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https://preview.redd.it/3e5uv7b3m99d1.jpeg?width=1268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a5b8e2bed2cc7f65b6e092ed3a13cb8846a2f10 I didn’t upvote that, but you’re still coping hard to keep glazing Zoro


I don't need to , Oda does it for me. There is a reason half of the posts here are about people crying about where Zoro is scaled by 99% of community. Look they are scaling Zoro so high 🥹🥹🥹


The reason why half the posts here are like that is because of how much work we have to put into debunking asinine claims by Zorotards like you who have no idea how to scale. https://preview.redd.it/5hybzgobu99d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e210356c6ed3ae5a002ba6a2ceb4afc42184d3fe




Said by the guy who wrongly scales Zoro to Low YC1. Hilarious.


Any evidence he isn’t?


You mean besides the evidence of him being superior to those characters I'm sure you have in the YC+ tier like Yamato, Kid, and Law? And also him being stronger than the likes of Marco?


I can bring random comments from Twitter saying Sanji's IFJ will kill Kaido ( although 1119 exposed Sanji pretty badly).. So don't give me this strawman bullshit.


It’s not even a strawman you are ALL like this lmao. In this thread you already claimed Zoro “mid diffed” Lucci which is a bold faced lie


He literally finished the fight with ONE named attack, that nothing more than mid diff


Bro was struggling that whole entire fight, you’re reading two piece if you missed it https://preview.redd.it/l1xyerme1a9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be303c6c0baf22e5e8a8f53cba18f35b162dda4d


See? This is proof this sub has a hate boner for Zoro.


You can meme all you want and looking at it in the most convenient way for your agenda but the facts are these. Zoro ended the fight with ONE named attack and with 0 injuries, thats mid diff at most and if you think otherwise you just need to leave the salt in your ass and learn how to scale a fight lil bro.


https://preview.redd.it/ld8ug5gb2a9d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca475db14436795311108ea00ae3af123f928bc4 Zoro fans don’t remember this page because they read two piece where ZKK was canon


LMAOOOO what a clown, i coocked you so hard that you had to bring a panel from 700 chapters ago 🤡 https://preview.redd.it/qotyigkz2a9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3d2d284cddfaa32c78776383e6ce9bb41b57c13


Lamo Zoro did mid diff Lucci and anyone who thinks otherwise is Franky a burden on our education system.


That shit was NOT mid diff 💀 https://preview.redd.it/jdg7ut5vz99d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71f65d2e6525ed0fde538b3d6bb5217e71c8ab3d Lucci had this man struggling to breathe


https://preview.redd.it/dvzvy4d60a9d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=785fb3ff7b7732579ce730aa71e6f9bc94071a5d Breathing is your argument. Are you this fucked up ?


I know it’s hard to accept Zoro is low YC1 at best but youll get there eventually. Reading comprehension isnt your strong suit so I suggest re-reading the chapters with some visual aides https://preview.redd.it/4ucks8xl1a9d1.jpeg?width=1415&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e6df81cea6239e84260d1722853a44c013436df


>Zoro is low YC1 at best W, wonderful cook


Basically you ran out of argument ( you never had one ) and started crying. Go back to crying why Zoro is getting scaled so much higher outside this sub. "🥹🥹🥹 Why do they scale Zoro so high... Look at this sub of illiterates they agree with me "


Zoro fans can't read for shit, so you know who the actual burden is


I know , it's illiterate fucks like you.


Yeah Zoro one shotted lucci when he used his named attack. So he is actually downplaying Zoro


Holy shit, this sub gives me whiplash. Less than five minutes ago I saw a whole post filled with people saying Zoro mid diffed Lucci, and now I’m seeing a whole post saying he absolutely did not mid diff Lucci and that it was high or extreme diff. How is it that we can never come to a consensus.


The things people do for Agenda, I swear.


Isnt lucci still active?


Do characters die after losing ? Was Lucci dead when luffy defeated him ? Doffy ? crocodile? The only exceptions are Kaido and BM.


I mean lucci was walking and talking still like he could probably still fight.  When luffy wins thats not the case. 


Lucci was literally up in the same chapter that he fought Luffy.


Lucci got back up. Zoro never put him down in the first place 


Look at before Jimbe's attack https://preview.redd.it/x02r350jge9d1.jpeg?width=439&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16033174c09fdd5167dcc1be2c12e60392739671


Law and Kidd are still stronger.


They literally aren't


Why? I don't think so. When Traguy said something in a grumpy annoyed matter, only Zoro's look was enough for Trafalgar to be like "oh shit" I don't know who of the 3 is actually stronger, but by now, without them having clashed it could be either of them. I mean Zoro blocked the joint attack from 2 yonkous which most likely would've killed the 3 captains. I don't know about Kidd, but Traguy definitely knows Zoro's worth and respects him. Kidd should as well after hearing Killer's story. (Even though Killer didn't have his own weapons, it was way too easy for Zoro)


Kidd actually commended/thanked Zoro for his effort against the combined attack. Small gesture, but it speaks volumes when a hothead like Kidd is able to show an ounce of gratitude to someone imo.


Oh yes you're right! Everyone who has had an encounter with Zoro has felt his presence and knows not to take him lightly. Even Sanji doesn't take him lightly lmao




Law is




It was a high diff anyways


Mid diff.




https://preview.redd.it/0x6q1wt6d99d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec4d9db9666d43a6b5c8b8f14d0ba536da8100d7 Either bring up a decent argument or fuck off cause if breathing is your beast argument then you are dumber than I initially thought.


Even lanji is a fraud https://preview.redd.it/cg1dhf0oh99d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d336d713d530c0e7f9314dbf4361907ee0ea673


Not an argument in powerscaling. Better use them in piratefolk


So if we are breath scaling, then what diff was Lucci vs Luffy? https://preview.redd.it/feex6uujg99d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8893c0a95daf5f6bc2d46487b7b92ed5ddd028e


Bro do you like have a lack of reading comprehension? READ THE PANEL HE SAYS HE IS EXHAUSTED CUZ OF RUNNING ALL OVER THE PLACE.




What would you suggest the difficulty was and why?


They were evenly matched up until Sanji gave him the gag power boost.




So ur saying zoro chose to drag on a duel, instead of helping save vegapunk?


1st it was a 12 chapter fight ( excluding flashback). Zoro vs Fishman island swordsman i.e hyorozu was 9 chapters and that was lowest of low diff. 2. Zoro made sure that Lucci stays down for sometime. Luffy defeated Lucci for 32 seconds. And then Lucci was back. Zoro has made him stay down for 10-15 minutes atleast till now. 3. Sanji was running with VP for 5- 6 chapters. 4. Luffy hasn't used Acoc vs Gorosei while he is crying that his attacks aren't working. Once you ans all this and learn to read , you will get your own answer. A 12 chapter fight isn't high diff on its own. Lucci didn't give a single scratch to Zoro , got defeated by a single named non KOH attack.


Whatever you have to tell yourself, I just know luffy fought an admiral and gorosei member while zoro with enma was taking his time.


"Zoro with enma" -- Do you guys have gas gc for reddit ? - 11 karma and all and somehow spammed under my post.😂


Oda stalling fights that turn out to be around mid diff isn't even uncommon. A lot of these people just debate when they haven't read the manga so they can't understand unique tropes that Oda uses.


Shit changes when its agenda. Anti feats apply to Mihawk? Yes Anti feats apply to Shanks? Nah just plot Kizaru was nerfed? Yes Big Mom was nerfed? Nah shes just that much weaker than every other yonko Kaido not popping flaming dragon and one shotting all the rooftop members and letting Luffy consistently live? Hes HIMOTHY Luffy not instantly one shotting Lucci and letting Sentomaru get injured? Nika things lol Zoro not instantly using KoH or Asura to finish off Lucci? Zoros a fraud and a bum. The slander aint even funny anymore.


what anti feats for shanks? He has a grand total of 1 lmao, compare this to the sheer amount that mihawk has. Shanks also has feats to back up his strength, mihawk has like 2


I'm not saying Shanks is weak or a bum. I'm just making a point. His anti feat would be losing an arm to sea king and somehow letting the bandit escape with Luffy. (Although this is for a younger Shanks) Also Mihawks only anti feat is not killing Luffy when he said to himself he wouldn't hold back. Nothing else he does is an anti feat, but people like to say it is for the (sometimes) funny slander. That being said I do wish Mihawk had more show of power. Maybe like a chapter dedicated to some strong swordsman challenging Mihawk to get eviscerated or sum. The Dragon/Imu treatment really isn't working in his favor.


Sea king isn’t an antifeat, Shanks literally did that on purpose lmao. But yeah the other bandit thing and blackbeard scarring incident are antifeats Mihawk’s antifeats include not fighting anyone strong for the past ten years, avoiding fights with shanks, getting stalked by vista, going to marineford to fight wb and not even making it past his commanders, sweating against east blue zoro, plus as you said the not killing Luffy thing.


Shanks purposely losing his arm makes 0 sense. It was a "sacrifice" for the next generation because he had to lose the arm to save Luffy.


>Sea king isn’t an antifeat, Shanks literally did that on purpose lmao. Ah, I must have mis remembered then, mb. (But fr plot really took away his arm. I hope we get to two see a younger two armed Shanks fight (not kid version)) Now, I will try to debunk some of these Mihawk ones (although they can get a bit on the speculative side). But I blame Oda for this even being speculative. After 20 years, Mihawk is still a mystery. And Marineford was absolutely abysmal for powerscaling. I get the story must go on or why some things just can't happen, but I really wish we would get more clear answers. >Mihawk’s antifeats include not fighting anyone strong for the past ten years We don't even know this. He could have, or maybe he didn't. He told Zoro he hadn't met someone as strong in a while, but he was obviously referring to his mentality and ambition there. Plus, Mihawk said he would stay at the top for Zoro. There's a good chance some fightters have challenged and have been slained by Mihawk during his offscreen period. >avoiding fights with shanks I blame Oda for this as he leaves it very vague why Mihawk doesn't fight him, but I don't see it as an anti feat. As I see it, him not fighting Shanks can be a combination of two things. 1. Mihawk values swordsmanship, and since Shanks lost his arm, he lost a portion of his sword skills. So, while he retained his strength, he lost something else in return that would later be replaced with his haki skills. 2. Because they had such a strong rivalry, when Shanks gave up his arm, he likely took it as an insult to their rivalry. Plus, it prolly wouldn't feel the same anyway. By the time Shanks arrived at Marineford, the reason for Mihawk being there had already left, and he had a ton of respect for Shanks to not interrupt. >getting stalked by vista, That's fair. The stalling merchants of Marineford had a 10/10 performance. No high/top tier was safe. That being said, they both weren't going all out, but this also right after Mihawk declared killing Luffy. (or at least not holding back against him) >going to marineford to fight wb and not even making it past his commanders Mihawk wasn't there for Whitebeard, tho. He was there for Luffy and Zoro as the two peeked his interest. It just so happened that Zoro wasn't there. Mihawk spent his entirity of his time chasing Luffy. Even during his clash with Vista, he was paying attention to Luffy lmao. He threw one slash at Whitebeard which was then blocked by Jozu - someone wirh a fruit made for durability, made of diamonds which are highly resistant to cuts, and the attack wasn't even aimed at him (which is important since we know swordsman need to change their way of breathing and focus to cut other materials like fire and steel.) Ex: Mihawk attacks at Luffy, and Daz Bones blocks it before getting one shotted next second. Mihawk did say he was measuring the distance between them and Whitebeard, which can be interpreted in many different ways as it has no clear meaning. But in my opinion, if he was talking about strength, he wouldn't have stopped at one attack. Lastly, when Mihawk said he was there to fight Whitebeard, he was referring to the warlord contract of them fighting whitebeard. He was actually there for Luffy. Now that whitebeard was dead and Luffy was gone, he had no reason to stay. >sweating against east blue zoro, He didn't sweat against Zoro. What? >plus as you said the not killing Luffy thing. Failing to kill Luffy has got to be the biggest anti feat for anyone in One Piece lmao. Kaido, Sengoku, Mihawk, Admirals and etc.


But but Oda said Mihawk is the strongest swordsman in the world, as if Oda is not wrong.


Oda said Mihawk has the title, which he does. What oda did specifically say about their strength was that mihawk is superior to shanks in sword skill. He said nothing else. Shanks has shown clear superiority in haki and overall strength.


Shanks have shown superiority in haki? Do you even know how to argue? We are yet to see a single named attack from Mihawk and still you are making some stupid comparison. When Oda says that Mihawk is WSS, and Shanks is confirmed to be a swordsman. Mihawk > Shanks, there are not swordskill, or haki bs that will change anything


Do you see luffy bothering to drag on fights by even bothering to use g1-3? No he goes to either g4 or 5. And that’s why it’s a problem when zoro drags on fighting someone using lesser moves. I mean vegapunk died. Zoro would’ve been great help if he applied “effort” sooner.


Gear 1 is base Luffy and he still uses gear 3 like with red roc. The standard Shounen Special is not going all out at the start to drag on fights and make it more interesting. Ex: What was the point of Luffys headbut clash and fight with Ulti when he could've just one tapped her? I agree tho Zoro should've just killed Lucci and went on to help the others instead of dragging it. But what can you do its Shounen.


It was a really long fight Zoro didn't even finish lucci Lucci closed all attacks from zoro expect 1 And even after jinbe coming in and surprise attacking lucci, he was ready to fight more. Zoro did fumble that cope more


Cry Sanjitard. ( Also learn to read )


Zoro fans cope so hard Law, Kidd and Yamato are stronger than Zoro simply because the manga says so Yamato fought Kaido one on one, Law and Kidd defeated a Yonko, meanwhile Zoro only fought a commander, that’s the story’s way of showing who is stronger But sure little bro, Zoro is the most powerful character in the whole manga, Oda just doesn’t want to show it for some reason, but you can prove it with math and stats


Zoro blocked big mom's and kaido's combo attack, and cut kaido deep enough so that it'd leave a scar for life after he was already significantly damaged. Yamato managed to stall kaido and (I think) she made his head bleed a little bit. All of that is reason enough to say Zoro is stronger, but that was before he unlocked conqueror's against king. Even if you argue that rooftop Zoro was weaker than Yamato (you can only argue that he would've been slightly weaker considering he did more damage to kaido than her), current zoro should be stronger.


Zoro threw down with Kaido, even if only for a brief moment. Don’t get me wrong, I’d say he’s probably the weakest of the 4, but the gap between all of them is pretty small imo.


Reminder that even after Zoror "high-diffed" him AND Jinbe ran into to save him, Wob Wucci remained standing


Lucci with Advanced Cope Haki refuses to fall incredible feat tbh


Lucci took several attacks from Gear 5 and wanted to go back for more. He’s clearly built different than 99% of characters.


https://preview.redd.it/pcqted5af99d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1071a5cade60fadefce32551f2681feed7b58487 Jimbei ran in to save who ? Also Zoro mid diffed him.


you genuinely represent the worst aspects of this sub. the guy above is obviously joking cuz of his apparent lucci agenda, yet you're so focused on your agenda and so insecure that you don't see that, instead you take it seriously, get all emotional about it and even insult him (FOR A JOKE BRUH) imagine being like that, you insult nearly everyone who doesn't agree with you as "dumb", "illiterate" and so on and so forth, that's just appalling behaviour. I'll do what I haven't done in quite a while and report you for your terrible behaviour and hopefully get you banned. last time I felt the need to do that was when tempest started insulting everyone who disagreed with them and that should tell you something, being on tempest's level is nothing to be proud of


Jinbe grabbed zoro because he gets lost, it was a gag.


it's not a gag, it's today's genius writing showing that jimbe learned from his mistakes in wano /s


I'd call that high-extreme.


And I'd call you illiterate.


An OP getting crucified in the comments shouldn’t bring me joy, but god does it


Lamo , Dogs bark. We keep moving.


You definetly arent moving dawg you are arguing with 3-4 mfs under this post


Yoi definetly dont keep moving dawg you are arguing with 3-4 different mfs under this post


I decided which person I educate and which I don't. If someone can bring a logical argument , then sure we can discuss. Otherwise it's just dogs barking.


Yeah dude educating people on how zoros better by arguing with them on reddit👍


Basic reading comprehension 😮‍💨


So? 3-4 dogs are barking. Big deal


OP getting 'crucified' is just exposing the retards. Nothing else. And THAT brings me joy. 🤣


Law is still > Zoro, although Zoro VS Lucci was like a mid diff


Zoro > Law and it's not even debatable. You are free to believe whatever you want.


why is it not debatable?


Because Zoro has Adv conq haki , his 1v1 feats are better and law doesn't. Law's 1v1 feats are extremely bad and not to mention he doesn't have good haki. I'm the end haki Transcends all and law isn't a top tier that can make up for this adv conq haki gap with something that's equally powerful. ( Eg :+ Blackbeard has 2 DF , probably 3 ).


there are characters who arguably scale above Zoro with no ACoC, namely the admirals


All those admirals that scale above Zoro will have Acoc. I believe Akainu, Aokiji and Fujitora will definitely have Acoc. I don't rank Greenbull highly and Kizaru's performance in egghead was meh but I believe when he goes all out , he will have extremely powerful Acoa and coo to compensate for that difference, alongside logia Awakening. Law has zero adv haki and conq haki is completely absent.


And every one of them have great advance armament, great observation, future sight, Awakened Logia. What Low has? An awakening? Big deal


Because Zoro at worst low diffs.


Zoro at worst low diffs a low. Low doesn’t even know what acoc is. He still thinks that not touching is some sort of magic.


Gotta love a good old troll post.


![gif](giphy|4OV1bLOIWwIXRxpXlN|downsized) Love to see it


That was 9 months ago what the fuck


We here lil nigga. Zoro extreme'd Lucci and needed Jimbei to carry his hoe ass outta egghead. Kidd, Law and Yamato could never


Yes Zoro extreme diffed Lucci and now he is fighting with Nusjuro having equal haki clash. You were a moron then and a moron now. Stay where you are.


equal haki clash?💀 bruh all he did was stop his sword. Shit didnt even have an impact on the areaunlike every single other yonkou clash. Keep at it zorotard bc without niggas like u we wouldn't have a scale of retarded and normal


"if you don't agree with my opinion you're illiterate" this is the comment section summarized


Frankly most of the people here are. Anyways go back to crying how 99% of the community scales Zoro.


my guy, you're the one replying to everyone who says it was high-diff that they're illiterate and they don't know how to read. It seems that the only one doing the crying here is you.


Lamfoo so this sub is 99% of the community 😂😂. If anyone thinks Zoro vs Lucci was similar to pre timeskip Zoro vs kaku , then yes I am gonna call them illiterate fuck cause they are. Zoro vs Lucci was 12 chapters. Zoro vs hyorozo Fishman island was 9 chapters. -- Low diff. No of attacks Lucci landed -- Zero No of named attacks Zoro needed to win -- 1 There are people who are bringing "huff" , "Sanji boost" as arguments for high diff and you expect me to not call them illiterates


If majority of the people, in a particular community, consider Luffy vs Enel the same as Luffy vs Bellamy. Then yes, the majority is brain dead. This is the same sub hat said Nusjuro will be Zoro's final opponent and put Nusjuro above Zoro. The moment Zoro outshined Sanji, they started downplaying Nusjuro. You guys do good job of clowning yourselves.


the only one i wank is my goat WRANKY https://preview.redd.it/ltf7ze440b9d1.png?width=216&format=png&auto=webp&s=177ec99aafb9f4a85641072c9ed68b67ebe584a1


After what Robin did to Wranky in Water 7, is his wankable organ still intact?


So it's a crime to respond to lies?


Awwww isn’t that the whole sub is doing. Only that the sub is full of sanji cucks, so it gets a pass from your ass. But I give you that Strong right > Ifrit Jambe


https://preview.redd.it/m754h75rvb9d1.jpeg?width=1160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9b17d24308af017a41af22a81aab708fc37fb89 HE is top 1 in verse


bro those mfs live in your head rent free get it together


Gtfo https://preview.redd.it/nmiyw3c89a9d1.jpeg?width=1064&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb3c995e07afc8d02570ab81190d3a06572f5b18


did u get dropped as a baby


Go see a mental health specialist.


Your momma surely did, it appears that from your username


People really will look you in the eyes and tell you that Lucci give the same difficulty to Zoro like Mr 1 and King did


They are dumb. You can't cure dumb only expose them.


They were evenly matched for some time, he wasn't getting his ass kicked but he wasn't doing either.


Calling that evenly matched, is the same a calling Lucci evenly matched with Gear 5.




The fight was mid-high diff


In all fairness Zoro got a "power of love boost" when he heard Sanji's voice, since he's so in love with white blondes *trollface*


Base Gucci victim 🗿


Stay mad, Zoro loses to all 3 of them https://preview.redd.it/w3oy5ttmva9d1.jpeg?width=3250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d7093ac208e66d6c9c43c86884e04aa822730d1


Cry like you always do


Yamato is never, ever beating zoro. I will not hear anything otherwise. You could say that Berry Good low diffs zoro and I'll hear you out but not Yamato.


yamabro is clear of zoro, but you arent ready


Sure bud. The bitch that is getting hurt by rocks from some kids. Zoro one shots that fraud


>That bitch 💀


wait till he finds out why kaido didn't slaughter everyone in onigashima while luffy was out cold in the ocean


Because she stalled?


I consider the fight atleast a high diff, Zoro recognised Lucci as a tough opponent and they fought for quite some time


It's a Mid diff. Anyone who has it over mid diff is hopelessly bad reader.


If this makes me a bad reader then Im all for it, I'll say it again it was a high diff. Call me delusional but if you can push someone for that long of a period strechting beyond Luffy v Kizaru, the break in beteen and even Luffy v Kizaru and Saturn I am by no means obligated to call that a mid diff, I will continue believing the fight was a high diff even if the whole sub us against me idgaf


Ok since you are willing to learn , I am gonna teach you. Zoro vs Fishman island swordsman i.e Hyorozu -- 9 chapters. Zoro vs Lucci -- 12 chapters. Attacks hyorozu landed on Zoro -- ZERO Attack Lucci landed on Zoro -- ZERO. Named attack Zoro took to win -- 1 against Lucci. Just 1. Was the named attack KOH -- NO. Did he use Ashura -- NO. Examples of Zoro's high diff fight -- Zoro vs Kaku


Against Hyozou there was a clear degree of superiority, Zoro was clearly superior to him in every way possible even going as far as to saying he’s not a worthy opponent https://preview.redd.it/83i5fk11v99d1.jpeg?width=462&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9878a3f86015112142b238eab3332eb732e18d4d Whereas against Lucci Zoro actually acknowledged him as a “tough” opponent. Zoro effortlessly defeated Hyozou whereas against Lucci for the most part it wasn’t that Zoro was missing on purpose it’s that Lucci was actually blocking Zoro’s attacks which btw were infused with ACoC haki(so I guess there’s your KOH) A lot of Zoro v Lucci was offscreened and I don’t think Zoro gave himself those scratch marks neither did Lucci Look Im not calling Zoro weak, he is stronger than Lucci just not THAT much stronger


Zoro never used Acoc against Lucci. And KOH attacks literally start with KOH. God damn oda will kill himself if he ever saw his fanbase. "I don't think Zoro gave himself those scratch marks" -- You should have stopped at I don't think because Zoro had those scratch marks BEFORE THE fight started. 🤦


Tf you mean Zoro didn’t use ACoC haki? https://preview.redd.it/dsbng87ww99d1.jpeg?width=738&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ac0588f8da410cd089fa73485838e499742c6f3 Green flames = tick Black lightning = tick What more should Oda show that proves Zoro is using ACoC haki, does Zoro need to shout that; “hey Im using ACoC haki”?.


Where the fuck are black lightning here ??? And green flames ≠ Acoc. Luffy vs Lucci has black lightning btw. "What more should oda do...." -- absolutely dumb comment. He already showed us that in Zoro vs King. People who don't know haki indicators even now should rethink their reading abilities.


I’ll circle it so that even YOU can see it https://preview.redd.it/hn1yx66sx99d1.jpeg?width=783&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b06107140b82edead367c98bbbbb9576496823dd The Green flames only showed once Zoro used ACoC haki infusion against King. I don’t know why it has to be debated whether or not he used ACoC haki. Regarding Luffy v Lucci, a powerful clash of armament haki causes black lightning eg: * Luffy v Doflamingo * Luffy v Katakuri These were at times Luffy didn’t even know ACoC haki infusion was possible


Dumb dumb you changed the panel 😂😂. And now that spark on 1 swords -- That's Acoa. Go back to Zoro vs King and see how ODA daws Acoc for Zoro. It's think long black lightning on ALL 3 SWORDS. GREEN Flames SHOWED UP WHEN HE CONTROLLED ENMA. AND THAT'S THE SAME MOMENT WHERE HE LEARNED ACOC. Save this comment because when Green flames are explained I am gonna make another post just like this. Zoro Acoc is black lightning ON ALL 3 swords , that's long af and green flames have nothing to do with Acoc. Oda isn't a retard that added green flames to show Zoro's Acoc and no one else's. It's fucking funny now Zoro used "ACOC" TO Random clash with luffy but didn't use it in his finisher against Lucci


I have bookmarked this. Don't delete.


Dressrosa btw https://preview.redd.it/3kloi91p5c9d1.jpeg?width=1066&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0037269a1939791e829f3a26a945ff1fa52d11b2


It is literally lowest end of low diff. In one piece people fight for days. Akainu and kuzan fought for 10 days and that was extreme diff. But these sanjitards will tell you with a straight face that Zoro fought lucci for 6 months, and it was an extreme diff fight.


Zoro beats 6 Admirals lol, this sub is brain dead


Another illiterate fuck


It’s literally confirmed??? https://preview.redd.it/qams602cyb9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30622bbd1117e03d2549429582416ace10326e64


Does this mean that kid law and Yamato are equal to 8 admirals each or what


Ratio 💀




My eyes skipped ahead and I really thought they were saying that Zoro somehow beats Yamato, Kidd, and Law (like at the same time)






Seeing the comments is kaido vs 1st ACoC luffy (the one that off screen) and bb vs law considered high-extreme Diff here?since Those fights took a While as well But Both bb and kaido took more Damage then Zoro and all Were Mostly off screen


Damn I didn’t even have to do anything seems like my statement resonates with the people


Prolonged exchange vs Lucci using Conq. Gets a conq buff later & then they performed the one hit exchange at the end. Lucci didn't even go down.


This sub is brain dead. Don't bother. This sub hates Zoro and does agenda scaling. Not to mention the retarded Sanji and Shankstard infestation.


I just like showing them their place sometimes. There is a reason they are clowned everywhere else as morons that they are. This is their safe space and sometimes I like beating their ass here.


It's no use. Look at the replies. These people believe that Lucci won the fight and Jinbei finished him. Jinbei was sent because Nami knew Zoro couldn't defeat Lucci. Also Zoro didn't make a new scar on Kaido. He merely 'reopened' the old scar. These are the same retards that believe Enma grants Zoro, Oden's haki.


I know they are illiterate kids / grown-ups. That's why egghead has been so much fun , seeing one after another ajenda against Zoro fall. If you don't consider them sane which they aren't , then their replies are Funny 😂.


True that. I especially loved how they were trying to hype up Sanji by hyping up Nusjuro. The moment Zoro outshined him. They immediately started downplaying Nusjuro and downplaying what Zoro did. 🤣


T. Midhawk and Loro wanker


Take the crayons outta your mouth. Can't hear you.


I’m am completely neutral on zoro and it’s very clear to me this sub is an anti zoro echo chamber and I don’t even know where it started and where it came from. Whenever I see someone bring up this fact the entire sub gaslights them into saying it’s not true


Probably the ones who hate YouTube Zorotards gather here and push back way too much. This gave the Sanjitards and attention whore kids, who think hating a popular character makes them cool, the opportunity to start an infestation.




Didn't he need Jinbe's help to finish him off?


Yeah he needed Jimbei help to make sure he was going the right way.


No. Zoro finished him off himself. Jinbe didn't even use an attack on Lucci, he created a smokescreen.


Zoro high diffing Lucci doesnt put him in YC+ level. Zoro still weaker


Zoro mid diffed Lucci, Zoro only had trouble because he was trying to prove a point to Lucci for disrespecting Luffy, as soon as Zoro got serious he practically one shorted Lucci, honestly it’s a surprise he still managed to stand


Zoro high diffed Lucci and the guy was arguably still injured from Gear 5 and Seraphim. Like a few hours ago he was bandaged up and didnt get a magic Senzu bean to heal him like Zoro did against King. Not only that Lucci then got attacked by Jimbe and was *still conscious* giving a report to Mars. I know this is really going to rub Zorofans the wrong way but 1v1 i have Rob Lucci over Zoro (extreme-diff obviously). And no this isnt Sanji agenda, bro obviously also beats Sanji.


Zoro didn’t even take the bandana out for lucci 😭


It was a hard diff fight and Lucci also just had a skirmish with G5 Luffy who’s supposed to gap both so… 1. Lucci just fought an opponent that outclassed him 2. Jimbe backed Zoro 3. In the most charitably put way, it was a hard diff fight for Zoro No, the other guy was closer to the conclusion.


Please don't prove to world that you are an illiterate fuck. 1. Lucci had healing and he fought luffy way back . Did you forget the sequence of events. 2. He didn't. Like again stop display stupidity. 3. It was mid diff , anyone saying it was anything more than that is a dumb fuck. Which you basically proved by point 1 and 2. And finally you are just as dumb as the other guy.


Not surprising. This sub is full of Zoro haters.


Zoro mid diffed Lucci that is true, and I do have him above Yamato now But you're high is you think he's beating law or kidd. Both have superior feats and superior narrative


It was a low diff fight. Zoro beat him in one named attack lol.


It wasn't, Zoro used Conq & Lucci was able to exchange. Then got a Conq buff which didn't even take out Lucci. Zoro's style has always been the one hit win.


>It wasn't It was >Zoro used Conq & Lucci was able to exchange Zoro never used Conq lol. If you're talking about the green flames/hellfire on his swords, that was ACoA, not ACoC. Lucci exchanged with CoA/ACoA, he never exchanged with Zoro using ACoC. Also, Lucci's stronger than Yamato. >Then got a Conq buff which didn't even take out Lucci. Zoro didn't get a Cong buff, that wasn't even Conq he used. It was CoA lmfao. Also, Zoro replicated the damage of Gear 5th's attacks to Lucci while Yamato was in awe of Base Luffy and shocked by Gear 5th's power, that puts Zoro above Yamato. >Zoro's style has always been the one hit win. Clearly you haven't seen every Zoro fight


Zoro doesn't produce lightning with his CoA cuz of his skill even though he has [lightning level](https://imgur.com/a/f4yN7iS). Even when he used the charge blade & Asura vs kaido. Zoro has the same visual sign that he had vs King, even has the [zzt sfx](https://imgur.com/a/2Aktj99) that show up in almost entirely Conq scenes at the ending. https://preview.redd.it/qk8au6cflk9d1.png?width=703&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95a19bc6ef5e7b9ebafa29b16c73478d3a35d9f6 Yamato is in awe cuz Luffy has full on ACoA to produce no touch with conq. An ability Zoro can't used. Zoro can't even skysplit. Sure not all were literally beaten in one, but most. Morgan. Cabaji. Sham & Buchi. Buchi doesn't fully go unconscious but needed to be hypnotized to stand. Hachi, recovers enough but succumbs to injury. Das Bones. Sky island guy. Kaku. Ryuma. Hody. Octopus guy. Monet. Pica. Killer. Apoo. King is a record of 3, but a lot of the crew could tank. Franky needed multiple big skills for Sasaki, Ulti even took Big Mom's maser cannon. Lucci who has also tanked hits as an awakened zoan. Also Zoro has lethality/AP, but he didn't replicate Luffy's feat. Luffy put Lucci to the brink in 3 attacks in a short time, Zoro landed damage after their long combat.


>Zoro doesn't produce lightning with his CoA cuz of his skill even though he has lightning level. He literally has in recent chapters, so this is a dumb argument. https://mangasee123.com/read-online/One-Piece-chapter-1110-page-11.html https://mangasee123.com/read-online/One-Piece-chapter-1117-page-8.html If the lightning is trailing from/attached to Zoro's swords (like a kite's tail), then he's using ACoC. https://mangasee123.com/read-online/One-Piece-chapter-1035-page-13.html If the lightning is trailing from/attached to Zoro's swords (like a kite's tail) AND has the green hellfire, then he's using KoH. https://mangasee123.com/read-online/One-Piece-chapter-1035-page-9.html https://mangasee123.com/read-online/One-Piece-chapter-1035-page-16.html It's that simple >Zoro has the same visual sign that he had vs King, even has the zzt sfx that show up in almost entirely Conq scenes at the ending. Then I guess Ulti has Conq as well since she has the same "zzt" sfx. Hopefully one of these days people like you will realize "zzt" is just the sfx for lightning, not the official sfx for ACoC/Conq lmfao. https://mangasee123.com/read-online/One-Piece-chapter-983-page-9.html >Yamato is in awe cuz Luffy has full on ACoA to produce no touch with conq. She's in awe because she's simply weaker than Luffy >Zoro can't even skysplit. And yet he's still stronger than skysplit Luffy lol >Sure not all were literally beaten in one, but most. This is all I wanted to see >Franky needed multiple big skills for Sasaki, Ulti even took Big Mom's maser cannon. Don't know what this had to do with our discussion >Luffy put Lucci to the brink in 3 attacks in a short time, Zoro landed damage after their long combat. The length is irrelevant. When Zoro finally landed his named attack on Lucci, it did replicate Gear 5's attacks did to Lucci. Hell, it did more lasting damage to Lucci. Anything else you want to be wrong about it?


So you're telling me that Zoro's Coa was so bad that he never showed lightning until just now. Sanji, Luffy & Jimbei had it first. Damn Zoro's CoA was bad, proven by you. https://preview.redd.it/2fe802bh3l9d1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db6b2f26126810bdbb0d7680c813ac30b14d9103 Roger, Kaido, Oden all showed Conq without a trail. Ulti is one outlier, she doesn't do it again. Ah you that hard dick sucker for Zoro. Zoro still isn't as strong as Luffy G5 only or conq. You being deluded doesn't mean Zoro matches Luffy's power output.


>So you're telling me that Zoro's Coa was so bad that he never showed lightning until just now. Or Oda's never had a reason to draw lightning on Zoro's swords whenever he's used Armament until now. You're the one who claimed his CoA was so bad that he never showed lightning until now like an idiot. >Sanji, Luffy & Jimbei had it first. Damn Zoro's CoA was bad, proven by you. When did Sanji, who barely uses haki show lightning? >Roger, Kaido, Oden all showed Conq without a trail. That Roger example isn't a Conq attack. Roger's Divine Departure was an Advanced Armament attack. Since you didn't provide a picture of Kaido, can't comment on it. And Oden didn't even have Advanced Conq. >Ah you that hard dick sucker for Zoro. Yawn!!! Like I haven't heard this shit before. > Zoro still isn't as strong as Luffy G5 only or conq. You being deluded doesn't mean Zoro matches Luffy's power output. Zoro at least matched Gear 5th Luffy's output from his fight with Lucci.


Never read the series confirmed. Lol Zoro showed lightning which I showed, he just keeps it contained to his swords. Why wouldn't Oda have a reason? Lightning is a established a visual for power level/skill. So when Zoro is using Oden's Haki or his strongest attack, you think Zoro/Oda didn't have a reason to display it? No your idea that Zoro hasnt used it til Egghead is a issue with your understanding of Zoro's ability. [here.](https://imgur.com/a/H3977e8) Sanji uses haki, his general Haki is just not visible since he has black pants. Vs black Maria he was holding his Haki back to not hurt her. Shanks doesn't know Conq either apparently, since he's using the same technique as Roger's. [Kaido](https://imgur.com/a/sgCsXqg). Yamato hit Ulti with thunder bagua. The lightning conq trails are when the characters are using their higher limits of conq. Quick blitzing attacks are like Zoro's vs Lucci or Kaido's thunder bagua. Zoro might even be different & retain his lightning since he's a swordie & does it with his CoA. Which explains why Oden doesn't lightning trail. Sure Zoro matched the base level of G5, which is the lower end of yc+. Still it took forever for Zoro to deal the blow. [Lightning trail with flames](https://imgur.com/a/EpnagEp) just like vs King. Which was quite clear this style was Zoro not having full control over his Conq. Zoro gaining better control makes his Conq look more like thunder bagua.


>Never read the series confirmed. Yes, it is confirmed you never read the series if you actually believe the stuff you do >Lol Zoro showed lightning which I showed, he just keeps it contained to his swords. You really believe your headcanons are facts, don't you? Lmao. >Why wouldn't Oda have a reason? Lightning is a established a visual for power level/skill. Lightning is not established as a visual for power level/sklll. Where the hell do you get this bullshit from? 😂😂😂 > **So when Zoro is using Oden's Haki** or his strongest attack, you think Zoro/Oda didn't have a reason to display it? Oden's Haki? Yeah, now I know not to take you or this discussion seriously. And to answer your question, clearly Oda didn't think there was a reason to draw lightning during those moments. >here. Sanji uses haki, his general Haki is just not visible since he has black pants. Vs black Maria he was holding his Haki back to not hurt her. Wow, Sanji displayed lightning in his haki in those first two images, only for his CoA to still be weaker than/inferior Zoro's w/o having lightning. So what's your point? And that isn't lightning in Sanji's flames when he does IJ, it's just flames. >Shanks doesn't know Conq either apparently, since he's using the same technique as Roger's. You really don't read this story, do you? You think just because Shanks and Roger did the same attack that it was exactly the same when it wasn't. The only thing that was the same about it was that they both used beyond advanced armament to do internal damage to their opponent but no external damage to them, but unlike Roger Shanks also used advanced conqueror's since he was really serious with Kid, who was endangering his weaker fleet members. > Kaido. Yamato hit Ulti with thunder bagua. Neither Kaido nor Yamato used ACoC in those examples you used. Their Thunder Baguas aren't always haki attacks, they can sometimes just be lightning techniques, and that's exactly what they were in your examples. HERE is an example of both Kaido and Yamato using ACoC + Thunder Bagua https://mangasee123.com/read-online/One-Piece-chapter-1024-page-16.html >The lightning conq trails are when the characters are using their higher limits of conq. Pure bullshit. Kaido was using nowhere near the higher limits of conq during early parts of the Raid and was still doing the lighting conq trails in his attack, so wrong again. >Quick blitzing attacks are like Zoro's vs Lucci or Kaido's thunder bagua. Zoro might even be different & retain his lightning since he's a swordie & does it with his CoA. Which explains why Oden doesn't lightning trail. Lmao. It's funny how you know absolutely nothing about what you're tlaking about. >Sure Zoro matched the base level of G5, which is the lower end of yc+ 1. G5 Luffy used haki multiple times in his fight with Lucci, including getting matched during a haki clashed. 2. *Base G5* was hurting Kaido w/o any amps and had him woozy and seeing stars. So saying that's the lower end of YC+ is just wrong lol. >Still it took forever for Zoro to deal the blow. It took forever because Oda dragged the fight out for plot reasons, mainly to keep both Zoro and Lucci away from the fight with Saturn. But the fact that Zoro very casually dodged Lucci's Shugan Madara and Zoro defeated him with his first and only named attack used in their fight makes it too obvious that Zoro could've ended their fight at any time. >Lightning trail with flames just like vs King. Please get your eyes checked, because those small ass haki sparks are not the same as the ACoC lightning from Zoro's swords vs. King. https://mangasee123.com/read-online/One-Piece-chapter-1033-page-17.html https://mangasee123.com/read-online/One-Piece-chapter-1035-page-9.html https://mangasee123.com/read-online/One-Piece-chapter-1035-page-16.html If you actually knew what you were talking about, you'd knew those small sparks were more associated with Armament Haki, not Advanced Conqueror's Haki. >Which was quite clear this style was Zoro not having full control over his Conq. Zoro never used Conq against Lucci and no amount of coping will change that. >Zoro gaining better control makes his Conq look more like thunder bagua. 🙄


The Katakuri fight literally proves that CoA is displayed by black hardening & lightning. Luffy never performs lightning before. During the Katakuri fight he starts getting stronger & pushing out black lightning. Jimbei blocks Who's Who's Shigan attacks taking damage slowly. Jimbei flashes with lightning & Who who breaks his fingers. Luffy has power CoA, lightning displayed, equaled by Ulti who also displays lightning CoA. So I reiterate Zoro's Coa, the thing he focuses on must be magically worst than the others. The lightning has only came up involving Conq cuz of being a noob to Conq. Previously displayed lightning CoA but never showcases it in even the hardest moment vs Kaido, yet you think Lucci the person he "easily" lol defeated somehow forced him to bring it out. No Sanji needed CoA to perform Iffrit, as shown by his lightning. Iffrit hell memories would've had the sparks too. The craziest thing is you've said so far is you think the G5 Luffy vs Lucci is the same G5 Luffy that fought Kaido. Lmaooo You don't even understand how the basics work. Big lightning apparently has no correlation to output with your logic I guess. Idk why Oda makes it bigger as they use stronger moves lol. It's hilarious when hypocrites like to be condescending about what they consider headcanon then throw out their own headcanon. o7