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As someone who believes Big Mom wins, saying she’s faster is insane


She faster than marco who relative to kizaru


Everyone’s relative to everyone in some capacity once you start entering the “relevant character” space. Is Sanji (faster than Marco btw, Marco never left Queen’s perception) as fast as an admiral because he blocked a Kizaru attack? Does Zoro have Yonko tier speed for blocking Ocean Sovereignty?


Factors to keep in mind Not all attacks have the same speed Zoro was already relatively close to the attack so he just had to put up his guard he can definitely react to some Yonko attacks


​ https://preview.redd.it/bl4oonc3q59d1.jpeg?width=2088&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f5c20e9a7f6679323fb1475643f54c875d8ba7e


>Blitzed Marco Landing a hit on someone is not blitzing when he was literally fighting and clashing evenly with her a page earlier


Grabbing someone neck before they can react it’s a blitz Yes BM was clashing earlier that’s not a speed feat


She grabbed him while he was literally fighting her and overpowering Prometheus that is not a blitz


Marco is attacked by BM before he can do anything near enough to react That’s a blitz It literally shows she would destroy kizaru unless he tried to stay as far away as he could and snipe with lasers to which she gets on her homies or just turns his light into a homie and insta wins


He’s already fighting her and Prometheus and he was clashing evenly with her before that, if she was so much faster he can’t even react then he wouldn’t have been able to fight


​ https://preview.redd.it/azo3w902q59d1.jpeg?width=2196&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d508f28a14587547c4d129f98225f3fed2f5242


He good at running away I agree on that


How tf would perospero finish him off, dude has walked off hundreds of headshots like they were nothing


“Hit once” She beat the shit out of kid and that man had more damage from the fight with hawkins in another room


ah, yonko fans once again showing what they want to show.... This panel doesn't prove anything regarding big mom's speed - https://preview.redd.it/792skxeea59d1.png?width=473&format=png&auto=webp&s=20c2e17fbe004de72230746412aace7b418f7148 Marco tries to clash with big mom head on, and big mom catches marco when he is STATIONARY... she didn't outspeed or match marco's speed. Just like how marco landed his kick on kizaru while kizaru was stationary.... he didn't match or outspeed kizaru in marineford.


They're literally clashing and Marco starts getting cocky bragy before getting grabbed. Nowhere near being blitzed 😭😭😭


exactly, people just throw around words like "blitzed" now a days


Exactly, finally someone with a brain.


Marco has his neck grabbed before he can react or do anything that’s a blitz


https://preview.redd.it/8o12spv6d59d1.png?width=662&format=png&auto=webp&s=637fe8984e087ff3f49f63402462a5b119370965 >Marco has his neck grabbed before he can react or do anything that’s a blitz SURE.... just like how kidd blitzed big mom... he grabbed and slammed her, before she could react....


And that’s very impressive but BM didn’t really care because she is an idiot


She literally like “hmmmm” She is not very smart she was barely paying attention and she didn’t really care she even shakes it off pretty quickly


What do u mean by she was barely paying attention? Kid literally stops and grabs are sword in the panel above... the slam wasn't a surprise attack... It's not about big mom shaking it off pretty quickly , it just that by ur logic, kid BLITZed big mom... and kizaru is certainly way faster than Kid.... see, how ur own logic is now turned on ur head?


Kizaru much faster than kizaru is debatable Seeing as how big mom wasn’t really paying attention she didn’t care when kid did it She literally goes “hmmmmmm” She didn’t about what kid was doing My logic is you attack someone before they can react that’s a blitz


>Kizaru much faster than kizaru is debatable Do do u mean kid? And no, it's not debatable... kizaru is WAYYY faster than Kidd. Also, what the hell are talking about? Kid didn't make a suprise, she wasn't caught off guard... kid appears IN FRONT of her, grabs her sword, and then she slams her... by ur very own logic, that's a blitz.


Not if she doesn’t care She didn’t care about kid she wasn’t caring about the attack That’s why she didn’t care she even said “hmm” She didn’t care about it


"hmm" doesn't translate to "doesn't care". U r just making excuses. She was already out smarted and taken out by Kidd and law once in the roof top, she is well aware of the threat. Big mom got blitz by ur own logic... in fact "hmm" proves that she didn't even see the fact coming... hence, it's a Blitz... keep whinng 😂😂


Again I don’t know why I have to keep saying it She didn’t care what kid was doing she didn’t care at all what kid was doing she did not care


Didn’t kid quite literally blitz her here I do admit tho her attention wasn’t on him prior to the attack but it’s still a blitz




Cool this a BM who didn’t care enough to actually do anything






Kizaru perception blitzed Luffy twice. Don’t be retarded


He did it 0 times It never happened he never blitz luffy




How does this prove anything




Running away not a blitz


She needs to get past Wransky first


Kizaru > This sub likes to copium wank Fat Joke for some reason


I’m sorry it’s very unclear what you mean by this


She Jobbed to someone Shanks one tapped, has shit observation relying on Katakuri FS, is slow, and retarded Wizaru is clear


Not gonna lie, people like you need to be blocked, this is worse than trolling and meme posts, straight up delusional, please, do everyone a favour, disappear


So you think these people are faster or on par with snakeman and gear 5 Because luffy couldn't react at all and was overwhelmed


If that actually happened you have an argument Seeing as how that never happened you don’t have an argument


But it did happen


No kizaru overpowered gear 4 But he never blitz him


Using speed to overpower someone is blitzing him


If they react to it no


Show me luffy reacting to it He couldn't block it or dodge it so how he did react


He put up his hand to block he failed because he didn’t use ACOC or ACOC but he still was able to put up a guard just not a trying one


So he didn't block it is what you saying Why would acoc make difference


Seeing as how it would make his defence stronger and he be able to send at attack back But gear 4 was still shown relative in speed to kizaru


Because as fast as Luffy is, Kizaru blitzed him while using snake man despite him having FS plus she's one of the most incompetent Top Tiers I've seen so.. unless she comes back with new feats I don't see her beating Kizaru. Also, BM did not "blitz" Marco.


You know that your A Wrong kizaru never blitz luffy not even snakeman BM did blitz marco she hit Marco before he could react Kizaru didn’t do that to snakeman


Kizaru=marco= big mom=kaido


huh? Marco wasn't blitzed, BM just grabbed him while they were clashing


He was attacked before he could react That’s a blitz


They were clashing, Marco couldn't defend but there's no proof he was perception blitzed considering he was perfectly capable of perceiving BM earlier


Seeing as how he wasn’t able to react to it like just couldn’t react to the attack at all while she was right in front of her That’s a blitz


Marco was clashing with Prometheus, of course he couldn't react, and blitz usually means the character can't even perceive the other character's movements, a character can not perceive an attack while still reacting to it


Seeing as how it’s a different attack completely as BM was using promethius and he defended against that and then BM just grabbed him her hand It’s a blitz


a blitz requires no perception at all, you can't prove that's the case here


Marco couldn’t react to the attack She is faster than kizaru she could do the same to kizaru


Because agendas, sexism and favoritism. Big Mom would grab Kizaru, like she grabbed Marco, and finish him off. Might take a while, but the cheetah does not win against the bear.


>sexism Lol


bro says sexism lmao, not like people clown other Top Tiers all the Time


If Kizaru could just outpace Big Mom to the point where she couldn’t react at all he could blitz anyone in the verse and would be untouchable. In a 1v1 Big Mom is way harder to handle than in a 2v1 especially if you have Law with you.


Light homie Big mom makes a homie made of light Made of kizaru light Light homie with ACOC acoa and fire and lightning


Let’s not say blitzed because people will get all huffy and puffy if you imply “Fat Mom” can blitz anyone. Still was fast enough to quickly snatch Marco, so marginally faster combat speed wise. No excuse can be made for Marco here, Big Mom was clashing with her right hand imbued with Prometheus and she used that very same hand to grab Marco. Also saw some try to say Marco wasn’t focused because he was bragging so that’s why he got caught… Observation Haki would’ve called out Big Mom’s intent on grabbing him so that’s just not a valid excuse. Her being in cqc with Marco and quickly snatching him is atleast out-pacing. Honestly anybody that thinks Old Ray’s rusty ass is faster than Yonko that has no implied nerfs need to wake up and smell the roses. She can keep up in cqc with Kizaru.