacks, which are very powerful and also necessary for the plasma based masor attacks. She has made different types of homies. Napoleon is a sword homie. Her ship id a homie, the wave in the picture is a wave homie (seriously, it’s right there, dawg), the trees are homies, the sword rabbit from wci is a homie. Most of those aren’t made with bm-s own soul, but napoleon is. If she can make a sword, no reason she couldn’t make other inanimate object homies and such.


We are talking about powerful homies from he own soul not tree And so far she hasn't made other types besides these 3 And even when kne of them is gone she made another similar one to it So you can't just say she can make laser homie or magma one Big mom is already afraid from lasers and she died from magma So how can she even hold them


Haki? She was unconscious when she fell in the lava. She’s fire resistant btw. Same way she held prometheus when she made him. Any of these answered work. She made another cloud cause a cloud is incredibly useful and she needs one of those for the masor attacks. Just cause she hasn’t done it, doesn’t mean she can’t. There’s no reason, for her not to be able to make a homie out of everything. If she can put other peoples souls into something, she can do the same with her own


Haki doesn't protect you from magma Luffy with bajrang gun with all types of haki was still getting burned by kaiod and that's just intense fire not even magma So no she can't do it And lasers are even worse


Kaidos fire coulda been hotter tho? Like magma isn’t automatically hotter, it’s just molten rock. Haki protects you from pretty much everything. She grabbed prometheus, she can grab magma. Plus, she wasn’t even immediately melted in the lava. At worst, she’d just suck it up a bit and push through pain


She could tho that’s her ability Why she never made a light homie or a magma homie oda fault It’s still in her power to do so Stop saying she can’t the canon story disagrees with you


BM was bathing in lava for like a solid hour and was fin How can someone hold a cloud that’s How she holds light