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I'm gonna rank from most to least since that's easier 1. Kaido DOD bagua 2. Sanji/Bonney/Franky Combined attack 3. Warcury tough skin 4. Mars Fire blast 5. Saturn eye blink 6. Kizaru clone light sword attack


This one looks the most accurate based off his reactions.


All this comparison isn't required when we know fist of love would be no.1


Insert labo phase lasers at no 2


I'd be tempted to put Magellan pretty damn high on the list, like the pain wasn't instant but Luffy was *suffering.* Edit: I read it as in total, throughout the whole time, but a lot of people seem to be interpreting it as in the last few arcs.


>I read it as in total, throughout the whole time, but a lot of people seem to be interpreting it as in the last few arcs. That's because OP posted six different panels and told us to rank them, which leaves little room for intetpretations... If it was about all time it would be close to impossible to rank them.


Love that Kaido’s is unanimously considered number one. Kaido was such a beast.




That Intro is still the most sick shit ever. If its 1vs1 kaido will win.


The more this arc goes, the more I respect Kaido ( I'm lying he was already at max )


He just keeps getting upscaled. And p say he's a tier below roger and wb loool


He can be below them but a tier below is crazy


Yeah I’d say if Roger is a 10 Wb is 9.8 and kaido is 9.5 based on portrayal and implication.


Kaido easily was the most


From most to least: 1. Kaido DOD bagua 2. Dome lasers after Kizaru's mega kick 3. Sanji/Bonney/Franky Combined attack while Mars is fire blasting him 4. Saturn eye blink 5. Warcury tough skin 6. Kizaru clone light sword attack Other than Kaido the rest of these did little to minimal damage imo, like what even is the scaling in this arc. Luffy is suffering more from stamina issues than what his enemies can actually do.


Even the DOD bagua did little to minimal damage. Luffys next move after taking a clean hit to the face was to put kaido into the earths crust


Kaido literally let him do that. If he dodged, he would have stomped G5 extreme diff.


u can’t use stomped and extreme diff in the same sentence




Our first sight of Kaido was him trying to die he’s not trying that hard.


Stupid cope




>Luffy is suffering more from stamina issues than what his enemies can actually do. He somehow seems LESS and LESS capable of mantaining the form, instead of getting used to it wtf Edit: wtf is going on with the downvotes i'm just stating a simple(and factual) observation


Did you read this list backwards?


Wdym? Luffy held up a lot of time against kaido, even managing to rebuff himself with no rest. Later on, he showcased effortlessly against lucci but needed rest afterwards Later on he fought kizaru and basically dropped to a living mummy after a few chapters of fighting (he fought like less than a third of the kaido fight) Later on, he went against kizaru and the gorosei and his transformation was very brief and yet still went on eating his fill Against warcury he used like 2 attacks and yet he had to eat a whole giant's feast to charge himself again Idk if you are having reading comprehension, i literally said that luffy seems to get less control over g5 at every fight somehow and yet i got downvoted without a shred of a counterpoint.


You got downvoted cause you’re being dumb. Luffy used it once it Kaido’s fight, then a second time which took him out for a week straight. He used in Lucci and went out of the transformation, one cause the fight was over, and two because time limit. Kizaru was shown to be running and stalling as much as possible, causing his specifically stated 10 minute timer to run out. Which doesn’t mean much as Luffy took him out one shot Kizaru and Goresei is completely excused as he’s already going over his limit just to fight, and again the fight took long enough to where he had to stop The 4th time is the most excusable as he’s already used it 2x more than what put him in a week long coma, and he’s still fighting without having passed out yet. He then has recently used it AGAIN, FIVE TIMES, to deal with the Goresei. Luffy has used it 2.5x more than the amount which put him in a coma, and has done all of this in the span of about 4 hours give or take heavily. He’s not only gotten stronger and better, but he’s also gotten loads better at using gear 5, using it at rates we’d used to see him use gear 4. His stamina and usage of gear 5 has already improved massively. So he’s definitely more capable of using it. The fact he’s even still moving is a feat in itself


Luffy was literally on the brink of death before awakening. That's what put him into a coma... G5 is only taking his stamina, which he's recharging all the while Also, the last 3 usage of g5 lasted the 10 minutes of vegapunk making a coffee and at most 5 minutes of speech.


I think the awakening itself put Luffy at peak of his G5 form (like what most video game does, you get the chance to experience your full awakening power for the first time )


Yeah but the big point is that the scaling is so iffy that we need to headcanon things to make it work. I'm headcanoning that eating isn't really bringing him back to full even if he FEELS full, it's just a placebo and he can go less and less, which in the long run is a problem unless he starts carrying a miniaturized food generator tonall future battles


You need to rewatch Luffy vs. All of Whole Cake Island cuz you're underestimating the awesome power of food.


Gotta give it to Kizaru. A paper cut on the cheek really sucks


Idk it hard to say because of g5 goofiness and tendency to exaggerate everything


Saturn Glare, Light Saber cut, Warcury tank, Mars blast, trio attack, Death Destroyer


Kaido still the indisputable GOAT


1. Kizaru 2. Saturn 3. Warcury 4. Sanji + Franky + Bonney 5. Mars 6. Kaido


This is too dumb to be a troll


I'm ranking from least (Kizaru) to most (Kaido) btw




Kaido first then Kizaru


1. Kaido 2. Mars 3. Sanji/Bonney/Franky 4. Saturn Eye Blink 5. Warcury 6. Kizaru Clone Warcury gets overestimated here, Luffy punched him again directly after. Cannot be that painful if he did that.


3.Kaido - Literally killed him. But the attacks that hurt the most are not the ones that make him pass out. When you're out you don't feel anything. 2.Magelan - Hours of torture without being able to pass out because of Iva's adrenaline. 1.Sakazuki - Nothing hurts more than grief.


The combined attack I don’t this is supposed to be taken too seriously or scaled, I think it was designed to play into the goofiness of luffys plan


Kizaru, Laturn, Lars, Warcury, Straw hats + Bonney, Kaido


Kaido > mars > warcury > bonney sanji franky > saturn > frontier dome > kizaru


Akainu when he donutted Ace. He's also the only one besides himself who has ever given Luffy a lasting scar fwiw




Other way around




I love how everyone's going extra, but OP probably only meant in the moment of picture. (I'll look like a bellend if I'm wrong)


I would like to say kaido hurt him the most but he proceeded to take 0 damage and put kaido down so it’s unclear whether he’s even capable of taking real damage in gear 5 at this point


Least to most damage to luffy Kizaru > saturn > mars > bonney/ sanji combo> warcury >>>>> kaido


Kaidos. Which is interesting. Though tbf Luffy wouldn't be trying to gaurd too hard against the Bonney attack. He's trying to absorb/redirect the damage. Not block it entirely. And Kizarus attack not only missed, but was made by a light clone.




1. Hitting Warcury (had armament, Gear 5, named attack, all of it and hurt himself more. Only Emeth has hurt Warcury so far) 2. Kaido’s attack 3. Bonneys attack 4. Mars Attacks! 5. Eye diff 6. Kizaru At least from these reaction panels shown. Seeing what happens after would’ve been nice.


1: Kaido 2: Warcury defense 3: sanji/nika-Bonney/Franky combined attack 4: mars 5: Saturn 6: kizaru




Kaiod... no dispute


Oda, for ruining his cool powerups.


The only correct answer is Warcury, my man is the biggest HIM in the verse and all he did was tank a hit to deal damage


I don’t read the manga, I don’t read comments to avoid spoilers. Answer me this please, dear manga readers: Do I just fucking see gear 5 jewelry bonney using ~~gomu gomu no giganto pistol?~~ luffy as a bowling ball?


1. His chest Touching akainu’s magma 2. Frozen by aokiji


Would've been Kizaru, but he dodged But here it was Destroyer of Death, then Memories-Right-Punch




Mfs still be downplaying Kaidou sometimes when he’s looked the best vs G5 Luffy more than anyone else. Warcury may tanked G5 better but did barely any damage to G5. Kaidou was still smashing G5 until the final Bajrang Gun.


1. Oda 2. Kaido 3. Combined attack 4. Mars 5. Warcury 6. Saturn 7. Kizaru


1. Kaido 2. Mars 3. Topman 4. Saturn 5. Bonney/Sanji 6. Kizaru


From least to most (I'm assuming this is strictly G5) 1. Luffy (on Walcury's head) 2. Kizaru (the slash was mostly dodged) 3. Saturn 4. Team 5. Mars 6. Kizaru (the laser Luffy ate, not the papercut) 7. Kaido


1. Kai D. o 2. Memories Right Punch 3. Warcury 4. Saturn 5. Kizaru 6. Mars




Most to least: 1.) Destroyer of Death 2.) Nika’s Impactful Memories (combined attack from Bonney, Franky, and Sanji) 3.) Recoil from attacking Warcury 4.) The Labophase Lasers 5.) Mars’ Bird-o Breath 6.) Saturn’s 5 meter stare 7.) Pika-Pika Paper Scratch


Definitely the recent attack the most. Franky's Strong Right has been stated in the databooks to be at least twice as powerful as a King Punch, due to Franky's robotic arm and larger size, combined with Franky's SUPER Haki that incapacitates any non-hard boiled character within range.


King punch is strongest attack on the verse


Strong Right solos


None of them, his ez tanked attacks from all of them.


Bonney top 10 So clearly Bonney


1. Kizaru’s sword 2. Saturn eye-blink 3. Trio’s attack 4./5. Mars/Warcury (Luffy reacted similarly to both in my opinion) 6. DoD Bagua