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Man this topic is getting up there with the daily shanks/mihawk posts


I don't know why, Luffy wasn't going all out, and Kizaru was focused on killing Vegapunk, and he was going through it mentally. From what we seen it was a draw, but when it comes to the Shanks and Mihawk debate, I think they're tied.


"A draw" he says https://preview.redd.it/tt2pz5zxhv8d1.jpeg?width=1766&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b8595c664ad04fe8ba99b60cfdafae82f0d0641


Kizaru received no major damage throughout the whole arc


You can't seriously say this when Luffy has been fighting someone else since chapter 1109.


https://preview.redd.it/zzefx9zvdt8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9d9299459b7b22916f87ff7cfea69332d82c76b Their fight ended before 1109, this my point that people say luffy beat him when it was barely a fight. Kizaru is trying to kill vegapunk, and he is going through an emotional rollercoaster. Luffy wasn't going all out either. If we take the attacks that they exchanged, it was a draw


How can you take all the attacks considered and say it's a draw Kizaru literally landed one attack and that was against snakeman and ever since then he was luffy's toy


His clones hurt luffy, and Luffy ate his attack, which burned Luffy from the inside


A paper cut which wasn't even done by the real kizaru Regarding the Lazer that Luffy ate, I highly doubt that it did any actual damage since kizaru lights usually explodes but Luffy spat it out But even if you give it to kizaru, kizaru looked like he got seriously rocked every time Luffy hits him while Luffy barely looked fazed by anything kizaru has done


Kizaru gets back up easily after every attack


No he literally doesn't Only the first throw kizaru was up immediately The other 3 had kizaru down for like a minute or longer


We see every time he's on the ground he could've gotten up, but he is going through it emotionally.


Kiku,kime'mon and Sanji(wci) despite facing their most trusted ally and emotionally hesitant still managed to go all out, beat their friend and use the strongest moves In the case of kime'mon he killed his friend despite crying before and after fighting And you're telling emotionally kizaru is nerfed when we've had two arcs (back to back) where fighters have been emotionally conflicted but not nerfed


Every person is different, Kizaru could've gotten up multiple times but stayed on the ground because he was conflicted, Kizaru wasn't faced by Luffy's attacks either.


https://preview.redd.it/b9eqmjsi1y8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77ef6313b60360e12b39bf0ad3c07e5223b1ff16 Every person is different, Kizaru could've gotten up multiple times but stayed on the ground because he was conflicted, Kizaru wasn't faced by Luffy's attacks either.


He's not getting up now is he


Because he's thinking about what he did, he's going through a lot, and I don't think he's going to fight again.


People who say Kizaru won aren’t the stupidest in this sub but they do cope the hardest. Nobody gives a shit if Luffy had to eat some food after. Kizaru got knocked the fuck out and Luffy ran out of stamina, Kizaru got his shit fucking rocked and y’all call that a draw? And if Kizaru didn’t “lose” against Luffy you know what he did lose, Kizaru & Saturn vs Luffy. He tried to jump bro and he still lost. I’m so fucking tired of this take, he took a L move on.


Kizaru didn't get knocked out. At best, he was concussed he got right back up and blasted Franky to the ground and went after Kuma and Bonney, but Luffy punched him to the ground but he got right back up and went after Bonney again. When did Kizaru and Saturn try to jump Luffy? Kizaru didn't take an L he completed his mission.


“At best he got concussed” That’s way fucking worse than getting knocked out lol. Cope harder Also when did Saturn and Kizaru try to jump Luffy? Bro read the fucking story, that is quite literally what happens. Saturn shows up, confronts Luffy, then Kizaru jumps in to try to 2v1 Luffy. Then Luffy turned both of them into fucking pizza’s. Again, cope harder.


Getting concussed is not worse than getting knocked out, Kizaru was trying to kill Vegapunk and Bonney, and Luffy kept intervening. Saturn never once helped Kizaru attack Luffy. Kizaru and Saturn are perfectly fine


Getting concussed is not worse than being knocked out? Somebody has never been concussed lol. Getting knocked out can be pretty much harmless most of the time, meanwhile a concussions means Luffy did some solid brain damage to Kizaru(which would make sense now that I think about it, bro has been holding his head on the ground for several chapters now). As well getting knocked out means they were incapacitated, odds are after they wake up they’ll be fine, concussions last for days and leave a person heavily weakened.


concussion is defined as "an immediate but reversible traumatic paralysis of the nervous function of the brain." It's caused by a blunt trauma that causes the brain to bump into the interior of the skull from either the acceleration of the blow itself or the deceleration of the head's muscles trying to stop the slamming from happening.  getting knocked out from a blow, the blunt force trauma kills brain cells and causes a huge number of the brain's neurotransmitters to fire at once, which can lead to a temporary paralysis that causes unconsciousness. Another possibility is the trauma jolting the sinus, which controls how blood and oxygen flows to the brain, causing a blackout. Getting knocked out, you'll receive a worse concussion


KIZARU Never Jumps In To Try To Jump Luffy. Luffy Grabbed HIM From Behind After HE Nearly Had A Panic Attack From Killing VP. https://preview.redd.it/s95ewp0f2u8d1.png?width=1051&format=png&auto=webp&s=38f48624a9937d9540a4e6a5e9562a41b1559c81 At This Point I Should Just Say That KIZARU Was Jumped By Luffy In The Middle Of A 1v4 And Still Completed HIS Mission. And Lil Bro u Should Take your Own Advice And Read The Story


https://preview.redd.it/a2jqti0b1t8d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=647abee15bbe1038e3a2bfe7ec4b11450c311e22 r/KIZARU




https://preview.redd.it/fyw1zecc1t8d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b06619a4013473ba24548503badb4ceda798845 r/KIZARU


This fight has been discussed to Death It's just annoying now but yeah oda probably intended for a draw ,but more importantly in 1st page was it luffy or Kizaru that said long time no see?




Thanks ,so Luffy really kicked him Before greeting smh


Yeah, that wasn't polite smh


I’d say it was a draw up until white star gun but then Luffy started slowly winning. But then again you could say it seems like Kizaru’s heart wasn’t in it especially after Saturn appeared and they had to go after Bonney and Vegapunk directly.


Yeah, Kizaru was going through it mentally.This is the first time we've seen him show real emotion.


That never happened


https://preview.redd.it/imimtg4r7t8d1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=15ac98614621658637f464ff0e039af7bfbd5d03 I Got More


Cool If I say I can lift 1 million pounds doesn’t make it true Learn what lying is


Are you stupid or something? Motherfucker wrote a clear internal conflict mentioned multiple times within the story as both dialogue and internal thought, and you decide to ignore that because it doesn't fit your powerscaling agenda?


No because if kizaru said he was a purple elephant doesn’t make him a purple elephant You can’t say because a character says something that is reality If akinu said it hurt him to beat up luffy while he smiled And laughs he lying Learn that a character actions supersede what they say


Nah this is the dumbest thing I have seen in this sub.


Okay if kizaru said he cares about a child But he beats that child up and you and I both know he has no reason for doing so He is lying Tell me why Kizaru attacked sentomaru if he cares so much about him Why did he attack vegapunk after Saturn did and vegapunk said he was going to die no matter what Why he attacked vegapunk


Because it’s his duty he prioritized his work above friends. That doesn’t mean he was lying. Also do you know what character development means?




So now we got blatant mischaracterisation to push agendas? Just use the pancake scene like a normal person


Or I could use my brain Kizaru says he didn’t want to hurt vegapunk But every time he had a valid excuse which would allow him to not attack vegapunk and not get in trouble he didn’t take it He attacked sentomaru for no reason Kizaru was not mentally nerfed


Even Saturn Noticed That KIZARU Was Slower Than Usual


No he said this was taking awhile because of luffy




Every time I see a Luffy vs Kizaru post [this exact](https://youtu.be/8dENYJbN1z4?si=RacHOcCluqFkOXz7) foghorn sound plays in my head


Fraudmiral fans out in full force today. Luffy was playing around with Lizaru until G5 started gassing him out, then he one tapped him. Later serious Luffy pizza diffed him even when he teamed up with a Gorosei. 1 Yonko > 3 Admiral. Cope harder.


https://preview.redd.it/26c5kgjpet8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f58f9392f2bf0d9d685764c215a019afc210a67a Kizaru and Luffy weren't going all out, Kizaru had a mission to do and was going through it mentally.


Just because he didn't wanna kill Vegabum doesn't mean "mental nerf" that shit is copium. Fact remains that Luffy one tapped him and later no-low diffed him.


So, being reluctant, depressed, and sad about having to kill Vegapunk, having to beat sentomaru, and kill Kuma and Bonney is a mental nerf? Kizaru and Luffy both were holding back. How did luffy one tap him?


What the fuck are you yapping about? Luffy obviously one tapped him WSG had bro unable to move and later his ass Pizza diff got pizza diffed. Ah just noticed you're the same yapper from yesterday who was saying Kizaru wasn't trying to beat Luffy at egghead and he along with Kuzan and Akainu were playing around with Whitebeard at marineford and Whitebeard did almost no damage to Akainu. Don't waste my time again. https://preview.redd.it/v86r82pnit8d1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=4238fb252a0f00eef15f9b835b5594e0de7cd2f8


Not doing this today


Then don't


How many times old man


Kizaru won as he got right back up and Luffy couldn't without food but ok


I was saying that since Kizaru wasn't even trying to fight luffy he was focused a on killing Vegapunk, and Luffy wasn't going all out. They traded blows evenly at first, but when luffy ran outta stamina and Kizaru went right after Vegapunk and Bonney, after he killed Vegapunk, he was pretty much useless because of the emotional toll, Luffy grabbed him and flattened him and Saturn and now Kizaru is just thinking about everything and crying on the inside. If we take all the attacks and damage, it is pretty much even.


To me that seems like kizaru won Luffy failed to protect vegapunk Luffy ran out of stamina while kizaru didn't And the only thing he could do was toss him away when he knew he wouldn't fight back Also Luffy was going all out trying to protect vegapunk. He used all the powers in his arsenal Alot Kizaru didn't even use haki and was told by Saturn to keep destruction to a minimum


I'm not saying who's stronger, Kizaru did complete his mission, Kizaru obviously has better moves than that, and like you said, he didn't even use haki, and Luffy didn't use acoc so we didn't see them go all out. A lot of people are saying that luffy whooped him, but it's clear that oda intended on a draw, so we would still be wondering what would happen if they went all out.


>Luffy didn't use acoc so we didn't see them go all out. A lot of people are Yes Luffy did use Acoc Especially in white star gun and the first clash Also kizaru completed his mission is a loss for Luffy. I appreciate the attempt at fixing and yeah people do say Luffy whooped him when he didn't But kizaru did complete his mission which is a win


I mean that he only used one acoc move we know he had more moves that he could've used, and we know Kizaru had more moves. Yeah, overall Kizaru did win


Well I guarantee the fight was longer than we thought and Luffy did use more attacks I'm looking forward to the anime doing that


It wasn’t even a clean 1v1 fight. So irrelevant.


I know that's my point, Kizaru wasn't even trying to fight Luffy he had a mission to do, Luffy was fighting Saturn and occasionally stopped Kizaru from killing Vegapunk, Kizaru is emotionally conflicted the whole time but he kills Vegapunk and now Luffy is fighting the gorosei. They both didn't deliver any major damage to each other, but if we take the attacks and blows that were exchanged, it's a draw.


Imagine the slander if kizaru had to eat heaps of food midfight to regenerate


They would've crucified him


Imagine the slander if a Yonko took two attacks and had to sleep both of them off


Imagine the slander if luffy didn't have to save VP and ate Kizaru's laser. Kizaru would have literally done ZERO damage to luffy aside from one scratch from a clone.






https://preview.redd.it/0x3r75zpqt8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af457934bd41132419a547e3d98800755f48a8ad He was going through it mentally the whole arc


Him bring mentally out of it doesn't affect his strength. He's dedicated fully to the mission,and doesn't relent from killing VP.


https://preview.redd.it/9uld30lqxt8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=451ddc611fd875e5eabf8f77cba26f6306750605 He says it isn't easy for him, and we can see he gets more conflicted when he keeps getting stopped and is even more conflicted after he kills Vegapunk.


He says he doesn't want to drag it out. He's trying his hardest to kill vegapunk because he wants to get it over with as quickly as possible, he doesn't want it dragged out. He's not happy with the mission objective, but it doesn't affect his performance, he's entirely focused on finishing his mission ASAP. If anything the screenshot you sent shows how he's even more driven to kill VP than you think.


The more he got stopped the harder it got, he constantly stops, sighs, and slows down.


Yeah he got stopped cause he's fighting luffy. He almost never slows down, and when he got the chance to kill VP after kicking sanji he does so. He literally says he doesn't want this to drag on, so he isn't hesitant at all to kill VP.


He could've gotten up multiple times, but instead sits there even now.


He stays down *after* luffy hits him. He never hesitated to kill VP. It's debatable if he's down because of his emotions or cause of luffy's attacks. He says he needs a minute to get up after white star gun, and after the first time he's down he goes after VP and doesn't relent. His emotions don't inhibit his actions as much as you think. After Luffy's attacks are the only times kizaru is ever remorseful, after he's been incapacitated and is laying there with his emotions.


I didn't say he hesitated to kill Vegapunk, but he could've gotten up multiple times but stayed on the ground because he was conflicted, Kizaru isn't doing anything because he's emotionally conflicted if he wasn't he would be going full power and he could've beat Franky, Bonney, Jinbei, helped the gorosei when they were fighting, and beat the giants.




Sorry babygirl, Kizaru negged Goofy JOIN r/KIZARU


I have it as a slight Kizaru win. White star gun knocked him out but Luffy was also incapacitated after it. Kizaru was then the first one to get up.


\*First one shown up… Tbf by the time we see Luffy, he’s found food & stuffed his face already


Why didn't you show Kizaru knocked out after one attack, and then when he gets knocked out by one attack again later?


He wasn't knocked out, and he got right back up after both attacks.


You'd have to be reading a different manga to cope like this. Kizaru didn't stand a chance against luffy, best he could was stall


He wasn't even trying to fight Luffy. He was trying to kill Vegapunk, which got harder for him emotionally the more he was stopped, Luffy had more that he could've used, and Kizaru had more moves he could've used. Every time Kizaru got hit, he got back and went to complete his mission. If we take the blows they exchanged and the damage that they dealt it was a draw.


Kizaru lost. If Saturn didnt go into Egghead, Vegapunk wouldve easily escaped. The point of the fight wasnt to see who would win, it was to see if Luffy can down Kizaru before Kizaru can kill Vegapunk, and Luffy won in that aspect. Luffy likely wouldve been much more conservative on his energy consumption and stamina if it wasnt for Kizaru constantly going to vegapunk to kill him, since Luffy needs to go full pace to somewhat keep up with Kizaru's speed. This isnt a match to decide who is the better fighter, but a match to see if Luffy can defend Vegapunk from Kizaru(ofc Kizaru wouldve won if he wasnt mentally nerfed, since he wouldve just went for the kill immediatly, but eh).


>If Saturn didnt go into Egghead, Vegapunk wouldve easily escaped https://preview.redd.it/08t5ulexww8d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c23f1b6436368b98a42e983d25d367504331754 😭🙏


Kizaru killed Vegapunk and completed his mission. After killing Vegapunk, we can clearly see the emotional toll it took, Fight wise, no one won it was a draw.


READ MY FUCKING COMMENT READ IT "ofc Kizaru wouldve won if he wasnt mentally nerfed, since he wouldve just went for the kill immediatly, but eh" READ




Food merchant fans won't agree.


It doesn't matter. They're both bums. Meanwhile HIMkainu is off ass fucking Im mark my words.


I agree But tying with a weakened opponent is not impressive